A/N: And now my games won't run?! Whyyyy...

Disclaimer: I do not own Prince of Tennis.

Warnings: OT6, Crack-Humor, Text-based format

The 3AM Blues

Part II

Saturday morning had dawned beautifully, and even breakfast time had passed, Kachirou found himself enjoying the weather. He was seated at one of the picnic tables at his father's tennis courts, idly watching Sakuno and Tomoka playing a friendly rally and looking at his phone in consideration. It had been a quiet morning, which after three years in the tennis circuit, was too much of a rare occurrence. Almost suspiciously so, especially considering all the excitement of the very early morning texts. With a grin - which Katsuo, seated across from him, studiously pretended not to see - Kachirou's fingers danced over the screen over his phone as he decided to get the whole thing rolling.

Good morning~! -Kachirou.

Katsuo's cellphone pinged, which had the other boy quickly turning it into silent mode and glancing over at Kachirou with a look that demanded 'why?'

How did you get my number? -Mukahi.

Why are you here? -Kikumaru.

Why are YOU here? -Mukahi.

Why am I here -Marui.

Lol -Yanagi.

... -Kaidoh.

The greatest thing about the tennis players they knew, was that not only were they super interconnected - most were also early-risers due to their lifestyles. Even someone like Kachirou, who at best could be described as distantly-related to the former monsters of the junior high tennis circuit, had managed to gather their contact information due to his own diligence and ties to Ryoma, seeing as the Seigaku captain hated having to respond to every single invite from the group at large.

Echizen! Did you survive! -Momo.

Kachirou could always rely on Momoshirou.

What -Shishido.

Lol what happened to him -Jackal.

Atobe gobbled him up -Kachirou.

WHAT -Mukahi.

Poor Ochibi! -Kikumaru.

With Atobe as his sugar daddy, the last thing he'll be is poor. -Oshitari.

Lolol good point, Yuushi! -Mukahi.

Katsuo was staring at him. His eyes were screaming. "This is why you weren't picked to be vice-captain," Kachirou smiled at him.

Maybe I should have picked him up last night after all... -Oishi.

Don't mind~ Don't mind~ -Kikumaru.

Please mind. -Ryoma.

Oh! -Kachirou.

He lives! -Mukahi.

"Because I'm sane?" Katsuo asked the air.

Did you ever escape Atobe's house? -Momo.

No. -Atobe.

Atobe~ You wolf~ -Niou.

Ya. -Fuji.

Fuji-senpai says 'ya' like he wasn't there being a wolf himself... -Kachirou.

What -Jackal.

Traitors. -Ryoma.

What. -Marui.

Lolol you just added punctuation to what Jackal said lolol -Niou.

No 'puri'? -Momo.

I'm not gonna type it out puri -Niou.

You just did. -Yagyuu.

No I didn't puri -Niou.

... -Yagyuu.

... -Kaidoh.

Kachirou loved this group. It made the current set of Seishun Gakuen senior high school Regulars look positively rational. "Ryoma-kun's awake," he notified his friend.

First you guys abandon me and now you aren't even acknowledging your traitorous ways. Unbelievable. -Ryoma.

Hey! We didn't know about any of this! -Shishido.

Excuses. -Ryoma.

Actually, why are the Rikkai tennis players here? -Momo.

Mostly because Kachirou wanted maximize the number of people who knew, and Rikkai seemed a safe bet to start that jumping off point. He wasn't going to admit that aloud, however.

What, now you don't want us here? Rude. -Kirihara.

Akaya's here?! Why were you so quiet? -Marui.

Becuz I didn't care. -Kirihara.

Then LEAVE, wtf. -Shishido.

To be fair, considering this is Echizen's private business... Maybe we should all leave... -Ohtori.

Choutarou is right -Shishido.

Do you ever choke on his dick, considering it's shoved so deep into your throat? -Kirihara.

Woah woah woah, let's keep this chat room PG! -Momo.

Lol we were originally talking about Ryoma-kun's orgy from last night, how PG can you expect it to be lol -Kachirou.

ORGY? -Mukahi.

omg -Yanagi.

... -Kaidoh.

? -Inui.

Kachirou glanced back up at Katsuo in obvious challenge. "You don't even care about Ryoma-kun's well-being? That's terrible!" he said in faux-outrage.


Atobe had an orgy with Echizen last night? -Kirihara.

Stop calling it an orgy -Ryoma.

What term would you prefer, man-storm? -Kachirou.

