Chapter 5: The Hunter and the Blacksmith

Viera dumped the string of rabbit carcasses in front of the local butcher, who raised a brow at the seemingly 'savage' elf. Aldrid was a man reaching his 30s and good at his job. He was especially busy due to the conclave happening in 4 days time. Countless of orders came through in order to feed mercenaries and nobles and maintaining his stock and supply overwhelmed him. That is until two dalish elves walked in offering their services. The excitable one, Ellana as he soon learned her name, was young, in her early 20 he would guess by the naive look she had in her eyes. However he was not fooled for underneath the seemingly childish nature she expressed, was intelligence and observation. Her friend, Viera, was more mellow, yet he saw how he held himself, stiff with determination and caution ready to spring into action. He also noted by his eyes, he seem older than the younger, maybe about 5 years or more.

Ellana, when they first entered his shop, immediately started to rile off on what he needed and when. After deciphering the fast paced speech of the young elf, Aldrid realized that they were sent to him by the quartermaster to help with his ever declining supply. Thus began their rather odd partnership. The next two and a half weeks consisted of bickering between him and Ellana and Viera simply standing by watching them in amusement as he cleaned his daggers. The daily routine was however, interrupted when Viera came storming in, shoulders tense and face furious as he dropped the rabbits onto Aldrid's counter.

"Viera? What's wrong lad?" Aldrid wasn't a man who dove into others business but the few weeks he had with the two hunters had been a rather pleasant one.

Viera looked at the old butcher, bald head covered by a knitted hat that Ellana had gifted him one day, Viera held back a snort at the thought but quickly released a growl at the thought of his friend when Aldrid asked his concerned question. He pointed to the doorway where Ellana was standing. The said elf was rubbing her wrists together and Aldrid could've sworn her ears were drooped.

"Why don't you ask her." Viera bit out.

"I said I was sorry!" Ellana retorted, throwing her hands up in the air. "How was I supposed to know you were going for the silent kill, you were supposed to warn me!"

"The point of, I hit first and you pick off, is so the animal can bleed out faster and make it easier to track at the same time! Not shoot while my dagger is still in the damn beast!" Taking one of the daggers of of his sheath, Viera slams it down on the counter next to the rabbits and points to the blade, or rather lack of it.

"You see this Aldrid?" Viera continues and picks up the hilt of the weapon giving Aldrid a better view. He's seen their weapons plenty of times when they came into the shop. Ellana's intricate bow and quiver resting upon her back while Viera's knives and daggers adorned his sides and around his waist. The daggers Viera used look expensive and well made. The hilt was made of some type of bone, engraved in it was elvhen writing . While the blades themselves were a sleek black, tinted with deep tones of blue. The workmanship always awed Aldrid, and now he could understand Viera's anger, one of the Blades had snapped in half, a crack split down the middle of the hilt of it down to the pommel. Aldrid took the dagger with gentle hands and hummed to himself before asking.

"How did this happen?" Viera huffed, crossing his arms before replying.

"Ellana thought it would be a wonderful idea to shoot at the elk I was stabbing at the exact same time, causing the animal to panic, run off with a dagger still in its side and proceed to hit a tree in breakneck speed, hence causing the break." Viera's pointed ear twitched as he heard Ellana grumble absentmindedly on the matter.

Aldrid had to chuckle at their antics while Viera explained the situation. Seeing his supplier, and dare he say it, friend mad he raised his hand, stopping the man from erupting at his friend once more.

"It is a rather clean break and the handle is damaged as well. Take it to the blacksmith here, his name is Harritt, he should be able to help you." As Aldrid said this he didn't fail to note the frown gracing Viera's face. "What is it?"

"Ser Harritt, isn't too fond of helping, the last time I went to see him about repairs to my armor, he didn't pay me any mind." Taking the dagger back from Aldrid's hands, Viera placed it back in its sheath as he continued to explain. "I'm unsure why, but I have a suspicion he is judging me based on my ears."

