So I'm still working on all my other stories, but I'm finding hard to carry on with them at the moment. But this is a new idea and I wanted to see whether people would like it. So please read and leave a review!

"Renesmee! Get your lazy butt out of bed." A voice screamed in her ear at a painful level.

I hate boarding school Renesmee thought as she opened her eyes and looked at her roommate Melanie. The room was still dark but the curtains were wide open, Renesmee could just about make out the shapes of two suitcases by the door, she groaned in recognition. It was the day of the surprise cultural exchange. It was a stupid thing really, every year the teachers would organise a one-month trip where they would take sixth form students abroad to experience a different culture, of course none of the students were ever told where they were going, only parents and staff knew that. It helped that it was a boarding school and they rarely had contact with their parents.

Bella and Edward had decided that in order for Renesmee to have normal life, she should be distanced from them; that way people would question her less and she would be safer. Of course Edward being Edward had taken it to the extreme and sent her to a boarding school in rural England, when she was only 11 years old and had slowed to the growth rate of a normal child. The place its self was actually quite beautiful and looked like a small castle, the school though was tiring and strict; Renesmee would often complain about its old fashioned rules. Lights out by 9, skirts have to be knee length, no make-up or jewellery allowed. When she'd enrolled in the school they'd given her an entire book of rules and told her learning them would be useful to her. In fact, the book had been useful, as a door stop.

"Come on, if we don't hurry up Mrs Hendricks will come up and then we'll all pay." Melanie was still trying to urge Renesmee, unsuccessfully, out of bed.

"Okay, okay." Renesmee said swinging her legs out of the bed and slopping off towards the bathroom to change.

10 minutes later when she emerged she was faced by a very angry looking Mrs Hendricks. "Miss Cullen, you may not be aware but the world does not revolve around you, and as such our plane will not wait for you. May I suggest that you move a bit faster before I'm forced to call your parents and inform them that you will not be joining us on the trip due to your tardiness." Her voice was low and serious, Renesmee sometimes thought that that woman could take on the Volturi and still come out on top.

"I'm sorry Mrs Hendricks, it won't happen again." Renesmee sweetly said as she pulled her face into an apologetic expression.

The woman huffed and gestured for them to follow. Grabbing their bags, they hurried after the teacher and joined the rest of their class mates on the coach. The girls slid into their seats just as Mr Oliver, the head year, stood up and announced, "Okay now we've got everyone, we will be flying from Heathrow to Seattle and from there we will complete the journey via coach. As like any other trip, we expect you to be implacably behaved, ANY misbehaviour will be treated seriously and you may be sent back to either school or your parents. Am I clear?"

The group collectively nodded and the teacher sat down as the coach pulled off down the driveway and towards the motorway. Getting to the airport didn't take long, and getting through security was just as quick; waiting in the departure lounge was the boring part.

"Hey babe." A voice said from behind Renesmee.

"Hiya." She said twisting round to face the familiar voice. She smiled at the stupid face Josh was pulling. Josh and Renesmee had been dating for nearly two years now and to all their friends they seemed like the perfect high school couple.

"So where do you think we're going?"

"Well, Josh, considering our flight is to Seattle, I'd say somewhere near Seattle."

"I'm going to ask and find out if your right." Josh smirked at her before pushing himself back and walking up to Mr Oliver.

"So, apparently we're going somewhere North West of Seattle and it's on the coast. He wouldn't tell me anything else." Josh said when he got back.

"I wish they'd just tell us." Melanie said from opposite them, sitting in her boyfriend Dylan's lap.

"Oi, someone get google maps up, we can have a look." Dylan shouted out triumphantly. Renesmee just smirked to herself.

"Are you laughing at me?" Dylan asked looking slightly irritated.

"No," Renesmee said still smirking, "it's just I know where we're going."

"Where are we going then?" Melanie asked curiously.

"La Push. It's a fairly small tribal reservation that happens to be North West of Seattle."

"Oi, teachers." Josh shouted out, "Are we going to La Push?"

The teacher's looked up somewhat taken aback but if they'd wanted to say anything they were interrupted by the tannoy announcing that their flight was boarding.

Most of the class slept throughout the 10-hour flight, but Renesmee sat wide awake; her stomach filled with butterflies, a mixture of fear, nervousness and excitement. She hadn't been back to La Push since she was sent to boarding school 7 years ago. Sitting there she thought about all the friends she'd left behind; Seth, Sam, Emily, Jared, Paul and Jacob. Jacob had been devastated when she'd told him she was leaving and she'd never quite completely understood his reaction, she wondered what he'd been up to these past 7 years and wished they'd stayed in touch.

"As you can see the Captain as put on the fasten seatbelt sign, so we ask you return to your seats and prepare for landing." The flight attendants voice cut through the sleepy plane and dragged Renesmee out of her thoughts. She watched as everyone shuffled around in their seats and fastened their seatbelts before going back to whatever they'd been doing before the announcement.

When the plane landed the group was swiftly ushered through customs and to baggage reclaim. Renesmee was one of the first to collect their suitcases and walk out to where the coach was waiting. Josh, Melanie and Dylan followed quickly after her and claimed the seats at the very back of the coach. About half an hour later the coach pulled away from the airport and headed towards Forks, which they'd drive through to get t La Push.

