Kevin Barr learned about his unique gift when he was a young boy about 7 years old. While trying to mimic the characters on his favorite television show, he accidentally set the family cat on fire. While the thing scrambled to put itself out, Kevin stood and stared with large terrified eyes. Though the cat succeeded in saving its life, Kevin was so distraught that he set himself ablaze. He did not burn, but seeing himself this way only scared him more and the room around him began to burn as well. His parents quickly did what they could to save his life, escaping the house with the sobbing boy. His mother was able to calm him and his flames died out. While the Barr family watched their house burn to the ground, they tried to make sense of what they'd witnessed. They decided to peacefully find him a safe place where he could learn to control his powers.

Years later, with his parent's love and support, Kevin found himself at a school for gifted people much like himself known as the Bainstale School for the Gifted.

Eddy Sampson learned he had his unique gifts when he accidentally froze over his brothers hot chocolate when he was 2. His parents were terribly confused and his brother was so startled, he shoved the boy from the table and fled the room. Eddy cried for a good long while until his mother was able to pick him up. After berating the eldest Sampson brother, she learned her child had powers. Immediately, she did what she could to find any and all information about Eddy's abilities and privately taught him until he was old enough to go to school on his own. Eddy was given his parents blessing, but not his brothers.

He found himself at the Bainstale School for the Gifted shortly after his sixteenth birthday.

Ed Hill and his younger sister Sarah grew up knowing they were gifted from the beginning. Their own mother had simple abilities herself. When neighbors said she had a green thumb, they didn't know the half of it. When Ed was old enough to walk, Mrs. Hill learned of her infant son's superhuman strength. When his sister Sarah was born, the Hills immediately learned of their baby daughter's gift when her first scream shattered the glass in the hospital. Thankfully, both children were able to be taught early on how to maintain their powers. When Ed turned 16, he too found himself at the Bainstale School for the Gifted. Sarah, still being too young, continues to learn privately at home.

Eddward Vincent, more affectionately known as Edd or Double Dee, stood outside of the ivy-covered whitewashed stone wall and awkwardly stared at the gates before him. The mansion on the other side was intimidating and he could see people milling about. The taxi behind him honked, causing him to jump. He returned his attention to it, collected his luggage and paid the cab driver. Edd was not here with family, in fact he was here all alone. No one saw him off, no one gave him their blessings or love or support. With a deep breath, he reached for the buzzer and carefully pressed it.

Someone would meet him at the gates and help him load his luggage onto a trolley. He quietly thanked them and followed behind them in silence, avoiding eye contact with all the students. He was escorted to the Headmaster's office, his luggage waiting for him right outside the office doors. Edd would sit and stare at the violet haired male who sat before him, brow furrowed with worry as Headmaster Bainstale's intense blue eyes stared directly into his soul. He swallowed hard and straightened himself where he sat, trying to look as confident as possible. This conversation was going to be hard. Necessary, but hard. Edd wet his lips, opened his mouth and politely greeted the Headmaster.

A few hours later, Eddward would leave the office of Mr. Viggo Bainstale, push his trolley down the hall and towards the dorms. He had a hard time locating his room, and wound up running into the two boys who would be his friends. Eddy and Ed were leaving their own dorm room when they spotted a confused Double Dee, leaning against his trolley and staring at the paper on his hand. Ed leaned over him first and Eddy cozied up to him on the other side. Startled, Edd explained what room he was looking for and sheepishly asked them for help, but not before properly introducing himself. Ed and Eddy took their turns in telling Edd who they were, and slowly their friendship formed.

Upon further inspection, it was noted that Edd's room was down the hall. His roommate, much to Eddy's disdain, was the fire wielder Kevin Barr. "Should I be concerned?" Edd asked, rolling his trolley into the room and setting his things on the empty bed. He gave his roommate's side a quick glance to gather some information on him. Eddy mumbled something under his breath from the doorway and Edd turned to him with a small smile. He didn't hear his new friend, but he gathered Eddy did not like the other.

"Come on, Double Dee," said Eddy, "we'll show you around the campus until you get used to it and then you get to start your classes with us." He grinned at him and shoulder rolled out of the room, leaving Edd to finish putting his things away. The two Ed's would wait in the hallway then. Quietly, Eddward Vincent unpacked what little he had and stepped over to his roommate's side. Fingers reached out and grasped a framed photograph of Kevin and his parents. "Yo, Double Dee!"

"Coming," Edd said softly and set the frame down. He turned on his heels and followed his comrades down the halls once more.

Campus was very large. Not many students attended and while most arrived at the age of 15 and 16, there were quite a few younger children as well. Ed explained that most of the children younger than 15 have come from foster homes or orphanages where they couldn't stay because they were considered dangerous. Edd's heart sank a bit and he nodded as the boys continued to speak. A few older students were nearby, and one looked to be nearing his 60's. It seemed this was also a home for those who'd been dealing with this for their entire lives. Most of the elder people here were, in fact, not students but teachers themselves.

