[Taylor doesn't trigger, what does happen is she simply snaps.]


While at the hospital she would stand by the window and watch the people below go about their lives. The ambulances rushing to and fro with the injured, the ones in need. And yet where was the hero's in all of this? Where were they when she needed them, or for that matter where were they when a non-cape decides to cause problems?

This she decided was wrong, the people needed help. Not just from those with powers, they needed to know that someone would go out there and stand up, to shout that things would change. And she was the one that would do it.

She had spent the past few months training to the point of exhausting each day, though that helped what did so more was convincing her dad to talk to someone from his job. Guy's name was William (Call me Willy) and a former marine scout sniper that got released after having a bullet tear through his hip.

After talking to him he decided to help her, train her. While she did the running and working out what Taylor learned from him was in short how to kill. LINE taught to her by a hard bastard that demanded perfection, that showed her how as long as you have surprise and don't bother with needless showing off you could deal with nearly anyone. How to correctly hold a gun, a knife, and handle those that get up close along with other random things.

Really, him showing her how to make a molotov should have been shocking but somehow it wasn't. An old man passing on his knowledge to the younger generation, an old man with a idea of what Taylor was planning but not caring about what may happen.

Sure those months were pretty much hell but that was only on the body, her mind simply not caring about any damage or pain it may have or go through to do what she needed.

However she didn't just do that, oh no, she took what Willy taught her with paying attention to her surroundings and tracking to make notes on people. How the ABB tended to be more in force on each Tuesday on that corner, or how Merchants had a lot of traffic by a run down warehouse on Sundays and Thursdays.

How the cops or Hero's didn't notice or strike at those places was a mystery to her. But it didn't matter in the end, she would simply deal with it herself. This city, no this entire world needed someone that was willing to cut off the gangrene limbs to save the body. They would hunt her, try to arrest or kill her and make her out to be a monster but it didn't matter. Opinions no longer did, and it was better to be a monster to those in charge than to stand by doing nothing.

Walking around in the shadows of where the Merchants kept hanging around she pulled on a mask with ink blots on it, not to say she is a cape but to help hide her identity. Wouldn't be able to help much if her face got caught on camera now would she?

Waiting was something Willy drilled into her skull, to simply stay in one spot not moving until you found something of interest. This time luck seemed to be on her side because along came Skidmark of all people stumbling out of a door. Staying still Taylor watched as he went around yelling and just being his sickening self.

And oh my, he was walking right by her alley with a small entourage. Turning around and lighting a molotov nearly inside her coat to hide the light she quickly spun throwing it straight at him. The home made bomb surprising everyone and hitting home. With a scream Skidmark hit the ground looking more like he was having a seizure then trying to put the flames out.

Taylor with her oft hand used a small caliber gun to put a few holes in the two that didn't get caught in the flame, and managing to hit one in the forehead while the second got it in the throat. Power walking forward she put the remaining rounds of the gun into those that might cause trouble before extending a baton that was handmade to be pointed at the end, and swung it as hard as she could into Skidmark. Again and again, ignoring the few others rolling and screaming around her. Once he stopped moving she span back into the alley as quickly as possible while dropping a piece of paper with a inkblot on it.

All told it happened in seconds and yet one of the worst people in all of Brockton Bay was dead. He would never pollute more with his poisons, and who did it wasn't some parahuman. No, it was a simple teenage girl that had decided enough was enough.

The next day in the news a rough sketch of herself was revealed, seems some people had a glance to what went down. She didn't care what they called her, named her, she knew who she was. She wasn't Taylor anymore, Taylor was a weak vulnerable girl. No, she was now Rorschach and she would cleanse the filth of this city.


End Note: So had a idea after listening to Highly Suspect - My Name Is Human. For some reason it got me thinking of people that could be termed as not having powers but still being a hero. That led to me running a few through who would work in Worm and what they may do. Well, here is one result and if anyone wants to take this and run with it please do as this is probably all I will write of it.

Well that is it, though had a rough idea of Cauldron or just randomness tossing the Butcher into the area after a month or two of her laying waste to people, Butcher dies by her hand somehow. Gaining all those powers she manages to barely hold out enough to direct the violence at her targets - those that would harm the innocents.

Everyone thinks she has powers when she doesn't. This could be short, her dying by Cauldron wanting as many capes as possible alive so nudge things along. Or it could go through all of Worm and beyond, especially if you give her tinker based weapons, armors, have Amy maybe upgrade her or go the Butcher route.

If you are still reading one last thing, I am not really a writer. I have helped one person on a forum with two chapters and have created a couple one-shots. My only other attempt at a story was years ago and for some reason it was removed, no save anywhere so that is that. I just don't currently enjoy writing enough to do more so please don't expect any true stories from me. Anyone is welcomed to use these themselves as long as they note who they are taken it from, i.e me.