Disclaimer: All Star Wars characters are property of Walt Disney. some minor characters were created by me to compliment the story.
Author's Note: We made it! We're finally at the conclusion of Force Bonds. We'll finish things off right with some Finnrey and a look into their new lives.
I appreciate all the feedback I've gotten on this story and I hope you enjoy this ending.
A week had passed since the end of the war. As planned, most of the First Order was still on Ryloth when the Resistance attacked. It was on the same day that both Snoke and Kylo Ren were defeated on Mustafar by Finn and Rey. With no leadership and most of the army on Ryloth defeated, there wasn't much threat left in the First Order.
There was no particular celebration on D'Qar, for all week was a constant celebration. The first day the soldiers returned was emotional. Hugs, kisses, and tears filled the entire base in a blissful joy for those who survived. The second day was the toughest, yet not completely sad. The second day, Leia immediately held one large funeral service for the fallen soldiers and innocent lives lost in the final battle. She made it clear that it was not a service to mourn death, but celebrate and honor the dearly departed for freedom of the Galaxy. The third day onward had been a mix of celebration for victory and much deserved relaxation depending on who you talked to.
Rey couldn't be happier. Everyone was at peace and their were good vibes and friendships around the Resistance again.
She was working on the outside of an X-Wing when a hologram appeared next to her.
"Hey Tolla!" Rey greeted her friend.
Since Tolla returned to Ryloth, Finn and Rey had been keeping in touch with her a lot. So much that Rey always had a device near her in case of contact.
"Hello Rey. How are you today?"
"Good. You know me, I always find something broken around here" she said as grabbed one of the floating tools next to her.
Finn walked into view of the Twi'lek and smiled.
"Hey Tolla!" he waved without losing focus of the wires floating next to him.
Tolla smiled. "I can see you two only continue to grow closer. And you're putting your Force powers to good use.
"Yeah!" Finn agreed. "Fixing ships are a lot easier now" he said as he used to Force to untangle the wires before handing them to Rey.
Before Tolla could comment, a beautiful orange Twi'lek appeared next to her.
"Yazzy!" Finn and Rey beamed.
Tolla spoke up again, "Anyways, just wanted to confirm that you'll still be visiting us next week."
"Yup definitely" Rey stated. "Things still going well over there?"
"Yes. General Organa is the best! She put such an urgency on repairing the damage on Ryloth that I can't believe how many people are here. The improvements are much faster than I thought they would be. There are still many under duress but, the one good thing about this tragedy is that now the people have joined together and helping one another more than ever before."
"That's great Yazzy. We can't wait to see you in pers-"
"What's this, we going on a trip?" Blaine jumped into view.
Tolla scoffed. "Sorry my friend. Maybe next time."
"Oh come on, I thought you said we're cool now? We're all winners now, so what do you say we have another party" Blaine suggested while wiggling his eyebrows.
"Shut up Blaine!"
Jack snatched his friend into a headlock and pulled him away from the hologram.
"Ladies, please don't think all humans are like this" the stronger man pleaded while Blaine squirmed underneath his large arms.
Tolla laughed at the scene. "Duly noted big guy."
Yazzy however leaned in a little closer through the hologram.
"Good to see you again Jack" she said softly with a sweet smile.
At the sight of this, Jack grew a wide grin.
"It's good to see you to-"
"Ok!" Rey interrupted with a laugh while getting out of her seat. "We'll let you finish the conversation alone. Finn and I have a meeting with the General."
"A meeting?" Blaine muttered before prying himself out of Jack's grasp. "That sounds like work. Why yall still working?"
Finn shrugged his shoulders. "Ugh, good question. But the General is good people, so I don't mind. We'll see you all later."
Everyone gave Finn and Rey a good bye before jumping back into their hilarious conversation. Finn gave one last look at their friends before he walked out the door.
"We're gonna have to find out how that turned out."
"Definitely" Rey agreed in between giggles.
As they entered Leia's office, they could see their General had not missed a step with plenty of work spread across her desk.
Leia looked up happily. "Ah there you are. Thank you both for coming. You'll have to excuse the mess."
"You've been working too hard for a victory, don't you think?" Rey asked Leia.
"Somebody's gotta do it" Finn smirked at the General who gave one in return.
Leia leaned back in her seat and rubbed her eyes. "Believe me, I fully plan to enjoy the victory myself once the job is done. For now I'll let you two have the fun but when my time comes, I will have my celebration."
"What are you gonna do?" Finn asked.
Leia looked back at the young Jedi gave another grin. "Nothing. After all isn't that what we fought for, peace?"
Finn smile and nodded. "Yeah. Well deserved too."
"So, I thought you would be glad to know things have gone even better than planned. We closed the last First Order territory this morning."
Finn went bugged eyed. "What? That's great! You didn't need our help?"
Leia shook her head, her smile never leaving her face. "Nope. They really did bank everything on Ryloth. With each territory, their army was smaller than the last."
It was easy for Leia remove threats from the remaining First Order territories. Throughout the week Luke went with an army of the Resistance to capture any remaining Storm Troopers found. There were a few stubborn ones, but most gave up without a fight. Leia had been contacting different regions of the Galaxy announcing the good news. All creatures across the Galaxy cheered in freedom and sent gifts to D'Qar to honor and pay respects to the brave soldiers of the Resistance.
"It's good news" Rey began. "But I imagine the prisons have been getting full."
"Yes. Some fought, but most gave up. It is important to imprison the ones who have not yet committed the crimes, which are a lot. After all, the First Order worked the brainwash them, hopefully we can save as many as we can."
