Disclaimer: I do not own Game of Thrones and make no money by the writing of this fiction.

Chapter 1: The Knight of the Laughing Tree

The Tourney of Harrenhal was well underway as the jousting events began in the second week of festivities. The first week of the games, consisted of combat, swordsmanship mainly, where Sir Barristan Selmy won the purse just the day before. The feast last night had been held in his honor. He was expected to fair well in the lists as well, though the real competitors would not begin their jousts until tomorrow. Today was a light day, where young, inexperienced knights and even squires could take a turn, testing their talents.

The atmosphere was light and festive as green competitors unhorsed one another, some ending up in fist-a-cuffs with accusations of rule breaking. The crowd of spectators was smaller than it would be tomorrow, when all the serious contenders would be jousting. There was a lighter mood of laughter, fun and foolery.

Prince Rhaegar Targaryen leaned against a wooden riser, his arms crossed as he laughed in amusement at a young knight who was so incensed at being unhorsed, he whacked his opponent on the horse's arse with his lance as he made a victory lap, causing the horse to take of running out of the arena. None of this buffoonery would be present tomorrow when the stands would be filled with peers of the realm coming to see the more experienced knights.

Today some of the younger lords and ladies of various houses sat socializing in groups, waiting for the next joust to begin. Rhaegar's eyes scanned the crowd as he tried to remember their various names. Stark, Baratheon, Tully, Lannister and Tyrell were some of the great houses represented, as well as a multitude of lesser houses. Rhaegar could tell them by their appearances, their manner of dress, and even the tone of their speech. Rhaegar was good at figuring out people. He did something many did not have the patience for. He watched and he listened.

He could have tried to join in at the various social circles, but every time he did so, the atmosphere of the group would change. Merriment would cease, or die down completely. People did not know how to behave around the crown prince, and especially a Targaryen who seemed to belong to another world completely. Targaryens were striking people in general, some fabled to have magic in their old Valarian bloodline. So Rhaegar enjoyed the festivities a bit apart from his peers.

He was just about to turn away and find his wife at the pavilions, when the announcer called out the next pair of contestants. "Introducing the squire of Tywin Lannister, Kevin Lannister opposing the Knight of the Laughing Tree."

Rhaegar's gaze lifted to this Knight of the Laughing Tree, wondering in amusement at the name. From where does the Laughing Tree hail, he wondered with half a grin. The armor shown silver in the sunlight, imprinted with a smiling tree. It reminded him of the Godswood trees of the old religion. The armor also looked new and untried.

Kevin Lannister sneered at his opponent before a helm was slipped over his head. It always bothered a jouster when one did not know who they were going against, knew nothing of their skill or reputation. Rhaegar, however, was often disguised when he jousted as well, so that his opponents wouldn't hold back. If they knew who he was, they would yield or even worse, let him win. Keeping yourself anonymous was the prerogative of a knight if they so wished to do so. It made for much excitement when they revealed themselves afterward.

The Knight of the Laughing Tree charged deftly, obviously an experienced horseman, yet the lance wobbled a bit in his grip. Kevin Lannister kicked off with poorer form, making a jab at the knight before he should have and getting his arm knocked by the knight's lance. He grunted in pain, but would not think of yielding when he still had so much more to prove.

The Knight of the Laughing Tree scooped up a fresh lance, finding one more to his liking, while the crowd quieted down, their attentions drawn to the show. As they charged one another a second time, the knight was in better control, bracing his lance for impact. The Lannister squire was angry know, and Rhaegar knew that angry people made more mistakes. He could already see what would happen before the impact as the Knight's lance pushed squarely into Lannister's chest, shoving him off his mare and into the dust on the ground. His friends rushed to help him as the Knight of the Laughing Tree turned his horse about and cantered closer. He lifted a mailed arm and pointed at a Clegane squire.

"Oh, ya want me now, do ya?" the young man hollered. "Show yerself first!"

But the Knight of the Laughing Tree only trotted to the end of the field, grasping a new lance from a scrawny little squire by the name of Howland Reed. Howland cupped his hands around his mouth and hollered across the field, "Come on, Clegane. Are you craven?"

"I'll show you craven, scum sucking frog boy!" The Clegane squire didn't bother with armor. He was so incensed, he grabbed Lannister's horse and a lance and began his charge.

"What an idiot," Rhaegar muttered under his breath.

The Knight of the Laughing Tree began his charge while the audience gasped with horror. No one jousted without armor! That was suicide.

