Last updated in August 2017... Whoops. Now part of that reason was having a lack of ideas, and the other was due to making a snails progress on the next chapter.

So uh... Enjoy, ningens! Hopefully, the next chapter won't take as much time as this one has. For previous readers, I had made some changes in the previous chapters, so it may be best to read those first.


I'll shut up.

Chapter 7: The Rebirth of the Trio Universes

The pair of self-proclaimed Lords followed the cloaked men into the pyramid, the surroundings only lighting up with white despite there being no clear source of luminance. They were in a square tunnel, which seemed to light up only a small part of their area. The walls were smooth to the touch, the feeling neither warm nor cold. Each of their steps was deathly silent while they could only feel the air blowing against their face, the source of the stream of air was unknown to them. Every odd minute or so, they could hear cries of people echoing out of the narrow tunnel they were in.

"What you have picked lies really deep; something that not even this planet has much knowledge of. But regardless, we'll try to satisfy your questions." The three answered in a monotone voice.

"I only have one question; what is the language of the box I have on my hand?" The whole tunnel suddenly went pitch black as Zai asked his question.

The cloaked men voices echoed throughout the tunnel. "The origin of the language does not exist anymore. For some reason, that has been erased from our data. I will say something related to this though. One day, the Omni-king mood was foul, and thus, three universes were wiped out; otherwise known as the trio universes. That was where most of the battle between the Kais and the Demons happened. Perhaps the answer lies in those universes..."

"But they're wiped out. How will we find out what this language is called?" Zai asked

"Between universe 6 and 7, there are these orbs, the size of a planet, called Super Dragon Balls, which were made by a God called Zalama. If collected, they are able to grant any wish that you desire." The three replied. The tunnel suddenly showed a view of the dragon balls, floating in the void of space. "There are 7 of them, and must be collected to summon Super Shenron, by chanting in the language of the Gods; Tenakawo Iganateshiso, Uyurinomika yodi, CHONMAGE!"


"Mhm... Zalama was a strange God...which is a topic we will never indulge in." The tunnel suddenly went back to illuminating white again. The only difference was that an exit was not far from their position.

"Any more questions?"

"I believe I have one..." Cell says as he takes a few steps forward to the cloaked men. A sinister smirk on his face. "Tell me everything you know about Son Goku's youngest son." Zai rubbed his forehead when he heard Cell's question.

"As you wish. Son Goku's youngest son goes by the name of Son Goten, approximately 12 years old..."


"The Trio Universes... was where the whole Demonic war started. I believe we're all familiar with the Ying and Yang concept?" The Grand Priest was currently lecturing Beerus, Whis, Kaioshin and Trunks in a small, white room, filled with portraits of Super Shenron and Zeno.

"That's the belief that there's a balance to everything, right?" Trunks answered.

"Correct. Just before the Trio universes were destroyed, there was a strange overflow of darkness coming from there, so I 'advised' Lord Zeno to erase them. Whatever that darkness was, seemed to be something that they were planning." The listeners carefully took in the information needed for them to know. "I'm confused as to why you would need to know this."

"If Zai has that box, he'll certainly be searching answers for it and.." Beerus was cut off by the Grand Priest.

"And the language you're looking for will be in one of those universes." He finished off. "I'm not sure what universe it'll be in, but it will certainly be in one of those universes. Not to mention the fact that it's long overdue for it to be restored." The others looked at him with curiosity written all over their faces. "The yin and yang balance has been moving more entirely to light than darkness. If this keeps up, the entire world may collapse under the light, erasing everything from existence. Therefore, I'll get the reports from Whis and dismiss you early."

"I see. Thank you for trusting us, Grand Priest!" Beerus bowed in respect.

"I expect greatness from you all." The Grand Priest and Whis teleported to another place, leaving the Supreme Kai, Elder Kai, Kibito, Trunks and a very happy Beerus.

