A/N: You guys asked for it so here it is: the sequel to Table for One. Thanks for all the love (/yelling) on the original and Sasha and Seth have some unfinished business so it seemed due. I'm working on this and One More Go at the same time, as well as trying to get a couple chapters up at a time, but I wanted to give you guys the first chapter and show you that yes, it is happening. If you haven't read Table for One, this relies pretty heavily on it, so you should check that out first.


Seth dragged himself through the curtain, Kevin Owen's music playing behind him. Hunter smiled and patted him on the back, but he wasn't in the mood. He slunk into the locker room to strip off his sweaty gear, and in the corner of his eye he saw the monitor flashing Kevin celebrating with the Universal Title.

Sighing, he pulled on a pair of sweatpants and sunk to the bench. His entire body was hurting, but losing the title always hurt the most. And to top it off, it'd been a month since Sasha had walked away for good.

When things had ended with Jenna, when she'd found the digital evidence of his infidelity, she completely cut him off. He thought it was the most painful thing, to go weeks and then months not seeing her except on social media and not speaking to her at all. Then Sasha happened. He went to work every day and she was there, twirling her purple hair around her finger. Xavier kept a grudge, but everyone else seemed to let it go once she returned to normal. Which meant Seth wasn't shunned from the parties in hotel bars or from hanging out backstage, where Sasha would be laughing with Bayley. Once in a while she would catch his eye, though she rarely spoke to him directly. It made her cold shoulder a hundred times icier.

In his street clothes, a baseball cap backwards on his head, he wandered back to where their friends would be watching the Royal Rumble match.

"Hey mate," Finn grinned at him from a production crate behind a crowd of wrestlers. "Great match."

"Thanks," he sat down next to him, not eager to get up and close where Sasha was sitting right next to Xavier. "How's the shoulder?"

"Gettin' there, just one more month if I'm lucky." He grinned. "How're you?"

"Fine, fine, I'm good. Good."

"Good, yeah?" he chuckled, dropping his voice a little, "Bex said Sasha's havin' a rough time."

"Yeah she sure looks like she's having a rough time," he rolled his eyes. Several feet in front of him she was laughing at a joke Xavier had made, smiling brightly.

"Maybe she's just hiding it well. Ya know how she gets sometimes.

"Coldest shoulder in the game."

"Y'know ya really don't sound fine, fine good, man."

He sighed deeply, watching as they cheered when Big E entered the Rumble.

"I thought some time would make her come around."

"It's been a month, Seth,"

"Exactly! A whole month, how much time she need?" He slunk against the wall.

"Maybe more than a month?"

"Whose side are you on?"

"I'm not on a side lad, I care 'bout both of ya."

"I just keep hoping that she'll come back to me and every day after day it feels like she never will."

Finn tilted his head sympathetically.

"I guess this is why you don't fuck around?" Seth laughed as Finn smiled.

"Yeah, a bit. It gets complicated, sometimes distractin'." Finn's phone buzzed and he looked down at it. "Speak o' the devil."

"Don't think she'd really appreciate being called the devil."

"What're you guys talking about?" he read from the screen, his eyes flickering over to Becky who glanced back. He laughed and rolled his eyes.

"Tell her we're talking about our secret love for each other."


"What?" Seth laughed and shrugged, "throw her off the trail."

Finn chuckled, and settled back in to watch the Rumble match. Seth embraced the silence, his eyes on Sasha as she celebrated anytime one of their friends entered it. In the end, Sami was the one standing in the ring and the room exploded with cheers. Seth smiled lightly, Sami was a good guy, he deserved it. But he held back as they swarmed when Sami came by, still feeling like he had one foot out the door.


The hotel bar was buzzing with excitement. The celebration for Kevin and Sami took up more than just a booth, it had completely taken over the venue. Seth leaned up against the bar, sipping on his scotch and watching the others crowding around. His eyes found Sasha, her hair falling in sheets down the open back of her top. He looked away quickly as Bayley caught him.

"To WRESTLEMAAAANIA!" Xavier raised a glass and Sami threw his arm around Kevin as they cheered.

