AN: Hello everyone! :D Just a little announcement, my AU Nalu story New Beginnings is now completed if you wanna check that out after reading this chapter. :) I've been wanting to write my own Nashi story for a while and so here it is! :D Alright, this takes place after the Tartaros arc and before the Alvarez arc! Some things will be different from the actual storyline considering this is a fanfic. I hope you all enjoy! Please read/follow/fav/review as always. :)

Chapter 1

Exactly one week had passed since the battle with Tartaros. All of the members were in the guild hall either lazily lounging around, dancing in crazy motions, or chatting eagerly with friends. No matter what they were doing, there was one thing they all had in common: they were flat out drunk. Well, besides Asuka, of course. But even little Wendy and Romeo were in a drunken stupor. Not one member was tipsy. No, they were all completely wasted. Including Fairy Tail's infamous celestial mage and fire dragon slayer.

Lucy was slouched over the bar completely intoxicated as her favorite bartender- who was equally intoxicated- gave her yet another drink. Usually the blonde had control over these sorts of things. Alcohol and cigars neve interested her. But the past week was one of the toughest times in her life. After all, her oldest friend was gone and out of her life, only leaving behind a broken key. The worst part of it all was that nobody knew.

But she wasn't the only one that lost somebody precious to her. No, everyone lost something. Everyone lost their sense of security, always carrying fear in the back of their minds. But some were even more unlucky, just like her. Gray had just lost his father, the one that he had just found after years of believing that he was dead. If that wasn't bad enough, he mistakenly delivered the heavy blow leading up to his death. Natsu's case was just as bad. He had finally found his own father after years of searching and when Igneel finally showed up, he was quickly killed right in front of him in a gruesome manner. Not to mention Wendy and Gajeel also lost their dragons as well. Everyone lost something in that war, leaving them horribly scarred.

And that was why all of them were now wasted along with the rest of guild. Their worries, sadness, and endless pains were temporarily forgotten and they were given a moment of happiness. They were sure to receive the consequences of such heavy drinking the next day, but at the moment the fear of a hangover was lost from everyone's mind.

There was a sudden crash, causing Lucy to whip her heavy head around to find Natsu and Gajeel brawling intensely and knocking over tables and chairs. Surprisingly, Gray was a mellow drunk and he managed to stay out of the fight. But the rest of the male mages in the guild weren't as mellow and all eagerly joined the battle. Luckily, it was quickly put to an end when one of the boys destroyed Erza's cake. And if one thought the redhead was scary before, it was a whole other story when she was actually drunk considering she was the angriest drunk Lucy had ever met in her entire life, including her own father. Anyways, the fight was quickly put to an end.

Lucy resumed her conversation with Mira, which was for some reason about olives. Who knows, they were drunk. Anyways, as the blonde happily rambled about the difference between green olives and black olives, she suddenly felt a heavy weight being pushed on her back. Turning her head, the girl could see tufts of pink hair as Natsu's head was on her shoulder. He was leaning the front of his body on her back, causing her to in turn lean onto the counter. If she were sober, she would have yelled. But she definitely was not sober at the time, so all she did was laugh.

"What's wrong with you, Natsu?" Lucy asked, her words slurred.

The pink-haired boy wrapped his arms around her waist and replied, "Erza hurt me. Go beat her up for me."

Though Lucy was wasted, she wasn't wasted enough to pick a fight with the redheaded demon. Thus, she responded with a shake of her head.

Natsu frowned. "Then let's go back to your place!"

This Lucy could agree with. "Okay!"

The two were walking towards the door as Mira shouted after them, "Don't forget to use protection!"

Under any normal circumstances, the couple would yell at the silver-haired mage who had a fascination of pairing certain guild members together. But these circumstances were far from normal as they were completely intoxicated. Thus, the two just laughed and shouted back, "Okay!"

The two took a while to get back to Lucy's apartment. Everything seemed to catch their eyes during the walk, making it take much longer than necessary. But they were finally there. They were back in Lucy's apartment, on her bed, under the covers. Their giggles filled the room and they talked for what seemed like hours until finally they fell asleep.

The next morning, Lucy groggily opened her eyes and let out a loud groan. Natsu was nowhere around and she figured she probably kicked him out the prior night. Her head was pounding and her stomach was threatening to puke everything she consumed the prior night. Yet that wasn't the only thing that was in pain. Her upper thighs and "lady region" seemed to ache, but the blonde shrugged it off, assuming that perhaps her period was starting soon and that it was a symptom. After all, every girl had it different and she had read that some girls' private parts hurt during their periods. And that assumption was why Lucy failed to find anything strange about her clothes laying on the floor.