"Yes! I am finally out of that snooze fest! Now I won't have to see that fat-ass for a long time." Beerus laughs and leaps in joy, making the others giggle in silence.

"But now we must figure out what we will do once we get there. There is a good chance that they'll be disorientated for a day, but once that is up, they'll know who we are." Supreme Kai says.

"Hmph, it'll be a piece of cake." Beerus snorted while he sat cross-legged in the air. Whis teleported back inside with a concerned look.

"There are no Supreme Kais or God of Destructions in universe Trio; it's a free universe for chaos to roam in once we removed the Fallen Kais to the Demon Realm. Therefore, it will be incredibly dangerous, and I am sure many of them won't be happy to see us. Especially me and Beerus." Whis says while he let out a sigh at the end.

"Still not a problem.." Beerus snorted.

"Lord Beerus, you don't know exactly what you're going to face."

"I'm a God of Destruction. I won't allow some puny lifeforms from the underworld best me."


"Cell, what exactly are you planning?" Zai asked his counterpart. Both of them were hidden in trees as they spied on Goten's movements and behaviour. The scurrying on animals beyond them made quite an impression on Zai.

"I need something." Cell says as he watches Goku fly away. "Now's my chance."


Goten was busy cleaning up the mess they left in the bedroom due to the speed that they used to consume their food. The bed was relatively clean as he dressed up in his usual pink and blue outfit. As he knelt down to search out something under the bed, he heard someone teleport in. "Hey dad, can you help me find something?" The boy asked thinking that it was his father. The person took small steps in a mechanical manner; every robotic step he takes becomes louder to Goten. The latter questioned the sounds he was hearing and pulled his head out from under the bed to find an entirely different being.

"Y-you?" He managed to squeak out in fear. Cell just smirks and slams his hand over Goten's mouth, lifting him up to his height as he speaks.

"Son Goten, 12 years old. Best Buddy Trunks... and what a coincidence, also... ah, I won't indulge us into that. Mom's sad for 7 years." Cell looks around, seeing if there was anything of potential use, but shook his head to focus on the current mission. "Gohan's also depressed for 7 years. You didn't see your father for 7 years... Thanks to me, of course." Cell says in a carefree manner.

"Son of Son Goku, how you came to be in this world. Son of Son Goku, how your life has pathetically curled." Cell says in a poetic manner. "Son of Son Goku, born as a problem for mother. Son of Son Goku, very endearing is your brother. Son of Son Goku, a new toy for Trunks. Son of Son Goku, at last, we shalt hear it crunch." Cell grabs Goten's arm and gives it a good amount of pressure to crush the bones. Goten's yells out in pain, the screams only to be muffled by the hand of the bio-android.

"Do you feel that, Son Goten? That is a loveable sensation I like to inflict on others. It's called pain. And trust me, you'll feel a lot of this soon enough..." Cell feels Goten's Ki rising, so he touches the centre of Goten's with his index finger. "I don't think so. I don't require any attention from the others so I can easily deal with you here if I wanted, along with that woman. My conditions are as follows: Raise your Ki, and I'll kill you. Turn Super Saiyan, and I'll kill you. Try to escape and I'll kill you. Try telling anyone about me, I'll kill everyone you know." Goten was bewildered at Cell's demands. "If you understand, close your eyes slowly.."

Realising that Cell had checkmated him, and he would end up dead if he took too long to answer, Goten closed his eyes. Cell let go of him, letting the youngling drop to the floor.

"Good. Now, meet me outside." Cell teleported away, leaving Goten in fear of what was to come next. He makes his way shakily out the door while Chi-Chi was busy washing up. Gohan and Videl had left a while ago while Goku was out training.

"Goten dear, where are you going to?" Chi-Chi asks with an evident tone of concern in her voice.

"I'm.. just going out for some air." Goten said in a low voice, but Chi-Chi could still pick up what he said. She sighed but allowed it.

"Alright, but come back soon, okay?" Chi-Chi says in a delicate tone. Goten walked to her and floated to her level, before wrapping both of his arms around her neck.

