Notes from the Author

Ah sweet relief! I'm done! This last part was significantly shorter than the others, but I knew it would be heading in. I was torn between making part 3 longer or separating it into a 4th part. I think it worked out for the better like this. I could have created filler content for part 4, but I felt that would only betray my original ideas and serve only to pad word count and that isn't something I cared to do.

This marks the end of this story. Many months have gone into writing it out and I won't go into the history or conception of it here again because it has become a dead horse I've beaten repeatedly. If you are interested, you can find that info in the other parts "notes from the author."

Instead I will simply say thank you for reading this series. I enjoyed writing it and hope that it entertained. Now, I can try and think about if I want to do something else, or take a break. I am toying with the idea of an early year's story about Chiffon and the others before Varen arrived. The other idea I have been mulling over is a continuation taking place with a new set of characters an undetermined time after the ending of this series.

I truly wish Freezing was a more popular series. It is the only one that inspired me like this to write. I guess I saw it in a different light than many others and as you can tell from my stories I didn't follow the canon story at all. Nor do I believe in battles that involve clothes being shredded on a regular basis haha! I wanted the Pandora to be real people and not just objects of lust. Their bodies were second to their hearts and minds to me.

Thank you again for all the support and reads. It means more than I can express.

-V 11/15/16