They struggled against his might barely able to get him down as he was needed. He was shouting and screaming about how he would banish them and strip them of their titles. They would be nothing! Fallen! Worse then that!
One of the two of them held his arms fast pulling him down with a long struggle.
The other was on top of him pushing down at his shoulders until he finally fell backwards with a yell.
The shorter of the two jammed a syringe into the archangels shoulder and pushed the plunger releasing the medicine into his blood stream. Michael cursed in ancient enochain before falling back unconscious.
"Nisroc did it work?"
"I don't know Haniel, only time will tell..."
The both sagged down on their brother exhausted after such a struggle. Nisroc wiped at a blot of blood that had congealed on his chin and moaned as his head throbbed. His brother and friend Haniel rubbed at his sore wrist as he sat back against their older brothers chest.
The two of them had been loyal soldiers of Michael's since they had been first created. Never having questioned or turned away even when he had changed. It did worry them though. For as long back as they could remember Michael had been the big brother for everyone, the softest despite his position of being the Sword of God. He'd been very strict with rules, if you did not know how to properly fly then you were not to weld a blade. He'd been protective and loving. He was known for giving harsh lessons and when they were over and done with he was often known to help those who had been particularly affected by the lesson.
Massaging wing joints.
Wrapping them in his own wings until they settled down.
Ensuring that they were looked over by the healers and then that they got the rest they had been ordered to get.
And then he had changed. They had assumed it was because of Lucifer's drastic change himself and the following fall but it had only gotten worse. He had become cold. Mean. Brutal.
He'd forced little ones barely out of flight training to learn to fight with a weapon. He yelled at those who fell during training. He struck the ones who would complain about pain in their wings. He was not their beloved brother any more and it sent them all for a loop. Haniel and Nisroc had watched him closely and had noticed the change swearing to get to the bottom of it.
And then it hit them.
They knew exactly what had happened. That one particular sister was always trying to get her hands on others and playing with her tools. They had not thought she would dare go after an Archangel let alone Michael. But there they were.
It was talked about much throughout their group of Powers as to what they should do and when it was decided it was done so in secret. Haniel and Nisroc had claimed to know someone who could make a toxin potent enough that it would jump start even an archangels healing abilities to the point that it practically reset everything. No one had asked for they all wanted the same thing in the end they would take whatever they could to get their beloved Leader back.
Even if it meant poisoning him.
"You want me to what?"
Semyaza looked at them as if they were insane. Michael already hated him why on earth would he agree to something like this! Nisroc and Haniel exchanged looks silently. Everyone knew of this ones specialty and yet he had never been one to use it against another angel not after the War.
"We need you to create a poison strong enough to jump start an Archangel."
"That's what I thought you said...No."
The fallen Grigori turned and began to walk away. Nisroc and his brother were quick in running after him. The Grigori was forced to a halt when they ran up in front of him blocking his path for escape.
"Please Yaza we beg this of you! He is broken! We fear for him!"
"Why should I care! I am bound here with the rest of my Garrison for one simple mistake and you expect me to help the one who bound me! I'm fallen and fallen are evil!"
Haniel shook his head, "But your not! Please Sem we fear for what might have been done! We need to try this!"
He looked between both of his brothers for a long moment before sighing heavily and sitting on a well placed boulder.
"When do you need it?"
They smiled, "As soon as you can finish it!"
Semyaza nodded scrubbing a hand down his dirty face. The other two shone with such brilliance it was a wonder how they weren't found out. The Grigori sighed heavily before turning to look back up at the two.
"But if this fails I want no part!"
"Then I guess I should get to work.."
They sat by their Archangel's bedside for weeks. When the others had found out just what they contact was they had not been as thrilled as they had been before and so the two of them had been punished. However no matter what was done to them they refused to give way the name of their brother whom had aided them the most. Semyaza may think he had nothing left to loose but it was not a weight they would carry should they give him away.
Besides despite what most might think not all Fallen are bad.
He did good work too and fast.
They had come back to him almost two days later and he held a small jar out to them in secret looking around nervously. There was a soft liquid substance that could be mixed with the whine Michael drank every night with no noticeable difference done to the drink.
When that had failed they had to resort to the syringe.
It was a long story.
Haniel had a cloth wrapped around his hand from the wound he'd gained and they had been angered that he would not warn them about the contact the liquid would leave but at the same time knew that they probably deserved it for asking him to do such a thing in the first place.
