Chapter one – Are you Mr Deeks?

A/N Hi guys so after actually going through my emails for something other than my work rota I realised while drunk (first drink in four years). So what I actually posted is notes for a chapter that is a while off yet. This is the proper chapter one for this story.

A/N So I may have gotten this story Idea after listen to a song by Rod Steward called Batman superman. Anyway I don't own the show or any of the characters.

Your off to Great place.
Today is your day.
Your mountain is waiting.
So get on your way. Dr Seuss. Oh the places you'll go.

It had only been a poxy four hours since they had closed their last case they gotten home and finally crawled into bed falling asleep in each other's arms. But Kensi awoke far too soon for her liking to the sound of someone knocking on their door and rather loudly at that. Groaning she buried her face into Deeks's chest and pulled the covers tighter around her body. If she wished hard they would get the picture and leave right? however that wasn't the case and the knocking continued but Deeks had finally opened his eyes. Giving up on her thought of getting anymore sleep she was about to get up to answer the door when he tightened his grip on her hip and pressed a kiss to her head.

"Go back to sleep baby I'll get it" Deeks said quietly against her hair.
"Mmkay" Mumbled Kensi

Curious as to who was at the door Kensi gave up on sleep once again and pulled on a pair of joggers glad she was already wearing a top and went down the stairs. Coming to stand behind Deeks she placed her hands on his hips and her chin on his shoulder, pressing a kiss there looked at the woman in front of them and then past her to where another woman stood leaning against the car. Seeing the female who was wearing a suit Kensi was willing to bet the he regretted answering the door in his boxers and his own tank top.

"Detective Deeks as I said I am Mrs Simpson with social serviced, would it be possible for me to come in so that we can talk about this properly" Said the lady at the door.
"Oh…. Um…. yeah …...sure" Stuttered Deeks and they stepped aside and let her in "Could you maybe give us a minute to make ourselves more presentable"

Both agents thanked the social services lady and rushed up the stairs to their bedroom. They both exchanged all their clothes and pulled on Jeans and a top or in Kensi's case a checked shirt as fast as they could and pulled on their shoes. Deeks picked his brown ones while Kensi pulled on her black tie up ankle boots over her skinny jeans. The ones she usually wore to work.

"What is this about Marty" Asked Kensi
"I have no idea Kens"

Nodding she smiled a small but he could see the insecurity and the worriedness behind it. Sharing a quick kiss, they went down the stairs and offered Mrs Simpson something to drink, who politely declined, saying that she was just fine. Nodding they sat down together on the couch with Monty who lay down by their feet and fell asleep, and they watched her pull out a thick brown folder out of her brief case looking very serious.

"Sorry before I explain can I ask who you are" Mrs Simpson said to Kensi.
"Kensi Blye. I'm his girlfriend. I live with him and work with him"
"Ahh your NCIS too! And before you ask how I know, I spoke to Miss Lange last night. Mr Deeks do you remember a Lucy Anderson?"
"Um yeah we had a very brief thing about three years ago it only lasted a few nights though. Why?"

Deeks felt Kensi's body stiffen beside him and reached over pulling her hand into his lap lacing their fingers together, giving it a reassuring squeeze. Kensi let out a small sigh and briefly closed her eyes but relaxed at his gesture.

"Did you know that you had a son with her? Now your DNA is already in the system so we ran it against the boys. It's a hundred percent match, she also named you on the birth certificate. Now Miss Anderson has handed him over to our care and signed all her parental rights over to you. I need to know if you want him in your custody before we find him another place to stay"

The three of them sat and talked everything, what it would mean to have a child in their life, how he might be a little withdrawn at first, but that was completely normal. After talking things through with her she went back to stand with the other female at the car giving them some time to speak to each other alone. It wasn't that long ago since they had talked about kids, marriage and now all of a sudden they were being told he was a father.

Deeks was worried it was going to be too Kensi but as they talked everything through and he listened to her insist that they take him, he seen the fear and doubt in her eyes but over all that he could also see the love and support. They were really going to do this; they were going to raise the little boy they had just been told was his together. Sure he was scared as hell but he also knew that with Kensi by his side he could do anything.

Keeping their hands laced together they stood and went outside to Mrs Simpson. Nervously they stood in front of the car with the sides of their bodies pressed together and looked at the little boy. Inside the care Noah pressed himself up against the window with a smile and looked up at them waving, like he knew them as he clutched his teddy Woody cowboy in his hand. Deeks leaned forward and tugged on the handle opening the car door, and the little boy immediately climbed out of the car. Both of the agents knelt down to his level.

"Hi Noah I'm your…..." Deeks started to say.
"My daddy. Mummy showed me a picture of you. Mummy said I go live with you now" Said little three-year-old Noah.
"That's right buddy is that okay?"
"Yep does you like ice cream? Whose you" He asked Kensi
"I sure do buddy. This is Kensi she lives with me daddy's girlfriend and you know what she loves ice cream"
"OH Hi Kensi, You's pretty" Grinned Noah
"Why Thank you Noah, your very handsome too" Grinned Kensi
"Mr Deeks if you and Miss Blye are sure about this then you can sign this form and agreeing to take over all parental rights and then he is free to go with you. I will keep in touch to make sure everything is okay. And if miss Blye would ever wish to adopt then by all means call me"

Deeks nodded and they stood up taking the fill off of Mrs Simpson and tapped Kensi on the shoulder so she too would stand up. After checking one last time to make sure she was okay with the he used her back to lean on and signed the papers. Handing over the file to Mrs Simpson he pressed a kiss to Kensi's lips and grabbed Noah's small suit case thanking both of the females as the other lady handed him a list of everything they would need for Noah followed by a credit card that had a post it note stuck to it.