Man-pile? -Mukahi.

Man-on-man extravaganza? -Niou.

Tennis Players, down and dirty? - Yagyuu.

Love-fifteen? ;) -Oshitari.

omfg -Momo.

Lol -Inui.

Lol -Yanagi.

... -Kaidoh.

Mamushi, stop it with the ellipses! -Momo.

With obvious reluctance, Katsuo picked up his phone and started reading through the messages.

So Atobe had a triple-layered manwich with Echizen? LAST NIGHT? -Kirihara.

Omfg just go back to orgy -Ryoma.

And with Tezuka-buchou and Fuji-senpai. -Kachirou.

...wow -Niou.

Echizen... your body is a lot more durable than I thought ;) -Oshitari.

:) -Fuji.

LAST NIGHT? -Kirihara.

YES LAST NIGHT dammit Kirihara -Shishido.

LAST NIGHT -Kirihara.

hd;fdhiofjjfsdk -Shishido.

di sfhioduf;dfdi -Mukahi.

What you doing? -Kikumaru.

Helping him. ;hsfuidsjfjds; -Mukahi.

Do you have a point to this exclamation, Akaya? -Yanagi.

LAST NIGHT -Kirihara.


Mura-buchou and Sanada-jerk went to Atobe's too. I remember because I wanted to play tennis on the street courts with Buchou but he said he had plans with Atobe last night. -Kirihara.

...oh. -Jackal.

WHAT -Momo.

WHAT -Kaidoh.

FIVE out of FIVE, Ryoma-kun! Mystery solved! -Kachirou.

Die in a fire. -Ryoma.

Katsuo audibly sighed.

Echizen, I never realized... What an insatiable appetite you have... -Oshitari.

:) -Fuji.

Stop that! -Oshitari.

:) -Fuji.

Ok well um congratulations? -Katsuo.

"Nice support," Kachirou laughed.

Thank you -Yukimura.

Thanks -Fuji.

We don't need it but Ore-sama can appreciate such gestures. -Atobe.

Katsuo, 100 laps right now. -Ryoma.

Another audible sigh from the boy across from him. Kachirou giggled.

What a dictator -Momo.

Momo-senpai, 100 laps for you too. -Ryoma.

?! -Momo.

Ryoma says 'thank you' too. -Fuji.

No he doesn't. -Ryoma.

Congrats on the all the D~ -Mukahi.

Gakuto. -Atobe.

Congrats to you too, Buchou ;) -Mukahi.

...thank you. -Atobe.

Lol he just gave up -Niou.

Why have I heard no congratulations from my Rikkai teammates? I'm hurt -Yukimura.

Congrats -Niou.

Congratulations! -Marui.

We offer you our full support, of course, Seiichi and Gen. -Yanagi.

Congrats! -Jackal.

My condolences, Echizen. -Yagyuu.

This is hilarious. -Kirihara.

? -Yukimura.

That didn't sound very supportive, Yagyuu. Akaya. -Sanada.

Oh Sanada finally spoke! -Kikumaru.

Btw guys, congrats. -Kawamura.

Ya. -Akutagawa.

Jiroh, did you wake up just to type that? How touching. -Atobe.

Ya. -Akutagawa.

Yeah, I'm real emotionally moved right now. -Mukahi.

"Who are you guys texting?" Osakada asked from the court.

"Ryoma-kun," Kachirou said, at the same time Katsuo replied drolly with "Regret."

Oh! Yes, that reminds me - how are you, Echizen? Are you okay? -Oishi.

No. -Ryoma.

Yes. -Fuji.

Yes. -Sanada.

He's great! -Yukimura.

He's a spoiled brat. -Atobe.

Lol I'm so excited for this relationship already puri -Niou.

You didn't save me last night, senpai. When I die, you're the first I'll haunt. -Ryoma.

!s;fdsafni;dasf; -Oishi.

Oh, DRAMA. -Kachirou.

I fed him a luxurious breakfast and have been pampering him all day, and he still has no appreciation. -Atobe.

I hate croissants. I want a Japanese breakfast. -Ryoma.

Lolol take your luxury and shove it -Shishido.

Tomoka leaned over Kachirou's shoulder, reading the messages in obvious interest. The girl could always be counted on to add to the chaos, and Kachirou was rather fond of her himself these days. "Ryoma-kun's romantic entanglements are currently being discussed," he explained to the girl.

You shouldn't have rushed him. -Oishi.

