Deleted Scene 20

Chapter 30

Negan, Abby and Carl cooking spaghetti

I got out some plates and set them on the counter. Negan had Carl make biscuits.

"Mmm…you gotta taste this." Negan held a spoonful of sauce to Carl's mouth earning a glare from him.

I noticed my brother was having some trouble, probably because he never made biscuits before. He was getting frustrated.

"Hey." I said to him. "I'll do this. You set the table." I took the rolling pin off him and watched as he grabbed the plates and took them over to the table. Olivia was sitting at the table with Judith who was asleep, thank God.

As I was rolling the dough, I glanced over at Negan. He was wearing an apron and cooking spaghetti in my kitchen. Now that was a sight to see.

An unintentional giggle esacped from me. Negan turned to me and we made eye contact. "Something funny, baby girl?"

"Nice apron." I raised an eyebrow at him.

"I know, doesn't it look great?" He smiled.

I snorted. "I was being sarcastic. You look like a bitch."

"Well," Negan started, "someone isn't getting dessert."

I almost laughed but then I remembered who this guy was. I still can't believe this is happening right now.

I bent over to put the tray of biscuits in the oven and set the timer. "Mm." I heard Negan say. Then, I felt his hand on my lower back that then traveled down to my bottom. I gasped and stood up.

"What are you doing?" I yelled. He grinned evilly at me. I became very angry. "Don't ever touch me again."

"Sorry, I was curious." He said. "You're a fine young thing." He stepped closer to me. I backed up until I was against the counter. My eyes grew wide as he pressed up against me and put his hands on the edge of the counter around me. I had no escape.

I was terrified and breathing heavily. "What are you doing?" I managed to get out. Suddenly, Carl was there and he was glaring at Negan.

"Get away from my sister."

Finally, after what felt like forever, Negan laughed and backed up. "I'm just kidding." He smiled that big smile. "Let's eat." He clapped his hands and sat down at the table.

"Hey, you okay?" My brother asked me.

"Yeah." I breathed. I looked over at Negan; he was sitting there like nothing happened. What an asshole.

Deleted Scene 21

In between chapter 33 and 34

Abby and Carl have a nice brother/sister moment

I lifted a sheet of metal to attach to the side of a car.

"Let me help you." Carl said and lifted the other side.

"Thanks." We both set it down and leaned it against the car. I let out a deep breath.

"You still going tomorrow?" My brother asked me.

I gave him a nervous look then nodded.

He looked at the ground for a minute then sighed. "Well…be careful."

"I will." I nodded again.

"And no matter what happens, I love you."

I gave him a weird glance but smiled. "Aw, I love you, too, Carl."

"I just wanted you to know that."

I patted his back. I starting walking away but Carl stopped me.

"Hey, Abby?" He said. "You should tell dad not to kill anymore than he has to."

I gave him a strange look then side smiled at him. "He knows that."

Carl shook his head. "I don't think he does."

I gave him another weird look. "What are you—

"We can't kill them all." He said. "We can't. We have to find another way."

I was so confused. My brother has always wanted to kill Negan and his people. Why has he changed so suddenly? "Why?" I asked him. "I mean…I'm not saying I want to kill all of them, but…wouldn't it be way easier?" I let out a small laugh even though none of this was funny.

"But it's not the right way." Carl answered immediately. "What's easy is not always right. That's what mom said. And she was right."

I was silent for a moment and just had to stare at my little brother. He was four years younger than me, but for the first time in my life, I felt like he was the older sibling. It was a very awkward feeling and I never want to feel this way again. However, I was very proud of him. I smiled at him. "You're right, little brother."

He smiled back at me.

"Come here." I embraced him in a hug. "Gosh, you're so tall now! You suck!" I slapped his arm. He laughed.

My baby brother is really becoming a man. He will make a great husband/father one day. Our dad should be proud. I'm proud.

Alternate scene where Abby gets to see Carl before he dies.

Breathing heavily and feeling dizzy, I stared at my home as it burned. The others…if they are still inside— I heard a noise to the left of me, there were people. I quickly ran through the woods around the side of Alexandria and to the back wall. I stopped and brandished my gun as I looked around. I didn't see or hear anything, so I put my gun back in it's holster and began climbing the wall.

It was very difficult and painful due to my injuries so it took a while, but I eventually made it. I stopped once my feet were on the ground and just looked at everything on fire. It was completely destroyed. I have to find the others. If they are not alive…I don't know what I would do. I felt like I could collapse. I absentmindedly turned my head while catching my breath and saw that my house was still intact. But how? All the others were burning. I didn't have time to think, though, I heard more grenades and gunfire. The Saviors must still be here. I can't be seen! I will get dragged back to the Sanctuary and then what?