"I do have a question," Edd asked as they walked the halls of the building close to the manor. He hadn't realized that the large mansion on the property was actually the dorms remodeled and enlarged to accommodate those that lived on campus. Other buildings were built on the Bainstale property for classes and training grounds.

"Shoot," said Eddy, stopping his walk to eyeball a few of the students close to their age. One had bright red hair with a backward baseball cap. He was laughing along with other people, one being a girl that Eddy seemed to have his eyes on.

"Why does Head Master Bainstale look so young?"

"'Cause he is," said Eddy, casting him a sideways glance. "He's like a year or so older than we are. School's been around maybe ten years or so. The history is that after Bainstale learned of his powers, his father found anyone he could to train him. So after Bainstale's parents died when he was just a young kid, he had the school built." Eddy shrugged and clapped his hands together, rubbing them rapidly. Ed sighed and shook his head. "I'll be back. Flamey owes me one. Come on, Ed."

"Er, good luck?" questioned Eddward. A heavy sigh escaped him and he sat down under a shady tree, taking in a deep breath. He only partially paid the other two Ed's any mind, his thoughts lost on other things. He didn't even notice when one of the other residence on campus stepped from the shadows of the tree and stood behind him.

"Are you lost in thought?"

Edd jumped, sitting upright and scanning with his head to see who'd spoken. No one was there. His heart was racing. Someone had spoken, he was sure of it. Perhaps someone here had the powers of invisibility? Or maybe they were very, very small?

"I'm actually up here," said the same male's voice. Bright blue eyes turned up to stare at the face of a somber red-head. Quickly, Edd backed into the tree startled once more. "Sorry. I tend to do this." He came down and landed before the other, hands in his pockets, slouching a bit. "You're the new boy. My name is Rufus." He held a hand out to him. "Nice to meet you."

"E-Eddward Vincent," he said softly, shaking the other's hand. He trembled a bit under the touch. "You- how did you do that?"

"Which part?" Rufus asked, pulling his hand back.

"You came… from nowhere, and then you were flying-"

"Shadows," he stated, "I came from the shadows. As for the flying, it's more that I reversed my gravity. The illusion causes it to appear as if I were flying, but it is a very different thing. I am able to lift many things, but heavier things take more concentration. It's a bit complicated." He cocked his head to the side, the look on his face stoic.

"You appear to be my age as well…" Eddward mumbled gently.

"Of course. Most of us are." He took a step back then, eyes half-lidded. "Watch out."

"Watch out?" Eddward turned his head to the sound of someone shouting for him. As he did so, he noted the body of the other red-head flying at him. He was engulfed in flames and didn't seem to be able to slow down as he came shooting down, about to land directly on Edd-

Kevin Barr grit his teeth when Eddy Sampson came at him, ice being thrown in his direction. The fire wielder jumped back and set his hands ablaze, clenching a fist. "Tch, what the hell, Dorko?" he growled. "Attacking me from behind - is that what you call fighting fair?" He lunged for Eddy, only to be met with a block of ice. "Fuck you, Sampson!"

"You bastard!" snapped Eddy, creating ice spikes from the ground. "I'll fucking kill you!"

"Guys stop!" exclaimed the blonde girl Eddy was pinning for.

Ed stood behind Eddy, shifting on his feet. His friend and Kevin continued fighting, and he had to figure out how to stop them. Rufus Stephen stood beside him suddenly and sighed. Ed turned to him, looking upset. "What'd I do?"

"Shouldn't be too hard to stop them," said the redhead and slinked into the shadows to go and meet Edd by the trees. As Kevin came at Eddy, Ed did the only thing he could think off. He quickly grabbed Kevin, spun him around and threw him in the direction of the tree.

"What the fuck, Ed!?" Eddy snapped, watching Kevin sail towards Edd. "Ah! DOUBLE DEE LOOK OUT!"

Kevin flinched as he knew he was about to make contact with another body below. Only, he realized, he didn't. He had been paused in mid-air, a small blue outline framing his body. He wasn't sure what was happening, but he knew he didn't have the ability to fly or hover. His eyes popped open and he stared directly into the bright blue eyes of none other than Edd. The dork before him had glowing eyes and his hands were raised. Very gently, he lowered Kevin onto his two feet and the blue outline broke. Then, he pulled away and took off, running away from Kevin and Rufus. "Woah," Kevin breathed softly. "Who…?"

"Hmm." Rufus stepped into the shadows and disappeared once more, leaving Kevin behind. Seemed that Mr. Vincent's power was revealed sooner than anyone had hoped, especially Mr. Vincent himself. Rufus had to visit with Viggo, and inform him of what had happened. When he arrived in Mr. Bainstale's office, he saw the violet haired man fast asleep in his chair, snoring.

Gently, Rufus reached his hands out, fingertips moving to caress Viggo's face tenderly. He leaned in, seemingly ready to kiss him. Instead, he cracked his knuckles and grasped Viggo's nose and squeezed it, watching Viggo wake up in a state of mild panic as he gasped for air.

"W-What the shit?" hissed Viggo, coughing. "Why did you do that?"

"You were snoring," Rufus stated with nonchalance. "We have a problem."