The obituary was simple-brief and to the point-everything she wasn't. It was strange to him, how he felt holding the paper in his hands as he read the words. Dorian had been the first woman he ever loved and yet she'd hurt him in ways no one ever had since...thankfully. In some ways he was ashamed to admit he felt somewhat relieved that she'd no longer be around to terrorize his family, but in other ways, he was sad-sad that he'd never talk with her again, sad that he'd never see her light up a room when she strolled in, sad that he'd never hear her call him 'Joe' in the way that only she could.

His fingers grazed the page as he let his eyes drift down the page. Kelly Cramer. Even reading the name felt like a fist to his heart. He hadn't seen her in years. She'd taken a publishing job in Chicago and, based on everything he'd heard, things were going well for her. Kelly always was determined and her success didn't surprise him in the least.

He closed his eyes. Dorian had been Kelly's whole world for years. Without a mother growing up, Kelly had leaned on Dorian's financial support throughout her childhood. Later, Dorian had given her confidence, a home, and the family she always dreamed of. Losing her would devastate Kelly and seeing Kelly hurting made him hurt even worse.

The knock at the door made him sigh. The world didn't stop-even if it had for some people. This was probably someone from The Banner. Dorian's death was tragic, but it was also headline news.

The sight at his door stunned him into silence. She hadn't changed a bit in the years since he'd seen her, but she looked as if she hadn't slept in days. Her cheeks were streaked with mascara while fresh tears continued to flow.

Words betrayed him, but he didn't need them. He simply gathered her in his arms and pulled her inside. She didn't resist, allowing him to take her hand. He pulled her bag in and closed the door and as he turned around to face her, he found her falling into his arms, sobbing against his chest.

"She's gone," she sobbed.

Joey shook his head, pulling his arms tighter around her slight frame. Pressing her cheek against his face, he felt tears begin to sting in his own eyes, "I know. I'm so so sorry."

Kelly leaned back a little, her eyes bloodshot and tired. She glanced around for a moment, realizing for the first time how inconsiderate she had been to simply barge in and throw herself into his arms without so much as a phone call.

"I'm sorry," she said quickly, wiping her eyes. "I shouldn't have just barged in like this. I just...I didn't know who else to..."

Joey looked at her. "It's ok. You can always come here. You know can always count on me. You know that."

"I didn't get to tell her...When I left...I never told her how much I appreciated everything she did for me. I never got to tell her how much I loved her." Kelly felt as if her legs might give out beneath her.

Joey slowly wrapped his arms around her waist and guided her to the couch.

Kelly closed her eyes. It was like he could read her mind. He always could.

"Look at me." Joey took her chin in his hand, gently turning her face towards him. "Dorian knew how much you loved her. She knew how much you appreciated everything she did for her. How many times did you tell her thank you, huh?"

She shook her head. Not enough-somehow it felt like she hadn't said it enough.

"Everyone knows how you feel, Kel...even if you don't say it with words. It's always in your eyes. Every time you smiled at her, she saw how much you loved her. Every time you came when you called her, she knew how much you appreciated everything she'd done for you."

She drew in a deep breath. Joey always knew exactly what to say. He knew her so well...better than she knew herself and when she'd gotten the call, he was the first person she thought of. His house was the only destination she could think of when she got in the cab at the airport.

"Kel?" Joey touched her shoulder gently, his heart melting a little as her eyes rose to meet his gaze. "What are you doing here? I mean, I'm glad you came, but shouldn't you be with your family? With Blair?"

Kelly shook her head. "I couldn't think of anywhere else to go," she admitted. "Every time in my life that something bad matter what've always been there. When my mother got sick again, when Ian died, when Drew died, when Cassie was shot, when Dorian was in the were always there."

Joey looked back at her. Her words meant more to him than she'd ever know.

"I just kept thinking about how I felt when you'd put your arms around me. About how it felt to be loved by you...and that's what I needed. I just needed to feel the way I did when you put your arms around me. i needed to feel that safe again." She looked up at him, feeling her face burn with embarrassment. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that." She stood up, walking away quickly.

"Hey," he said softly, standing up and walking up behind her. "No...don't be sorry." He touched her shoulder.

She felt the warmth of his hand through her thin cardigan and she closed her eyes as she stood there. "Joey." This wasn't the time. Her aunt-one of the most important people in her world was gone. She shouldn't be worrying about, or even thinking about, her love life.

He turned her around gently. "Don't worry," he smiled. "I'm not going to get into this now. You don't need this right now, but I want you to know something...I need you to know something."

Kelly blinked. His eyes on her were almost impossible to resist. She thought that being away from him for as long as she had would diminish their connection, but she was almost certain it had made it stronger. Maybe the old saying was true-absence really did make the heart grow fonder.

"What you said earlier about being loved by said it in the past tense...I still love you. I've never stopped and I never will."

Kelly felt the tears escape her eyes again as the gravity of his words hit her. "I..."

He brought his hand to her mouth, smiling as he did it. "Don't," he whispered. "You don't have to say anything right now. It's not the time. For now, I just want you to know how I feel and I want you to know that I'm here...whatever you need."

Kelly nodded. "I do need to say one thing. I can't take the chance of not saying it...not now...not after everything that's happened."

Joey nodded, brushing the tear from her cheek.

"I love you," he said softly.

Smiling back at her, Joey tucked her hair behind her ear, pulling her towards him. No matter what happened to them in this life, they had each other.