I quickly ran and scaled in between the houses. So far, I didn't see anyone. Suddenly, I was grabbed from behind. I yelled involuntarily and kicked.

"How did you get out, bitch?" The guy yelled at me. "I'm taking you back to Negan!" He started carrying me away. I quickly pulled out my knife and stabbed him in the leg. He screamed and dropped me. I didn't miss a beat, though, I pulled out my gun and shot him right in the head. I laid on the ground for a minute catching my breath. That was too fucking close!

I lifted my head because I thought I saw someone. I rolled over so I was on my stomach and stayed hidden. I did see someone! Not just one but three! It looked like two of them were helping the other walk. I squinted trying to get a better look.

It's my dad and Michonne! But who the hell were they holding? I didn't have time to think. I watched as they went into the church.

I weakly stood up and took a look around before bolting across the way and running right up to the church porch. I looked in the widow. I saw my dad and Michonne kneeling on the ground next to someone. I realized soon after that that someone was my brother. He looked badly hurt. My shoulders slumped and I prepared for the worst before I went in there. The others are okay. I know they are. They went somewhere. But why didn't my dad, Carl and Michonne go with them? I knew the answer was something awful.

I began to panic and my legs moved without me telling them to. I ran inside that building being loud as hell. I stopped just inside the door. They all looked up at me.

"Abby?" My dad said. I didn't answer. I slowly walked over to them and plopped down on the ground next to my brother. He looked terrible. He was so pale! And had dark circles around his eyes.

"Abby." My brother smiled at me.

"W-what happened to you?" I breathed heavily.

"What happened…to me? What happened…to you?" Carl said slowly then smiled. "You look worse than me."

If this was any other time, I definitely would have laughed. I shook my head. "Carl…"

He laid his head back and gave me a serious look. "I got bit."

My eyes widened. I knew my brother was seriously hurt but I never thought in a million years that he would say that. I came in here prepared for the worst, only…it was worse than that.

I was completely dumbfounded. I sat up on my knees and leaned closer to him. My eyes still wide and shaking my head. Carl must have known what I was thinking because he weakly lifted his shirt so I could see his bite mark. Everything got so much more real after that.

I was dizzy and breathing heavily. I felt a hand on my back that I assumed belonged to my dad. He probably thought I was going to fall over.

"It's okay." Carl then said and smiled. "It's okay."

I shook my head again. I think I was still in shock because I couldn't cry. I looked down at his bite. "Maybe…maybe we can—

"I'm gonna die, Abby. There's nothing anyone can do." My brother said.

I stared at him while breathing heavily and looked around. I could feel tears coming. It's happening. My little brother is dying.

I put my head down and sobbed. There wasn't anything I could do. I was angry with myself for crying. I wanted to try and stay strong for him but I couldn't even do that. I felt so helpless in that moment.

"Hey." Carl said and grabbed my hand. "It's okay." He smiled.

I finally just gave in and let myself cry after that.

"Thanks for getting me here." Carl said to my dad.

"I'm-I'm sorry." My dad said. "I-I just I didn't…I didn't want you out there."

"No for getting me here." My brother said. "For making it so I could be who I wound up." We were all silent for a moment. My brother continued. "Back at the prison when we got attacked there was a kid, a little older than me. He had a gun. He was-he was starting to put it down, and I-I shot him. He was…he was giving it up, and I just, I shot him. I think about him. What I did to him and how-how easy it was to just…kill him."

I kept my head down. I remember when my brother did that. I was horrified. I was the one who told my dad about it.

"Carl, no." My dad shook his head. "No. What happened…what you'd lost. All those things you had to do. You were just a boy."

"And you saw it." Carl said. "What it did. How easy it got. That's why you changed why you brought those people from Woodbury in. You brought them in, and we all lived together. We were enemies. You put away your gun. You did it so I could change, so I could be who I am now. What you did then, how you stopped fighting, it was right. It still is. It can be like that again. You can still be like that again."

I started crying all over again.

"I can't be who I was." My dad said sadly. "It's different now."

"You can't kill all of 'em, Dad." Said Carl. I remember my brother saying those words to me. "There's gotta be something after. For you and for them. There's gotta be something after. I know you can't see it yet how it could be. But I have." Carl began telling us about what he pictured for the future. "You have a beard." He said to my dad. "It's bigger and grayer. Michonne's happy. Abby's married and has kids and she's…happy. Judith is older, and she's listening to the songs that I used to before…" He trailed off and I became saddened for him. He continued before he got too choked up. "Alexandria's bigger. There's new houses, crops and people working. Everybody living, helping everybody else live. If you can still be who you were that's how it could be. It could."

