A/N: Hello, all SPN lovers. I may be a new writer to this fandom, but I've been writing on this board for more than 10 years already. Some of you may recognize me from my Flashpoint and Lord of The Rings fanfics. That was such a long time ago. Anyway, this is my first SPN fic and also a first fic after nearly three years of absence. Those who have been following me might have been wondering where I've been to, why I was so quiet. Suffice it to say that my life took a dark turn within the last two years; there were deaths in the family, several big losses, et cetera. Need not delve into them anymore because they're all in the past now. I kept fighting, I kept living and now I'm back. That's what really matters.
To those who are still waiting for me to finish my last Flashpoint fic "The Conquest", I promise to finish it soon. My plot bunnies are fed and ready to roll!
So hang on tight, my dear SPN family. Adromir is back, baby! Rrrowwrr!
Summary: After a simple hunt, a strange living thing grows fast in Sam's belly. Takes place during Season 11 right before episode 7 "Plush".
Deep in a woods somewhere in Wichita, Kansas…
At first, Sam didn't register the pain. He was too busy gripping with his entire strength at the ugly creature's horns which projected from both sides of its head. The said horns—curving shaped and unquestionably lethal—were mere inches from stabbing him in the neck.
"Dean, hurry up!" Sam cried out, cringing with exertion as he kept shoving back. Trapped against the corner of the cave wall, he had no space to maneuver to escape the deadly appendage. The creature's four short claws moved erratically to grab purchase of his other body parts, but Sam's continuing push kept them safely away.
On the other side of the cave, Dean was frantically trying to relight his torch with his lighter. The flame had fizzled out after he dropped it onto the moistened earth when the creature had ambushed them just now. Sam's torch had been thrown clear but it still burned, lighting the otherwise dark cavern.
"Okay, okay! Jeez…" Dean grumbled, sparing a glance at his struggling younger brother. He almost laughed because it looked as if Sam was about to be kissed by a giant cockroach. He would definitely laugh later, after he killed this crazy looking creature which he didn't even know what it was called.
"Hang on, Sammy!"
"I am hanging on!" Sam fumed. "What the hell are you doing?"
Cursing in frustration, Dean threw away his useless torch and rushed off to retrieve Sam's that lay nearly fifteen feet away. "Alright, I'm coming!"
Raising the torch high, Dean ran over to viciously kick the back of the creature's left tibia. There was a loud crack and the creature howled in a strange mewling sound. As it staggered, Dean shoved the burning torch against its gossamer looking pair of wings attached to its back. They went up in flame instantly.
Still howling, the creature went rabid and flung away from Sam. It threw itself against the wall repeatedly to put out the flame but the fire quickly consumed it whole. The two brothers watched as the creature turned to charcoal within minutes.
Nonplussed, Dean raised his eyebrows. "Huh."
His chest heaving as he panted for breath, Sam frowned at his brother's reaction. "What?"
"I guess the fire does work."
Sam was glaring now. "You guess?"
"Hey, I saved your ass, didn't I? You did the research but came out with nothing on this bastard, not even its name. I, on the other hand, just moved on a hunch. So I win." Dean grinned in return, his face smudged with soot.
Pulling himself to his full height, Sam threw his brother an annoyed look. "Yeah, whatever. But I just can't believe this is all so simple. I mean, this thing killed at least three campers with its horns. Never thought it could be easily put down with simple fire."
"Admit it, dude. I'm awesome!" Still grinning, Dean nudged the carcass with the tip of his boot. "What do you think we should call it? Cockrotoa?"
Rolling his eyes, Sam began to move towards the cave entrance. And that was when he felt the stabbing pinch in his belly.
"Oww!" Sam bent over at the waist, clutching his midsection.
Dean's smile instantly vanished. He reached out to grasp his brother's arm. "What? What's wrong? You hurt?"
Grimacing, Sam shook his head as he slowly straightened up. "Nah, I'm fine. I think I pulled something. Nothing to worry about."
Dean, however, was not so easily convinced. "You sure?"
"Yes. Quit worrying and let's leave this crap hole."