"I love you, mommy." Goten said. Chi-Chi hugged back and planted a kiss on her son's forehead before she let go to let Goten catch some fresh air. As the younger reluctantly made his way out, she made her way back into her bedroom and pulled out a photo frame of Goten and Trunks. She stared at Trunks' blue eyes trying to find some kind of deceit within them.

Instead, she found two pairs of eyes full of life.


Goten entered the forest and found a trail of stones that lead on deeper into the forest. His legs were shaking as his mind clouded with fear. Cell hadn't even told him what he even wanted from him. He feared his own life, his family's and everyone close to him. As he neared what looked like to be a clearing, he nearly jumped out of his skin when he saw several white outlines. Humanoid outlines, which had taken up differences stances. Some crouched behind the trees while the others climbed onto the branches. They made a stance with the arms as if they were hunting something. Then they vanished.

Shaken by the sudden appearance, Goten paused his movements for a while, before resuming with haste. He arrived at a clearing and the figures popped up again, only this time they were more familiar. One's hair was just like his whenever he went Super Saiyan.

"Took you long enough. Another minute and I'd have to kill your mother." Cell stepped out of the forest shadows and walked into the light towards Goten.

"What do you want?" Goten asks rather timidly as he lowered his gaze.

"Heh. Somebody that loathes you." Cell smirked. "I want Trunks." Goten's eyes immediately locked at Cell's. "Ha. I'm joking. What I need is the Dragon Balls. I require making my own wishes. And I need you to bring them."

Goten lowered his gaze to the ground again. "I... can't..."

"Oh?" Cell folded his arms. "And why would that be?"

"They've already been used.." He flinched as if Cell was going to hit him. "And they don't reactivate for a year."

"A year, you say? Hmm..." Cell rubbed his chin. "That's not good. I need those to quicken the plan. He clenches his fist and tenses up. "But perhaps, maybe it's for the best. Fate will make our reunion odd, Goku..."

"Why do you want them?" Goten asks.

"Oh... nothing. Just make sure that I'll be back after a year. And then we'll.." Cell cuts off as he heard a telepathic voice in his head. "I'm speaking too much? Very well..." Cell looks to Goten again. "I'll be back. Remember, if you tell anyone, you know the consequences." He used instant transmission to vanish.

Goten looked around and felt for any sinister Ki signatures, before letting out a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness I lied..." He muttered under his breath and wiped the sweat from his face before making his way back to his home.


At Capsule Corp, everyone was extremely quiet. Bulma kept working while the staff fixed up Trunks' room due to Vegeta's insistence that it should stay. Mr Briefs sat down in the backyard, looking at cars driving by.

"Tea, honey?" Mrs Briefs asked her husband. The older scientist just shook his head and sighed. The day seemed sunny, yet they hardly felt the warmth from it.

"You know, when I found out my Bulma was pregnant, my mind danced with joy. I won't lie when my first thoughts were myself becoming a traditional Grandpa." He chuckles. "The one sat at that single spot near the fire with a comfy armchair good for the back, reading a story while my grandchild sat on my lap.

"You know, when I found out my Bulma was pregnant, my mind danced with joy. I won't lie when my first thoughts were myself becoming a traditional Grandpa." He chuckles. "The one that sat at that single spot near the fire with a comfy armchair good for the back, reading a story while the grandchild sat on his lap." He pauses for a moment to calm himself down. "When I asked about the father, my mind changed from a theme of joy to a theme of confusion when I received the answer. Vegeta was the father, and we were going to be grandparents of a half-alien child. I accepted it; Goku has a half-alien child, why can't we?"


The cry of a child echoed throughout the Capsule building as the potential heir to Capsule Corp was born within the medical facilities of Capsule Corp. At present, there were a few doctors as well as Mr and Mrs Briefs present.

