The journal that Belle was holding was very old and tattered. Its leather cover was starting to fall apart in front of them and the pages were wrinkled so much that one corner had pulled apart just from flipping the page.
"I found this and it mentions the name Gothel. There is more about it but I got excited and ran over here before I read any of it." She held the book out to Emma who took it and started to read out loud.
Centuries ago came the birth of magic in our realms. There might have been single events before but this was the first categorized event that leads to the magic we all know now. This was a time where fairies, humans, and other creatures lived in the same lands but that was all.
It is unclear how the Original Five as they were called came together but they did and magic was come to be known then. There was Mother Gothel who was said to have found a special flower to give her healing powers and eternal life. The Black Fairy who had a heart full of darkness and believed in it so much, that she could control things around her. A writer named Tuck who was the first to start writing stories that ended up being what was happening all around him. Astaroth the first wizard of his time and wrote many of the spells that are still used now. And finally was the Nostradamus Zeroni that had predicted everything that would happen to them as if she had an eye into the future.
They had started to rule their own corner of the realm trying to start a new society around them. But it wasn't long until the darkness started taking over all of the plans. Zeroni and Tuck could see the others starting to turn dark but tried to get past it. It was until Zeroni had a vision that the others did go dark and turned the whole realm the same way. In this vision, it was known of only one way to stop the darkness from taking over. Twins from a second generation of true love would end it all for them. Zeroni had written down everything that was known to help these holders of the purest light magic to defeat the darkest beings.
It was hidden away so only the ones spoken in the prophecy can reach it. This was the last act Zeroni could perform before the Black Fairy and Astaroth destroyed her. Until the light magic is destroyed, the others cannot take over with complete darkness.
It has been said that the prophecy lays in the Northern most point of our map with a guard that protects it. If ever there is a voyage to save the realm, it would be this one. No creature should underestimate the power these being have.
Everyone stood in silence for a few moments taking in the text that Emma had just read. A few had passed the delicate journal around to reread some of the notes written.
"So where do we go from here?" David asked trying to get everyone to start talking about what they just heard. "Well now we know who all is involved, that is an answer to one of our questions." Neal chimed in. "Yes, but we still don't know their entire plan or how they are going to bring it about." Regina spoke pointing out the obvious that they still had a lot of unanswered questions. "All we do know is they are already working on a way to bring about the complete darkness it talks about."
"I think it is obvious that Emma and the twins are going to need to know all they can about this. They will need to go find the prophecy to give themselves all of the help they can get." Elsa explained. "We know without a doubt that you are the center to this Emma since you are still carrying them. You still have almost 5 months left of your pregnancy and I don't think they are going to wait that long. It would be easier for them to finish their plan while the twins are still apart of you."
"She's right love. They are going to try to strike before you give birth. We need to set sail to the Northern point right away to know what Zeroni left for us." Killian agreed. "Is it wise to take her away from the castle now?" Snow asked worried for her daughter's safety knowing these darkest beings are waiting for her to be at her most vulnerable. "I think this is necessary for me to go. If we encounter anything, I will be able to fend for ourselves. We need to find the prophecy and find out what we are going to be up against." Emma finished with everyone either agreeing or just nodding their heads knowing she made up her mind.
2 years ago…..
Ingrid had spent the day walking around the lake with no particular place or thought in mind. The last child that she was fostering had been adopted that morning and her house would be empty. It had been years since she was brought to this world in hopes to find her sisters and for them to be together as a family. Nothing had come of it though and now she would be alone in this world too. Maybe it was a mistake when she gave the man the hat that day and came here. Maybe she should have just made right with Anna and Elsa to be the Aunt they needed.
It was unknown how long she had been walking but her feet were starting to hurt. There was a nearby bench that she decided to sit at for awhile before it got too dark. It wasn't long before an old man walked up and sat on the other end of the bench. Ingrid tried to pay him no mind caught in her own head until he started to speak.