Most of the journey went in a blur until they reached Forks. They drove straight pass the entrance to the Cullen's driveway and then pass Charlie's house and the police station where Renesmee could see his car parked in the lot outside. The town looked empty as always but it didn't look as though anything at all had changed in her 7-year absence. Eventually the coach pulled up outside a small hotel in La Push and the teachers stood up.

"Right everyone, this is where we'll be staying. What we're going to do know is drop our stuff here and have a bit of a rest before we go down to the beach where we've been invited to meet some of the most prominent locals." Mr Oliver said as he looked on at the students, before stepping out of the coach and leading them into the hotel where they collected their keys and went off to the respective rooms.

Renesmee was sharing a room with Melanie just like she did at school. Their room was fairly small but the walls were pale which made the room feel very bright and with the large window open you could smell the sea making the whole room feel very summery. They unpacked their things quickly before leaving the room in search of food, preferably chocolate.

The girls wandered throughout the hotel until they reached the front desk which had a vending machine beside it. Melanie quickly emptied her change into the machine and waited rather impatiently for it to release the KitKat she was craving whilst Renesmee watched her in amusement.

A little later they re-joined the class outside and they set off walking towards the beach. Renesmee watched the houses as they walked by, noticing that very few had changed at all; there were a few more flowers, some repaired roofs and a couple of new cars but other than that it was almost like she'd never left.

"Hello everyone, my name is Sam. I'm the leader of what we refer to as the Pack." Renesmee hadn't noticed they'd arrived but started paying attention the minute she heard Sam's voice, he looked exactly the same as when she left although that was definitely down to the fact that part of being able to phase means that you don't age until you stop phasing anymore. Sam continued addressing the group, "The Pack is kind of like our own police department, we work to protect the reservation, it residents and by extension its visitors. Now I believe your teachers would like me to take a quick register."

Sam started reading out the names on a piece of paper Mrs Hendricks had handed him. One by one the students answered "here" until he reached Renesmee's name, "Nessie 'I've forgotten how to use a phone' Cullen." He called out half laughing.

"Oi, I'm perfectly capable of using a phone, it's not my fault you're so bad at answering." She called out in a somewhat sassy voice.

After being shot a look by Mrs Hendricks, Sam continued reading out names until he reached the end of the list and then announced, "Right, in about half an hour we're having a BBQ on the right side of the beach until then you can go do whatever you want."

Melanie immediately grabbed Renesmee's hand and dragged her down the beach and into the sea. The pair splashed about for a while until Renesmee heard Josh calling out "Riri." Which was his pet name for her, and gesturing for her to join him on the beach with another couple.

As Renesmee got closer she saw they were standing in front of a familiar car, and when she got closer she saw that the couple Josh was standing with was Jacob and a girl she didn't recognise. As she reached them Josh put his arm around her shoulders. "Hey babe, this is Jacob and Charlotte. Jacob built this car. How cool is that?" Josh said excitedly.

"Moved on from wheelchairs then." Renesmee joked. Jake had had that car since before she was born but there was need to complicate matters by telling Josh that and then having to find some way to explain why Jake only looked a few years older than them.

"Well what can I say, got bored." He smiled at Renesmee.

"I've known Jake since the day I was born." Renesmee explained to Josh who looked confused.

"Oh right." Josh said not sounding particularly bothered.

"Really? He's never mentioned you." Charlotte suddenly piped up.

"Oh cheers for that." Renesmee said with mock annoyance.

"What did you want me to say? I have an insane, adrenaline junkie friend who would happily jump off a cliff and could eat a pig and still be hungry?"

"Well you could be nicer, but that would've been start."

"FOOD'S READY!" A voiced boomed from across the beach and Renesmee laughed as watched the Pack diving towards the food baffling her classmates in the process.

"Come on, let's get food." She said to Josh taking his hand and leading him towards the food.

They joined they're friends with plates filled with various meats and salads. Sam had slipped a flask full of blood into Renesmee's hand which she'd accepted gratefully and taken a couple of quick gulps from before sliding it into her pocket for later.

Renesmee sat with a group of friends and talked happily with them, until she was interrupted by a familiar voice. "Renesmee." The deep voice called out to her.

"Oh hi Billy." She smiled turning to face the man in the wheelchair.

"Been a long time since we last had a Cullen round these parts." He said matter of factly.

"Yeah, we kinda scattered a bit. Mom and Dad are in Alaska, think everyone else is in Brazil."

"Such a shame, it would have been nice to see them again." Billy smiled before turning his chair away and leaving them.

"So how do you know all these people?" Melanie asked.

"I used to spend a lot of time here as a kid, we only lived down the road in Forks."

They enjoyed the rest of the night until the teachers announced it was time to leave as they had a busy day planned for tomorrow. Most of the group went happily looking forward to sleep, but Renesmee left somewhat reluctantly, being at the beach was the closest she'd felt to home in a long time.

So there's the end of the first chapter, please leave a review; I appreciate all feedback positive or negative.

Hope you enjoyed it.