"My my my, who do we have here?" Mr Briefs said in a curious tone as he carried the wrapped up child. The child seemed to calm down instantly as he carried him in his arms.

"He seems to like you already, Dad..." Bulma says in an exhausted tone. Everyone chuckled.

"So have you decided on a name for the little fellow?" Dr Briefs asked. Bulma shook her head.

"I still couldn't think of one."

"I got one. How does 'Trunks' sound?" Mrs Briefs gave her input. The baby smiled at the name.

"Well, I think this jolly man likes it. He'll be named 'Trunks' then." They all chuckled with happiness.

End of Flashback

At the side of the Capsule Corp building, Vegeta stood in the shadows eavesdropping into the conversation. He merely turned his head and stared off into the distance as he normally does. Goku teleports to him, but even that doesn't make him flinch; he's already gotten used to him popping up out of nowhere. Goku looks around and finds only the Briefs drinking tea.

"How's everyone on your end?" Goku asked in a quiet voice.

"Miserable," Vegeta replied in the same tone as Goku. "Bulma's still upset and constantly tapping away on that keyboard. How's Goten?" Vegeta asks.

"Ah. He's still hurting. And to top it off, he's also having similar nightmares about Cell." Goku replied. "I can't describe it. I can't help him even when I have all this power in my hand." Goku sighed.

"Train him. It'll help clear his mind for a while and ease off any stress."

"I tried, but you know how Chi-Chi is like about training..."

"It doesn't matter. Try a week of training and then show her the results. That should be enough to convince her..." Vegeta finished off. They both take the same stance of folding their arms and leaning their backs on the building with a foot on the wall. They watched for a minute in silence parents and their children walking back home from school. Of course, not without stopping for ice cream first.

"Has Whis sent anything back to you about Trunks?" Goku broke the silence.

Vegeta stared at the distance for a moment more, before pulling out a letter hidden away in his armour. "Trunks is fine. Apparently, they were discussing this apprentice called Zai at that meeting." He looked at the contents.

"Apprentice? You mean like Zamasu?" Goku scratched his head.

"Yeah. Except this one has said to have a power equivalent to three Destroyer Gods"

"What?!" Goku exclaimed, but Vegeta hisses at him to keep quiet. "But, he's not bad, right?"

"He's taken something dangerous, though he hasn't said anything about what he took. Trunks pointed out that Zai used the Namekian Dragon Balls to revive Cell." Goku's eyes widened.

"Eh? Why Cell?"

"I don't have an answer to that. I don't even know how that Kai from another universe knew about him. What it does mean is that Cell is with him and I can't get to him." He slams his fists together. "This whole situation doesn't seem to have an end in sight." Vegeta sighed.

"It'll be fine. All we have to do is increase our power and fight Cell." Goku reassured him.

"If only it was that simple..." Vegeta huffed before turning his attention to the clouds.


With the snap of his fingers, the Trio universes, infamously known only to the Gods, were recreated in an instant. The Grand Priest reveals a hologram of a snow-white planet. "I believe you should start somewhere there and look for any clues to gain a starting point." He snaps his fingers again and Beerus, Whis, Shin and Trunks appear somewhere in the depths of space. In front of their eyes was the snow-white planet shown to them by Grand Priest, except this time it was the real thing and already they could feel sinister Ki signatures on it. Trunks felt chills run down his spine and became alert.

"Well, welcome to the triple universes of chaos..." Whis said.

Beerus just grunted. He grabbed onto Whis and the others copied his action. Whis then flew them down to the white planet. Objects became clearer as they flew closer; broken, large skyscrapers covered in blood and ice that seemed to have been abandoned a long time ago. They hovered just a meter above the ground and roamed around the planet.

Trunks just looked around, feeling tense as if something could possibly strike at him at any moment. From a black building, something observed their movements and spied on them every step that they take on the planet.