"Fight forever!" Sasha teased the old classic chant.

"Both these guys!" Bayley echoed and they burst out laughing.

"Alright," Charlotte rolled her eyes, "you two are already drunk."

"Two drink Sasha just really loves wrestling," Sasha said with a laugh.

"Saaaame," said Bayley, giggling.

Xavier shook his head, "and to one hell of a title defense from Sasha Banks!"

"Yes!" Paige raised her glass. "Not crazy about the finish,"

"Oh stop," Sasha laughed.

"But you're a worthy opponent, and a hot little piece."

"Aaand two drink Paige hits on everyone."

"No shame," she grinned. "Who wants a round of shots?"

"Paige, sweetheart, not all of us are as young as you," Charlotte groaned.

"C'mon c'mon. Sasha's with me, right?"

She sighed, "You're killing my liver. Yeah, bring it on."

Paige grinned and walked over to the bar, leaning on it next to Seth.

"You in?" she asked with a smile.

"Nah pass, Roman'll give me the disappointed dad lecture if I get too wasted."

"Oookay. Hi," she waved to the bartender. "Round of tequila? Thanks."

"Tequila? Ooh be careful with that and Banks, she gets pretty sloppy on that stuff."

"From what I hear you would know," Paige shot at him, her eyebrow raised.

"Yeah," he sighed, taking a long swig of his drink. "One time she got this big fancy ring caught in her hair," he laughed, thinking about that night. "I had to help her untangle it for a solid ten minutes."

"Well I'll keep an eye on her."


Paige took the tray of shots and walked off without another word, setting it down on the table. He watched as Sasha threw her head back and crinkled her nose and then as Xavier pulled her up to dance in the isles between. Spirits were high, the show had been fantastic, but Seth was so frustrated and exhausted with this game, he couldn't truly enjoy it. Xavier spun her around a few times and caught her as Sasha started to stumble. They both laughed, a wide smile coming across her face and he felt a twinge of jealousy.

The two of them had been spending a lot of time together as of late, and Xavier never came to terms with Seth. It would be naïve not to wonder if something was happening between them. Him and Xavier were friends, but not the kind of friends where you could count on him not slipping in there if he saw an opprtunity. Why wouldn't he? Sasha was beautiful, she was funny, she was smart, talented, kind, brave... She was everything any man could ever want, Xavier had every reason to want her. A knot started forming in his stomach thinking about how Xavier was the one she called when she didn't want to stay at his house. There were plenty of female friends in that city, Bayley even knew about her and Seth before that night. So why did she call him?

"Sorry," a voice broke him out of his thoughts. A young, blonde woman was standing in front of him, a sweet smile on her face. "Seth, hi, do you remember me?"

His mind raced until he put the face to a name. He chuckled, finding the switch in his brain to get out of sad and lonely and back to charming and flirtatious

"Daniela! Of course. Your hair, it's nice."

She blushed and played with it, "it's a little strange."

"Nah, I like it," he leaned back on his elbows, "suits you."

"Thanks," she giggle, "I saw you would be in town but I've just been so busy at work, had a big conference here this weekend."

"Nah don't worry about it, you're here now."

"I don't mean to steal you from this party…"

"This party's actually kinda lame," he told her in a low voice and she smiled slyly at him.

Seth glanced back at the rowdy group getting very drunk and laughing. No one seemed to be paying attention to him, least of all Sasha.

'Wanna get me out of it?" he asked.


After a couple hours and a few drinks, Sasha was sitting laughing hysterically with Bayley over something supremely stupid. The celebration had been particularly rowdy, as it got sometimes when big things were happening. Things were getting a little hazy, though she didn't mind. It had been a while since she'd had this much fun.

"And if you're gonna talk about Madden," Cesaro was saying to Xavier, "you really should be talking to Rollins."

"Where is Rollins anyway?" Paige asked, "I thought we'd eventually get him to do a shot."

"Haven't seen him in a while," Sami offered, "he was uh, talking to some blonde-"

"Some blonde?" Sasha asked, her filter not strong enough to worry about seeming obvious.

"Yeah… I didn't recognize her. Maybe he was just being polite?"