Aldrid raised a greying eyebrow and responded. "Try again, I know Harritt, he's mostly just overwhelmed with all the new orders he's receiving like I am." He looked over Viera's shoulder at Ellana. "As for you young lady." Ellana winced at the term and bowed her head. "Both of you are in the wrong here." Viera and Ellana both opened their mouths to protest, but he raised a calloused hand. "Let me speak."

"Both of you are in the wrong here, Viera for your lack of communication and Ellana for your recklessness and rushing into action. Now the two of you make up, Viera head to the smithy's and Ellana, stay here and collect your payment, also if you don't mind I have some nugs that need skinning and the meat smoking. I can offer you extra coin for the help if you wish."

Both elves visibly deflated at the butcher's reprimanding but yield. Viera sighed and gave Ellana an apology for blowing his fuse and Ellana apologized for inadvertently breaking his dagger. Giving Ellana a small smile, Viera gave her a hug and waved to Aldrid saying goodbye and stepped out the shop. Once he left and Aldrid made sure he was a decent ways away from his shop, Aldrid snorted and leaned on his counter, snorts soon forming into full blown laughter. As he composed himself he stood looking at Ellana who was blushing in embarrassment. Shaking his head he smiled and gestured Ellana over to show her the work for today.

"Come on Ellana, it seems you need to learn control, and nothing better in how to do i than skinning nugs with no torn hides." Aldrid failed to suppress his grin as he heard the said elf groan softly behind him.

Out of memory, not only from the game but living here the past few weeks, Viera easily made his way toward the smithy. He knew he shouldn't have gotten so upset at Ellana but their days were numbered, and he still had no clue how he could even attempt to reduce the casualties at the conclave. Shaking his head to clear morbid thoughts, Viera finally stood in front of the open area which was the blacksmith's shop. Looking around he saw some work hands helping with repairs on armor and weapons, walking in and not paying attention to what was in front of him. His sense of distraction was soon interrupted by walking into something muscular and big. Falling on his ass and rubbing his nose at the sudden impact he heard a fretful voice call out above him.

"Oh! I'm so sorry! Sometimes I forget I can be the biggest one in this place. Here let me help."

Looking up at his said cause of impact, Viera's jaw went slack. It was a qunari! A big one at that, she was female and Viera was sure if she and the Iron Bull were standing side by side their heights would be the same. Observing the qunari even more, Viera noted that she was wearing a simple tunic and long pants with a leather apron on top, indicating that the hulking frame of the bull-woman worked here. Seeing a giant grey hand in front of him, Viera gently grasped it with his own, hand engulfing not only his hand but almost his entire forearm, the qunari helped him up off the ground. Now at least standing, Viera had to blush at the predicament, he was eye-level with the woman's chest.

"Hey? You alright?"

Blinking out of his stupor, Viera looked up to catch the eyes of the qunari. Chocolate, he thought. Her eyes were like warm pools of chocolate, just like Amaris'. Shaking his head once more he nodded, trying to find his voice.

"Ah, yes! Thank you for helping me and sorry for running into you…" As he spoke the woman smiled and shook her head, Viera noted to not get on her bad side, the curling horns on her head were rather big.

"No, no it's my fault, I have to remember everyone is much smaller than me here. Now obviously you came here for a reason or you're just sight seeing, so how can I help you?" She inquired. Viera blinked as she looked up and then attempt to look around her as he replied.

"Ah I'm looking for Harritt, the head blacksmith here, I need repairs or at least a reforge of a dagger." He proceeded to hold up said dagger, showing the damage. The qunari leaned down to get a better look to what her probably seemed like a steak knife. As she stood she crossed her arms and frowned slightly.

"That is some damage you have there, unfortunately, Harritt is out on business for a time and left me to hold down the fort along with some other experienced work hands." She pointed to herself. "My name is Aban-ataashi, but you may call me Aban if you wish. If you would let me I can work on that dagger for you, Harritt taught me what needs to be put in for repairs like this." Seeing Viera nod, Aban spun on her heel and beckoned Viera to her workstation. Handing the dagger to Aban, he watched as she eyed the weapon, one hand stroking her chin and eyes narrowed. After a few minutes in relative silence with the only sound being the slam of the hammer against the anvil throughout the shop and the other workhands muttering to themselves, Aban finally spoke.