Nisroc watched his brother doze off where he sat with a huff of soft laughter before turning back towards their leader.
They were both shocked into awareness when two large warm hands grabbed them. One around the front of Haniel's top and the other around Nisroc's wrist and they were pulled down beside the Archangel. Still and stiff with the fear that it might not have worked they were as stiff as planks of wood. Soft white and blue wings wrapped around them pulling them in closer to his sides as arms wrapped about their shoulders until they were flesh against him.
Michael sighed in contentment as his rubbed at the side of their neck's with gentle thumbs.
"Michael? Sir?"
"While I appreciate what you two did for me if you ever poison me again it will not bare the same results you gain now."
They exchanged looks, or attempted too,but as they moved an inch away from his sides he tightened his grip until he forced them back down. He opened his eyes a few moments later as he pushed himself up against his pillows. In accordance with his moving they were pulled upwards too as he had yet to release them from his hold. His eyes were quick in spying the bandage around the redheads hand and he picked it up gingerly.
"What's this? And don't call me that, we are all brothers are we not?"
Haniel smiled at his brother but blushed down under their elder's gaze.
"Its nothing sir."
Michael pursed his lips, "If you will force my hand I will extract the desired information from you brother."
The younger gulped, "We were not warned about the affects of contact with the poisons from our contact but it was something we deserved for asking for such a thing."
"And your wrist?"
Haniel looked away, "You umm...My wings...I failed in the last round of training..."
"I hurt you?"
Haniel nodded and he sighed turning his attention back around with a hand under his chin. His eyes were soft when he looked into them.
"Look at me little brother. You will not be punished for being unfit to train and I apologize for harming you further, allow me to help you?"
He was tentative about it but the younger nodded his head slowly watching carefully as the Archangel wrapped a hand around his injured wrist and it began to glow a faint blue hue.
"You said your wings were involved? Are they alright? Let me see."
This was the brother they remembered the one whom they all loved. Haniel carefully folded his aching wing around and stiffened when the archangel grabbed it. He stood completely still as he moved his fingers over it, bending it this way and that, nodding his head to himself and pushing his thumb into the muscle under the joint. Haniel let out a sigh of contentment as he fell forward in comfort at such a movement. Michael smiled down at him from above his head.
It had worked.
Semyaza was not prepared for the sound of wings flapping behind him, nor the two that followed, and he prepared himself for an uneven attack.
That never came.
Softly he called out.
"Did it work?"
It was the voice and the proximity of said voice that answered him that startled him into jumping up.
"It did little brother, and while I do not know whether to be worried that you could create such a thing in that amount of time or not, I am thankful that you did."
He spun around fast in shock and terror. Michael stood behind him in simply white robes wrapped only around his waist. Nisroc and Haniel stood behind him smiling. He let out a yelp as he was pulled from his feet and into his brothers arms.
"You are coming with me little brother. They told me that you had not wished to be revealed had it not worked, but seeing it was your cure-all that has worked they thought it appropriate to enlighten me to me real savior."
Semyaza was tucked into his chest smoothly and he leaned forward to whisper into his ear causing the younger angel to still.
"Perhaps, for your help, I shall reevaluate your case. However for purposes to maintain secrecy we must do things that we wish not to."
He nodded his head above the Grigori and the two Power's stepped forward. Haniel held a collar of spikes in hand and Nisroc a pair of manacles. Semyaza's eyes widened in alarm and he began to squirm. He would not be locked up again! He had only done as asked of him! The Archangel grunted as an elbow plowed into his stomach.
Tightening his hold he pulled the smaller angel closer.
"Sshh be still little one we mean no harm! You are not to be punished! I swear it to you that you are under my protection not my wrath. We cannot just go parading around Heaven with a Grigori on the free for it would draw too much attention. Any wounds you sustain wearing these things I will heal myself," He was grateful when the struggles lessened.
"I promise this to you no harm shall come to you after this day I swear it on our Father."
He made a motion with his free hand for the collar and the guilt he felt when he slipped it around the younger's neck was strong within his grace. It was made to fit and that in itself made him sick to his stomach. He knew that his two loyal Power's knew who had done that to him and his brothers but they were being mysteriously tight lipped about it. Not even his best tactics had worked and he had eons and eons of practice in the fine art of extracting needed information from stubborn tight lipped younger siblings.
Semyaza's breath hitched at the clasp of a lock around the back of the collar his eyes going wide in fear.