Give the boy a family, use this and get him everything he needs and more. Hetty.

Smiling they thanked the social services workers again and the three of them walked into the house. Noah looked around in awe until he noticed Monty and then the little boy was in pure glee. The little boy ran over to the scruffy dog his blonde curly locks bouncing as he sat down beside Monty and giggled patting the dog. Monty was eagerly excited at the new human giving him attention, licking the boy and wagged his tail. It was clear the two of them were going to best friends. To anyone passing by who happened to look in the window catching a glance at them they would have no clue that the family had just been bought together because at that moment the scene was perfect.

Kensi smiled watching the two and leaned back against Deeks, her back against his chest and his arms around her, with his chink on her shoulder. Her first instinct was to run and fast but when she felt Deeks take her hand in his she knew that this was exactly where she needed to be. Kensi Blye, Chips on the table, All in, Tonight, tomorrow and the next. Looking at the bright blue eyed, blonde curly hairs barley three-year-old boy who was small for his age she knew this was going to be hard really hard but it was also going to be pretty damn good. She was however worried about what the team would say and to what their mothers were going to say.

"Hey guys so what do you say we go hit the shops, cause Noah we gotta get a lot of stuff but first we have to walk and feed Monty" Spoke Deeks.
"Otay Daddy, but I gots all my stuff in my case"
"You need more than that sweetie and maybe after lunch daddy can get us some cake"
"Otay Kensi"

Once they had walked and fed Monty they got into Kensi's SUV and headed over to the shops, since they didn't have a car seat yet Deeks sat in the back with a tight hold on Noah who sat on his knee, and Kensi was driving a lot more carefully that she normally would. It was long drive and soon enough the car was parked and they were climbing out the car. Deeks pulled the shopping list with writing on both sides of the paper out of his pocket and all of a sudden he was more than grateful for Hetty giving him the credit card.

Deeks grabbed a cart stating that by the time they had gotten everything they needed it was going to be too heavy for her to push, but he just wanted to be the man. Smiling Kensi ignored the comment and made sure Noah's hand that wasn't clutching the stuffed Woddy teddy, was firmly in her hand as the three of them walked into the store. Noah was pretty sure he had never seen anything like it, the shop was massive and he was a little worried he was going to get lost, so he tightened his grip on her hand moving closer to her leg. The plan of action was to get things like a bed and furniture for his room because they had just gotten rid of the furniture in the room that was going to be his as they were about to re decorate it.

"Alright buddy what bed do you like?" Asked Deeks watching Kensi sit on one of the bed still holding Noah's hand.
"You means I got a bed?" Asked Noah shocked climbing up beside Kensi.
"Of course you do. What did you sleep in at mummies?" Deeks asked confused
"One dem" Said Noah pointing to a crib.
"Well I think you're a big boy and old enough for your own bed. What do you think about this one" Spoke Kensi and they lay down on the bed hands clasped together and their heads together at a slight angle.
"Oh yeah this comfy!" He grinned Sounding like Deeks.

Kensi grinned as she chuckled slightly, standing from the bed and picked up Noah settling him on her hip to be carried around for a little.

After the bed, they got him a dresser, night stands and a toy box, car seat, toys, clothes and everything they could possibly think of including a new stuffed green monkey and micky mouse that he was in love with. They had probably gone overboard with the number of things they'd gotten him but he deserved to be spoiled. When they got to the checkout they realised they would need all of it later on for Noah going to bed and asked to speak to the manager. After explaining their situation to the manager he was happy to help and arranged for the dresser, night stands and toy box to be built in store leaving them with only the bed to build at home and said they would have it delivered no later than six pm.

Just like the manager had said the furniture had in fact arrived for six actually being delivered an hour early and they carried it into the room for them. After dinner it took them over an hour but they managed to her everything set up and Noah was in love with his new bedroom. Now exhausted and it only being half past six they settled on the couch with Noah to watch a movie, the adults laying like they had when Kensi had gone over after his torture.

They knew that half was through the movie it was past his bedtime but neither of them were ready to put him to bed just yet. So now they lay on the couch in the same position accept for Noah. Noah had gotten restless and moved from between them to sit on Deeks's knee and then to Kensi's. Now he lay on his stomach on Kensi's stomach with his cheek pressed against her chest, his face facing his daddy and her hand on his back. Her gently soothing caresses lulled him to sleep and soon enough he had fallen into a deep sleep.

Deeks smiled and titled his head to look up at Kensi watching her intently as she held a sleeping Noah on her chest rubbing his back and his heart was even fuller that it was before, it that was even possible. He could see her eyes were starting to flutter close as she drifted off to sleep and smiled even wider. Leaning up he pressed a kiss to her hairline and moved to sit up, caressing her cheek gently.

"Bedtime baby" He whispered into her ear.
"Mmm not tired though"
"You can't keep your eyes open Kens, come one let's go"
"Mkay" Mumbled Kensi against his thumb as he gently ran it over her lips.

Still smiling he carefully helped her up and they put Noah in his bed carefully before climbing into their own. Kensi fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow but Deeks took a little bit longer but he was content to think about the event of the day and watch his sleeping girl beside him. He was dying to run his hand over her face again but he didn't want to wake, finally though he fell asleep as he watched her.