"So how did this happen?" Her large index finger traced over the cracked hilt with gentle precision. Viera replied with a blank tone.

"A wild elk and a tree."

Aban chuckled in amusement and turned to raise a an eyebrow at her customer. "Oh really? A tree huh? Well, give me a day or to, and I'll send a message on when it's done, should be simple, just need to mend the hilt and make a new blade, it looks like to be a twin too, do you have the other with you?" Nodding, Viera unsheathed the opposing dagger on his hip and Aban also took this one, eyeing it and seeming to make calculations in her head. Humming to herself, Aban gave back Viera's dagger and clapped her hands.

"Well, everything seems to be in order, the only thing I ask of now is your name, I need to know the person I am working with."

Viera gave the woman a small smile and nodded, chuckling quietly. "Of course." Holding out a hand he continued.

"It's Viera."

Viera could tell Aban was being gentle as she shook his hand.

"A pleasure, Viera. I'll inform you within a day or two, when your weapon is repaired and complete."

Taking a hint that this was the end of their discussion, Viera let the qunari go to work, the sooner she finished it the better. Walking back outside, he felt the packed snow crunching beneath his boots, focusing on 'the sound Viera's mind couldn't help but wander back to the Qunari. The vibe she gave gave off unnerved him, and the intensity of her stare was unsettling. Why did it bother him? Was it because of her eyes or the sheer fact that he hoped that just maybe those were the same eyes his Vhenan carries. The Conclave was practically days away and still he had found no sign of Amaris, Hell, he didn't even know if she even came here as a human! Or not at all… Shaking his head to clear the morbid thought, Viera soon found himself in a second predicament where, people became a solid brick wall.

"Oof!" Rubbing his nose irritably, Viera looked up to apologize until he got a look at his obstacle.

Jesus Christ, he's even hotter in real life!

Cullen Rutherford stood before him in his Templar glory. His face held narrowed brows as he looked down at his assailant that ran into him. Cullen continued to raise a brow at the seemingly gaping elf before him, who seemed to be either cold or catching a fever his face was getting quite red….

"Gah! I-I'm sorry Ser! I-I didn't mean to crash into you!" Feeling his face heat up in embarrassment, Viera cursed whatever god was listening that put him in this predicament. He had no problem communicating with others, he was cordial, wary, not wanting to set off a negative reaction of any kind, who knows he could accidentally insult someone then be impaled in the neck for said insult a split second later. Gulping and trying to compose himself he waited for the infamous Cullen to answer.

Don't freak out, Don't freak out, Don't freak out, Don't freak out-

"Oh it's quite alright, however in the future please be more careful, there might be someone else who you bump into and they won't take an apology." Cullen awkwardly cleared his throat eyeing the elf, before walking off.

Well that was anti-climatic Viera thought sardonically.

Running a hand through his tousled ginger locks. Viera turned on his heel and made the trek back to the tent that he, Ellana, and a few other elves now occupied with a lot on his mind. Five days and counting, he needed to plan.

"Thriced damn blade!" Aban cursed as she leaned back waving her hand to sooth the burning sensation with cool air. Ever since meeting that small elf her mind had been wandering throughout the process of fixing the said elf's blade. Luckily it was finished and all she had to do was wait for the metal to cool and see would be able to go and buff out the oddities and sharpen it. Taking the blade to her designated workbench she, sat down with a thud. Leaning onto the table with her elbows she pinched the bridge of her nose with two large digits and sighed. What was she even doing anymore? She took this job to occupy herself and to keep track of the dreaded days to come. Oxford himself had been finding his nights in the Tavern, since coming to Haven he made some friends, to say they were are rowdy bunch was an understatement.

Grumbling to herself she looked around the now empty forge and glanced outside to be met with the setting sun. Placing Viera's dagger within a metal box meant for her requests and orders, she swiftly locked it with a key tied around her neck that laid across her chest along with her ring. Feeling the cool metal upon her chest, Aban couldn't help but frown. Looking into the eyes of Viera set her off. They were so familiar that she felt the ache in her chest grow more from missing her Kadan. If anything she wanted to have this inevitable explosion over and done with as morbid as it sounded. Yes would be devastating but maybe, just by a margin, it would deed down the search necessary to find Naim.