Going into her bathroom, Lucy did end up hurling what felt like all of her intestines. This made her vow to never take another sip of the devil's liquid ever again. Brushing her teeth to get rid of the foul aftertaste, the blonde went back to bed to go back to sleep once more. Her body was still aching and despite already throwing up, she still felt nauseous. So, she let her eyes flutter closed for a peaceful slumber, blissfully unaware of what was to come.

Three weeks had passed since that wretched morning of Lucy's hangover and the blonde found herself cheerfully skipping towards the guild. She hadn't seen Natsu since the night of the party and assumed he was still coping with his heavy loss, just as she should have been doing. Yet, she preferred to cope by being surrounded by her friends and ignoring her problems, so that was exactly what she did. Strutting into the guild hall, she plopped happily onto her signature bar stool in front of Mira with a bright smile plastered to her face. Levy immediately came up and sat beside the blonde, Gajeel following and taking the seat next to the bluenette. Lucy turned her head to greet them but paused as she saw Gajeel staring at her with significantly widened eyes.

"Is something the matter, Gajeel?" she questioned with a raised brow.

The metal dragon slayer gulped and slowly shook his head. It was painfully clear he was lying but he insisted, "I-It's nothing."

Lucy continued to stare at the boy for a few moments but shrugged it off when she realized that he wasn't going to speak any more on the matter. Thus, she turned her attention to her fellow bookworm.

"Good morning, Levy-chan!" she said with a bright smile.

"Morning, Lu-chan!" the petite mage greeted in return. "Are you still feeling sick?"

Lucy frowned and nodded her head. "Yeah, it's weird. It's not going away even though I've felt like this for a whole week now. I've been taking medicine but I just keep throwing up!"

The blue-haired girl frowned and placed a comforting hand on the blonde's shoulder. "Well, I hope you feel better, Lu-chan!"

"Are you sick, Lucy-san?" Wendy asked as she approached the group, carrying Carla in her arms. She overheard the conversation and being the healing expert in the group, she wanted to help her friend.

The blonde nodded but smiled nonetheless. "Yeah, I've been throwing up for a while. I didn't want to bother you with this and I'm sure it's just a bug! It'll go away soon!"

It was then that Wendy's eyes widened. The young mage then shared a glance with Gajeel and turned her attention back on Lucy.

"I-I hope you feel better soon then," Wendy said, her eyes still wide and a concerned expression plastered to her face. With that said, she turned around and left the group, quickly walking away.

Lucy stared at Wendy's retreating figure in confusion, then gazed at Gajeel, who was keeping his own gaze glued to the counter. Shrugging it off, she chalked it up to a dragon slayer thing and continued about her day.

Another week had passed and Lucy found herself in her bathroom feeling her knees about to give up on her. She gripped her sink tightly to keep from falling, though it felt as if the world around her was crumbling anyways. Tears escaped her eyes and dripped down her cheeks and the girl found herself unable to contain the sobs escaping her mouth. She placed her hand over her stomach and dreaded the idea of the future. All of this was because of a small stick that was now thrown in the trash, buried under used tissues. All of this dread because of a pregnancy test. A positive pregnancy test. She was pregnant.

And she had no idea who the father was.

In her mind, she was still a virgin. Lucy couldn't remember having sex with anyone, no matter how hard she tried. The girl hoped it was a fluke with the pregnancy test, but after trying twice more and receiving the same answer both times, it was clear. She really was pregnant. But how did she get pregnant if she didn't have sex?

And just like that, she recalled the morning after the fateful party. Her clothes were thrown around the room and she had woken up in only her underwear. That had to be the night, there was no doubt in her mind about it. Now all she had to do was remember who was there with her.

Racking her brain for memories of the hazy and distant night, Lucy's head began to hurt. She could remember partying with everyone and having a good time. She remembered talking to Gray but knew it couldn't be him because he left with Juvia before she left. Then the blonde remembered leaving the guild with Natsu and going back to her apartment.

Lucy tried to tell herself that there was no way she slept with Natsu. There was no way in hell that he was the father of the unborn child in her stomach. After all, they had slept in the same bed together countless times and not once had they ever done anything remotely like that. The girl furiously shook her head. It couldn't be.

But it was. As if on cue, memories of the fateful night played in her head.

