Chapter 1

Contrary to popular belief Draco Malfoy was a virgin. Never been kissed, except by his mum when he was still a child. Never held hands with anyone else, again, besides his mum. Never ever had sex contrary to what Pansy Parkinson was spreading in the whole school, that she was the first girl he slept with when they were at the age of fourteen. He scoffed. He would never sleep with that vile bint even if he's going to live a life of chastity.

He was a pure virgin. Whenever he got a hard on early in the morning he relieves it by taking a very cold shower. He rarely touch himself, an example of the rare times he did was when a particular bushy haired muggleborn punch- nevermind.

He was walking on his way to the library as he checked his time table. Free period after lunch bre- he dropped his time table and stopped in his tracks when someone grabbed his crotch area and felt him up lightly. Gasping in shock he looked at the hand on his crotch to its owner.

"Fuck…" his eyes widened when it landed on the beautiful face of the bushy haired brunette. She smirked, winked at him and was gone before he could form coherent thoughts.

Leaving him baffled in the middle of the corridor. That's where Blaise Zabini found him.

"Mate I've been waiting for you for ages! Where have you been?" he walked closer to the blond, nudging the shocked stilled young man snapping him out of his stupor. "What happened? It's like you've just seen a dementor."

"I'm not quite sure myself. It was… " he trailed off as he picked back up his time table from the floor.

"What are you on about Draco?"

"Nothing, I think- nevermind. Let's just go inside the library."

Blaise followed his friend inside wondering what happened to the blond before he found him.

Maybe he just imagined it the other day, but he felt the slight squeeze so maybe not. He continued to stab the potatoes on his plate. Granger's messing with me. That chit! I'll show her she's not affecting me. He raised his head to look at the Gryffindor table and was surprised to meet the brunette's gaze. She licked her lips and eyed him like she was about to devour him. He felt a chill ran down his spine and rising up something resting down his nether region. He startled his housemates when he abruptly stood up and walked outside the great hall back to the dungeons leaving his dinner almost untouched.

Draco Malfoy feels sexually harassed, but is it really harassment when you are liking it? It has been weeks since Hermione Granger, muggleborn know-it-all extraordinaire, has started touching him in inappropriate places. He does his best to avoid Granger, but there are always those times she took him by surprise. Whenever that happens she always manages to smack his bum or squeeze it, sometimes both, or run her hand down from his chest to his crotch that one time she pushed him against the wall when they were going back inside the castle from Care of Magical Creatures class. Their classmates was ahead of them and he fell behind.

"Shhhhh…" she smirked at him, while muffling his mouth with her small right hand and her other hand was touching him. He didn't protest or anything. This is Hermione Granger brightest witch of their age and he does not want to know what she would do if she does not get her way. And besides he was quite liking what she was doing to him if he were being honest.

"Hermione?!" someone called from beyond the doors. She growled- GROWLED! For Merlin's sake the girl is scary. She let go of him slowly and calmly walked inside. He released a breath he never knew he was holding. Whoever called her just saved him or rather deprived him of… he do not know yet but he's sure he would quite enjoy whatever Granger planned to do to him.

"Coming! My book fell. Took a while to get it inside my bag properly." He heard her say like she did not just assaulted him.

It's a wonder he managed to avoid Granger in their shared dormitory. They were the head boy and head girl so they share a dorm. Maybe she was letting him think that he's safe inside the dorm and then she'll atack him.

"Why is Granger doing this?" he slumped against the sofa in the Slytherin common room.

"Doing what?" asked Blaise.

"Nothing, it's just about… patrol schedule."

The Italian young man raised an eyebrow at his friend, but let the topic go.

A/N: It would totally make me happy if you say something on the review if you liked it! If you didn't like it... Sorry... I know... I suck.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Harry Potter. He belongs to J.K. Rowling.