Ya. -Ryoma.

He's fine, Oishi. -Fuji.

Poor Ochibi~ He just wanted a slow romance~ -Kikumaru.

Oh? -Atobe.

Hm? -Fuji.

Romance... -Yukimura.

It was already very romantic. -Sanada.

I'm dying i'm dying -Kachirou.

Me too lololol -Mukahi.

It was romantic? -Momo.

From the way Ryoma was phrasing it, you'd think you guys had locked him in the house and had your wicked way with him -Katsuo.

Lolol "wicked way" who still uses that phrase lol -Kirihara.

It was very romantic! Candlelight dinner, slow dancing, soft music... -Yukimura.

Gen and Keigo even danced the waltz for us -Fuji.

I wanna see a six-person group waltz -Kikumaru.

Ryoma refused to dance with me :( -Fuji.

"...I wish I could say I was surprised," Tomoka admitted. Sakuno, who had taken a seat next to Katsuo, was blushing as the boy shared his screen with her.

Wth. That's obviously a romantic date. -Kirihara.

Shut up -Ryoma.

Omg Ryoma did you not realize? -Katsuo.

omfg of course he didn't -Momo.

I did too! -Ryoma.

We've been going out for a year now. -Fuji.

"...Huh," Tomoka and Kachirou made equally-identical grunts of acknowledgement.

...what -Mukahi.

WHAT -Kikumaru.

WHAT! -Oishi.

Oh, I wasn't expecting that amount of passion from you, Oishi. -Oshitari.

Lol -Yanagi.

... -Kaidoh.

Brat always runs off afterwards. We had to switch to a larger house just to stall him. -Atobe.

And it worked~! -Yukimura.

... -Ryoma.

Well, uhm, maybe he just wasn't feeling...ready... -Oishi.

It's our fifth time. And he initiated it. -Sanada.

We always have consent. -Atobe

It's only afterwards that he runs off. -Yukimura.

Maybe he doesn't want to cuddle? -Yagyuu.

Lol what a strong resentment against cuddling -Mukahi.

But we like cuddling him~ -Fuji.

Katsuo sighed again.

Maybe you should have waited until marriage? -Oishi.

... -Fuji.

... -Yukimura.

... -Sanada.

... -Atobe.

Oishi-senpai wtf -Momo.

How would that even work? Don't care. Wanna see it. -Niou.

"And here comes the groom... And here comes the other groom... And yes, still another groom, everyone..." -Marui.

(star eyes) -Mukahi.

There's six of them, so they could pair off if they wanted legal marriages. -Inui.

...Same-sex marriage isn't legal in Japan. -Kaidoh.

Oh right -Momo.

Does everyone have a passport? -Kachirou.

Do we need one? Atobe flew us around in a giant amusement park. Why is the law stopping him now. -Shishido.

Oh you're right -Atobe.

NO. -Ryoma.

Well of course not right now

We'll have to wait until Ryoma graduates high school first -Yukimura.

This is great.

I'm so happy I'm alive at this exact moment to see this conversation. -Kachirou.


Oh god you're gonna be so high-maintenance huh -Mukahi.

He is. -Sanada.

He is. -Atobe.

Keigo is pretty high-maintenance too. -Yukimura.

Yes but I can afford myself. -Atobe.

Lol it's true lolol -Marui.

"Sugar daddy?" Tomoka muttered. Across the table, Katsuo choked on air as Kachirou burst into laughter.

Ochibi are you still at Atobe's place? -Kikumaru.

Why do you need to know? -Sanada.

Oh wow possessive much? -Mukahi.

Ya. Save me. -Ryoma.

What a casual cry for help... -Oshitari.

No one's allowed over. We're having a romantic weekend date. -Atobe.

No one was gonna go over anyway, geez! -Shishido.

Why isn't Tezuka talking at all? -Oishi.

Lol Are you serious? -Niou.

He CAN communicate you know, he's not always quiet -Oishi.

I'll say. ;) -Yukimura.

OMFG -Momo

...I wanna leave this chatroom. -Kaidoh.

Same. -Shishido.

Thirded. -Jackal.

All of you, 100 laps. -Tezuka.

! -Kikumaru.

Geez, do we have to say your name to summon you? Is that how it works? -Kirihara.

You can't give us laps, Tezuka, you're not our club captain. -Oshitari.

100 laps. -Atobe.

Ok this is just unfair. -Mukahi.

Agreed -Ryoma.