"Hold on a second." Tightening his grip on Sam's arm to keep him still, Dean fished out a small flashlight from the pocket of his jacket. The flame of the burning corpse was dying down and the cave started to turn really dark again. He switched on the flashlight and aimed the beam at his brother, up and down.
Annoyed, Sam snapped back, "Dude, get the light out of my face!"
"Shut up." Dean gazed critically at his brother. His eyes widened when he noticed something on Sam's shirt. "Wait, is that blood?"
"Where?" Sam looked down. He blinked as he saw the small rust-colored stain on the denim fabric over his navel area. "Is it?"
Cursing under his breath, Dean yanked up his brother's shirt. "Shit, Sammy. Why didn't you say you're hurt?"
Sam jerked away out of Dean's reach. "I'm fine!"
"There's a small hole on your stomach. You're not fine!"
"That's just it. A small hole. Big deal. I've had worse," Sam countered back with a low grumble, straightening his clothes. "Besides, it has already stopped bleeding. It only stings a bit if I move too much. I'll put antiseptic on it later so it won't get infected or something."
Dean could only shake his head at his brother's stubbornness, and decided not to push the matter. But he had to ask, "How the hell did you get that anyway? The cokcrotoa didn't stab you with the horns, did it?"
"No." Sam rolled his eyes at his brother's persistence to call the creature that. Yet, curious himself, he crouched down next to the charred carcass to inspect the creature. "Point the light here, will ya?"
Dean obliged. "What are you looking for, anyway? A light sabre? Hah! Ain't that rich. A jedi cokcrotoa!"
Sam sent a bitchy glare at Dean, causing the older Winchester to quit chortling at his own jokes.
"Buzzkill," Dean complained. "Come on, what did you find?"
"What makes you think I found something?"
"Sammy, I used to change your diaper and wipe your nose so I can tell when you have that look. You did find something. Now what is it? Share it with the class."
The bitchy glare grew fiercer. To keep himself from smacking his brother silly, Sam turned away before pointing at a thin rod extended from the creature's lower thorax. The rod—now black from the burning—was about five inches long and real sharp at the tip.
Dean frowned, bending lower to see more clearly. "What the heck is that? Some type of a weapon?"
"I think it's a reproduction apparatus," Sam grudgingly replied, suddenly feeling sick.
"A what?"
As Dean still didn't get it, Sam had to use easier words to clarify, "On a male human, we call it penis."
Dean blinked. And blinked again. Moments later, a giggle burst from his lips, and then another and another until he was on his knees, laughing his head off. "Are…are you telling me that…that you've been stabbed by…by that thing's dick?"
Again, Sam rolled his eyes. "It's not that funny."
"Oh, it's real funny, Samantha." Dean couldn't stop grinning. However, his smile slipped when Sam winced as he rose to his feet. "Seriously, Sam, are you feeling alright?"
"I told you, I'm okay," Sam responded, rubbing his belly. "I'm not feeling too much pain. Just…um…a pinch."
Dean raised his eyebrows. "A pinch? Really? For other normal human being, it's a definite sign to get to the ER, pronto!"
"No. No need for hospital."
"Dammit, Sam! We don't know much about this creature, what type of bacteria or disease it carries. You need to get a full checkup. Besides, we have no idea how deep that…that thing had stab into you—"
"Um…maybe just a few inches. Not too deep, I believe."
"Deep enough for me!" Dean threw his arms in the air. "You need to see a doctor. A real doctor. Who knew what internal injuries you're having right now."
"Shut up and start walking, bitch," the elder hunter ordered, big-brother mode in full activation as he nudged Sam forward. "We don't want you to collapse from zika virus or malaria afterwards."
"That's from mosquitoes, not cockroaches, you jerk."
Almost an hour later, they arrived at the nearest county hospital. It was close to midnight but the ER was incredibly packed, much to the brothers' dismay. A multi-vehicle accident had just occurred on a highway several miles away, and the crowd was getting bigger by the minute. Tearful families and friends were hounding the doctors and hospital staffs to get updates on their loved ones.
"Right. This is not happening here, not tonight," Sam remarked with a shrug.
"We can go to another hospital," Dean insisted.
