Author's Notes: I've been itching to do this crossover for ages since I got the a-okay from the original SI writers. Thanks again to all of them for letting me use their babies! In order of the SI's ages, the stories being crossed over are:

Déjà vu no Jutsu by Vixen Tail (Natsumi Nara)

Catch Your Breath by Lang Noi (Keisuke Gekko)

Inoue Shiori by Hermionechan90 (Inoue Shiori)

Iryo-nin Kasa by Vaengir (Kasa Mon)

Dreaming of Sunshine by Silver Queen (Shikako Nara)

Blended Dreams

Chapter One: Catching a Sense of Déjà vu

Things were different. At first, Kei thought her presence may have somehow caused the change. However, as time passed she quickly realized her existence couldn't have incited such a ripple effect. She alone couldn't have possibly caused the change in the Academy standards or the Academy reform as she heard some of their senseis mention in passing. It was rather surprising how much they let slip when they think their students weren't paying attention.

Classes were more or less the same for both civilian and clan children with no glaring differences in course load. The exception lied in the clan children that had the benefit of early exposure from their families. It used to be common for those children to out-perform their peers and graduate early, but somehow that practice was all but abandoned.

Kei frowned as she eyed her newly graduated silver-haired classmate, Kakashi Hatake. If memory served her right, he should have left the Academy by the age of six. Yet, here he was nine years in age. He couldn't have possibly gotten left back for grades or performance. Kakashi scored top marks in every subject and was touted as one of the best in their year.

So, why was his graduation delayed until now?

"Kakashi-kun is amazing isn't he?" whispered Rin quietly as the brunette shot her a grin.

"If you say so," replied Kei offhandedly as she turned her attention elsewhere.

To strangers, her casual dismissal might have seemed cold and aloof, maybe even off putting to some. It made it easier to keep people at a distance, especially when it came to disillusioned fan-girls who were more interested in novel-like romance than becoming a kunoichi. She supposed it couldn't be helped when the terrors of war were so far from home.

She has to admit the fan-girl issue hadn't been as bad as she expected. True, there were still the gaggle of girls who still swooned over geniuses like Kakashi, but their senseis were quick to circumvent it before it grew disruptive. Still, Kei kept her distance. She had better things to worry about than petty schoolyard hierarchy.

"Just you watch Kakashi! I'll catch up to you soon!" declared Obito loudly over the chattering crowd.

Kei bit back a sigh when she caught sight of the rowdy Uchiha. She had her work cut out for her if she wanted to ensure Obito don't get caught up in Madara's lies and cause the Fourth Shinobi War. Albeit they haven't even gone into the third one yet, she rather not face an absurdly powerful grief-stricken Obito.

The next time she encountered Kakashi was nearly two years later when she graduated from the Academy with Obito and were assigned to Team Minato.

"…You're a girl?" stated Kakashi in a deadpan. The silver-haired shinobi was not amused by the draw of his new teammates.

"Bastard! Of course Kei is a girl!" snapped Obito agitatedly.

Confusion over her gender was getting old. Did she really look that much like a boy? Kei did what she could to ignore the squabble and dismiss the obvious slight to her person. It was obvious Kakashi aimed to irritate them to get a better sense of who they were.

The bell test came and went. Neither she nor Obito fell for the test's ruse. She had the advantage of foreknowledge and Obito was loyal to a fault. Kakashi would not be failed regardless of their performance so it mattered little.

All in all, Minato's Team Seven became a reality with Rin replaced by Kei. The brunette iryo-nin received an apprenticeship instead in the hospital with Yamaguchi sensei. Despite the changes, things seemed to move relatively smooth. D-ranks, C-ranks, the mission with the Chinatsugumi clan…

Okay, maybe the last one wasn't as smooth as she liked. Who could blame her? It wasn't every day someone reincarnated into a world that held characters she created another lifetime ago. However, she digress. Aside from the Chinatsugumi, something else was strange.