"He doesn't sound too happy..." Sakuno observed.

...Echizen, if you ever need to talk, you can call me... -Oishi.

What a good mom. -Oshitari.

Back off! -Kikumaru.

I need a ride. And possibly a plane ticket to out of the country. -Ryoma.

I can take you anywhere you want. -Atobe.

Even to Heaven ;) -Yukimura.

... -Ryoma.

Cheer up, Echizen. At least you'll be well-fed. -Yagyuu.

Hey he's not a pet! -Momo.

That would be a whole other kink on a whole other level. -Mukahi.

Nooooo Ochibiiii! -Kikumaru.

We're actually quite diligent as boyfriends, you know. -Fuji.

And doting. -Atobe.

Tch. -Ryoma.

Maybe he needs more space? -Ohtori.

I already gave him an entire floor of the mansion. -Atobe.

WTF -Kirihara.

...Do you want a house? -Atobe.

No. -Ryoma.

You will never make a proper gold-digger, Echizen. -Oshitari.

Maybe he just doesn't like you guys puri. -Niou.

fduiafhnf;a -Sanada.

? -Yagyuu.

Dropped my phone, sorry. -Sanada.


Are you saying

What are you saying? -Katsuo.


No. -Ryoma.



Ok. That's...good... -Katsuo.

...you almost made them cry. -Ryoma.

What -Marui.

Did not. -Atobe.

Omg -Shishido.

There were better ways to phrase that, Niou. -Yagyuu.

Sorry puri. Just wanted to be sure. -Niou.

I wasn't. Going to cry. -Sanada.

He's a weeper. -Ryoma.

Honestly, I know I shouldn't be, but I'm amused. -Kachirou.

Don't be so mean to them, Echizen~ -Oshitari.

Their faces went all slack for a moment. So stupid. -Ryoma.

Lol you must feel bad, you stopped asking to escape lolol -Kirihara.

"...where did you even get their numbers?" Tomoka asked.

Kachirou shrugged, "Here and there. Sometimes some of them called me to get in contact with Ryoma-kun, since he wouldn't pick up their calls."

You never even told them you liked them and it's been a year? -Shishido.

None of your business. -Ryoma.

Don't worry, senpai. He likes you. Otherwise he really would have escaped by now. -Momo.

We already know that. -Fuji.

Uh huh -Marui.

Now it's actually pretty cute. -Kikumaru.

Tsundere~ -Niou.

He is. -Fuji.

Punishment time. -Yukimura.

Wait whaalsudbsu;fdjatg -Ryoma.

Do we want to know? -Oshitari.

Nah -Fuji.

(Picture uploaded.) -Sanada.

LOLOLOL -Mukahi.

I'm dying again -Kachirou.

Awww -Kikumaru.

I'm mildly disappointed to see you all clothed. -Oshitari.

:) -Fuji.

...like trying to hug a cat. -Jackal.

Ya -Yukimura.

So this is how you guys handle him? Hug therapy? -Shishido.

Ya -Atobe.

... -Kaidoh.

Ah, the ellipses of judgment have returned. -Yanagi.

"I'm gonna get some drinks," Katsuo said, standing to flee.

Wow, Tezuka is really used to it. -Marui.

Ryoma always leaves scratch marks 3 -Fuji.

It's cute -Sanada.

! -Marui.

! -Jackal.

What are you, punctuation partners? -Yagyuu.

Well, let's leave them to it. -Oishi.

Lol He gave up -Mukahi.

Definitely gave up lolol -Niou.

Have fun on your romantic weekend, Ryoma-kun~! -Kachirou.

fdhgfuipadfidjnldf -Ryoma.

Translation: You're guiding the first years' practice for the next two weeks. -Sanada.


Have fun :) -Momo.

fbdufd;fdf -Ryoma.

Translation: You owe me burgers. -Fuji.

From WHEN? -Momo.

Why. I can buy you burgers. I can buy you filet mignon burgers. Brat. -Atobe.

It's the principle of the matter, Keigo. -Yukimura.

Ya -Ryoma.

Oh? You can type again? -Oshitari.

He's sitting in Tezuka's lap now. -Fuji.

(Picture uploaded.) -Yukimura.

Stop showing them! -Ryoma.

But it's cute -Yukimura.

That's our cue. Bye! -Shishido.

Don't give them too much trouble, Echizen! -Oshitari.

Unlikely. -Atobe.

Mada mada dane. -Ryoma.

A/N: Thank you for reading!

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