"I don't think that's a good idea. Other nearest hospitals would be very busy too," Sam interjected. "This look like a real major accident. They would need all the medical assistance they could get. "
"Ya think?" Dean glared back.
Sam tried to placate his brother, "Look, how about this. Let's just go home and get Cass to have a look. We're just a couple hours from the bunker anyway."
Dean nodded, albeit hesitantly. "Fine. Cass it is. Hopefully we're able to tear him away from the Netflix for a few minutes to heal you. The last time I saw him, he's got himself totally hooked on Quantico."
The journey home that normally took about two hours was cut short to one hour and a half because Dean drove like a maniac. Sam uttered not a word of complain because the younger Winchester immediately zonked out to dreamland the moment he folded himself into the Impala, which made Dean all the more worried. Hence, the crazy driving.
When they arrived at the bunker, Dean had quite a difficult time waking up his brother. Sam's sleep was so deep that Dean had to roughly shake his shoulder until the younger man abruptly awakened.
"Stop it, jerk! I'm awake!" Sam grumbled with a shove. He threw open the car door and stumbled out like a drunken man.
"Yeah, well, you slept like the dead, bitch," Dean shot back, also getting out of the car. Worried like hell, he helped Sam down the stairs into the bunker.
"I can walk," Sam protested, though he didn't push away.
"Oh, good for you," Dean responded in a mocking tone. He immediately called out for their angel friend the moment they stepped into the bunker proper. "Cass! Come out here!"
Castiel appeared in a blink of an eye, still wearing his custom shirt and suit but minus the tie and trench coat. "You guys are back."
"Isn't that obvious," Dean quipped, pushing his brother into a chair.
"What's wrong with Sam?" Noticing that something was amiss, the angel came closer to frown down upon the younger Winchester.
"Sam danced a tango with a cockrotoa."
"Sam can answer for himself," Sam announced, a little testily.
"Krakatoa? The volcano in Java?" Castiel looked so dumbfounded that Sam had to laugh.
"No, Cass," Sam replied with a pained smile. "It's cockrotoa. A cockroach-like creature that we just tangled with in Wichita. The stupid name was Dean's idea."
"It's not stupid, stupid." Dean glared back in response before turning to Castiel. "So get this, little brother of mine here got himself stabbed in the stomach by the creature's dick."
"You don't have to be so crass about it," Sam mumbled, sitting slump in is chair. He hated to admit it, but he was feeling incredibly drained even though the pain had long gone.
"How bad are you hurt?" Castiel asked, looking real concern.
"Bad enough to make him cry, that's for sure," Dean quipped.
"I didn't ask you, Dean," the angel responded, "Well, Sam, how bad is it?"
"Not so bad, considering. Dean is being a mother hen. He just loves to exaggerate."
"Let me see it."
Muttering under his breath, Sam lifted his blood stained shirt so Castiel could have a look. The angel examined the flat pane of Sam's belly, trying to find the hole. "I can't see it."
Dean's eyes widened in disbelief. "What? How can you not see it? It's right there!"
Sam was also looking down. "Well, it's gone now."
Scratching his head, Dean stared at his brother. "But where did it go? I saw it just hours ago."
"I have no idea." Sam shrugged. "To be frank, I don't feel any pain anymore. Just…feeling awfully tired."
"That's no comfort at all," Dean said before turning to Castiel. "Cass, can you at least check him over? Find out if he has any internal injuries."
"As you wish," the angel complied. Bright light appeared from his palm as it hovered over Sam's navel. A full minute later, he retracted his palm and stood. "I found no other injuries. His internal organs are intact, no bleeding inside."
"See? I've told you," Sam told Dean as he pushed down his shirt. "You worry too much."
"Then why do you look so exhausted?" Dean dubiously asked. His arms were crossed over his chest, as if putting a stance against any bullshit coming from his brother.
"Because I am exhausted!" Sam fumed. "The long travel, the lack of sleep due to fruitless research for two nights straight. Not to mention the tangle with that damned cockrotoa just now."
"Hey, we finally agreed on its name then." Dean had to smile. He asked Castiel next, "You're sure Sam is perfectly fine?"