"This isn't quite what you had thought is it?" He looked forward as she turned to him. "You are the one who sent me here. Why haven't I found what I am looking for yet?" She spoke as if she was talking with a ghost from her past. "There was suppose to be a curse but it never happened. The happy ending you were planning on, it no longer an option. But you my dear have two as I sit here with you. The world you left is still there and you can return to right your wrong doings to get some of the family you wanted back with your nieces. Or you can continue in this world forgetting your powers and past."
She looked out into the water as is made small ripples as fish moved or a frog would jump. It was calming and it was peaceful to be in this world when you saw things like this but she would never be whole. She would never have the family she needed or the love. There was nothing more she wanted than that.
"I want to go home", her voice was so soft that she was surprised he heard. It almost felt like a defeat to her to say the that but there really was nothing left for her here.
"The portal that will open up in just a moment will take you to the Dark One's dungeon where Elsa is still in the vase. Use this other bean to lead you out of there and to her ice castle. It is there where you will start to build you family back up again."
He threw the one bean on the ground and handed her the other. She took one last look around before she jumped in and was gone.
Present time…..
The library was still being used as a point of planning to figure out their next steps. It was clear that Emma and Killian would be embarking on the journey north to find the prophecy.
Robin and Roland had left to go fill in the Navy on what was coming. No they still didn't have specifics but they needed to have their guards up ready to head out at a moment's notice. Rumple and Regina had gone outside to secure the castle and the Jolly Roger as much as possible. They were going to take every precaution to keep everyone inside safe. They both had people they cared deeply for in there.
The rest were sitting around the large table that was holding two large maps as they were planning out their voyage. "It should take a week to arrive at the North Point. Once there, we will head out on foot to find where it might be hiding. The island is not very big and it mostly snow and ice, so it shouldn't be too hard to locate." Killian stated matter of fact. It was never said but everyone just knew that he would be heading this journey. With his wife and children's life in the balance of all of this, no way was he going to sit back and not take the charge.
"What kind of crew will you be taking? It should probably be as much of a stealth mission as getting Emma back home was." David asked to see what all Killian had thought up. He was the one who had spent a life on the sea and knew all of the dangers that might come with that. David might know everything there is to know about planning an attack on land but this was what Killian did best. "Smee and I will be in charge of the sailing. The lad I think should come with us as well. He will be a good extra set of hand to help with the ship plus he will be out of the line of fire here. If at any point they are able to get to Henry, they would be able to get to Emma. We need to have him under the same rules of protection."
"That sounds good to me. Are you up to the task of keeping them safe? You know who you will have with you, right?" David asked but Emma and Snow still couldn't help but roll their eyes. Even after all these years, he still doesn't seem to get it that Killian wouldn't let one thing come to his family. "Is that a serious question Dave? I think I have proven myself these last few years but let me remind you one more time. My death with come before anyone comes near my wife or kids and that will always include Henry as well." He turned them to shoot the lad a signature Captain Hook wink.
Elsa stood up then as her and Neal had been sitting down listening to everything that was being said. She moved to the farthest map that outlined where the Enchanted Forest, North Point, and Arendale where on it. "I think we should go on this journey with you as well. We will join you to get the prophecy and you can drop us off on the way home." "We already talked about this Elsa. I love that you are willing to help us, but you have to think about your kingdom first." Emma tried reasoning as she came to stand next to her sister. "Some things are more important that duty like family. My sister and Ingrid are still in Arendale. If something were to happen to Neal and myself, they would carry on. I need to make sure you are safe Emma. You once risked everything for me and now it is my turn." Emma's face started to soften at her words. "Plus we are going to a place of snow and ice. If we would need to move any of it, it will be quicker with my powers."
"Can't argue with that now, can we love?"
2 years ago…..
Ingrid stood in the castle that Elsa had built when she first took off from Arendale trying to hide from the fear she left in her kingdom. The vase was set in the middle of the foyer and had Elsa sipping out of it. Once she was completely out of it, her figure started to appear before Ingrid.
"How did I get here? Why are you here?" Elsa asked trying to make sense of it all. "I freed you from the vase. It was in the Dark One's dungeon but I went in there and got it out. I need to get you back home and save Anna. She is frozen by my hand and the prince had taken over with his brothers. We have to get back and fix everything."
