

"daaaayum, the neoxt holmes test commes fasties" sys foenix.

"yeh, well lets git dis ogre wit" sys datboi.

"mwhahahaaaa! rdy 4 teh test u fake-higher level studonts?!" scrims holmes.

"AAAAANYTIME" scrims bielal as dey git in2 de hall 4 big exam.

"o yeh, we gunna git a 'surprise visits' FROM OUR PRINCIPALS!" sys holmesy.

kek owens walks in. "o fuck didnt u die or sumthingk on de 24t day of ficmas?!" sys foenix.

"how wuld u know u werents there u INFERIOR STUDEEEENT!" sys kek owens

"wateves, gimmie dat test!" sys foenix add it was test time.

"Yeh dis test is outta 250, and u needes ATLEAST 249 2 pass! dis is hard tests!" sys kek owens

"while dey were readingks spanish test kek owens and holmes had sneaskys taalk.

"u fixed the test su only math answers wurk riiiiight?" sys kek owens. "yeh" sys holmes.


"ahaha! I finsieshed urley! Wit gud marks an all!" sys foenix andhe flips 2 de laaast page.

"OOOH FUUUUUUUUQ!" he scrims wen he reades "dis e-xam is beingk marked as maths exam" which means ALL ANSWERS ARE WRONGK!

"pssst guys, dis is actuarry a maths exam dat juist luuuks liek a spanish exam" sys foenix.


"oh fuck ar u kidding me!" whispers datboi. "nah, eets tru, lookey at teh bak page" sys foenix.

"yeh we fucked, iunno wat de math exam unders dis evens is" sys datboi.

then door open "are tehs studonts heares dooingk my maths exams guud?!" sys mr beef teh math teach/youtuuber.

"git ooooout! U r ruining mah exaaaam!" scrims holmes and she pushys him out.

"well atleasts we knaw who made teh exam" sys foenix.

"how does dat holp?" cri datboi. den dey looky at bielal.

bielal was grabing papers ouuta his pocket WITH CHEAT SHEETS ON THEM!

"oh shit bielal, ware u cheatingk dis exam?!" sys foenix.

"yeh, i gut cheet sheets 4 beefys test too" sys bielal.

"GIB IT NAOOOW!" sys datboi.

dey wrestles 4 cheet sheets paper and see dat deres only 1 questions on exam?

"Count too 250, dat is 250 peopless in 1 piece of fiction!" sys teh tests.

"oh shiitty, i dun knaw game of wheels or whatevs dat thingy is wit loaaadsa charictures!" sys datboi.

"its OK boi, i guess we juice gonna have 2 FIGHTY OUR WAY OUT!" and foenix CHAAARGES teh teaches.

"HWAAAAAA! and he does kool dropkick at the speed of LIGHT AT KEK OWENS!

"OW U FUQ... just kiddings!" BECAUSE A WALLA OF ALL TEH BADGUYS FRUM TEH FIC SHOWERED UP! Cleany, Manfred Von Karma, Henrietta von karma, End Yourself, /u/GreatfanBR, Beardboi, ImportAustralia, Guy in Black, Guy in White, Guy in Red, Holmes, Moe, Big Bad Barry, Mark Sananus, Damon Gant, Hon Karsma, Crapcom, JesusBoi, Detective Jesus, Baby Donald Trump, Thugaroo Mayoroo, Emo Darkside, Hillary Clinton, (LENNY), Evil Ronan Juicy, 1Karma, 2Karma, Ms Whoops, Donald Trump, TR8R Shouter, EleanĂ³ir, SSSSSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTTTTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN, Franziska von Varma, Chinese Guy in White Suit, Chinese Guy in Black Suit, Comic Book guy in White suit, Comic Book guy in Black Suit, French Guy in White Suit, French Guy in black Suit, Drug A, Drug B, Drug C, Drug D, Santa Claus with Bigger arms, Random pizza guy, Oldienne Holmes, Merlon, Mr. L, Doorguy the first, Doorguy the second, Doorguy the Third, Star wasrs roguue one, Red underchomp, blue underchomp, yellow underchomp, red underrabbit, blue underrabit, yellow underrabbit, green underrabbit, pink underrabbit, robot austrian t-800 model, skynet, Robbie, Harry Lime, Marvin Merchants, Grinch (book), grinch(movie), grinch(animated movie), turles, ebenezer scrooge, george bailey, myron larabee, jack skellington, adolf hitler, jewish jesus, krampus, Drug E, Drug F, Drug G, Drug H, Iamawrighter, autonomousmagistrate, cj fortune and tumblr-character to be exact.

"Haaa! Im leadingk de MODERN SPANISH INQUISIIITIONS! TEH FANFIC FICUISIIITIONS! TO BE EXACT!" scrim ronan who jumpy thru teh window wit his troops! to fight keke owens.

