Hello everybody, the name's Demongod123, and I'm here with a new fanfiction. If you couldn't tell, it's a Naruto and Gurren Lagann crossover. There is not many of these, and the one that exist, are not more than five chapters.

If you don't know what Gurren Lagann is, sit in the corner and watch it in shame. It is an amazing anime.

Anyways, Naruto will be with Yoko. Simon will just have a child like crush on her.

Summary: The reputation of Team Gurren stretches far and wide! And when they talk about their powerful second in command, they are talking about me; Naruto! If we're gonna dig, we dig to the heavens. No matter what's in our way, we won't stop! Once we've dug through, it means we have won! Just who the hell do you think we are!?

Naruto of Team Gurren

Chapter 1- Bust Though the Heavens With Your Drill, Simon!

"Drilling, I'm drilling. Drilling like a pro" A blonde haired male said. He stands at 5'6" and has messy and spiky blonde hair. All he's wearing is a pair of black shorts, a matching pair of sandals, a beat up scarf, and a pair of goggles on his eyes which are producing lights from the lenses. (Just imagine the one's he wore, but replace the color green for orange.) Other than that, he has a green crystal necklace around his neck. Strapped to the back of hiswaist, is strapped a short cleaver like blade around 1'6" long. (It's kubikiribōchō.)

"I wonder if Simon found anything interesting." He asked himself as he drilled to the right to get to Simon. Unknown to him, he drilled in the top of an underground cavern. "Uh oh, AHHHHH!" He yelled as he fell down the dark cavern.


"This is a big fall." He said after about a minute. He looked down and saw a large underground lake. "This is gonna hurt." He said as he landed back first into the water. (A moment of silence for this poor bastard…) "Son a bitch!" He yelled out as he resurfaced from the water.

"Where am I?" He questioned as he questioned as he looked around. After swimming a bit, he found the shore to the lake. "Shit, I knew I should have worn a shirt today." He said as he patted his back.

Looking around, he appeared to be in a LARGE underground cave. "Damn! Wait where's my drill so I can get out of here?" He asked as he looked around. After a little bit, he found it in the shallow end of the lake.

"Ok, but I still wonder what's down here." He said as he began to walk around the cave. And somehow, he fell down another hole. "Son of a bitch! Again!?" He cried out as he fell to god knows where.

"Huh, that wasn't that long of a fall." He said as he fell for only ten seconds. "I still wonder where I am." He said as he looked around the area he was in. Only to get nervous when he saw a large set of black feet.

Gulping, he looked up to see a large robotic thing with a face in it's chest. The face looked like a dragons and had many sharp teeth with piercing red eyes. The metal work is made to look like scales and only the face is a blood red color. The body is tall and slim. The body is a pitch black and on top of it is what looked like a second head with a large yellow horn which is curved pointing upwards. On it's back are large wings that looked similar to a bats and also pitch black. (It's the same size as Gurren Lagann.)

"W-What the hell is that!?" He yelled as he began to freak out. "Wait, this can help out bro! I got to show him!" He yelled as he ran to the wall and began to drill.


After a few minutes, he finally dug to his village. At the same time, another boy arrived at the same time. They dug through the wall simultaneously and walked away together.

"So, what's with the drill, Simon?" He asked as the smaller boy had a small drill tied on a piece of string. "Oh, I found it while drilling. So did you find anything interesting, Naruto?" Simon asked the blonde. "You and Bro won't believe what I found!" Naruto said as he and Simon were stopped by a taller blue haired male wearing strange glasses.

"My brothers! Team Gurren needs you both right now!" He yelled as he began to drag them both. "Kamina, what do you need?" Simon asked as he hung the small drill around his neck. "Call me bro! And with your drills, we will reach the surface!" The newly named Kamina yelled as he walked to three other males.

"Alright men! The reputation of Team Gurren spreads far and wide! And then they talk about their fearless leader, they're talking about me; Kamina! And now, with you, Simon and Naruto, you will use those drills to reach the surface. The surface I saw as a kid!" Kamina yelled as his right index finger was in the air.

