If she were on Homeworld, she would have been shattered for sure.

What had she been thinking, spilling out her inner thoughts and feelings like that? Lazuli wasn't her log. She was just another gem. A superior one to Peridot, actually… If anything, Lazuli had the right of speech here. Peridot, as her inferior, should be listening and taking orders. But Earth was weird, and castes weren't applied, and Lazuli wasn't any old superior gem.

Lazuli was… different.

Oh, why did everything have to be so flipping complicated?

Peridot sighed as she picked up her tape recorder. "Log date 7 16 5… I have made a grave error. As per usual at this point, if I'm being honest. In my attempts to befriend the lazuli, I accidentally… shared some self-demeaning views with her."

She bit her lip awkwardly. For stars' sake, this was ridiculous. And embarrassing.

"My original objective was to invite her to human dinner, but I got… sidetracked, and soon we were in heated discussion over a human's usefulness. This was not my original intention, and I shudder to think what Yellow Diamond would have thought of such sidetrack-"

She cut herself off abruptly. "Oh. Wait. I'd like to make a log correction: I'm not with Yellow Diamond anymore. I'm a Crystal Cl-Gem. I keep on forgetting that."

Suddenly having lost the will to continue the entry, Peridot clicked the stop button and rewinded, listening to her own voice playing back at her: 'Log date 7 16 5… I have made a grave error. As per usual at this point-"

"You're really fond of that tape recorder, aren't you?"

Peridot whirled around, wide-eyed.

"Gahh! What are you doing here? It's not time for the dinner yet!"

"I came to see who you were talking to," Lazuli said. One of her eyebrows was raised."I hadn't guessed it would be yourself."

"Why shouldn't I talk to myself?" Peridot demanded. She could feel her cheeks warm up self-consciously, although she wasn't sure what that meant or why she was doing it. She thought everyone knew of her log. "I'm the great and lovable Peridot! Everyone would like to talk to me! I'm kind of a big deal, you know."


"Oh, yeah, definitely. I called Yellow Diamond a clod and everything. Now I'm with these guys." She gestured around the empty barn, as if Steven and his crew were present with her. "They have no idea how lucky they are to have me. I'm the best technological expert around."

"Which is why they left you in a barn?"

"Wh-No!" Peridot scowled. "I wanted to stay here."

"Okay," Lazuli shrugged. She was so casual with everything. Peridot kind of wanted to strangle her for it, but she wouldn't dare. Strangling someone probably wouldn't make them want to be friends with you. "So is that like your diary?"

"It's my log," Peridot said, wondering what a diary was and if it maybe was some kind of weapon. "I record my thoughts and observations in it."

"Every day?"

"Sometimes more."

"Huh. You must like it a lot."

Peridot shrugged in fake boredom, although her grip secretly tightened around the tape recorder. "It's okay, I guess. Nothing compared to Homeworld's tech, of course, but what can you do? Now that my limb enhancers are gone…"

"If you like it so much," Lazuli said, "why did you try giving it to me?"

Peridot had asked herself the same thing.

"I wanted you to feel more at home, I suppose. When I first got here and Steven gave this to me, I felt oddly comforted and back in touch with my talents. Technology's my thing, you know. I'm top notch with mechanics. Pretty much the best there is."

"You mentioned it earlier."

"It's worth mentioning again, that's how good I am." Peridot preened momentarily before continuing with her little speech. "And since you didn't like anything we made for you, I decided to try giving you a part of me instead. Not that that worked, but it was worth a try."

Lazuli didn't say anything for a second. When she spoke, her voice was even. "Can I try recording something?"

Peridot's first thought was to say no. Her log was precious, sacred. It contained all her personality, practically, and she wasn't sure that she wanted Lazuli toying around with that. But on the other hand- she'd given the log to Lazuli once before, why not again? Maybe Lazuli would warm up to her a little faster this way. Sharing was something friends did, right…?

She slowly handed the tape over. Lazuli took it, and their hands met briefly, Peridot quickly yanking hers away and flushing green. Touching people made her feel… weird. It was such an un-Homeworld thing to do.

Lazuli was no exception to this. If anything, she was worse. Touching Lazuli gave her a fluttery feeling inside, like a bunch of flappy Earth insect things had trapped themselves inside her and were now trying to escape. Maybe it was an Earth illness? Peridot hoped not.

"Don't break it."