Finn made eye contact with Leia. It was a conversation him and her had the day after the battle on Ryloth. It was another reason he admired her so much. Leia was a true leader, who cared about the people of the Galaxy.
"Thank you for understanding that General."
Leia nodded before taking a deep breath.
"Alright then, I won't hold you two any longer. Go enjoy your day before Luke catches you and makes you train."
Finn's smile dropped.
"Wait seriously? More training already?"
Leia chuckled. "Oh honey, you got a lot to learn about that Jedi life. Glad I avoided that" she said, mumbling the last part.
Before Finn could question that statement, Rey stepped in.
"Well then, we'll see you later."
Rey bent down and hugged Leia, something she had been doing frequently since the war ended.
Once she let go, Rey walked out, followed by Finn who gave Leia a nod before making his exit.
They walked in a comfortable silence for a moment. Finn still had the last scene of Rey and Leia in his mind and he could tell it was Rey's as well. He decided to bring it up.
"So, I noticed things have been getting better between you two" Finn said while walking beside Rey.
She shrugged her shoulders before responding. "Yeah I guess. It's pretty much what you've seen, since you and I are pretty much always together."
"Yeah and it looks better."
Rey nodded and rubbed her arm. "Yeah, I think so."
Rey felt Finn take her hand and brought them to a stop. She looked up to see him give her an assuring smile.
"It is."
Two words that perked Rey up. Her relationship with her family wasn't perfect, but it was getting better. And for now, she like the way things were going.
"Good day Finn and Rey!"
At the sound of Luke's voice, Finn dropped Rey's hand and stood straight up.
Luke couldn't help but chuckle at the antics. "Oh Finn, you're always good for a laugh!"
Finn gave a nervous laugh as he scratched his head. He wasn't alone, Rey looked at the ground to hide her blush.
"Ah, it always warms my spirits to see you two together. It really feels like victory."
Luke kept his smile as he looked around. Soldiers ran around the base playing random games, some stood in circles cracking jokes, and some just laid out together enjoying the scenery.
"Look at them all" Luke said to his two his students. "This is what we fought for. People of all kinds and territories joined together in harmony. No one tells them how to live, where to live, or who to be with. This is peace. It's beautiful."
"We couldn't have done it with out you" Finn said. "When you showed up things changed. Everyone felt inspired and you led us to victory."
Luke turned Finn and shook his head. "Don't sell yourself short Jedi Knight. You and Rey did the what no one else could do. You are a hero Finn. You both are."
Rey returned Luke's warm smile before an idea sparked in her head.
"Does that mean we can take a break from training for awhile?"
Luke raised his eyebrow at Rey before she widened her eyes along with her sweet smile and added...
Luke laughed. "I wouldn't dream of asking you to waste such a great day. Go enjoy yourselves."
Finn thanked Luke and began to walk off. Rey followed him, but not before embracing Luke in a warm hug.
"Thank you, father."
To avoid any emotional breakdown, Luke just pulled Rey in tight for a second more before releasing her. She ran off to catch up with Finn as Luke smiled at the two from the distance with pride.
Finn and Rey walked around the base for awhile as they usually did once a day. Finn knew how much Rey enjoyed the green scenery. He himself enjoyed seeing the same thing Luke did, harmony. Around the base was nothing but good vibes, positive energy, and drama free. He finally got what we wanted out of the war. For now on, everyday they would be lived in peace.
Rey's giggles brought Finn out of his thoughts.
"Hey, what's so funny?"
Rey stopped her laughter and pointed in front of them. Finn looked up to see they were standing in front of the Training Center.
"We're supposed to be avoiding training but I guess we couldn't help ourselves" Rey said.
Finn scratched his head suprised. "Yeah, guess we just walked here off of instinct."
However, neither one of them moved.
Finn looked over at Rey. She looked over at him with a grin, he knew she was thinking the same thing as him.
"After you" Finn gestured to the door.
"Such a gentleman" Rey said and gave Finn a peck on the lips before making her way inside the Training Center.
Finn followed Rey inside as she came to a stop in the middle of the arena.
"Well I'm sure you're not up for piloting" Rey stated.
"Na. How about a real challenge?" Finn said while grabbing the sparring swords.
Rey rolled her eyes. "I should have known."
Finn walked and gave Rey a quick kiss before handing her a sword.
"Worried?" he teased.
Before he pulled back, Rey grabbed his robe with her free hand. She pulled him close to her face and whispered, "Never."
Rey released him and jumped back into her stance. Finn shook his head out of his trance and wielded his sword.
"Think you can take me this time?"
"I'll have you know I'm a big deal in the Resistance" Rey teased.
Finn chuckled. "Is that right? I've never faced a Resistance fighter before."
"Well this is what we look like."
"Looks good to m-"
Finn looked over to see Poe and Jessika leaned against the wall watching.
"Don't mind us buddy. Just enjoying the show" Poe said.
"Yeah we got a bet on this" Jessika stated. "The sooner Rey wins, the sooner Poe treats me to a nice feast! No pressure."
Finn was about to comment before something sparked in his mind.
"Actually, I like that first idea" Finn said, turning his attention back to Rey. "How about when I win, my reward is another kiss?"
"If you win, deal" Rey replied and took position.
"Wait, what's your reward if you win?"
"We shall see" she said with a smile.
What she didn't tell Finn, was that she wanted the exact same reward. She didn't have to tell him, he already knew. She didn't have to say a word.
They were bonded.
Author's Note: And done! Thanks to all for reading, reviewing, and discussing this story. This was my first story and I can't believe how many months it's been in the process but it's been fun.
All feedback is appreciated. I would really like to know what you thought of this story as a whole. Thanks for reading.
Till next time, Later!