Chapter 1: Peridot's First Weapon

Peridot's Point Of View

Why does Pearl want to see me?

She probably needs me.

But for what?

"Hello Peridot!"Yells Pearl

"Is there a problem?"I ask

"Not exactly" Pearl says

"I want to help you summon a weapon."Pearl says

"WHAT?!"I yell

"Oh Come on Peridot. Garnet wants you to not get poofed again" Pearl Says

"Ugh Insoles Pearls!"I yelled

"Hey No Fighting!"Yelled Garnet

My gem glowed unannounced and a green hand gun with a star on it.

"Woah"I say

"Cool Peri!"Says to voices behind us

It was Steven and Amethyst.

"That's so cool" Says Steven

"Awesome Weapon Periodical!"says Amethyst

Garnet gives me a thumbs up and Pearl smiles.

AN: What do you think?!