"I am sure. Like Sam said, his body is just weary from all the activities. Even so, his head is mildly pounding from stress, his sugar level is low, and his hormones are a little unbalance because—"
"Whoa, Cass! I have to stop you right there," Sam exclaimed, shooting up from his seat with a nervous laugh. "Too much information, dude. No one talks about my hormones while I'm listening, okay? So I'm gonna get myself into a shower and scrub everything clean. I mean like purifying, jeez. And then I'll head to bed."
Castiel smiled. "Very good, Sam. Do that. Now if there's nothing else, I'm taking myself away for a while."
Instantly, the angel had his tie and trench coat on, much to the Winchesters' surprise.
"You're leaving?" Dean wondered. "Where exactly are you going?"
"Gaza? As in Gaza, Palestine?"
Castiel blinked back as he dryly commented, "Glad to know that your knowledge on Geography is excellent, Dean."
Amid Sam's snickers, Dean rolled his eyes and gruffly asked, "Cass, why are you going to Gaza?"
"To find Amara."
"Wait, Amara is in Gaza?" Sam was shocked. "How did you know that?"
"I didn't mean that Amara is actually in Gaza," Castiel patiently explained. "I just received through the grapevine that the answer to Amara's true existence can be found there. I need to dig up some ancient tomes and scriptures that may tell us more about her."
"Oh. So how long will you be going?" Dean asked, a peculiar expression on his face. He had the same expression every time Amara's name was brought into discussion.
"I won't be gone long. Maybe a couple of days, no more."
"So does this mean you're done with Quantico?" Sam teased.
"Yes, but now I'm in the middle of Arrow season 4. I'll resume when I get back." With that, the angel was gone.
"Cass the couch potato. Who would have thought?" Dean stood shaking his head. He then turned to his brother. "Honestly, Sammy, you're okay, right?"
"You heard what Cass said. I'm totally fine." Sam threw the older hunter an annoyed look.
"I'm just asking."
"Well, stop asking already. Look, it has been a very long night. I'm gonna go to my room and crash. Don't wake me up unless the bunker is on fire, or else…"
"Or else what?"
Instead of replying, Sam ignored his brother and continued to walk away. Dean made a face at his brother's retreating back. "Little brothers. Can't live with them, can't kill them."
Dean slept late the next day. When he woke up, he stumbled straight towards the bathroom, only to find it already occupied.
With a shrug, he turned away to head for the other bathroom down the hall when he thought he heard the sound of Sam retching. Dean put his ear to the door to listen all the better. He was not wrong. His brother was vomiting in there.
"Sam?" He knocked on the door. "Are you okay?"
The only answer was more sound of Sam's upchucking.
"Alright, I'm coming in," Dean announced, before adding under his breath, "You had better be decent."
Turning the doorknob, Dean stepped inside. He immediately turned pale.
Sam was as decent as he could be in a grey t-shirt and black boxer briefs. Kneeling on the floor, he continued to throw up into the commode. But that was not what had instantly caught Dean's attention. It was Sam's belly, no longer hard and flat but round and protruding, as if he had swallowed a bowling ball overnight and couldn't digest it.
"Sam…" Dean was horrified. He dropped on one knee next to his brother, putting a bracing arm around the younger man's back. "What…?"
Sam ceased vomiting and glanced ruefully back. "I guess I was wrong. I'm definitely not okay."
"Yeah, I can see that," Dean groused. He rose to the sink to fill a glass of water and handed it over to Sam to rinse his mouth with. "What the hell happened? You're awfully sick, aren't you?"
"If only that. I couldn't sleep a wink. I have been throwing up the entire night," Sam mumbled in reply.
"Then why didn't you call me?"
"I thought it was just some kind of a flu, Dean. I don't want to trouble you with it, but…" Grimacing, Sam pulled up his shirt to rub his midsection. "I think I'm in a real deep trouble now."
Dean couldn't help but stare at his brother's big belly. It was so bloated, like…like…
Holy crap! That can't be!
"Sammy, are you…?" Dean swallowed hard. "Are you pregnant?"
#AlwaysKeepFighting ;)