Elsa was trying to catch up with what she was saying but it was a lot to learn. "Why did you freeze Anna?" "She was going to warn you to stay away from me and my plan would have failed if you did. I even traveled to a new world to try to keep my plan together. But after years of being alone, I couldn't stand it anymore. I was able to come back with the same wizard to find you and get us home."
It was a good story to hear that their Aunt would want to be with them when they had no other family left. But this is what happened the first time. "You are just trying to trick us again." "I swear to you I am not. It is better to have you and Anna than live forever trying to find sister that might never happen. Please let me prove this to you. Let me show you that I am here for you girls."
Elsa walked around the room thinking about everything as she walked. "You will help me free Anna and get Arendale back the proper way. If you even try to back stab me again, you will be done for." "I understand", Ingrid nodded hoping she was finally getting her happy ending. "Let's go save my sister." Elsa deemed as they headed out down the side of the mountain.
Present time…..
They were all taking the path down to the Jolly to get everything ready for the journey. Just like Emma's arrival home, they only wanted few to know they were leaving and were trying to be as discrete as possible. This time it wouldn't be near as long and would only take half the time but they still didn't know what would lay ahead of them. The prophecy was needed and surely something that important would be well protected. That is what was worrying Emma.
"Do you think we will be able to find it?" Emma asked Snow as they were taking the last set of steps to the dock. "Of course you will. You always find what you need to get the job done." "The stakes just feel so much higher this time. This is the one thing that will keep the darkness from getting to all of us and ruining this realm. Before the only thing that would go wrong would just happen to our family, not everyone." Snow stopped them letting other walk past them. "Emma, it doesn't matter if it was just my life in danger or the entire world, you would still fight with every breath to beat it. Now I know you love these babies already and would give them everything you can. That includes fighting for them to keep their light magic and making sure you all save the day."
Emma hugged her mom. "You always know exactly what to say. It must be a hero thing." Snow pulled her daughter back so she could look into her eyes. "No Emma, it is a mom thing. You might learn along the way but you always know what needs to be said and done for your children. That is something that can never be taught but how you feel." They linked their arms together to join the others that were now standing by the Jolly on the dock.
"I have done my best to the cloak the ship as much as possible. To others looking at it, it will appear to me an average ship. It also has a protection spell on it that prevents others from walking on board. However, my magic is not as powerful as Gothel's or as I suspect the others to be. So if you are to encounter them, it still might not keep them out." Rumple told them with a nod before backing up so everyone else could offer safe travels.
Snow stepped up to Neal and Elsa with Charming right next to her. "When all of this is over, please come back. I want to make real memories with the two of you and not waste this time we have been given. No matter how we got here, we are always going to be family now." They all hugged with promises of returning as soon as they could.
"I have added all of the supplies you should need shortly after this trip was decided, including all of Henry's favorite foods." Regina pointed out wrapping her hand around his cheek. "Rumple was right about our magic and facing the others. Don't try to be a hero on this journey Emma. Just focus on getting back here with the prophecy. We will face them again and that is when we will fight to win." Emma hugged Killian a little tighter at that. "I promise." "Good, now both of you keep my son safe and we will see you in two weeks." She kissed Henry's cheek on last time before they headed up to board the ship and head out.
2 years ago…..
Elsa and Ingrid walked right through the front gates of the castle heading to find Hans. A few guards had tried to stop him but others had just moved out of their way letting them through. Knowing that the rightful queen is here and taking back control of their home. The ones that had tried to get in their way got an icy blast in the form of an ice wall between each other. "Anna is in the private dining hall. We need to head their first to get her safe." Ingrid explained as they made their way through the halls. Though it had been 27 years, it felt as though it had only been days since she last walked through here.
They reached the dining hall and saw everything was still frozen over. Elsa ran to Anna and held her cheek gently in her hand. "Oh Anna, I'm here now. I will save you." Elsa was pulling her arms up to unfreeze the room when she was stopped by Hans and three of his brothers entering the room.