Shit, the hell is wrong with me thinking like that?

Gripping her horns in frustration she groaned softly in protest.

"What are you still doing here? You're not getting paid extra for more hours."

And there's Harritt.

"Harrit, I thought you weren't supposed to return until tomorrow? Did the delivery not go well?" Aban asked with slight concern and interest. Checking over the human male she could spot no injuries to his person, so why was he back so soon?

"It was a bust, some unruly Templars tried to trick me for the merchandise, but I didn't yeild. Lucky your old friend along with a few others was with me during the trade." Harritt stated, seeing him lugging a heavy pack which Aban assumed to be the unsold weapons, she rose from her seat and grabbed the bag with one hand. Instantly Harritt seemed relieved of the stress and released a short breath, merely giving Aban an irritable glance, his way of thanking her.

Laying the bag on the table and inventory the contents, Aban mulled over what her boss said. Tensions were steadily rising like a taut rubber band ready to snap, it just needed a little more push. Aban knew those Templars Harritt tried to sell too were more likely going to be the Rogue Templars, that would pop up around the Hinterlands in the next few weeks. After placing the last few weapons back in the stock, Aban waved to Harritt indicating her leave and made her way to the Tavern. Since Harritt had returned early her old man of a friend was back as well.

Coming up to the building, that was lit with lights and laughter, Aban was careful to duck her head from the doorway to make sure her horns wouldn't get caught. As soon as she entered looks of wariness and some of disdain reached her. She simply brushed them off and made her way to the bar once she eyed her bearded friend sitting with some stew and a mug of ale in front of him. Taking a seat next to the man, Oxford looked up from his bowl and gave Aban a friendly grin.

"Aban! I guess you saw Harritt on your way out from the smithy's?" He inquired.

Aban nodded in conformation, waving down a barmaid to take her order.

"Aye, Harritt told me of the problems you had with the trade, tensions are rising, slowly but surely, watch your back Ox."

"Oxford." He grunted. Aban simply hummed and nodded in thanks once a woman came back to the bar with her drink and stew, sniffing the aroma and mix of spices she determined the meat of the concoction.

Hm, rabbit today.

Grasping the bowl with one hand she drank the food slowly, savoring the meal, before placing it back down and contemplating to herself. Five more days before the conclave, and she didn't know what to think about it, the safe bet would be staying in Haven, she had no intention of being the Herald or the Inquisitor at that. Running her thumb along the edge of the bowl her brow narrowed. She still hadn't decided on if she should try to reduce the number of casualties, but how would she do that without raising suspicion to herself? And the variables of something working were slim, should she attempt to find the other possible main characters of the game? Like the Lavallen, or Cadash, what about the advisors? She's seen Leliana and Cassandra running around Haven, doing their jobs as their right and left hand of the Divine. Should she confront them give them a hint of what's to come? And what about-

"Aban!" Oxford's voice cut her out of her stupor and she blinked before turning her head to to look at her friend.

"Yes?" She responded. Oxford tilted his head. His mug full of ale already empty in the short amount of time she's been here, or had it been a while?

"You alright there lass? You're mind seemed to be working like a nug high on elfroot."

Aban couldn't help but laugh at Oxford's phrasing however the joyful gesture didn't reach her eyes. Waving a hand in dismissal she nodded. Telling him that she just had a lot of orders to fulfill at the shop. Shrugging at the answer Oxford turned back to the bar maid, to order his next mug of ale. Aban looked down at her own mug, sighing to what seemed to he the hundredth time today she grasped the container and downed the bitter liquid, wishing she had something stronger. She made it almost two years in Thedas, at this point with her strength and knowledge of future events she's sure she can make it past the conclave. Placing a hand on her chest she closed her eyes and vented a slow breath, if anything she would adapt and overcome if worst comes to worse, Aban would be ready.

"We improvise, right Kadan?"

Aban's question went unanswered, drowned out by the sound of merriment and songs, unbeknownst to the patrons that this would probably he the happiest they would be in the months to come.