It Ain't Over…


Victoria Briggs is in her lab measuring out a liquid she extracted from an alien, adding it to another vial watching it turn colour. Looking up she sees General Harris walking towards her with two armed guards behind him.

"General, so nice to see you this afternoon," Victoria greets with a smile as she puts the vial back in its tray.

"You as well Victoria," The General returns the greeting with a kiss on both cheeks. "The staff and subjects from Project Cadmus have been dispersed throughout the remaining Cadmus facilities and no one is the wiser."

"Very good, William, I'm so glad that you were able to stop the DEO from destroying my research and taking away my experiments. And thank you for the warning; luckily I was able to get out before they arrived." Dr. Briggs says with a small smile nodding to the guards to leave them.

"Of course, when I learned Lane had turned himself in to the DEO I knew he would reveal what he knew about Cadmus and I had to call you right away." Harris confessed.

"At least now with him put out to pasture, the government stymied, and the test subjects still viable and safe we can continue the quest to rid this world of Superman and Supergirl."

"Yes we will William; I will not give up on that. They think they own all of us with their power, one day I'll make sure they are the weak and powerless."

"It's unfortunate that we arrived a little late to keep them from seeing everything and well, there was nothing I could do for The Doctor." William replied.

"Indeed, but he wasn't stable in the end, his focus was on himself not our goal and it wouldn't have been long before he would have been incompetent, the procedures he continued were no longer effective causing more harm than good." Victoria conceded.

"I still had his remains brought here, what will become of him?" General Harris inquired.

"Oh, his brain and some internal organs were deteriorating and will be replaced; the body is in storage until I'm ready to try to make him the man, which my dear Jeremiah should have always been."

A Month later

Alex is sitting on a stool in her lab reading the latest test results of the few samples of serum that Vasquez was able to remove from Cadmus undetected along with a laptop and some files. So enthralled with her work, she didn't hear Lucy walk in the door until she cleared her throat giving Alex a start.

"Oh hey, I didn't hear you come in, sorry about that. How are things going?" Alex asked looking up at Lucy.

"I noticed you were really engrossed in that report. Is there anything interesting in the results?" Lucy questions as she sat in a chair by Alex's desk.

"Um yes and no, Vasquez was great in getting us this information but there's so much missing. Have you found out what Harris did with everything? Was it all destroyed?"

"I have no idea and no one will talk to me about it. All I get is, 'It's been dealt with, to move on.' I really can't ask any more questions it seems. At least not through proper channels, I won't stop checking on it, it's really not sitting well with me and I have to wonder how far up this project went."

"We're just lucky that Susan was able to get what she did, who knew she was so sneaky? Well I guess you did," Alex jested. "How are things going with you two? You've been on what six dates now?"

"What are you, keeping tabs on us?" Lucy asks giving Alex the raised eyebrow. "Things are going quite well thank you and yes she can be very sneaky but so can I."

Alex frowns a little, "Good to know, I think."

"So really, is everything all right, you seem really down lately? I know it must be hard with your dad..." Lucy started to say but Alex cut her off.

"No, it's not that, I lost my dad a long time ago. That man, that thing was not my father. I don't feel sad about him." Alex replies.

"Then what is it? Is Kara all right? Have you heard from her, lately?"

"Yeah, she's good. She, Cat and Carter are still enjoying their well-deserved vacation. Although I can imagine she's not seeing a lot of the sun." Alex quips then chuckles. "It was probably a good idea to take the nanny along with them."

"And your dad, have you heard anything about where he was taken?" Alex asked hoping to take the focus off her.

"No, nothing, it's classified. That's all they'll tell me."

"I'm sorry Lucy, he did help in the end, and he did do the right thing, who knows what that man would have done to Carter had he been taken there. And you might not have found Cadmus in time without him."

"Yeah, I know he came through at the end but I'm not sure if it was because he really felt remorse or he was trying to save his own ass from The Doctor. I guess I'll never know now." Lucy said with a small shrug of her shoulders.

"From what you've told me, I think he wanted to do right by you and Lois, he wanted to be the father you always wanted and could be proud of."

"Yeah, thanks I kind of want to believe it that way, it's hard with everything he told me but yeah thanks." Lucy said then changed the subject, "So back to you, I know what you were trying to do there. What's really got you down?"

"I don't know, I just...there's been so much that has happened in such a short amount of time and I guess I'm just slow in getting caught up with it all."

"Have you heard from Darcy? I heard she was released from the hospital and was waiting upon a disciplinary hearing regarding her time here." Lucy asks wondering how Alex truly felt about Darcy.

