Disclaimer: I own nothing.

AN: bold is Kurama. bold and italics is Shukaku


Tell me he didn't just say that…. Kurama growled inside the mind of his host.

Naruto inwardly smirked. "Yep. He did. Should I ask him to repeat it?"

Inside his cage, Kurama covered his ears with his tails, a move he hadn't pulled since he was a kit himself. Please don't….

Naruto laughed, gesturing at his seal when his companion gave him an odd look. "Would you mind saying that again, Gaara?"

Gaara nodded, rolling his eyes at his friend's antics. "I said, Naruto, would you marry me?"

Naruto grinned, both at the question he had been waiting for and at the fox's mournful wail. "Of course. After all, you make amazing ramen." At that comment, the sand surrounding them writhed around as if it couldn't decide if it wanted to strangle the stupid oaf or slide the ring onto his finger. In the end, it obeyed Gaara, and the two jinchurikis were wearing matching rings.

Sometime later, Kurama reached out along the bond that connected the tailed beasts until he found Shukaku.

This is all one horrible joke, isn't it? He asked desperately.

Shukaku snorted. Since when does Gaara have a sense of humor?

Kurama was silent, but the stress and frustration was pouring off him in waves. I can't believe he's marrying the sand rat… he thought to himself.

Hey! Shukaku angrily retorted.

AN: Just some cracky fun.