

"Trunks!" A cry somewhere in the darkness yelled out to his best friend. Trunks found himself in a middle of a black void with echoes coming from every side.

"Goten!" Trunks yelled out for his comrade and started running. It seemed to him that the darkness surrounds him from every angle.

"Trunks!" Goten yells out again and an image appears of Goten before quickly fading away, soon followed by an evil voice laughing, which Trunks knew all too well.


There was no reply, just a silence of death

"AAAAAAAAARRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!" Goten screamed from the pain inflicted by someone's Ki, familiar to everyone Trunks knew. The cry echoed everywhere.

"Hang on, Goten! I'm coming!" Trunks yelled.

"Oh but my dear boy, you are far too late." A certain bio-android from the future speaks behind Trunks. A lightning aura surrounds the android with a yellow light. In his grasp, he held Goten from his neck, whose combat outfit was stained with blood from damage taken by Cell.

"Cell..!" Trunks anger started to show. He went into Super Saiyan and started to charge at Cell, only to be held effortlessly by a pink character of pure evil; Majin Buu's original form. "Dammit, let me go!"

"Why thank you Buu, I think I'll have fun torturing the life out of Goku's child now, I'll let you take the kill once he's almost dead."

Trunks' face drained from his face, he witnessed this before, but it never got any easier for the 10-year-old. "No... don't you do it, Cell!"

"I'm sorry, dear Trunks, but it's the closest to killing Goku I will ever get. But I want to make it memorable to Goku." He studies Goten very closely before deciding a choice to torture. "I'm going to tear him limb by limb!" Goten whimpers at the threat Cell made.

"No! Do whatever you have against him to me!" Trunks pleaded. His words fell on deaf ears.

"Oh my word, is that fear I sense in him?" Cell inquired and laughed. "Even though he's Goku's son he has fear of pain. Is that irony, Trunks?" Trunks didn't reply.

"I guess it is." Cell chuckled.

"Trunks.. help me!" Goten started to cry.

"Let go of him, you jerk!" Trunks tried to break out of Majin Buu's grasp, but his efforts went in vain.

"Now, it's time for your punishment, Son of Goku!". Cell's face suddenly became stern and without effort, he easily ripped out Goten's right arm. Goten's yells of pain echoed through the void with his blood turning the darkness around him into a tinted red.



Trunks jumped up from his sleeping position. His whole body was covered in sweat, his heart was beating rapidly and he was breathing heavily. He put his hands on his face to wipe the sweat away before placing it on his face, recalling the events of his nightmare. "Goten..." he said quietly. Vegeta witnessed his son's having a nightmare, the way he murmured Goten's name in a desperate way every night brought to the Saiyan Prince's attention. It was about time that he talked to his son.

"Trunks?" Trunks looked up to see his father peaking in through the small gap since the door was partially open. Vegeta entered the room and sat beside his son slowly. "Do you want to talk about it?" Vegeta was always the one to say 'suck it up like the true Saiyan you are', however, he realised that this was not helping Trunks one bit. Trunks shook his head and kept on recalling details of his dreams. The screams of Goten echoed through his mind, from him calling out his name to his cries of pain to him asking for his help.



"Can I meet Goten now?" Trunks requested.

"What good will that do? The kid is probably fast asleep by now."

Vegeta was going to deny until he saw how anxious his son was.

"Alright, but he's probably asleep so try not to wake him up." Trunks quickly put his jacket and shoes on and set off flying, Vegeta was right behind him. He still couldn't understand what was making his son so paranoid. He rang up Goku's mobile to inform him of their arrival.

"Hey Kakarot, what are you doing?"

"Oh hi Vegeta, just looking for some food. Why?"

"Trunks wants to visit Goten."

"But he's asle-"

"Don't worry, we won't wake him up. Trunks is paranoid over a nightmare and I don't know why."

"Uhh...Well sure he can come over, I don't mind. See ya, Vegeta."

Vegeta disconnected the call and noticed that Trunks had created a great distance between him. "What is eating that boy?" he questioned in his mind as he closed the gap.



The father and son arrived at Goku's house. Vegeta yawned as he landed on the doorstep and lightly knocked on the door. The door opened and there appeared Goku who was busy stuffing his face with food. "Hey, Vegeta." He then looked down at Trunks. "Hey Trunks, how are you feeling?"

"Can I meet Goten?" Trunks asked, ignoring Goku's question altogether. Goku looked at Vegeta and he gave his approval.

"Alright, but you must promise me you won't wake him up."

"I promise." and with that, Trunks made his way quickly yet quietly to Goten's room. He carefully opened the door to find Goten fast asleep in his room and instantly a huge worry was lifted from his shoulders. He carefully makes his way towards Goten and knelt down looking at his face. The little mini Goku was fast asleep, mumbling something about ice cream. Trunks smiled, glad that his friend was having a better night sleep than he was. He gives a small hug to Goten and just before he left, he heard something about asking some ice cream for Trunks. Trunks then slowly closed the door behind him after he whispered "good night" to him.

Goku and Vegeta were discussing the problem about Trunks when he came down. The two full-blooded Saiyans thought of a plan to know Trunks' nightmare.

"Hold still." Goku said. "This won't hurt." Goku placed his palm on Trunks' forehead and Vegeta held onto Goku's head, both who were currently reading Trunks' mind. It didn't take long for both of them to find the nightmare that Trunks was having and even they both got scared of Goten's treatment.

"Wow... that was some dream you were having, Trunks." Goku said, while he wiped the sweat off his own forehead.

"So that's what was bothering you all those other nights..." Vegeta said and slightly shuddered at what he witnessed.

After a brief moment of silence, Goku asked if they were going to stay over.

"After all, it is pretty late. I got an idea; Trunks can sleep with Goten and Veggie-san can sleep on the couch." Trunks nodded and went into Goten's room. Goku noticed that Vegeta was growling.

"What wrong? Have you got a tummy ache, Vegeta?" Goku asked.

"Don't you dare ever call me that ever again! Now if you don't mind, you could get me a pillow and a blanket."

"Sure thing." Goku went upstairs to find some pillows and blankets. He noticed Goten's room door wide open and inside, he could see Trunks and Goten sleeping together, with Goten curled up near Trunks and Trunks' arm embraced around Goten. Both were fast asleep. Goku told Vegeta to come see this with a big smile on his face. Even Vegeta was partly smiling before he wiped his smirk when Goku turned his head towards him.

"Kakarot, that dream he's has though….it still disturbs me."

"I'm sure he will forget it."

"That's not what I was on about. Don't deny it Kakarot, you sensed something evil in that as well as I." Vegeta snapped. He could see through Goku's eyes that he was denying it would happen.

"It's probably nothing." Goku dismissed Vegeta's revelations. "Besides, Cell's dead already. I don't think many people know about him apart from us." He said as he walked into his room to fetch a spare blanket and pillow, and tossed it to Vegeta, before he collapsed on the bed and instantly passed out.

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