I can't picture any of that right now. I want to, but I just can't. Maybe I could days ago but not now.

"Carl." My dad said. "It was all for you. Right from the start. Back in Atlanta, the farm. Everything I did, it was for you and Abby. Then, at the prison, it was for you three. It still is. It's gonna be." My dad glanced at me. "And nothing-nothing is gonna change that."

I grabbed my dad's other hand.

"I want this for you, Dad." Carl said.

"I'm gonna make it real, Carl. I promise. I'm gonna make it real."

Carl smiled at my dad.

I started shaking my head. "No." They all looked at me. "No. I don't want a future without my brother."

"You do and you have to." Carl said. "You're still a big sister. And you're a great one. And now you get to do it all over again with Judith."

I stared at my brother for a moment then I burst into tears. I sat back and just let myself cry. This is the worst thing I have ever had to do.

"Carl, I'm sorry." My dad then said. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you. A father's job is to protect his son."

"Love." Carl said. "It's just to love."

I started to calm down by taking slow deep breaths and I wiped my old tears away.

Carl leaned up and reached for his gun. My eyes went wide.

"No." My dad said.

"No." Michonne said too. "Carl It-It…It should be—

"I know." Carl said cutting off Michonne. "I know. Somebody you love. When you can't do it yourself. But I still can." His voice started breaking. "I grew up. I have to do this. Me. I love you."

Michonne started crying very hard. "I love you, too."

"I love you, Dad."

Then, my dad started crying very hard. "I love you, Carl. I love you so much." He kissed his forehead. "I'll make it real. I will. I will."

Carl nodded at them.

"I'm not letting you do it." I said. "I don't care what you say, it's not happening."


"You did it for mom when it should have been me. I was the older one. You shouldn't have had to do it." I put my head down and sighed. "So, now I'm gonna do it for you and you're gonna let me."

My brother was silent for a moment. With a nod he finally agreed. I could tell he understood where I was coming from.

My dad and Michonne said their last goodbyes to Carl. My dad kissed the top of my head and Michonne put her hand on my shoulder before they stepped out and waited on the porch until it was over.

"Say something cheerful." My brother said. "Make me laugh one last time."

I swallowed hard. "I don't know what to do, man. Nothing really funny, right now."

"You've got tons of things to be happy for. Things are gonna get better, Abby. Just wait and see."

My mouth pressed into a thin line. I don't know if I can believe that. "Yeah, well…" I looked out the window, a lot of the buildings were still on fire. "Good thing we didn't waste our time painting that gazebo."

My brother laughed then started to choke.

"I have water in my bag." I reached for a bottle.

"No, save it."


"For real. Save it."

I sighed and put it back.

"Abby," my brother started, "you were my first friend. My sister. My big sister."

I looked at him. "I still am." I grabbed his hand and kissed it. "No matter what."

"You-you were always good to me. Always stuck up for me. Never bossed me around or acted like I was a pest when we went places together. I secretly always looked up to you." He let out a small laugh.

A tear escaped from my eye and I sniffled. "You were a great little brother. And a great big brother to Judith. Don't ever think otherwise."

"Take good care of Judith. And dad. They need you."

I stared crying again. I nodded and wiped at my tears.

"I love you, Abby." Carl cried.

"I love you, too, Carl!" I sobbed. "More than you'll ever know." I leaned over and we hugged and cried together.

I kissed his forehead and sat back. Carl could hardly move by then.

"I'm…I'm sorry this happened to you." I said quietly.

He smiled then let out the smallest little laugh. He breathed in for several seconds. "Yeah…well…" I heard my brother breathe out but not breath in.


His smile slowly faded, he leaned his head back and then he was gone.

"Carl?" I sat up. "Carl? Carl!" I shook his leg. He was unresponsive. "Carl, no. Come on, little brother. Carl, please." I knew it was going to happen…but I just wasn't prepared for it.

I finally just stopped and cried. I let myself cry for a minute then I pulled myself together. I still have one more job to do, and this will be the hardest of them all. I took Carl's gun then a deep breath. I leaned forward and kissed his forehead then leaned my head on his.

"I'm sorry, Carl. I love you." I sniffled. "Forever." I slowly lifted the gun, pointed it at his head, then I pulled the trigger.

Deleted Scene 23-24

Chapter 45

Extended Negan and Abby talking/Negan kills one of his own men in front of Abby

"So, you think you and your people are so great?" I raised an eyebrow. "You know, those two guys that brought me back here, one of them was gonna rape me."