The knight shifted slightly in his saddle, leaning outwards as Clegane's lance almost struck while at the same time swinging his lance sideways as it hit the squires stomach, knocking the wind out of him and making him bellow. He yelled in frustration and pain as he jumped off the horse next to a guard, yanking the guard's spear out of his hands and strode toward the Knight of the Laughing Tree.

"Ya think to make a fool outta me?" he growled, menacingly. "Come fight me like a man!"

Young Robert Baratheon, already well into his cups, stood and laughed, yelling, "Run him through, Ser Laughing Tree!"

The Knight hesitated a moment, then began his charge, lowering the lance until it was almost touching the ground. Clegane raised the spear in his right fist, ready to jab when the Knight was close enough. But the lance was longer than the spear and went right between his legs, smacking into Clegane's manhood and lifting off the ground before tossing him down. The crowd went wild, laughing, as Clegane clutched his cock, swearing and cursing with his face in the dust.

"Looks like that's the end of your family line, Clegane," Robert roared, slapping his best friend, Ned Stark on the back in merriment.

"Clever," Rhaegar grinned.

The crowd was yelling and cheering, chanting, "Laughing Tree, Laughing Tree, Laughing Tree." The announcer jumped on his box and waved his arms at the knight, inviting him to reveal himself.

But the knight only cantered once around the arena, waving before he charged out of the gate and out of the village square. The crowd went wild with speculation, taking guesses as to the identity of the knight.

Rhaegar could only grin at their ignorance. Not one of them had it right. But it had become very obvious to him after only a few minutes of observation. Rhaegar was use to observing people very closely and it was very clear to him that the Knight of the Laughing Tree was not a he, but a she.

Intrigued, he turned to guard behind him. "Find me a horse, immediately."

The horses were brought up, his guard mounting as well. "No, all of you stay here. I'll go alone."

"My Prince? There may be brigands about."

"I said stay here," he commanded. Turning his horse about and galloping off after the Knight of the Laughing Tree.


Lyanna Stark had quickly removed her armor by the stream, laying it against the agreed upon tree and covering it with leaves. Howland would come by later under cover of darkness and retrieve it for her. She quickly grabbed her chemise from the satchel she had left here earlier and slipped it over her head.

She was still shaking from the excitement of what had just happened and she couldn't contain her joy at experiencing her first joust. The sound of the crowd cheering for her. The justice she had served those two bullies. If only she could take credit for it. But experiencing it was enough. She laughed, remembering Clegane rolling on the ground, clutching his manhood. "You are avenged, my dear Howland," she smiled, thinking how clever she had been.

She pulled her gown out of the satchel next, shaking it out and smoothing down the wrinkles. She had no ladies' maid here in the forest and would have to do her best to make herself presentable. Her mind was already on the next step of the plan - to get back to her room unnoticed and stay there until the feast tonight.

She gathered up the bottom of her dress and put her arms through, stretching it over her head, struggling a bit and wiggling into the fabric. When her head emerged into daylight again, she gasped, startled.

Standing in front of her was a man, and not just any man. It was the crown prince, Rhaegar Targaryen. She fell to her knees, holding the bodice of her dress up over her chest and bowing her head. "My prince," she said, face flushed with embarrassment. She furtively glance around the ground, but there was no sign of his royal guard. He appeared alone.

Long, elegant fingers were put in front of her and she laid her fingers on his, a signal for her to rise. Her shame and embarrassment still burned red on her face. She had never even spoke to the prince before, let alone stood half undressed in front of him. It was difficult to even hold his gaze, his eyes were so violet they seemed more a curiosity than a feature and she didn't dare stare too long. This was the only man that she would call beautiful, his long straight silver-blonde hair the envy of ladies everywhere. Yet he was every bit a man in body - strong, lean and muscular.

"My Lady Stark," he said, as she rose to standing. "Whatever are you doing out here alone? Were you swimming? Or perhaps… jousting?" She followed his gaze to her mound of leaves, the wind having blown some off of her silver armor.

He looked back into her eyes, amused.

She was so mortified, she was speechless. She could only stare like a doe about to meet its doom.

"Turn about, my Lady, and let me help you with your ties."

He wanted to help her with her dress? Like a maid? This was too much. Her heart pounded so loud she was afraid he could hear it. But she turned about, grateful he could no longer see her face. Her breath was short as she felt him pulling at the laces on the back of her dress, his fingers brushing her skin and making every nerve in her body begin to pulse.