No angel should ever feel such fear and especially not from him. He had always made sure that the younger angel's knew how much they meant to him and how much he cared for them. If it weren't so dire a situation he would wrap the youngling in his wings and cradle him close until he knew it was in no danger.
Raphael would heal every wound and every scratch he could locate with gentle touches and compassion.
Gabriel would undoubtedly find and exploit every weak point on the younger until he was rolling in the grass with no room for such fears, Lucifer most probably helping him.
Another hand for the manacles, "It is only until we can each my personal garden and then you will be free'd."
It was not like he was left a choice being chained and collared like a criminal so Semyaza merely nodded his head as best he could turning his gaze to the ground. He felt the cool ground come back under his feet and warm hands caressed the sides of his face.
"I promise you little one."
The mighty Archangel looked around at his three younger brothers nodding his head and opening his wings. In a large swoop and a tug at their graces he lifted them all from the ground. Haniel and Nisroc let out sounds of surprise as they opened their own wings quickly and looked ahead when deep resounding chuckles broke through the currants to their ears.
Semyaza was balanced between his two brothers as they flew higher and higher fear lacing his entire being.
They broke through the boundaries of the Earth like bullets streaking through the air. Heads turned to look at them as they flew passed and Semyaza wanted to shrivel up and hide away from their eyes as soon as he became their focus. Many pointed and some laughed at the poor Grigori that the Archangel Michael was finally going to rid the world of.
Following him close behind they made it to his own Garden in good time. Michael touched down gently and spun as soon as he was stable to catch the small Grigori before Haniel and Nisroc could accidently drop him. Steady hands gathered at the back of his neck as he leaned closer blocking his view by a strong tanned chest gently working at unclasping the many locks on the collar until he was able to pull them off and pull the dreaded thing away throwing it across the garden somewhere out of sight.
Warm hands wrapped around his arms traveling down slowly to his wrists where they gently pried the manacles off and tossed them much like the collar.
Semyaza took a breath he did not know he was holding as the arms moved back up to wrap around his neck pulling him into an embrace. Michael held the small Grigori to him as he addressed his Powers.
"Haniel and Nisroc. I do not want you leaving my Garden. You may go anywhere you wish but do not have permission to leave. Others may get suspicious to your recent behaviors and I do no want harm to befall you."
They nodded exchanging close looks. An ordinary Angel could not enter an Archangel's personal garden without them being present or permission. Only Archangels could enter another's garden and even then they needed permission to bring others in with them as well. Michael held onto the youngest in his garden as he watched his two trusted Power's nod and turn whispering to each other a conversation he was not privy to.
Looking down at the little one he pressed a gentle kiss to the top of his head.
"Brother I have a few question's that I need answers to, will you make this easy on us all and simply answer them or shall I need to pull the answers from you forcefully?"
He admittedly did not like the way the younger stiffened at his words. A few rounds of healthy tickles always got them their desired information so what was his fear for? What had he done to them when he was not himself?
Did he think he was going to be tortured with pain?
"Little one, look at me," He pulled back only just to lift his chin up with a gentle finger, "I promised you that you would be safe from harm. Did I not?"
Semyaza nodded shyly.
"Then why do you fear I shall break my promise?"
He got shy again and Michael sighed in fondness pulling the angel back into a hug.
"I do not know why you fear me so much but I do intend to get to the bottom of it."
Leaning down only slightly he swooped an arm under the Grigori's knees and lifted him from the ground with only eliciting a small sound in return.
"Come we have much to talk about."
Semyaza watched as he was carried to a hollowed out hole in a large tree trunk. Soft clothes covered the ground thick enough to be padded underneath them as they entered. Small glowing candles lightened up to cozy little hideaway warmly casting a safe glow around them. Pillows lined the floor in piles Michael choosing a section and sitting down by them leaning back comfortably.
As a Grigori, Semyaza had had the privilege of being in an Archangel's personal garden having been in Lucifer's and Raphael's a time before. But never could he remember being inside of Michael's.
It was not what one would expect from the head Archangel but it was a welcome change.
He was settled comfortably in the elder's lap as arms wrapped around him lightly.
"What was it that was asked of you to create such a potion?"
Semyaza looked ahead refusing to recount anything that might be cause for him to break a promise as thready as that one was. There was a huff and a tsk behind him as his stubbornness was taken into account.
"I do seem to recall that it was always when our brother Raphael went after your hips that it always made you talk willing or not. Shall I use such things to get my desired answers from you little one? In my opinion you look like you could use a good laugh."