"Really?" Negan said. "Well, I'll have to take care of that later."

I rolled my eyes. Like he was actually going to do something about it.

There was a brief pause. Then, I finally spoke again. "You know, I was thinking…"

"Yes?" He said pleasantly and smiled.

"Why don't you just leave?" I said shaking my head.


"Yeah." I snapped. "Take your precious bat, get in a car and go. Far far away from here and never come back."

Negan laughed. "No fucking way. Not when I've gotten this close to fucking winning. And if I left, all these people here would die."

I rolled my eyes. "Like you really care about that?"

"Oh, baby girl, you don't even know. I took this fuckin' place. I saved every single one of these people. If I wouldn't have showed up, they'd all be fucking dead."

I crossed my arms in front of me. "Well, why don't you go get your Nobel Peace Prize?"

He laughed at my response. "You know, I really should."

I became extremely annoyed. Why can't I piss him off?! I got up and stood in front of him. "Well, you know what I think? I think you're fake." I blurted out.

"Me? Fake?"

"Yeah. You have these people treating you like a God. Like you're such a good leader. But you're not. You are the farthest thing from a good leader. A good leader is willing to die for their people. Not you, though. Because you're too important, right? Your people don't matter. You only care about yourself, which makes you a coward." I mocked him. "Not really a leader at all. So, yeah, you're fake." I finished with pride.

However, Negan slammed his bat on the table making me jump. My eyes widened. He was glaring at me. Wait, did I finally piss him off? He stood up and bent down to my level so he was looking me in the eyes.

"You got a smartass mouth, baby girl."

I had to admit I was a little frightened. I needed to think of something to say. I swallowed hard. "Yes, I do. It's one of my many gifts."

He was still looking at me the same way. "Maybe I should just fucking kill you."

I just stared at him. Even though I was feeling scared, I stood my ground. "Come on, I need some alone time so I can fuckin' think." Negan said. He put his hand on the back of my neck and we left his room.

Some guy opened the door to my cell shortly after Negan put me in here. "Big guy wants you." He said.

He took me into that room, the same one where Negan and Simon fought. There were two guys down on there knees, I recognized them from before. They were the guys that brought me here. I wondered what was going on.

"Hello there." Negan greeted me.

"What the hell? I thought you said you wanted some alone time?"

"I do. But first thing's first." He cleared his throat. "Alright, baby girl. Now I need you to tell me which one of these pieces of fucking garbage," he pointed at them with his bat, "tried to rape you?"

My eyes widened. He was serious about that? I looked at the two guys, they looked scared to death. "Uh…no." I started. "You don't have to. It's okay—

"No!" Negan yelled taking me by surprise. "It is not fucking okay. If one of them tried to rape you, then that means they'll do it again. And it probably isn't the first fucking time either. Now, as I said before, I'm gonna take care of this. And I'm a man of my word. As you know." He gave me a smirk so I sent him a glare. "I'm not gonna let this slide. I have to do this." He came closer. "So, tell me," he said seriously, "who. Tried. To rape you?"

I stared at him for a minute then looked at the two guys. They were both sweating bullets, especially the greasy guy because he was the one who did it. I wished I never would have said anything to him.

"If you don't tell me, I'll just kill them both." Negan said.

I heard a commotion from both guys.

I don't want this to happen. But Negan was waiting for an answer and the man was impatient. I knew I had to. I swallowed hard and looked at the ground. "It was that one." I pointed at the fat greasy guy. Negan smirked at me then walked over to the guys down on their knees.

"Let this be an example for you." Negan said to the other guy. He raised his bat in the air. My eyes widened.

"No, please!" Greasy yelled. "I'm sorry! Please! I— Negan hit him in the head once. I gasped. The guy was still alive. He hit him again and then again and again. I lost count after some point. I didn't want to see anymore, yet all I could do was watch this gruesome scene before me.

Finally, Negan stopped. He stood up straight catching his breath. "You and you." He pointed at the only two guys left in the room. "Clean this up." They both immediately got to work.

Negan made his way over to me smiling. "I don't like rapists." He said quietly. I just looked at him in fear. "Come on." He put his hand on the back of my neck, but I quickly shoved it off then began walking. I heard Negan snicker.

Well, that was the end of this story now! D:D I hope you all enjoyed it! My sequel to Abby is coming soon! Please stayed tuned so you don't miss anything if you are into this story! Also, I would really like to reach 200 reviews for this story, so please help me out! And as for the sequel, Carl was right, things will get better for Abby ;) but first they will get worse :/

Love you all! 3