The next day Merlin sat behind Arthur on the horse, he was sore and achy and the knights didn't keep to their words all 6 of them had Merlin and the warlock was pretty sure he is going to murder them when he has his strength back. At least the knights looked guilty as Merlin rested his head on Arthur's shoulders groaning as the horse move. He kept blushing every time he looked at the knights and Arthur he could still see them all naked and standing around him as one of them were inside of him. "Merlin?" Lancelot came up to him, making the wizard turn to look at him. "Here." He smiled and held out a small cap of water.
"Thank you." He whispered, Arthur smiled back at the dark haired knight.
They made it back to Camelot and with the help of Percival they lowered Merlin down and let him lean against him "Come on let's take you to Gaius." He whispered as he kissed the side of his head as he scooped him up
"Oh come on I can walk!" He moaned, as he crossed his arms over his chest and pouted, making the knights chuckle as they followed behind them Arthur striding up next to Percival and their precious cargo.
"We know you can walk but I want to carry you, after all you could be carrying our children." The Knight grinned, as they all piled into Gaius home.
If Merlin thought his cheeks were bright red before they are now glowing as he was placed down on his bed. The man that Merlin saw as a father figure was told everything that includes the group sex he had with the Prince of Camelot and his knights. "I hate you all." Merlin muttered as he tried to hide his face, as Gaius had turned a reddish colour himself.
"We just want to know will this hurt Merlin?" Arthur asked, the warlock raised an eye brow at the Prince and then looked at the older man.
"You really should have thought about that before you all decide it was a great idea to… well you know." He said, as he eyed the knights and the prince who still looked guilty.
"Ummm the plan was just for three of us to impregnate him but we all got lost in the heat in the morning." Leon said, with a smile as he looked at Merlin. While the warlock looked horrified at them for telling the man he thought of as a father.
Gaius remained red and then glared at the knights and the Prince and then looked at Merlin's wrists, "The dark Wizards did that." Merlin whispered, as Gaius looks at the red raw skin and the bruises around it.
"I hope you put the ointment on I gave you?" He asked gently the young wizard nodded "Merlin can you tell me anything about the potion?" He asked as he pulled Merlin's shirt up and started to touch his stomach, choosing to ignore the bruises left behind. The young warlock frowned as he thought about the potion effect on him.
"Ummmm well the first thing I notices is a warm feeling in my lower abdomen it was pleasant it didn't hurt and the feeling spread out thought me, but then my magic started to fight it and I found I kept passing out." Merlin told him as he jumped at Gaius touched his stomach.
"He had a fever and was shaking." Elyan said, the older man hummed
"Do you think they would have wanted you dead if they gotten what they wanted?" He asked, Merlin warped his arms around himself and shook his head.
"No, they were talking about bonding me to them and one of them was making plans for years down the line with me." He went quiet and looked away from everyone.
Lancelot being closer to the bed placed a hand on Merlin's shoulders and gave it a firm but gently squeeze making the dark haired wizard look up at him and then nuzzle his hand. Gaius smile a little at the kind knights gently touch. "Merlin I need you to do something with your magic? Do you think you can?" He asked, the young warlock frowned but lifted his hand as his eyes changed to amber as the cup that was across the room floated up and then back down onto the small table. "Okay good now do something big." Merlin looked at him "It's okay, I just seeing how your magic is." He tells him, so this time Merlin makes Arthur float.
"M…Merlin put me down!" Arthur asked, the warlock smirked as he lowered the prince down, Arthur grumbled at him as the other smirked at him.
"Good-good okay first thing first with any magic user who becomes pregnant their magic… shrinks especially for males. Your magic is used to help maintain the pregnancy, however I think what they gave you was a strong fertility potion you're a wizard merlin a strong one, you wouldn't need it." He told him with a smile. "However we will need to keep a close eyes on you Merlin and see how this pregnancy progresses, I think you will be needing a lot of rest, in the coming month."
3 months later….
Merlin showed the first sign of pregnancy, and it wasn't morning sickness or strange cravings it was bizarre tattoos that started at his belly button and spread out over his stomach. Then the morning sicknesses came that is when Arthur decide that it was time to deal with his father. Arthur put forward that as his father started to behave strangely and is now seeing witches and wizards in everyone he meets. Surprisingly his father's council agreed without much fight, because Uther had started to attack servants causing one poor girl to leave her employment due to her injuries. The Council agreed Arthur should take over as King, but for the time being he would be Prince Regent
It was a week later Elyan that saw the swell in Merlin's stomach he just stared at the wizard as he washing himself thinking he was alone, his hands roaming his stomach smiling down at the swell. It had the knight's mouth dry he stood there trying to remember to breath, but the beautiful moment was ruined by Gwaine walking into the room larger than life "Hello my beautiful one." He kissed Merlin on the lips who blushed and tried to cover himself up. "It's not like we haven't seen it all before." He told him with a lazy grin as he held up a large towel for him
"But you haven't seen me like this." He whispered,
"You beautiful Merlin." Elyan said, as he helped the warlock stand.
They got him dressed and then Gwaine pulled out a blind fold, Merlin frowned at him as he slipped it one "Why am I blind folded?" Merlin mumbled as Elyan and Gwaine started to lead him though the castle up the flight of stairs.
"Oh Arthur wanted it to be a surprise." Gwaine told him, by now it was common knowledge that Merlin belong to the knights and the Prince Regent, while many where happy about their behaviour they were happy that the Prince Regent changes so far.
"If this got anything to do with sex I don't think..."
"Shhhh." He Elyan whispered, "It's nothing like that, Arthur has a surprise for you." He told him as he placed his hand on his lower back as they stood in front of the door.
Merlin heard the one of them knock on the door and then there was some voices "Place it there… no there!" He heard Arthur say,
"It need to catch the light or it will die Arthur shoving it in the darkest corner will not help it grow!" Came Percival's voice.
"Alright fine put it there!"
"Guys when you're done?" Gwaine chuckled, as the locked door was finely open. Merlin felt someone kiss him on the lips and cup his cheeks, when the person pulled back Merlin smiled. "Hello Arthur."
"How do you know it's me?" The prince laughed as he took Merlin's hands and pulled him inside the room.
"I've been kissed by you for the last 2 years I know how you kiss." He smiled, as he stood in the middle of the room, he could feel there was other people in the room and he waited for the blind fold to be taken off him.
"We must try the blind fold the next time we fuck him and make him guess who it is." Merlin's cheek heated up again at Leon's words.
The blind fold was lifted from his head and Merlin blinked at the light coming though the large windows of the room and then looked at the men in the room all smiling at him. Merlin pressed his hand to his stomach and looked at them in confusion "What is this room?" Merlin asked
"This is your new room." The blonde smiled as he warped his arms around his waist and kissed his neck.
"My room?" He asked, as he see the knights nodded
"Your new room our little warlock, we want you close." Merlin raised an eye brow "Don't worry my father can't touch you know." The Prince Regent grinned "Because we have had another talk."
"Oh no." Merlin muttered, some of the knights chuckled as Arthur moved around Merlin and then got onto one knee.
"It's nothing bad…well I hope." He beamed brightly "Merlin…."