"Yes Bro!" All except Simon yelled as they began to get ready. A little while later, Team Gurren rode Pig-Moles with Kamina, Naruto, and Simon were in the lead with Simon and Naruto getting ready to drill. "Enough you fools!" The Jeeha Village Chief yelled as he slammed a long sheathed sword into Team Gurren.

Naruto blocked it with the spine of his knife and sent the Chief away. Only for the Chief to drag down the Pig-Mole Naruto was riding on. This caused the other Pig-Mole's to crash and pile up.

Minutes later, Team Gurren are tied up in front of Chief who looked at them with a rage in his eyes. "You fools, there is no surface!" Chief yelled as he glared at Kamina. "Yes there is! My dad took me there as a kid! I saw it with my own eyes!" Kamina yelled as he butted heads with Chief.

"A liar son, like a liar father." Chief said as he pushed Kamina back. "As for you five, stop acting like children; or you won't get Mole-Rat steaks." Chief said as the nameless three went on his side.

"Sorry bro." one said as he scratched the back of his head. "Don't call me bro." Kamina said coldly as Naruto helped him up. "No more messing around, telling people lies about a surface!" Chief said as he swung his sheathed sword down on Kamina. Only for naruto to be in front of his bro to take the beating.

"And no more out of you… Demon Eyes." Chief said as Kamina and Simon held back Naruto. "Calm down Naruto, don't let him get to you." Simon said as Naruto glared through his goggles. "You two, it's time for jail." Chief said as he dragged away Naruto and Kamina.


Later that night, Kamina and Naruto are tied up in the village's small prison. "I'm bored." Kamina said as he looked to his friend. "Look Naruto, I know how you feel. Just don't let him get to you." Kamina said as he looked at the blonde, who has his eyes closed.

Just then, a drill dug through the ground that was in front of Kamina. "Hey watch the jewels!" Kamina said as Sion popped his head from the hole. "Sorry bro, but I got something to show you two!" Simon said as he climbed up with a Naruto's goggles and knife in hand.

"Here you go, Naruto." Simon said as he cut of the ropes and handed Naruto his things. "Thanks, now what did you want to show us?" Naruto asked as Kamina broke free of his ropes. "Come on!" Simon said as he jumped back into the hole.


"Come on, let's go before Chief finds us." Simon said as he sneaked next to his friends in the dark. "Well well well. I expected you two to do this, but you Simon?" Chief said as he was with the traitors of Team Gurren. "I told you, there is no surface! This village has been our home since it was built! And as Chief, it is my job to protect it! And to stop you idiots to stop making lies!" Chief yelled as he raised his sheathed sword into the air.

Just then, a giant robotic thing busted through the ceiling of the village. "Look I told you all! There is a surface, this thing came from it!" Kamina yelled as he pointed upward, which had an orange glow.

"Well Chief, since you are in charge. Take care of that." Kamina said as the thing began swinging around a giant club like weapon. Then Kamina took the sword and spun it around his neck like a boss.

"Bros! Let's run!" Simon yelled as his brothers went to face that thing. "Listen up! The reputation of Team Gurren spreads far and wide! And when they talk about their fearless/powerful leader/second in command; they are talking about me! Kamina/Naruto!" Both males yelled in sink as they drew their weapons.

Just as it was about to swing down on the two, it was slightly knocked back by something small. Just then, a girl swung from a rope and carried a strange looking object. "If you three have anything else, I suggest you run." She said as he aimed the thing she had.

"Looks like another thing from the surface, and it's a girl." Simon said as he and Naruto blushed from what she was wearing. Knocking out of his dazed state, Naruto grabbed his bros and ran with the girl following them.

"What is that thing!?" Naruto yelled as they entered a building. "That's a Gunman." She said as she aimed again from the window. "Hey ugly! Team Gurren is gonna take you out!" Kamina yelled as the Gunman swung at them. Luckily, Naruto and Simon dragged them into another building.

