A/N: Well, this is it. "We have come to journey's end ..." *cough* Thank you for reading, all of you. I realise this is an enormous fandom, with over 53,000 stories, so I consider myself fortunate to have got any reviews, favourites, and follows at all for my very first story here. As this is the end, though, I would really like to hear what you think.
Special thanks go to Oleanne, who faithfully reviewed all chapters. It was so good to have such an appreciative reader!
Disclaimer: see chapter 1.
Warnings: Tissue alert. I certainly needed some, and I knew what I was going to write!
They talked. She explained what was going on inside of her as well as she could, and he listened patiently, albeit with an aching heart. He told her that he loved her and of course wanted her with him, but her healing was more important to him. Then they cried together over the great loss they had suffered, and over their own helplessness in this suffocating fog of hurt and confusion.
In the end they simply held each other, communicating through their bond what words could never express.
As she left his quarters to go and pack her things, a shard of foresight pierced his heart: that one day she would once more go away, never to return, never to be reunited with him again.
The ice-cold pain brought him to his knees, draining his still meagre reserves so thoroughly that, when they found him an hour later, they feared the worst. Only after his sons instilled some of their own strength in him was he able to relay what had happened. He could barely keep them from going after her to try and dissuade her from her plans.
His best friends helped him to bed where he stayed for the rest of the day. They never left his side, unable to help him but determined to share his sorrow.
There would be many such days in the months and years to come.
The morning of their departure dawned cold and misty, nothing like the morning they had departed for the Grey Havens two months ago. 'Small mercies,' Erestor thought gloomily as he walked down the long stairway to the main courtyard. This day was much too reminiscent of that other day as it was. And it had started with breakfast ...
Breakfast had been a sad affair, with both Arwen and Elrond excusing themselves after only a few minutes: Arwen for fear of losing control over her stomach, Elrond for fear of losing control over his emotions. Then Galadriel had gone after Arwen and Celeborn after Elrond, for both seemed to be in need of some assistance.
This had left the twins sitting at the table with Erestor and Glorfindel. Elrond's sons and the Golden Warrior would accompany the small travelling party to the border of Imladris and then go on a week-long patrol, while some guards would escort them all the way to Lothlórien. There had been some debate about the wisdom of the twins leaving at the same time as their sister, but in the end Elrond had encouraged them to go. He thought it might do them good after having been cooped up in the Valley for two months. Now, seeing how much their father struggled with Arwen's departure, they were wavering again.
"Are we doing the wrong thing?" Elladan asked, breaking the long silence that had followed his grandparents' exit. "Shouldn't we stay a little longer and be there for ada, at least until he recovers a little more?"
Elrohir shrugged. "He said we should go ... maybe he needs some time to himself?"
"We could give him that without leaving for a whole week," his brother objected. "At least we would be close at hand in case he needs us."
Erestor and Glorfindel exchanged a long, meaningful look. They, too, had discussed the matter more than once. The twins needed to blow off some steam, somewhere away from watchful eyes and worried hearts. Glorfindel would make sure they did not get themselves killed in the process, and help them work through their own grief and anger. Likewise, Elrond needed time and space to regain his inner balance, away from their constant fear of losing him after all. It did not matter that they were adults; they would always stir his fatherly instinct to protect them, even from himself. And Erestor, the one person most in tune with the elf lord outside his own family, was there to protect him.
"It is just a week," the Chief Advisor said calmly. "And your father did say you should go. So go. Keep Glorfindel out of mischief."
Elladan and Elrohir smiled slightly at the gentle ribbing, but the moment passed quickly. "You were there three days ago when we found him collapsed in his room," Elladan said, his voice filled with quiet urgency. "Can you look us in the eyes and promise no harm will come to him while we are gone?"
Erestor looked at them steadily as he answered. "I cannot, and I will not. But know this: Your father is strong. He will never go down without a fight. And I will protect him with everything I have. You have my word."
... Now, walking down the stairway half a step behind Elrond, Erestor was almost ready to change his mind. Twice already did the Peredhel have to reach out for the banister, so unsteady were his legs under him. Erestor had to forcibly restrain himself from stepping forward and supporting his friend, but the look Elrond had given him told him that the other elf lord needed to make it through this on his own.