"Yeah, sure," Sasha scoffed, "he's so polite."

There was a moment of uncomfortable silence before Sasha turned to Paige again.

"I'll do another shot with you."

"Yaaas, be right back." She grinned and went back to the bar.

"You alright?" Bayley asked from across the table.

"We're celebrating."

"That's not what I asked."


"Okay dropping it."

"Thank you."


Seth pulled the woman named Daniella through the door of his hotel room and onto a king sized bed, kissing her fiercely. It had been a long time since that kind of bed had gotten any decent use from him, and he, for one, was glad to be on the horse again. She was a beautiful woman, tall and slender, great big green eyes. That's what tipped him off to who she was, those eyes. They'd met in LA maybe a year and a half ago, she'd come along with some family and a young nephew to one of his autograph signings, and he'd smiled at her a moment too long. After his panel was through, he'd made his way to the concession stand for a cheat-day snack, and there she was, corralling an 8 year old, and all to grateful for his help. Slipping her his number wasn't hard, and they ended up just like this, wrapped up in the sheets of his fancy hotel room. That's how these things tended to go, groupies, fans, local media brought in, they all were impressed by the Man Seth Rollins. It hadn't taken him long for him to realize he could have his pick, and for a while, before Sasha, he enjoyed it well.

He tried to push away a knot that was forming in his stomach, thinking about how he hadn't been with anyone since she stormed out of his life. His mind raced, every time he tried to think of a move to make he would realize it was what Sasha liked or what Sasha wanted. This was stupid, he'd been with other women in his life before, and satisfied them plenty. Why could he not think of anything but what would make Sasha moan low and slow, moving her hips in tandem with him, and let out a flirtatious little giggle that made his heart beat faster and feel his blood pumping through every inch of his body…

"Is this okay?"

"What?" he opened his eyes, to the green-eyed blonde's nervous smile. God what kind of jerk closed his eyes and dreamt about some other woman like that?"

She laughed, her hand moving up and down him, "you seem tense, is this alright?"

"Yeah, yeah, sorry. Things are just hard at work."

"You have a tough job," she said, stroking him. He shuddered a little, trying to give in to it. "You must not get to relax much."

He sighed heavily and forced a smile.

"You know, Dani, I really don't."


Sasha stumbled up to her room late that night, her head swirling.

"You sure you're okay dude?" Bayley asked as she stepped out on her floor.

"Dude! I'm fine." She laughed as Bayley rolled her eyes but didn't push.

It was just a shot or two or three of tequila. And a margarita and two vodka sodas. She was fine. She took a deep breath as the elevator came to floor 10, and was incredibly relieved her room was right next to it this time. Zipping open her bag, she heard giggling from across the hallway. She ignored it and opened her wallet, but her key wasn't there.


The door opened behind her.

"Call next time you're here." A flirty female voice rang.

"Oh I will." Seth's voice, she knew it anywhere.

Sasha cringed, and riffled through her bag looking for the key and trying not to look up at them. Still she could feel his eyes on her, not on the woman who was waiting for the elevator.

"You alright, Sash?"

"Yeah, I-" she glance back at him, shirtless with a pair of sweatpants low on his waist, "must've dropped my key in here."

"You want help?"

She shook her head, "I got it."

The elevator came and the woman stepped on, sending back a smile at Seth and Sasha felt her heart beating out of her chest. Why couldn't she just find this damn key?

"She's just a friend." He said once the doors had closed.

"Oh don't," she spun around "don't patronize me, Rollins."

He sighed heavily, his eyes looked so tired.

"Trust me," he said after a moment of her glare. "I wish so badly that it were you instead."

"Goodnight, Seth," she said sternly, looking back to the contents of her bag. He didn't move, and she whipped her head around at him. "What?"

"Nothing, I'm just gonna wait until you get inside safe."

"I lost my key, I'm not about to fall down a bottomless pit."

"I'll wait."

She rolled her eyes, pulling out her phone and the key stuck on the back of it. Opening the door, she glanced back at him.

"Goodnight, Seth."

"Goodnight, Sash."