A few hours later, the group found themselves walking in a landscape in the middle of a raging blizzard towards what they could barely make out as a pyramid, which to their eyes was built upside down. There was nothing but sand and sand hills around them. The sky itself was pitch black. Streaks of blood red could be seen often soaring throughout the sky and ground. Trunks felt uneasy as his body hardly felt any air hitting his skin as they walked. It was almost as if they were in space.

When the group eventually arrived at the boarded entrance, it became clear to them that there were some people inside since they could hear shouts and yells. What was also evident was that someone was following them. Beerus turned his head and scrunched his eyes to see a pair of dots trailing to the back of a lone cactus. He points two fingers at the cactus and fires his purple, energy-rich Ki sphere at it, destroying the whole cactus. The others turn their heads quickly, all with the same question in their mind; what did he shoot at?

The dusty smoke cleared up and revealed nothing. Or least that's what they thought until a pea-sized glowing red dot seemed to hop towards them.

"My my... what visitors does this wretched universe bring now?" The figure spoke in an elderly fashion as he stopped in front of them while still continuously hopping in front of them. Whis took a closer look at the figure, trying to determine who he was. The pea-sized figure took note of this and chuckled. "Has it really been so long that the both of you can't recognise me?" The group looked at the figure with confused looks. The figure hops onto Beerus' nose and looked at him. "My oh my...And this is the new God of Destruction?"

Whis smiled. "I see. Lord Beerus, this is Marshal Netsov."

"Admiral." He corrected him. "Having the post of Marshal is tedious." The tiny lifeform scoffed. "Besides, Boris does a better job at it than me."

"Oh. I'll have to personally congratulate him on his promotion." Whis then turns to the others. "Everyone, this is Admiral Netsov. And if I remember this planet's name, I believe it is called Planet Darkulah. He's one of the many fighters on this planet who helped us fight Zhang's army."

"Hah." The ant-sized Admiral scoffed. "And who are these freaky looking things? Albeit, the small one looks normal to me."

"These are resident of universe 7." He pointed to the purple cat. "That is Beerus, the new God of Destruction. "

"Huh... nice to meet you." Netsov says, only to receive a scoff from Beerus. "Well, he certainly has the attitude of the former God of Destruction."

Whis then points to Shin. "That's the Supreme Kai." He then points to Trunks. "And that is Trunks; a Saiyan from Universe 7." The figure stopped jumping.

"Another Saiyan?" He then hopped closer to Trunks. "He doesn't seem like much. You'd think with the years that passed, the warrior race would've bred something superior than...uh... this."

The words that were spoken out of Netsov's mouth slightly annoyed Trunks and the younger Saiyan attempted to sense out his Ki. To his surprise, he couldn't feel any power emitting from him.

"Still..." Netsov carries on. "I suppose it would be refreshing to see Apolé again."

"I'm afraid that's impossible." Whis pointed out. "The Saiyan race was almost brought to extinction a few years ago. And by the time that has passed, Apolé would've died ages ago. This is a half Saiyan and a half earthling."

"Oh? What a shame." Netsov replied. Still, it seemed that he wasn't affected much by it. An explosion of smoke covers him and disperses to reveal Netsov in a huge size increase. He was about as tall as Goku. Everything about him looked human; from the skin to features. Netsov was fairly built in size and clean-shaven. He wore a jet-black trench coat with golden rank stripes across his shoulder blades. He also had jet-black boots and wore a black cap with red on the front of it. Carved in the red were yellow markings and a little star in the middle. "So I'm assuming you need something? It's not like you and your associates are regular visitors here." His voice also changed to a deep tone.

"Not quite... but we may require your assistance in the future." Whis says. "We believe there's a dangerous chance that Zhang may be released." Netsov gave out a long sigh as he heard this.

"I told you that eventually, someone would take it. But it seems that you Gods would rather polish it with wax rather than to throw it into a black hole." At that moment, several loud bangs were heard in the distance, requiring Netsov to shout over them. "I believe it would be best if we entered the hideout."

