Author's Note: HELLO! Welcome to this short fluff story! Enjoy!
He was already twenty minutes late for his flight. Of course, being first class meant that he didn't really need to be there on time; first class boarded over half an hour before takeoff.
He was still panicking though.
It was vital that he made it to this flight; he wanted to go home.
Home for the first time in four years.
However, amidst the dodging of other passengers and luggage, the young man really wasn't thinking about home. He was thinking more about how pissed he would be if he missed his flight.
Hence he almost stalked past the boarding gate.
If the little girl with the sparkling pink backpack hadn't mentioned "Paris" in that exact moment, he might have gone straight through the wall.
But she did, and so he turned.
"Mr. Agreste?" An attendant asked, hand extending for his boarding pass.
Adrien eagerly supplied the document, dipping into his suit jacket to retrieve the rumpled paper.
A moment later and he was a sardine in the tunnel leading up into the airplane, mentally pleading for fresh air. He didn't usually get to experience the "All class" cabin of American flights, and thus was a bit ruffled by the proximity of a redheads' precariously positioned Doritos to his black suit.
They were moving again though, so he strategically moved his rolling suitcase between himself and the child to avoid a possible catastrophe.
Relief overcame him when the bland numbering along the airplane aisle way came into view. He sighed, deflating slightly with a smile.
A young woman sat frowning, half-heartedly trying to recline her seat. Drawing pencils and a sketchbook had already laid claim to the majority of her seat cushion.
She sighed again, moving to the side of the chair to get a better angle.
Just as she was crouching down, a man stumbled into her, knocking her sideways.
"I am so sorry!" He shouted, arms widely adjusting the tipping bags around him.
"It's fine," the young woman said, lips pursed in irritation. She still couldn't get the seat to move.
He chuckled awkwardly, squeezing past her to the seat beyond with another whispered 'sorry.'
She sighed, giving her seat another bullish shove. "This stubborn thing just doesn't want to move-"
"There's actually a button on the arm rest," the man said, pointing to the indicated button a little unnecessarily.
"Oh," she said, straightening up. She glanced over at the man, lips pausing. She blushed, straightening her skirt. "Thanks."
He chuckled again, arm resting on the window sill. "I'm surprised the flight attendant didn't come out and help you. They must be getting lax…" his eyes wandered over to the front of the plane, where not ten feet from him a brunette flight attendant stood, an obvious smirk contorting her features.
The hell? The young man thought, giving the attendant a weird look.
She winked at him, turning away with a twist.
His mouth went agape. What is with these Americans?! He thought furiously.
The intercom buzzed.
"Everyone please take their seat. The passenger door is now sealed and we will be taking off shortly. Please fasten your seatbelts and await safety instructions. Thank you."
"That took me longer than I thought," Adrien mumbled, reaching for his seatbelt. I must have been the last one on!
"Security these days, am I right?" Adrien chuckled awkwardly.
The young woman snorted, momentarily making eye contact with him. "I got here over two hours early and I still felt rushed getting through," she breathed, absently tucking a strand of dark hair behind her ear. "I thought they said the lines were getting better too," she muttered, rummaging through a pencil case.
Adrien chuckled heartily, absently noting the sketchbook crammed into the seat pocket in front of her.
"Do you draw?" Adrien blurted, realizing a moment too late that he was being nosy.
"Kind of," the woman's nose scrunched up a bit. To Adrien's relief she didn't seem irritated. "I mainly just doodle designs for clothes. I like sewing."
"Oh, that's cool." Adrien trailed off. "I'm a notoriously horrible sewer."
The woman snorted. "Most men I know have never even tried sewing. Kudos to you for defying the odds."
Adrien raised an eyebrow slowly, feeling a smile creeping onto his face. "Thanks." He said. "What's your name?"
"Marinette." She said, briefly looking up from her rummaging to make eye contact with him. She smiled. "What's yours?"
"Well it's nice to meet you Adrien."
"And to you as well, Mademoiselle."
She barked out a laugh. "Oh my gosh! I haven't had someone call me that in ages. It's so good to hear French."
Adrien smiled with her. "Well it will be good to be home again, won't it?" He paused. "Paris is your final destination, right?"
"Yeah," she gave a content sigh. "Four years away and not a single visit home! I miss my parents."
"I miss Paris." Adrien said. "Not that New York is awful or anything…but it'll be nice to see my old friends again." He paused. "If they remember me."
"Oh don't worry about that." She waved away his remark. "They'll remember. And if not, make new friends."
Adrien barked out a laugh. "Yeah, I guess you're right. If they can't remember me after four years then I guess they never really were a friend after all."
Marinette's mouth was contorted halfway between a smile and a frown. "That's a bit of a morbid way of looking at it. But oddly truthful as well."
"Yeah well," Adrien trailed off. "Four years in the fashion industry is a long time," he chuckled. "People change. Trust me."
"No kidding," she smiled. "I'm a designer for Zara." She paused. "Or was. I just got a job offer from the Agreste Fashion company." Her vision clouded momentarily, then refocused on him. "That reminds me, I should probably send an email to-oh never mind. I don't want to think about work right now." She gave him another smile. "You said you were in fashion too?"
"Yeah." Adrien smirked. "Funny you mention the Agreste Company. I work for them."
Marinette's eyes blew wide. "Really? Oh my god what's it like? Is Mr. Agreste super critical? Does he boot out bad designers after one flunked show?"
"No, not really," Adrien replied, inwardly cackling at the coincidence. This wouldn't be the last time he would see her. "He only hires talented people, so people are rarely let go. And though he's strict, his criticism is always constructive. So don't worry." He gave her a reassuring smile.
"Oh." She blinked a couple of times. "I guess that's good. I'm just worried that he won't like my work. Or my style. Or how I look-"
"-You'll be fine, Marinette." Adrien chuckled. "Plus, I'll be there if things get too nasty."
She blushed, mouth slightly agape.
Adrien stared. Had he said something wrong?
"That's reassuring," Marinette finally said, shyly making eye contact. "Are you a designer too?"
"Oh god no," Adrien snorted. "I can't even draw a straight line, much less something people would be willing to wear."
She giggled, hiding her smile behind her hand. "So what do you do then?"
"I model," Adrien said, roughly scratching the back of his neck.
If possible, her eyes blew wider. "Oh." She said. She blinked. "I can see why."
Adrien gave her a questioning look but decided against pushing her.
She answered her own question though.
"Well I mean, just look at yourself-your eyes are like gorgeous, and you're tall and muscly, which is like-" she cut herself off, looking around. "That was creepy. Sorry."
Adrien gave a strained smile, trying vehemently not to burst out laughing.
"I get that a lot, actually." He said. "You could be a model too, if I do dare say so myself," he smirked.
"No," she batted the comment away with her hand, shaking her head.
"No, really," Adrien insisted. "You've got the body type. Even if you're not super tall-"
"-I'm 5'2"" Marinette interjected.
"-you've got a cute face." Adrien paused at her expression.
Marinette stared, face frozen in such a way that Adrien couldn't tell if she was flattered or insulted. Or perhaps both.
"Thank you?" She finally said.
"You're welcome?" he replied.
Then they burst out laughing.
Author's Note: Please let me know what you think! I am always open to constructive criticism and feedback! Thank you!