Ron Juicy, Ronan Joycey, Dick Gumshoe,Sexygril, Lana Skye, Yuri Cosmos, Clay Terran, Solomon Starbuck, Barrylawn, DrDigertz, Waluigi (Nintendo), Ronan Juicy, Miles Edgeworth, Minty ,Moosh, Ricky, Dimitri, Jakkid166, Jeff (Earthbound), Diggertz, Sleepyboi, Bielal, Datboi,Director Hotti,Tommi Oneel, Sister Bikini, Jesus Christ, Johnny, Johnny the Baptist, Jackie, Supermecha Death Christ 2000 BC version 4.0 Beta, Baby Mario, Baby Luigi, Baby Peach, Spark Brushel, The Judge, Papa Gumshoe, Jake Marshall, Pennywise, Bruce Goodman,Super Mari, Indian Apollo Justdrunk, Bubblegum Monkey, Mr Dankgowan, Mr Beef, Naruhodou Ryuunosuke, Sherlock Holmes, Iris Watson, Ms Whoops, Mr IDK, Luigi, Penny Nichols, TR8TR Shouter, Marvin Grossberg, Ema Skye, Maximillion Galactica, Benjamin Woodman, Trilo ,Maggey Byrde, Adrian Andrews, Wendy, Batmane, MMFS | Mutherfucking Morgan Freeman Snowman, Buddy Teh Elf, Shigeru Miyamoto, Satoru Iwata, Mask DeMasque, Goat, Day 8, Day 11, Moneybags, Reese, Joey, Kean Laughing, Inga, Bestovius, Nolrem, George Milton, Lennie Small, Rip Hunter, Booster Gold, Emmet Brown, First Doctor, Second Doctor, Third Doctor, Fourth Doctor, Fifth Doctor, Sixth Doctor, Seventh Doctor, Eighth Doctor, Ninth Doctor, Tenth Doctor, Eleventh Doctor, Twelfth Doctor, Thirteenth Doctor, Captain Kirk, Floppy, Tobby, Bobby, Robbie, Kevin McCallister, sum random Whos, Goku, The Ghost of Ficmas Past, The Ghost of Ficmas Present, The Ghost of Ficmas Future, Clarence Odbody, Hodward Langston, the human version of United States, the human version of Soviet Union, the human version of China, the human version of France, the human version of Poland, the human version of Canada, the human version of Australia, the human version of New Zealand, the human version of South Africa, the human version of Netherlands, the human version of Belgium, the human version of Easter Egg, the human version of Luxembourg, the human version of Norway, the human version of Yugoslavia, the human version of Czechoslovakia, the human version of Greece, the human version of Ethiopia, the human version of Brazil, the human version of Mexico, the human version of Colombia, the human version of Cuba, Catholic Jesus, Russian Santa, The Ficmas Goat, the Shitter, the Yule Lads, Zwarte Piet, Le Befana, The Christmas Log, Hunk Santa, Japanese Colonel Sanders, Kids, birds, Snowmen, trees, Windows, shoes, shit piles, Mary, Joe, Jesus, ICanTypingDetsniy, Off Skiword, Capcom and Footprint to be exact.

"wew dis is pretty koool" sys phoeniix as he ssits down and watchis dis alloutty war between diffrences version of same characters, several Jesus Christs, Santa Claus' and 2manyVonKarmas.

"so um, do we pass then?" ASKS sleepboi.

"iunno, we hadda wait until teh fightey is ogre i guess" sys foenix.

"hey paaaaaals, wat udooooooingk?!" sys heroman whu just got in exam hall sumhow I hab no idea.

"whu r u agains?" a sks foenix.

"oh imma friends with barrylawn adn drdigertz" sys heroman.

"oh kool, hab u evar herd aboots jojos bizarre adventure or RWBY?!" scrims heroman.

but b4 foenix culd say he heards a yell. "DETENTION 4 U ALLLLLLL" and every1 in teh war went into detentions, even heroman 4 sum raison.

"Ahaha phoenix! Its just you and me left! And your e-xam time is uuuuuup!" scrims kek owens.

she grabbys his test. "WHAAAAAAAAT?! whare did u git all dese characters?!" she scrims.

"dey foight war infronta me kek owens" sys phoenix.

Kek owens counts dem up "HAAAA, U ONLEEES GUT 249 CHARACTERS [A/N i hab no ideas how mannny ware in dis fic, juicey roll wit it] ur fukked" saids she.

"but holmes saids i onlee needs 240 2 pass" sys foenix.

"well i dee boss so stfu, u fail" sys kek owens.

"in that case... OBJECTIOOOOON!" scrims foenix.

"overruled! u cnant object 2 me i de boss! i de..." kek owens was knocked out.

"no... I meant my pal objection whu just knocked you out will be added!" and foenxi wrote OBJECTIONS nAme down.

OBJECTION gibs a nod and disapears or sumthing, iunno.

kek owens slowely wakies up and sees foenix. "U... U LITTLE SHITS! IMMA SEND U TO HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!" she scims and revels her devils horns!.

"No u wont, I have past your test, I saved ficmas, I travelled through space, I visited the four corners of the world, and I have died and come back more times than you have lived, Kek Owens. You are defeated utterly; Go to Hell Demon!" he finishes.

"GWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" scrims kek owens for the last time and... she gone. nevar 2 return.


Teh warudo seemed... brigter now. Kek owens evils maade teh wurld sadder 4 every1, but its started to heal.

Tru dere ware still evil guys liek all de von karmas... but.

They aren't as bad.

Fenix hums to himselgf as he ajusts his badge. rdy 4 de neoxt adventures.


A/N Wew guys 1 season and a halfs wit hiatus n' stuff. 60 chupters huh? dis collab is kill, but barry has a cool collab wit jakkid and icantyping naow, go check eet out! itsa on jakkids page s/12288762/1/jakkid166-vs-barrylawn-vs-icantyping-the-ultimate-collab. 3 chapturs in and eets alwrighty purdy dank. (oh yeahs, if u want prupper endingk just reade ch 8 agains and pretend eets kekk owens naaht von karmsa)

Dank YOU FOR READINGK MAH FIIIIC (pretond mario saids dat, dunt sue me).