When she was taken from Cadmus, Alex was beyond worried and tried to find out where she was taken. It wasn't until she heard from Darcy's Supervisor that she was taken to a facility in D.C. and was in FBI custody that she calmed down some. He did thank Vasquez for the heads up; he had a difficult time getting Darcy out of Harris' hands. But in the end she was released from the military's hold and had been in the hospital in D.C. ever since.

"Um yeah a few days ago actually, she's trying to get the FBI to look into her uncle's disappearance although anything pertaining to Project Cadmus is classified. There's no proof he was ever taken there but she won't be giving up on the search. She says she's doing better and feels good about the hearing so she's not sure how it will all go down but she thinks she'll just get a slap on the wrists, suspension, and maybe some community service thing. She seemed excited about that, I'm not sure why." Alex replies nonchalantly.

"Oh I see, so that's it, you miss her!" Lucy quips.

"What? No, why would I miss her, we hardly know one another?" Alex replies.

"Well Beth and Lily do, I assumed with all that you two went through, almost dying how many times was it, that you would have a little affection for her?" Lucy responds then smiles.

"She was a pain in the ass! And she's worse than a thirteen year old boy most of the time. I still can't believe I left with her after her telling me she was there to kill me!" Alex bursts out then shakes her head in wonder.

Laughing, Lucy shakes her head at Alex. "I'm not sure how she did that either, she's a smooth talker that one. She can pretty well talk her way in and out of anything, even the DEO it seems." Lucy replied with a smirk then looked behind her.

"Y'know, I thought, at one point when I overheard her talking to him, I thought she had played me and was going to give me up to him to get her uncle back but I guess if I had heard the entire conversation I would have heard her giving herself up to save me."

"And what a waste of bargaining that was!" Darcy exclaims as she walks into the room.

"Darcy? Wh...wh…?" Alex tries to ask but is too surprised to see the agent in front of her.

"I give myself up for you to get out safe and you stick around!" Darcy replies folding her arms in front of her. "Oh and if I recall correctly, YOU are the pain in the ass not the other way around."

"But, but wh…" Alex is still surprised because she truly didn't think she would see this woman again.

"Darcy looks over to Lucy, "Did something happen to her? Did you guys break her or something? Oh, was she a cyborg too like Davis? Whatever happened to him anyway?"

Laughing at Darcy, "No she's not a cyborg, I'm not sure what's wrong with her, she was chatty a couple of minutes ago." Lucy replies looking over at Alex who still has her mouth opened. "Oh and Davis was transferred to General Harris' office so I'm sure he'll do well with him." Lucy replied rolling her eyes.

Darcy walks over to her Alex, waves her hand in front of her face, and then pokes her arm. "She feels real, almost life-like."

"Hey! Stop poking me!" Alex says and slaps at her hand.

"Oh look she speaks real words!" Darcy says feigning surprise.

"Shut it you!" Alex orders.

"What? You didn't want to see me? Didn't ya miss me just a wee little bit?" Darcy shakes her head no. "Not even a teensy weensy little bit?" She asks holding her fingers up showing a small amount.

Alex raises her eyebrow and folds her arms in front of her, "No, not at all."

"Oh really, well that just wounds my heart, Agent Danvers. I guess I'll just do my time with Beth and Lily, THEY missed me." Darcy says holding her hand to her heart.

"What? You'll do your time here?" Alex asks then looks to Lucy.

Still chuckling at the two, Lucy replies, "Her 'community service' is to work here for a month or so until her suspension with the FBI is over."

"Plus, I do owe you a date, so y'know I didn't want to break my word." Darcy says innocently with her signature smirk.

"I believe I was to kick your ass in the gym, then you were going to take me out for drinks, which you are buying don't forget." Alex says reminding the agent what the deal was.

"Of course M'lady, you shall try and kick my ass in the gym then I'll buy you drinks." Darcy replied bowing.

"And with that, I'm going to leave you two to do whatever it is you two do." Lucy quips then leaves the lab.

"So that's why you're here, to work off your suspension?" Alex asks.

Shaking her head no, Darcy walks closer Alex, "No, I'm here for you."

Well there you have it, the end of I'm Here For You. The story came from nowhere and was to be a paragraph for a friend and turned into 23 chapters. Who would've thought? Not me! I can't thank those who read the story and favorited, followed and commented enough, you guys were awesome! I would just like to thank Madaboutagirl for inspiring me to make things better, and Jokerssmile for getting me to write this in the first place, all her editing and suggestions and kicks in the butt to keep it going after the original cliff hanger ending. Thanks again for reading! Until next time…