"I know of something that can help!" Naruto and Simon said as they hid from the Gunman. "When I was digging, I found a giant face!" Simon said as Naruto covered his mouth from making any loud noise. "I fell into an underground cave… again. And found something that is similar to that thing." Naruto said as it intrigued Kamina and the girl.

"Alright, I'll go with Simon and look at this giant face. Naruto, you take surface chick here and go to what you found." Kamina said as they nodded and began to dig a hole.


"So where are we going?" The girl, who introduced herself as Yoko, asked as they crawled through the tunnels. "So what I found, now brace yourself." Naruto said as he fell through the tunnel to the top of the underground cave. "Shit!" Yoko yelled as she fell on top if Naruto in the water.

"Warn me when that happens again." Yoko said as she stood up and glared at Naruto. Said blonde had his back to her, which confused Yoko. She then looked down and saw her bikini top fell off.

"Kya!" Yoko squealed as she covered her breasts. Naruto handed her his scarf and turned around and slowly began to walk. She wrapped the scarf around her cleavage and followed Naruto down the cave.

"Here it is." Naruto said as the light on the goggles showed Yoko the Gunman he found. "Wow, I've never seen one like that before." Yoko said amazed as the head fascinated.

"Let's see if works." Naruto said he walked up to the Gunman. Climbing up to the face, Naruto managed to get the mouth opened and saw a seat with two strange levers, one on both side. "Now, how does this work?" Naruto asked as he and Yoko got into the Gunman and sat on the seat.

As he pushed the levers forward, sudden flashes of what looked like Naruto's head with X's through it scared the two. "I don't care if you don't like me, I have to save them!" Naruto yelled as he pushed the levers forward again as the Gunman began to move around uncontrollably.

After a minute, the flashed stopped and just Naruto's head was shown to be in the clear. "Like bro says, a fighting spirit is what one needs." Naruto said as he moved the Gunman to move around.

"Now, to help bro and Simon!" Naruto said as he made the Gunman jump in the air and busting through the ceiling.


"Bro, I don't think we can do this!" Simon yelled as he operated a small Gunman that looked like just a head and ran from the large Gunman. "What's that noise?" Kamina asked as he heard large rumbling.

"Here's Naruto!" Naruto yelled as his Gunman busted through the ground and slammed into the enemy Gunman. He uppercutted the Gunman and sent it into a wall. "Yippie Ki Yay mother fucker!" Naruto yelled as he right hooked the Gunman with his.

"Naruto!" Simon yelled as his Gunman jumped onto Naruto's Gunman's shoulder. "Hey Simon!:" Naruto yelled as the enemy Gunman gave him a surprise attack with his club. This caused the horn on top of the Gunman's head to fall off.

Grabbing the horn, Naruto sliced the club in half and uppercutted it again. "Leave. Us. Alone!" Naruto yelled as he lifted the enemy Gunman into the air and began to fly into the ceiling.

"Naruto is mad!" Simon yelled as his Gunman held onto Naruto's. "His fighting spirit is what letting him do this!" Kamina yelled as he was cramped in the Gunman.


"Fuck You!" Naruto yelled as he sliced the Gunman in half and penetrated through the earth. "Wow." Naruto, Simon, and Kamina said as they took in the beauty from the surface.

"Never been to the surface before?" Yoko asked as she tried to hide a giggle. Naruto shook his head as his covered eyes took in the view. This is the beginning of the adventures of Team Gurren.

Boom done! I hope you all liked this new story. Over the weekend I started watching Gurren Lagann. I found it so amazing!

Next I'm gonna give you all a new Naruto and Fairy Tail crossover. Yes giving up The Wind Devil. The reason is that I rushed it. So I will give you all a new crossover and it will give you all laughs. I hope. Also I am surprised that no one PM'd me to adopt The successor of Zoro and The Next Hoenn Champion.

Anyways, this has been Demongod123. And I'll see you all next time.