AN: well heres the new chapter. someone kept pestering me about when the new chapter was coming out so here it is. i'll be honest, i'm loosing my spark for this fanfic so don't expect any weekly chapters, but with the summer here i will have more time to work on my fanfics.

really not happy with this chapter, but i promised i would release something by my 18th birthday or sooner so heres this. man im gonna get hammered on my bday.

Rin woke to the sound of running water.

It was raining.

She always loved the rain. Father, her true father, always told her of the weather when she was in that deep slumber, and she could always hear the faint droplets of rain and deep rumble of thunder in her sleep. It proved to her that she was still alive.

As the water trailed down her window, she contemplated the past several weeks.

Things were not going her way.

All she wanted to do was open a cafe. Father told her she could do anything so long as she did not go against him, and she had agreed to that. But now, with the Vatican aware of her existence and keeping an eye on her 24/7, she couldn't help it if they forced her hand.

In a burst of frustration, Rin punched the wall. Plaster crumbled around her fist and hit the floor softly, and she pulled her hand away with anger. That didn't help one bit. Still very much wound up, she ran down the stairs, barely remembered to put on shoes at the door, and dashed out into the rain.

She ran across the campus in the pouring rain, only stopping to catch her breath under a tree. Her wet back slid against the tree trunk and she fell to the ground sobbing.

"Fuck..." Rin wiped desperately at her tears. It was a good thing Yukio wasn't here, he would be all over her, pulling out a handkerchief from who knows where and asking what was wrong when all she wanted was to just be left alone.

"Hey, uh, you okay?"

Alarmed, the girl looked up to see a male student standing nearby, umbrella in hand.

"Please just leave me alone," she replied.

"I would but you're all wet," he said. "You're gonna catch a cold like that."

Rin chuckled at that, and the boy gave her a confused look. "I'll be fine, dude."

"At least let me walk you to the dorms, I have an umbrella and it doesn't look like the rain is going to let up anytime soon..." He trailed off with a shrug of his shoulders. "It would at least put me at ease, knowing a pretty girl like you was safe inside instead of out in the pouring rain."

She blushed at that. "P-pretty?"

"I mean," the guy began, "yes, you're very pretty, but that kind of just blurted out and-"

Cutting him off with a loud snort, Rin stood up.

"I appreciate it, but I'm already soaking wet. Don't see a reason to use an umbrella."

"You're starting to dry off," he replied. Looking down, she saw she was.

"Well, walk me home then, Prince Charming," she said with a smile.

As they walked away from the tree, she introduced herself.

"I'm Rin. Okumura Rin."

"Yamamoto Akira. Pleasure to meet you, Rin."

When Rin got back to the dorm, she immediately took a shower and changed clothing. She had to sneak past the rest of the class to do so, but managed it pretty well, if she could say so herself.

After changing into a pair of sweats and a t-shirt, she clambered down the stairs, stomach growling at the smell of eggs cooking.

"Ukobach~!" She called out to her friend, and as she rounded the corner, was surprised to find that the reason it was so easy to sneak past everyone was because they were in the dining room. Go figure.

"Ah, Rin, I was about to go wake you up," Yukio said. "Come, Ukobach made scrambled eggs."

Inwardly, she sighed in relief. At least no one noticed she had been gone. She sat down next to Shiemi, grabbing a plate and piling eggs and sausages on. She sprinkled salt on the eggs and dug in with vigor.

"Rin, are you okay?" the blonde girl whispered. "I heard a loud noise from your room then you running off."

Almost choking, Rin turned to her sort-of friend. "I'm fine. Just needed to go for a run."

Shiemi nodded in feigned understanding, but Rin could tell she still worried, so she flashed a perky grin at the girl, and got a cute smile in return.

Hopefully that would assuage any worries. For now.

The next day was a wreck. Rin was dragging her feet the whole way until the it was over. In the end, they were all sat down with giant rock demon things on their laps, Yukio reprimanding them for something that had nothing to do with her.

"The fuck are these things?" she growled, poking at it.

"They're low level demons that get heavier the longer you hold them," the bald kid replied. She couldn't remember his name for the life of her.

"God, you don't even know what Ghost Stones are? What the hell are you doing in our class?" the kid with the mohawk yelled.

"It's not like I'm in that class like I want to be," she bit back.

"It's collective responsibility," Yukio said, haughtily adjusting his glasses. "The point of this camp-"

Rin tuned him out.

"Like I want to bond with any of these people."

"You have to get along with each other! An exorcist cannot fight alone!"

A stiff silence fell over the group.

"Support each other's abilities and cover each other's weaknesses," Yukio proclaimed. "Everyone fights in at least teams of two. In an actual battle, a quarrel can result in death. Think about that."

Rin rolled her eyes. Like she would get that far.

"Now then, I'll be gone for three hours on a mission. Due to the incident with the ghoul yesterday, I'll lock every entrance to the dormitory and set up barriers."

"How are we supposed to get out?"

"There's no need. In in the three hours i'm gone, you'll be sitting here, learning to get along and cooling your heads."

With that, he left.

"Three hours? He's the real demon here..."

"I can't take it anymore," mohawk kid said. Turning to Rin, he asked, "Are you two even related?"

"I don't even know anymore," she replied.

He huffed. "Well, we're in this nice situation because of a certain someone."

"Huh?" The girl withe the eyebrows grit her teeth. "Says the one who grabbed me by the collar!"

"And who started the fight to begin with?!"