So they walked, slowly, until they reached the courtyard where everyone was waiting for them, watching. Erestor stayed at the foot of the stairway while Elrond went over to the small group to bid them good-bye one by one.
The guards simply extended their arms from their chests in the familiar Elven greeting and respectfully inclined their heads to their lord, who returned their farewell and wished them a safe and speedy journey. Then they mounted their horses and rode forward towards the bridge, giving the extended family some last moments of privacy.
Next came Haldir. Elrond clasped arms with him, thanking him once more for all he had done, and in turn gracefully accepting the Marchwarden's vow to guard Arwen with his life. Then the faithful warrior joined the guard.
Glorfindel pulled his old friend into a firm embrace. "If by my life or death I can protect them, I will," he whispered into Elrond's ear, unwittingly anticipating the words that would be spoken by another beloved member of the Peredhil household more than five hundred years later.
"I'd rather it was not your death, gwador," Elrond replied, his voice tight with emotion.
For once, the Balrog Slayer made no joke about being twice-born, and just squeezed his friend tighter for a second before releasing him. "See you next week," he promised with a warm smile, gestured a wordless farewell to Erestor, and followed Haldir.
The twins needed no words, either, to say good-bye to their father. They simply held him, infusing him with as much strength as they could safely spare. Then Elrond placed his hands on their heads, whispering a blessing and sending them off with a kiss on their foreheads.
Lady Galadriel embraced him, tenderly brushing her mind against his to once more assure him, and herself, that everything was well between them. "I will do what I can to help Arwen heal," she promised quietly.
Elrond smiled. "I know, and I thank you. But please," he added, gently cupping her cheek in his hand, "take care that you find healing, too. Your loss is no less great than hers."
Galadriel covered his hand with hers and, turning her head slightly, kissed his palm. Then she reached out to Arwen, pulling the young elleth towards her father. "Take your time," she said quietly and went to mount her horse.
But Arwen was too upset to take her time, and Elrond was wise enough not to prolong her anguish. Holding her in his arms, he blessed her, as he had done with his sons, and kissed her forehead. "I love you, my child. Be at peace and heal."
Arwen nodded, choking out words of love between her sobs, and with one last kiss to her father's cheek fled from him and the only home she knew.
Through the haze of the searing pain her abrupt leaving had caused, a comforting touch made itself known: strong arms pulling him in and holding him together until he regained command of his senses. "One day she will comprehend the measure of love you have shown her in letting her go." Celeborn's soft, clear voice was as a soothing balm, and slowly the pain receded. Elrond lifted his head and locked eyes with his beloved father-in-law. He wanted to say something, anything, to express how grateful he was and how deeply he loved the father of his heart, but words failed him. Unable to speak through his tears, he simply kissed his father-in-law's hands in farewell, and then Celeborn spoke once more: "This is not the end, but merely another part of the journey. Know that you are not journeying alone. Whenever you need me, call, and I will come."
When Erestor came to look after Elrond an hour later, he found his friend standing by his bedroom window, staring at one of the many little waterfalls around the Hidden Valley.
"Elrond?" the Chief Advisor asked quietly, trying not to startle the elf lord as he approached.
"This is where she told me," the Peredhel said in a far-off voice when Erestor placed a light hand between his shoulder blades, a familiar gesture of comfort and compassion between the old friends. "Over there, under this waterfall, Celebrían told me that we were going to have another child."
Erestor smiled and had the decency to blush slightly at being told such an intimate detail of his friend's life. "Indeed?" he replied. "I only remember Arwen almost being born down by the lake."
That drew a chuckle out of Elrond. "Oh, I remember that, too. That was the only time I was able to tell Celebrían 'I told you so'."
"And I remember the broken nose you got for your troubles," Erestor deadpanned, and they both laughed at the memory.
"Those were good times." Elrond's voice was quiet and sad, but it had lost much of its heaviness.
Erestor moved his hand to come to rest on his friend's shoulder and gave it a comforting squeeze. "And there will be good times again. I promise."
Elrond turned to him and smiled, a genuine smile that lit up the bottomless depths of his eyes. "I believe you."