A door was outlined green before it dropped down like a drawbridge. Netsov and Whis walked into the gaping darkness that was inside; Trunks, Beerus following soon after. The hallway lit up to reveal a maze with tens, if not hundreds, of different pathways.

"More of your friendly visitors, I presume?"

"Of course," Netsov replied. "We're a natural tourist attraction for foreign miners." Netsov pulled out a radio attached to his waist and called in for the frontal entrance to be unlocked. The lift descended and revealed a world several thousand feet below them. A glass cylinder was the only thing preventing them from falling out. An industrial world all land yet the air didn't smell of usual gaseous smells of sulphur and carbon dioxide. Amongst the air were petals from the trees of cherry blossoms. The air smelled natural to them. Similar to Beerus' planet.

"Wow..." Trunks gasped in awe.

"Hmm... it's been a long time since I've visited this place, this place is a sight for sore eyes. I feel refreshed looking at this creation." Whis smiled. The lift took them down to the ground level and the doors opened. They stepped into what seemed to be a garage full of jeeps.

"So we're heading to see the Head of the State, correct?" Netsov asked Whis as he unlocked and opened a 4x4 jeep.

"That is indeed correct." Whis says as he entered the front of the jeep. Netsov was driving while the rest sat in the back seats. He drove to the exit and the garage door opened automatically.


Goten sat down on a park bench, looking at the other older kids playing their sports. The wind blew his hair and dark clouds appeared on the horizon, signalling sudden heavy rain. However, that did not bother him. He didn't care if he caught a sudden cold. He needed answers to questions, but to find answers required to find the questions he needed to ask.

The grey clouds quickly covered the sky and then started to release its hellfire of raindrops onto the park. The grass and path quickly got soaked in a matter of seconds, and Goten soon found himself drenched thoroughly. He laid his head back on the bench so he could feel the raindrops fall on his pale cheeks He decided that the only way to get clear questions, as much as he hated it, was to remember that day.

He closed his eyes as the memory replayed itself in his mind.

"What was first?" Goten murmured out quietly to himself. "Trunks... was in my bed... sleeping next to me. And then... he had a nightmare. Trunks said that he was having a sleepover... but I slept around about 2 am because I was watching a movie with Gohan. I remember... Uncle Vegeta sleeping on the couch... but surely he could've flown back home." He planted the first question in his mind: What were Trunks and Vegeta actually doing in my house?

"And then... they disappeared for a while. Then Cell came. What was Cell doing here, revived? Probably to kill daddy but who revived him?" He made another mental note. "Then he started to choke me before Trunks saved me. Then after that, we played...and then.." He groaned and rubbed his eyes, not really enjoying recalling these memories. "Kidnapped... but that person never returned.

The whole thing didn't make sense to him as of yet. He needed more information from somewhere. One, which could hopefully knock two birds with one stone.

"...Dad...But first... I should visit that place..." Goten opened his eyes only to see Trunks walk and sit down next to him. He heard another voice from the other side of the bench. His own voice.

"Trunks, can we go? I'm getting wet!" Goten complained. He tried to use his hands as some sort of umbrella.

Another memory was playing in front of him.

"I thought you liked staying in the wild though.." Trunks smirked back. The rain heavily drenched the duo. Trunks seemed to have the audacity to drag him out on a rainy day.

"Wild? This is a park, not a forest!" Goten pointed out.

"Yeah. And you don't mind getting wet there, so what's your deal with this?"

Goten mumbled some inaudible words, already knowing he had lost the argument. Trunks suddenly had a devilish thought. He shuffled himself closer to Goten and then pushed him to the large puddle that had formed in front of them. Trunks laughed hysterically as he quickly ran away from a seriously angry Goten.

"I'm going to get you for that!" yelled out Goten as he chased after him.

Goten stood up and splashed his shoe into the puddle as he walked away. Children were still playing in the park, not caring about the heavy rain since the soccer match seemed to have higher importance. With a deep breath, he started to walk to his destination. Around him, various memories began to play.

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