The First Girl I Loved

Written by Karma's Slave/OriginalLadyScythe

Disclaimer: I do not own the Naruto Franchise in any shape or form.

Warning: Alternate Universe, Modern AU

Note: Rating has been changed from Teen to Mature.

Note 2: Trying to get back into the swing of things here, I started this chapter a long while ago to trying to complete now has been a bit challenging.

Chapter 8: A Plan...Not a great one but a plan

Sakura entering her bedroom after having a late dinner and another scolding from her mother about ignoring her mother's excessive calls and text messages. However Sakura could hardly pay attention through her Mebuki's said scolding, her mind had been going back and forth on Sasuke's offer and Sasuke's surprisingly soft lips. And how it had made her feel throughout her body. Sakura was almost too scared to admit just how good it felt.

Especially how 'warm' Sasuke's touch left the pinkette. Plopping her body down onto the bed.

Sakura lightly groaning at the memory of Sasuke creasing her hand on one of her hips and then how she basically grinded herself onto Sasuke.

Sakura couldn't didn't deny the fact that Sasuke was currently the only person to her make feel that way physically speaking and truthfully Sakura wasn't sure if her body was just acting on the pure instincts of being touched in a 'romantic' manner or was this a gateway to a hidden truth Sakura didn't want to admit to herself. The pinkette was confused.

Hell the only reason Sasuke was the only to make her feel that way was because she didn't want to go there with the high school boys that she dated. Well if there had to have been one boy Sakura imagined doing anything with it would have been long time old hidden crush on Itachi Uchiha. Sakura couldn't let Sasuke know about that old crush on her older brother. Given from what she already know about their relationship as siblings, it did more harm than it would ever do anyone good.

The only thing Sakura could willingly admit to herself was that it indeed felt great and if Sakura hadn't stopped that kiss when she did, the pinkette would have been more then tempted to do more.

And truthfully as that thought did scare Sakura, it also excited her.

Saturday morning Sasuke Uchiha woken up with a rare smile on her face as she recalled her kiss. It wasn't just an elaborate cruel joke playing out in her mind Sakura Haruno had been in her bedroom, Sasuke ran her hands through the soft tendrils of her pink hair and their bodies close were in contact. Sasuke making Sakura moan from not only her kiss but her touch as well.

After their conversation Sakura decided it was time for her to head home as the pinkette's mother, Mebuki Haruno would not stop messaging her only daughter, four voice mails and six text messages and Sasuke thought her own mother was crazy protective but that Mebuki Haruno was on a whole other level of crazy.

Sasuke Uchiha actually felt happy, and who would have thought that it could have stemmed from a clumsily accident. Specifically now that the offer she had laid out for Sakura as much as Sasuke would have loved for the pinkette to have taken her up on it right on the spot.

Sasuke knew Sakura wasn't the type to 'use' people for their own advantage. Unlike the Uchiha household not that Sasuke would admit this fact out loud. What was that old expression 'some things were better left unsaid?'

But overall at least Sakura was still in the Uchiha's life. A fact Sasuke was more than grateful for.

However Sasuke knowing Sakura as well as she did, the Uchiha knew Sakura wasn't going to go for the offer in the end. Once the pinkette got her thoughts together. But now that Sasuke had a taste of Sakura, she didn't want to let her go. So she could be snatched up by some loser. Sasuke was sick and tired of being the type of person who sacrificed more then she would get into return.

Sasuke wanted to be openly selfish.

Sasuke wanted Sakura more than anything in this world and that's when the young Uchiha made up her mind, she'll just have to persuade Sakura into making a decision.

This made Sasuke smirk.

The weekend had passed by rather quickly, Sasuke was walking up to the school entrance where she was subjected to catcalls from male students while yes Sasuke Uchiha was the resident tomboy of the school nevertheless she was a 'hot' tomboy as she had been deemed by the male populace of the high school.

"Morons" thought the Uchiha as she ignored them. Her cold expression not once faltering as she passed by them; heading into the school.

Going the quickest route to her locker, keeping an eye open for Sakura. The Uchiha had seen her car in the parking lot, on certain days of the week the Pinkette had a 'Zero Period' which meant she was here before the school was officially open for an advance lesson, only a certain number of students were chosen for this class, Sakura being one of them.

Sasuke knew she needed to be careful in every step she made towards Sakura. Last thing she needed was to scare off the pinkette.

"Sasuke!" an all too familiar voice shrieked out. The Uchiha couldn't stop herself from groaning out of pure annoyance, the Uchiha knew she had been forgetting something in the midst of her planning, 'The Dobe Factor' despite Sasuke knowing of Sakura's plan to get Naruto with Hinata. How the fuck was Sasuke going to get Naruto off Sakura's tail regardless of that fact. The Dobe has been crushing on Sakura since middle school; and despite Sakura declining him at every turn.

The Uchiha really needed to refactor Naruto in this situation and she of all people knew that there really was no accounting for that idiot. As of the moment Sasuke needed to proceed Naruto with caution. It wasn't like Sasuke was going to jump on the band wagon to hook him up with the Hyuga girl that would raise some questions especially with Sakura. Though maybe she could subtlety motivate the dobe into getting over Sakura. It could make everything a lot easier for Sakura to get the Shy girl and Naruto together.

Sasuke was too lost in her thoughts to realize that Naruto had approached her. "Sasuke! Earth to Teme!"

Naruto waving his hands in front of dark haired teen's face, until Sasuke's hand shot up and grabbing Naruto at the wrist, "keep waving that hand in my face Dobe and you are going to lose it" The Uchiha threatened.

The blonde yanking his hand back from the teen "alright…alright, geez who pissed in your cereal"

Sasuke groaning again. She had her work cut out for her alright and Sakura was sure that the Hyuga girl was into the dobe. Sasuke certainly couldn't see why but to each their own right. But then a thought overcame Sasuke, she knew Naruto in and out but not much about Hinata despite mutual friends, it then occurred to Sasuke what she'd have to do and it made her shiver with the obvious exception of Sakura, Sasuke would actually have to spend time with her friends…oh the things Sasuke was willing to go through for Sakura, even if she didn't know it.

Hinata and Tenten were alright but Ino…Ino was like a female version of Naruto but less gross.

So at the moment this was the Uchiha's plan.

End Chapter.

Note: I don't Hate Ino, neither does Sasuke, Just this version of Sasuke doesn't like sharing her 'bestie' Sakura with her. just to be clear there is no Character bashing of any kind.