The two were giggling under the covers of Lucy's bed as she traced her finger over Natsu's abs. They couldn't stop giggling as they tickled each other with their soft touches. Staring into each other's eyes with drunken blurred vision, Natsu clumsily got on top of her, the two giggling once again. He slowly brought his lips down towards hers, their warm breaths fanning each other's faces. And finally, his lips crashed upon hers in a drunken kiss.

And just like that, things went downhill from there. Clothes were being thrown off each other and once again, they couldn't stop giggling unless they were kissing.

"Oh, Mira told us to use protection!" Natsu said with an intoxicated smile. "Do you have protection?"

"I have my whip! We're good! That's all the protection we need!" Lucy replied, kissing the boy once again.

And just like that, the biggest mistake Lucy had ever made before in her entire life was made.

Or so she thought.

The next morning, Lucy forced herself to get out of bed. Her eyes were incredibly puffy and it was clear that she cried herself to sleep. But before that, the girl stayed up wondering whether or not she should tell Natsu. She knew it would be selfish not to. After all, he had the right to know he was going to be a father. But at the same time, she still felt it would be selfish to tell him as well considering she would be stripping him of a life he wanted and forcing him to deal with a child he didn't want. Lucy needed help. And she knew just who to ask.

"Lu-chan, what's wrong?" Levy worriedly asked after she was pulled into the corner by the distraught blonde.

"L-Levy-chan, I need to tell you something," Lucy replied, tears quickly spilling from her eyes once again. "I-I screwed up. I made a huge mistake!"

The petite mage hugged the blonde to comfort her as Lucy cried onto her shoulder.

"It's okay, you're going to be okay. Just tell me what happened."

And so, after looking around to make sure they were at a far enough distance from everyone else, Lucy did just that. She told Levy absolutely everything. The blonde was a sobbing mess by the end of her story. Levy only stared at her with wide eyes, her jaw hanging on its hinges.

"Oh, Lu-chan," she finally choked out. "You have to tell him. There's no way you can't tell him."

"I-I can't!" Lucy shouted, covering her face with her eyes. "He doesn't want a kid and he doesn't love me! I don't want my kid growing up seeing its parents separated! I would rather raise it by myself!"

"So you're keeping it?"

"I-I am…"

Levy sighed and stared at her friend with utmost worry. "Lu-chan, how do you really feel about Natsu?"

Lucy brought her hands away from her face and met her friend's gaze. "I don't know and that just makes it even worse! I can't let my child grow up knowing that I don't love their father and that we are separated! And I definitely can't let my child know that their father doesn't even want them!"

"But you aren't giving Natsu a chance!" Levy shouted, rising from her seat. Luckily everyone else in the guild was far away so as to not hear them. "Lu-chan, I know that this is incredibly hard for you and in the end, you are the mother and it's your choice. But you are saying all of these things about Natsu without giving him a chance. He deserves to know he's going to be a father."

There was a long moment of tense silence until finally Lucy nodded her head glumly.

"Y-You're right. He deserves to know."

Levy nodded and tightly hugged the blonde. "Go tell him now!"

And with that, Lucy was rushing out the door towards Natsu's cottage.

Arriving at the quaint home, Lucy knocked and waited patiently. She figured he was home since he wasn't at the guild and he hadn't been to her apartment in almost a month. Mira even told her that Natsu hadn't gone on any missions lately. And that was when Lucy realized that she hadn't seen Natsu or Happy in four weeks. It saddened her, but she shrugged it away as she knew she had something more serious to be upset about. Knocking again, the blonde was surprised to be met with more silence. Opening the door- which was unsurprisingly unlocked- Lucy stepped inside and gaped at the sight.

The house was shockingly clean for once. There were no dirty dishes, fish bones, or clothes lying around. Everything was nice and tidy but also quiet. Too quiet. Venturing the small home, Lucy quickly discovered that it was empty. Then her eyes landed on an envelope laying on Natsu's desk. What shocked her was that it was addressed to her. Opening the letter and quickly reading it over, Lucy gasped and cried for the umpteenth time that day and dropped the paper to the floor. She covered her mouth in an attempt to contain her sobs but it was futile. Her sorrow-filled cries echoed throughout the cottage. The letter replayed in her head over and over again, driving her insane.

"Hey, Luce! Happy and I are going training! We'll be back in two years! See you then!"

They were gone. And she was alone. Subconsciously placing her palm over her stomach, the girl shook her head. She wasn't alone. And from that day forward, she never would be. She now had somebody to look after. Somebody to raise and take care of. Somebody to love. It saddened her that she couldn't do that in Magnolia.

AN: What do you guys think? :D Leave a review and let me know! :)