"Tell me, do Starks normally teach their daughters to joust?" he asked. She could feel his hot breath against her neck as he spoke.

She turned her head slightly. "No, my prince. My father would not approve. I am allowed to ride as much as I please, however."

"That is apparent. You sit your horse well. I suppose you shun normal female activities, such as needlepoint?"

"I do that as well. I have many interests. Does that seem… unnatural to you?" She shivered as he finished her laces. She felt him sweep her hair from her shoulder onto her back and comb it into place with his fingers.

"You forget I'm Targaryen. My lineage is filled with accomplished women, many of them skilled warriors. They are much to be admired. As are you, my lady."

Lyanna turned about having to face him again. He was being much too familiar with her, and standing much to close. She blushed and looked away. "I didn't enter the lists because I wanted glory, or to show off my skill."

"No? Then why?"

She summoned the courage to look at the Prince and said, "To avenge the cruelties done to a friend."

"These cruelties were done by those two unfortunate squires?"

"Yes," she nodded. She lifted her chin slightly. "I have no regrets for what I've done."

Rhaegar smiled. "Beautiful, accomplished, brave, and honorable. You are a rare jewel in a sea of glass, my lady. I may have to write a song about you."

"Will you tell my father what I have done?" she asked.

"What kind of man would I be if I divulged a ladies' secrets? Men have been killed for less. Besides, this is the most interesting thing that has happened to me all day."

Lyanna smiled then, finding the prince easier to converse with than she ever imagined. "I'm thankful, my prince," she curtsied.

"Your eyes sparkle like sapphires when you smile." he replied, smoothly taking her hand again and placing a very soft kiss on her fingers.

Lyanna blushed and fidgeted. "I should get back to my rooms before I'm missed. I'm supposed to be resting."

"Let me escort you part of the way. There may be brigands about." They began walking to her horse by the river. "You leave your armor?"

"Howland shall retrieve it secretly tonight."

"I see you thought of everything."

"Not everything, obviously," she replied as he handed her up to her mount. "After all, I was discovered," she smiled.

They rode slowly up the forest road, side by side. Lyanna had no idea what to say to him. This was the strangest day of her life by far.

"Does your betrothed know how fortunate he is to have you?" Rhaegar asked, breaking the silence.

"Robert?" she replied, wondering if Rhaegar even knew who was betrothed to who. Did princes care? "I'm told that he is in love with me, that he is the one who urged his father to contract with mine."

"Then perhaps he does know. Baratheon, is he not?"

"Yes," she replied.

"He seems a boisterous sort. He did well in the contests this last week. Are you happy about this union?"

"What does it matter? It is not for me to choose. Noble fathers decide the fate of noble children. Only common folk can marry for love."

Lyanna could feel Rhaegar's violet eyes on her as she looked straight ahead.

"Then you are not happy about it?"

She paused. "A lady does not speak ill of her husband."

"He is not yet your husband. I would have you speak your mind, my lady. What is one more secret between the two of us? I shall never tell them."

She turned her head to Rhaegar, deciding only honesty would do.

"He has two bastards already and it is rumored there may be a third."

"You would rather have his complete fidelity?"

"What woman wouldn't? Mostly, my prince, I don't like to think of these children growing up without a father. I think it reckless to live in such a way, without a care for all the suffering he may cause."

Immediately she regretted speaking so harshly of Robert. She should not have done so. Rhaegar had grown silent as they rode along. Had she just insulted him? Did he have bastards? She had never heard of any regarding the prince, but perhaps he kept them secret. He had his two legitimate children with his princess from Drone. But was there more? She realized she did not know him well enough and she wanted to kick herself for being so outspoken.

She finally said, "Forgive me, my prince. I should not say such things."

He smiled. "My dear Lady Lyanna, I grant you leave to speak your mind to me at anytime. In fact, I command you to do so." He stopped his horse and pointed, "Take that path there. It is an alternate route to the village. We should not ride in together if we wish to keep our secrets."

"I thank you, Prince Rhaegar," she bowed her head.

"The pleasure was all mine, my lady. Shall I see you at the feast tonight?"

"Yes," she smiled. "Farewell."

He watched for a few moments as she left him. Then he started down the road, humming a tune that was already forming in his mind, a small smile on his lips.


A/N: And so begins the secret courtship of Rhaegar and Lyanna. Please take the time to review and let me know your thoughts. The next chapter will cover the feast that evening where Rhaegar will have a surprise for Lyanna. Thank you for reading.