"I knew if I kept everything as it is, you would return one day to try to take back the kingdom." He stood as high and mighty as he always thought he was but he had aged. It wasn't a young, cocky teenager standing in front of her now but a middle-aged man with the same sense of evil in his eyes. "It is my kingdom. I am here to free my sister and rid Arendale of you once and for all." Elsa exclaimed moving to guard the frozen Anna from his line of sight. "I would like to see you try my former queen." He replied pulling his sword out walking towards her.
A blast of cold air shot out from the other side of the room trapping the feet of all four men frozen like ice cubes to the ground. "We are taking back the kingdom. It wasn't a choice on your part. The way I see it, you boys have two options. Stay here frozen for the next 30 years or leave quietly to your home land and see what the rest of your family has to say about you." The men stood there with fear at first but then the snarky of their tones took back over. "Go ahead and freeze us. When we eventually become unfrozen, we will be ready to take over again." Ingrid had raised her hand to do something at that before Elsa stopped her.
"First we have to thaw Anna and Kristoff." They both stood next to the two that were frozen while filling the room with love. Ingrid had never thought she would be able to have these feelings again but here she was. The thought that she would have her two nieces by her side for the rest of their lives plus knowing how to thaw her magic was enough to fill the whole castle let alone just the hall they were in. The ice started to disappear immediately except for that around the men.
The color had started to come back to Anna and she was able to start moving right away. "Elsa?" She blinked a few times before falling into her sister's arms. "You found us!" She shouted looking over to see Kristoff awake too. He ran to the two girls while Ingrid stayed back a little. "Why is she here?" "Anna a lot has happened. We were frozen for 27 years but we are back now. Ingrid helped rescue both of us so we can be a family again and rule our kingdom."
"Speaking of, I'm still wondering how you are going to get rid of me." Hans spoke from his spot by the door still stuck with his brothers. "Wow, you got old. It isn't even the good old either. You have lines on your face and losing your hair. I'm glad you turned out to be evil because I don't think I could have lived with that hair line. It is really something seeing how bad you aged…." Anna started telling her old flame off. "And my Anna is back." Kristoff smirked from next to Elsa.
"So Hans, to answer you concern. You still have the two options we gave you earlier. Leave or freeze but I should warn you what would be possible if you freeze." Elsa walked over to a frozen candle on the table picking it up and swinging it into another candle. They both shattered beyond repair. "So which do you choose?"
The men grumbled before Hans let out a defeated sigh. "We will leave." "Good choice. Now go and never return to Arendale. If you are to come back, you won't be given a choice." Elsa added before hugging her sister again. Ingrid released the men before joining in the group hug.
Present time…..
"I am so glad we are taking this journey together! The last time I saw you we had just defeated Ingrid and now come to find out in this reality, she was the one who saved you and Arendale." Emma sat down with Elsa finally catching up with her like she had been wanting to since they first woke up from the curse. The boys were steering and checking everything on the Jolly giving the girls this time alone. They were sitting on the very bench that Killian would tell his stories to Emma not more than two weeks ago when they were still unaware who they were to each other.
"It is pretty amazing what she had done. She told me that it had only been 20 something years of her being from your world before there was any contact to make her think she was still on the right path to find her sisters. It was long enough that she had almost forgotten about Arendale and thought the life she was living then would be it. One day, the person who sent her to that world showed to her that the original curse failed and she would not get her sisters back this way.
"After that, she found the vase in the Dark One's dungeon and got me out of there. Once I was out, she made amends and we went back to Arendale. We freed Anna and Kristoff but not before we go rid of Hans and his brothers for good."
"I can't believe she had changed that much." Emma had been shocked to hear about Ingrid's new story but glad that it had a happy ending this time. "I had sent a message to her and Anna when the curse broke to see if anything had changed. They replied back that Ingrid was even more grateful now than ever before about how things turned out. She might not have her sisters but she does have her nieces back. She did say that she would love for you to come and visit when all of this is over." "I think we can manage that." Emma replied with a smile as they headed north to find the prophecy.
I do not own anything OUAT just love the show! How do you guys like the new twists? The next chapter will be all about the Original 5 and their back stories. We won't hear from our favorite characters again until the chapter after that. I'm so excited to finish the story for you guys, I only wish I had more time to write it quicker! Darn adulting! Please continue to comment and like what you think! Thanks