"Don't fucking argue with me inbetween!" Rin shouted. "I don't even remember your names that's how little you mean to me! Just shut up already!"

They shut up, just in time for the lights to go out.

"What the?"

"A power outage?"

"No, there's still power to the rest of the area..."

"So it's just this building?"

One of the students, with the pink hair, got up and walked over to the door, saying, "Guess I'll go see if I can find the switchboard."

He opened the door, spotted a demon, and closed the door.

He turned to the class with a smile. "Guess I haven't gotten enough sleep late-"

A clawed hand burst through the door and with oddly quick reflexes, he rushed back to the 'safety' of the class.

"Its the Naberius from yesterday," Shiemi said, fear coloring her tone.

"Wh-what do we do?" the bald kid asked.

Rin stood up. She'd kept her sword on her all day just in case of this.

"Your master is after me, isn't he?"

The Naberius growled deep in it's throats. "Yes, my lady."

"Take me to him."

It crawled out of the doorway, leaving behind one of its halves, and she followed in a light jog, leaving the class astounded.

"What the hell is going on with that girl?" Bon questioned, biting his lip.

The Naberius spoke in low tones, almost like a drum.

"My master wishes to kill you, mistress, please be careful."

"I can watch my own back. When he arrives, you should leave."

"Of course, mistress."

They arrived at the power switchboard, which Rin quickly turned on, revealing Neihaus hidden in a corner.

He eyed his Naberius. "You've betrayed me..."

The demon spat miasma at him and returned to Gehenna. Wiping at the miasma with a grimace, the exorcist stepped forward, sword unsheathed and battle ready.

In response, Rin pulled out the Kurikara. She quickly unsheathed it, feeling flames erupt around her, and her tail curling around her leg.

"That's what I wanted to see... those blue flames..."


"I called you out here, Okumura Rin, daughter of Satan."

"For what, a fight?"

"No. To do this."

He lifted a canister of some liquid and splashed it on her, and she screamed.

In the other room, the rest of the cram school fought off and defeated the second half of the Naberius, only to be startled by a loud, pained scream.

"Was that... Okumura?" Shima asked, worried.

"Let's hurry," Bon said, and he dashed out of the room toward the switchboard, knowing that was where she had gone. Who else could have turned on the lights?

He paused just outside of the door, spotting a severely burned arm lying in the doorway, the Kurikara gripped tightly in it, as blood pooled beneath the skin.

"Holy shit," Shima said as he and the rest of the class caught up. "Do you think...?"

"Let's check."

They rounded the corner, and Bon nearly vomited in horror.

Rin lay on the ground, in a puddle of her own blood. There were burns all across her chest and on the right side of her body, and the stench of burning flesh filled the air.

"What the hell caused this?"

Bon spotted an empty canister and sniffed the contents. "Holy water."

"Then that blue fire we saw around her the day we met her," Konekomaru reminded them. "She has to be some sort of demon."

"But she looks so human," Shiemi said. "A-and she's so kind, she defended me from bullies one day, a-and we eat lunch together sometimes, she can't be..."

"Demons can deceive, Shiemi-san," Bon replied with a sharp tone. "But you're right. She genuinely doesn't seem interested in becoming an exorcist, but she's not against us fighting with Satan."

"What are you guys doing, just standing around?" Izumo interrupted. "She's bleeding out!"

"What are we supposed to do, woman?!" Bon shouted back.

"Use your shirts as bandages! It will stem the bleeding until Okumura-sensei gets here!"

Moved into action, the boy's removed their outer shirts, using them to wrap the wounds as best they could.

When Yukio arrived several minutes later, the murderous glint in his eyes could be seen from down the hall.

Rin was placed in a special hospital on campus, and the cram school visited the second they could.

The burns luckily didn't hit any vital areas, but her chin and right cheek were practically gone. Synthetic flesh would do wonders, but she wouldn't look the same.

Her chest was burned heavily, and she was forbidden from any rigorous activity for a long time, in case the wounds opened up again due to heavy breathing.

Her right arm was in a sling, and according to the doctors, no longer usable. Rin would have to learn to use her left hand for everything now. She was lucky her legs still worked.

Yukio took off the next week of work and school to be by her side, and the cram school left well wishes.

The younger twin was in a state of disarray, as was the Vatican.

Fujimoto was downright pissed. Neihaus was facing severe charges, even though he 'acted on the Vatican's best interest'. Most of the Vatican wanted to use Yukio's sister as a weapon. The blue flames of Satan were powerful, capable of destroying any forms of life, even demonic. For Neihaus to have injured their best weapon before they could even train her... it was a hard blow to their plans.

When she finally woke, Yukio felt a small weight lift from his chest.


"I'm here Rin."

"It hurts..." She could feel tears welling in her eyes, and Yukio felt worried. She hadn't cried since they were kids. She was always so strong for the both of them.

"He won't hurt you again," he promised.

"Damage is already dealt, though, isn't it? I'm useless now."

"Don't say that-"

"Please just leave, Yukio. I want to rest."

He quietly kissed her forehead, and left, trying not to feel bad about the guards at the door.

In her sleep, Satan visited, and Neihaus...

Neihaus burned.

AN: akira is an oc. yes, hes gonna be important.

yes, most of the injuries are permanent. she has demonic regeneration, but it's not that strong since she's only a half-demon.

also, thinking of changing the title. thoughts?

might also fix up past chapters. not happy with them. not happy with this fic's execution in general, but i'll let you guys decide. not much would change, really.