Kakashi, while he was still his prickly self, was different from what she remembered. His daily interactions with Minato and his interactions with Kushina when she was introduced to Team Seven, somehow they seemed warmer than she expected. Shouldn't Kakashi have some sort of loner complex from his father's death?

For a time, the question riddled Kei's mind and more seemed to follow as Kakashi acted less and less compared what she expected. She had half a mind to wonder if her precognition was nothing more than a delusion until Team Seven finally met… Kakashi's family?

"Kashi-ni!" giggled a silver-haired little girl as she tackled her stoic teammate at the door.

"Midori," sighed Kakashi as he hauled the two-year-old into his arms. "Where's mom?"

"With Natsu-nee!" answered the girl cheerily.

"So she's here. Good, I need to talk to Natsu-nee anyway," continued Kakashi as he slipped off his shoes at the genkan and walked into the house.

A mother and two sisters? Kei's brows furrowed in thought. This was different.

"W-wait! Kakashi has a little sister?" yelped Obito in surprise as he pointed to the little girl in his teammate's arms.

"Problem?" droned Kakashi in a deadpan as he glanced back to him.

"S-she's," spluttered Obito before he turned to Kei. "I'm not seeing things right? She's normal!"

"What did you expect?" frowned Kei in confusion.

"I don't know… Grumpy? Mask-wearing? A bit of an as—" started Obito, but halted at the sudden flare of killing intent.

"Finish that in front of my sister," dared Kakashi with a glare.

"Kei," said Obito as he turned to her for help.

"Don't look at me, I have nothing to do with this," said Kei with her hands up defensively.

"Kei!" whined the Uchiha pathetically.

"What's all this ruckus about?" sighed an exasperated woman.

Kei nearly flinched at her sudden appearance. When did she approach them? Why couldn't she sense her? And more importantly, who was she?

"Natsu-nee," greeted Kakashi as he glanced up to the woman.

"Another sister?" murmured Obito in surprise before Kei promptly smacked him upside the head to silence him.

From what she could see, the woman wasn't blood related to Kakashi. She didn't share the face structure nor the ethereal silver hair atop Kakashi and the younger Hatake's head. Her hair was a rather common shade of brown. However, what was most notable were her mismatching blue and green eyes, an uncommon sight even in a world with dojutsu users.

"Not going to introduce us?" teased the woman as she ruffled Kakashi's hair.

"Don't see why I have to," grumbled Kakashi, but at a glance from the older woman, he sighed and nodded his head to his teammates. "Fine, Obito Uchiha, Keisuke Gekko, meet Natsumi Nara, wife of the Nara Clan Head. Otherwise known as Natsu-nee, my sister by a convoluted ninja family tree."

Kei fought to keep the confusion off her face as she studied the woman. Aside from Shikamaru and his father, she couldn't recall much about the Nara Clan. However, she was quite certain the mother and wife of the lazy intellect clan didn't have Natsumi's unique features.

This woman was an anomaly just like her. Kei wasn't going insane. Her precognition wasn't wrong. She must have caused all the differences. The changes in the Academy, Kakashi's disposition and who knows what else. Natsumi was definitely on the side of Konoha and its people, Kei was certain of this fact. However, where does she stand in regards to individuals like themselves?

"Yo," greeted Natsumi with a grin. "You looked like you've seen a ghost. I'm not that scary am I?"

…One way to find out she supposed.

"Natsumi-san," started Kei quietly as she looked deep into the woman's mismatched eyes. "Have you ever gotten the sense of déjà vu?"

Author's Notes: I know it's a bit short, but I was dying to get at least this out so I could motivate myself to write more. I'm not going to stop updating Iryo-nin Kasa, but I need a little break. Naruto's Interlude is kicking my ass… along with a multitude of health issues. Updates for this crossover is going to be a bit sporadic and maybe a bit short since I'm still working on the kinks to meld all five stories together (hopefully, seamlessly).

Thanks again to the wonderful writers to let me borrow their characters for this little plot bunny! I hope you guys enjoy it!

PS: If anyone can do a cover art for this with the five SIs, I would love you forever!