His eyes widened in caution at such a threat being given. He too could remember those days. Scenes of hands and brightly colored feathers crossed his mind's eye in a matter of moments. Back then they had all been home and there had been laughter and songs that filled the air Heaven together in harmony as they had all been together as family should be.
They had always went after his hips after making such a discovery.
"They asked for a poison strong enough to jump start an Archangel."
Michael hummed into his shoulder.
"I said no but they were convincing."
A nod this time, "Could you make more if asked?"
Semyaza looked up at his older brother. Despite his cautiousness it felt good to be wrapped in his embrace again. Michael smiled down at him brushing their noses together softly. Slowly the Grigori nodded his head in assent that he could indeed make more should he need to, but why he would was beyond him.
"Hush little one, I am not done asking my questions just yet."
Semyaza ducked lowly at the reprimand.
"Do you know who it was that rewrote our memories?"
He stilled and it was something that Michael noticed immediately.
It was fear that he felt quaking the younger's grace. Fear and knowledge. He did in fact know then and was simply afraid to tell him. Tightening his hold slightly he surrounded them both by his six marvelous wings until they were blocked out from the outside world by a wall of white soft feathers.
"Tell me little one."
Licking his lips gave way his desire, "It...It was...Naomi...Naomi and Metatron...They had help though...Zachariah...We found them in the process of rewriting Archangel Gabriel and Archangel Lucifer. Us and the others...Malachi and Anna..Urial and Castiel and Balthazar...Haniel and Nisroc...When they saw us and figured out what we had seen that they had betrayed you they used their leverage to have most of us cast out...They had you hunt down Balthazar and Malachi...They made you turn on Castiel and Uriel...They made it seem as though Anna had done it when they tore her grace out...Nisroc and Haniel are easy in adaptation and so they went under the radar."
"And the Grigori?"
Semyaza looked faraway for a moment.
"What rumors there are about us are true. But we are not evil. We have made mistakes, but haven't we all? We were banished for our crimes never to set foot into Heaven again on your command. We live in peace though. We get together sometimes, few of us, and talk to catch up on currant events.."
A warm nose pressed into the back of his neck as lips spoke into his skin.
"I see. Thank you little brother. For your help. While I cannot recall such a punishment I can change what is written. Perhaps it is time that you all had the chance to come home once more. Had the option to do so."
He watched with wide eye as a hand slid up to wrap around his forehead. His fear was palpable in that moment. How easy it would be for the Archangel to snap his neck.
"Do you know the locations of the others? How many of you remain?"
Semyaza's eyes widened at such a question. The Archangel knew he would never give his brethren away willingly. When his silence remained steady Michael nodded again leaning back and tucking the smaller angel under his chin. Holding him steady to his chest he took a deep breath and dived within.
It was not a matter of not knowing.
He was there when Father spoke of what to do to the Grigori in accordance with their crimes. He was there when Raphael wept after having sealed Azazel away as he had. He himself had been the one to bind Semyaza so his cautiousness and stubbornness was to be accepted.
But this was something that they needed.
And so when he opened his eyes again they began to glow, the Grigori Leader's following suit.
Through their bond he spoke, not the Leader of the Grigori to his Soldiers, but as Michael the Eldest Archangel; Sword of Heaven and First Prince, to his youngest brothers.
"Urakiba, Ramiel, Kokabiel, Tamiel, Ramiel, Danel, Ezeqiel, Baraqiel, Asael, Armers, Ananel, Zaqiel, Samsiel, Sateal, Turiel, Yomyiel, Azazel. You have been called for your judgement."
Releasing his hold on the Grigori in his grasp he caught him as he fell unconscious laying him softly on the warm blankets and satins on the ground cradled among the many pillows. Flicking a wing tip over his cheek tenderly he looked to the sky's around them and as slowly but surely they began to fill with balls of light.
He would get his Brother's back.
And make this all better again.
If it was a war that those three wanted it was a war they would get.
A war against the Four Princes of Heaven had just begun.
And he was recalling all the warriors.
So this is another new fic of mine! Kind of an AU idea but I'm gonna run with it!
What's going to happen to the other Archangels? Who are the other warriors that Michael will call for? Will they fight for him? For Them? Will the Grigori be as he remembers them or has banishment changed them? Now that he's 'awakened' how will he act when he sees the turmoil in Heaven? How will he awaken his Brothers? Where are they? Will Zachariah, Metatron, and Naomi finally get what they deserve?