Steve looked at Peter. The hurt and fear in the boy's eyes were heartwrenching.
"Peter, I'm sorry. I didn't know that what I did to you was unacceptable."
"You thought it was acceptable to force me over your lap? To beat me? I've idolized you for so long, you - you..." Peter sputtered.
"I know an apology is not enough Peter, but you have to believe me, I just didn't know, just about all the kids I knew got spanked. In my day, you got spanked if you messed up, then you got hugged, and it was all over." Steve went on, while Peter stood silently.
"I didn't know that children weren't spanked any more. I didn't know you would be that scared, that traumatized. Trust me Peter, I promise, I'll never do it again. And we have to work together, you have to trust me." Steve said.
Peter snorted. "For what, so you'll beat me up again?"
Steve moved close to him carefully, slowly.
"Peter, you chose to fight crime. You chose to use your powers to do good. But for that you do need more training. You have to learn how to fight off even someone as big and strong as me, don't you?"
Peter looked up, his face still flushed.
"Peter, this is the best place for you to learn. I'll teach you exactly how to break the holds I used on you yesterday. Don't be scared of me, please." Steve went on. That was true, Peter mused. This was the best place for him. Training with Steve - and Natasha and Clint - had helped him so much. Not to mention the "Homeschooling Curriculum" that Dr. Banner and Mr. Stark had come up with. Or the workshop, or all the new gadgets that he got straight from Stark Industries, and the drop-offs that he had got to Aunt May's house from Iron Man, and War Machine and once from Thor..
Steve moved closer to him. Peter didn't move, but he still didn't meet Steve's eyes.
He put his arms around the boy and pulled him into a hug. To his relief, the boy didn't pull away.
"I didn't hug you before, and I'm sorry for that too. Peter, you're good, you're smart, you're a wonderful human being, and one of the most powerful superheroes I know."
Peter felt the warmth of the hug and the rumble in Steve's chest as he listened. This was different from Aunt May's hugs. So much stronger, and he felt so safe! He felt his anger and hurt melt away.
"I cannot bear to lose someone like you, simply because you stayed out late without any of us knowing where you are. I was that angry yesterday because I was scared - I love you, Peter Parker!"
Peter felt his heart lift. This was Captain America, his hero, saying that he was loved. He hugged Steve back, and Steve hugged him even tighter. Steve held him for a long time, till finally Peter pulled back. Steve ruffled his hair.
"Does it still hurt?"
"Are we friends then?"
"M - hm"
"Now, any nightmares, any panic because of what I did, you have to tell someone, OK?"
"I don't think that will happen" Peter looked away.
"Peter.." Steve lifted the boy's chin to look at his face.
"Yes, I will" Peter nodded quickly.
"Good boy." With a kiss to his forehead, Steve left.
If the Avengers had treated Peter kindly before, they outdid themselves now. Bruce let Peter do a few experiments he had considered too dangerous, Tony brought him the prototype of a new video game console, and somehow, all the meals seemed to have his favourite dishes. Natasha and Steve took turns teaching Peter exactly how to break a hold and overcome a much bigger and stronger opponent, and Steve started spending a lot more time with Peter. Peter often found himself in Steve's floor, looking through his books, chatting while Steve sketched, or rewatching old movies or series that Steve had missed. The next time they were in the field, the fight was shorter than ever before.
"You trying to force us into retirement, titch?"Tony asked as they piled back into the quinjet. Peter beamed.
Two weeks later, after another awesome night crawl, Peter Parker climbed up the wall again. This time, Tony Stark was sitting on the bed. Peter fought down a bout of panic.
"Well, if it isn't the un-masked crusader?" Tony asked.
" - I" Peter started
"Hold it." Tony held up a hand.
"Jarvis, block the computer. Block access to his television and music system, and whatever else he has, and lock that window. Lock up his bookshelf too!"
" , I need to read!"
"You can read all you want in your classroom. I believe all your schoolbooks are there, and there's a computer?" Tony asked. Peter couldn't argue. He also knew that he could not erase history, use a stealth mode, or a proxy. Dr. Banner had that computer locked up tight.
"No calls to friends, everything gets routed through me. And yeah - you're not getting dessert, or anything that you particularly like for the rest of this week. Monitor that also, would you Jarvis?" Tony said. Peter felt like throwing a tantrum.
"Yes, Sir!" The AI said. To Peter, it seemed to have an unbelievably smug tone.
"Just for the next few days." Tony said. "It's for your own good, midget. You need to learn to follow rules." Tony left, with a pat on Peter's back. Peter slumped down on his bed. This was going to be horrible.
The next day, at breakfast, Peter got oatmeal and toast, while the Avengers feasted. His session with Bruce was fun, but after that he had nothing to do but stare at the ceiling. And then, it was time for lunch - boring again, though nothing was actually bad. Then, after a really difficult session with Natasha, and another bout of boredom, he finally had dinner - and was sent out before the desserts (yes - in plural) came in.
Peter went and slumped down on the couch in the TV lounge. He sank down into the cushions, and tried the remote. Of course it wouldn't work! "Sorry, Peter" said Jarvis. Peter huffed, just as Steve and Tony entered the room. Tony picked up the remote and Steve sat down next to Peter.
"Back to your room, Underoos" said Tony. Peter huffed again. Steve chuckled, and motioned Peter to sit up.
Still sulking, Peter pulled himself up. He didn't want a lecture on posture when he was already being punished. Inhuman Avengers and their torture!
" , is it OK if?" Peter asked suddenly.
"OK if what?" Tony asked lightly. Steve turned and looked at him too. Now this is awkward, thought Peter.
"Um - nothing" Peter said, getting up from the couch.
Tony got up as well. "What is it now, Incy Wincy?" he asked with a smile.
"I just thought, instead of the punishment, if it's OK if - I mean, bad idea. Just a bad idea. I'll go to my room."
Steve got up now and put a hand on Peter's shoulder. "Ok if what, Peter?"
"OK if you spank me?" Peter said and jumped across the couch. Steve caught him mid jump and held him there, his legs flailing. Before Peter could react, though Steve put him down and gave him a pat on the bottom. "In the 21st century, that's abuse!" he said, before kissing Peter on the top of his head and pointing him towards the door.
"Well so is what does" Peter stomped off, leaving behind a laughing Steve and dumbfounded Tony.
" get away with everything!" Tony pointed an accusatory finger at Steve.
"Greatest Generation, Tony!" Steve said, still laughing.