Chapter One
The morning was calm and quiet as the leaves that daunt the trees outside of Beacon High School, the most elite of elite high schools anyone could dare apply for. For one Ruby Rose it was child's play passing the entrance exam unlike her blonde haired half-sister Yang Xiao Long who just barely me the requirements. The roars coming off Yang's motorcycle finally broke the silence around the school as she pulled into a parking space right up front near the school entrance itself. Hanging to Yang's back as the motorcycle came to a stop was a shorter red haired woman with hair that matched her sister's. On her back was a six string livepool guitar held firmly in place by the redhead's backpack.
As the redhead removed her helmet she just stared in awe as her silver eyes scanned over the lovely design of the building. From the pillars with rose vine imprints to the tall statues of a clock gear with a lantern placed atop it. Turning to her annoyed sister the redhead grinned as wide as she could before trying to hug her sister but was held at arms length.
"I'm still not happy with you." Yang declared reaching below her seat to grab one of her hidden 'Monster' energy drinks before opening it up. The smaller girl pulled her backpack off dragging out to breakfast bentos she previously made for this morning.
"Oh come on Yang we can't be late to school on the first day. Especially when you take forever to do you hair." The redhead declared as Yang snatched the food from her sister before opening it to see the chopsticks tapped to the lid with scotch tape.
"You did that on purpose didn't you Ruby?" Yang asked ripping the tape from the chopsticks before proceeding to eat as Ruby giggled while downing her food at a record pace.
"It's payback for changing the color on Crescent Rose two months ago." Ruby puffed as she finished her food before placing the bento back in her backpack. Having a fast metabolism like she does, Yang clearly saw five more bentos all labeled 'Ruby's'. Sighing as she took another bite of her bento Yang soon heard Crescent Rose's strings being plucked as Ruby tinkered with the tightness of the strings.
"Do you always have to mess with it?" Yang asked taking a drink of her monster after she nearly choked on the omelet roll.
"Yes and she's not an it!" Ruby exclaimed as a white limo pulled up to the curb before a rather tall snow haired woman exited the vehicle dressed in white and ice blue. The loud click of her heels echoed through the school causing Yang to rub her temples in pain.
"Can't you wear normal shoes?!" Yang yelled at the woman as she continues walking into the building not bothering to answer. Yang could tell she heard her which caused a few hairs on her head to stand on end a clear sign she was annoyed by whoever that was.
"Ignore her," Ruby and Yang whipped their heads to see a tall black haired woman standing above them holding a black folder and a copy of Dominance by Marie Arc. "So is that a Livepool?"
"Why yes yes she is. How did you know?" Ruby asked the woman as she smirked slightly before sitting down beside Ruby.
"My guardian runs a guitar shop, We only had one of those pass through which means you got it." She smiled before opening her book to a bookmark she had placed in. "My name's Blake Belladonna."
"I'm Yang, this runt with the Guitar is Ruby. Are you starting here with us?" Yang asked as Blake nodded in response not taking her eyes off the book. "Eden is the murderer by the way." Yang's comment caused Blake to slam the book shut in irritation.
"Thanks for ru- wait. You read Marie Arc's novels?" Blake stopped her anger fast as she sat the book down upon the passenger seat of Bumblebee.
"Read them? Girl please. Ruby and I read, collect and reread them so often. Did you get the new novel yet?" Yang asked causing the three women to smile as they began on the subject of books by Marie Arc.
As the bell rang throughout the school Yang, Blake and Ruby made their way to the closest pillars to check which rooms they were assigned for homeroom. Minutes passed until the three made it to the front of the line before seeing the snow haired woman Yang and Ruby saw earlier being followed by a huge group of men. As she passed by them, the snow haired woman gave them a simple, 'You jealous yet' look before walking into thee nearby classroom causing the men to dispand in disapprovel.
"I got room 203." Yang stated looking to Blake and Ruby.
"I got 201" Ruby continues as both looked to Blake.
"201" She stated causing Yang to groan in annoyance before Blake chimed in again, "Yang your in 201 with us."
"Don't blame her she can't see without her so called Nerd Goggles." Ruby stated putting air quotes over nerd goggles as the three approached classroom 201 before realizing it was the very same classroom the snow haired woman entered moments ago.
As the second bell rang soon after as a tall blonde haired woman in a business suit entered the room making her heels click over the sounds of useless chatter through out the room. As the chatter slowly came to a close everyone looked to the blonde woman as she set something onto the podium.
"Good morning everyone, I am Professor Glynda Goodwitch and I will be your homeroom teacher this year. Please to meet you." She said smiling lightly to the crowd causing a few male students to start talking about how they'd take her and ravish her 'sexy as fuck body'. "Excuse me gentlemen in the back, Do you have something to share with the class?"
"Yea do you have a boyfriend?" One fellow stated standing up making the eagle shirt he was wearing visable before everyone hearing the sound of concrete being crushed. The boy looked behind him to see a dry erase marker wedged into the wall.
"Now what was that?" Professor Goodwitch cooed lowering her hand slowly as the male took his seat in fear, "Now how about we get to know each other before roll. I'll start. My name is Glynda Goodwitch, I do have a boyfriend with no children. I am ex-navy so I like my things nice and tidy in addition to being nice to those who show me the same curticy unlike those four boys just did. I prefer using this voice over yelling and trust me when I say Do NOT get me angry with you. I will make your schooling career a living hell. Now first person to catch this stress ball talks."
Without another notice, Professor Goodwitch tossed the ball out ass it landed in a thinner mans arms as he rose from his seat, "Good morning everyone. My name is Jaune Arc and I'm working towards a Medical career just like my mother and father." Jaune stated tossing the ball out as it landed in Ruby's arms.
"Hi I'm Ruby Rose and I like cookies, corgis, and music. As you can see I am Asian American unlike my half sister who is a full asian with documents and all. I plan on being a huge musician like my mother was before cancer took her from my family. anyways next!" Ruby shouted chucking the ball at Yang causing her to react like she normally would and catch the ball before standing up. As she stood up the same group of boys started whistling like a bunch of wolves looking at a piece of meat.
"Hello I am Yang Xiao Long and I am a professional Boxer in addition to being a high school student. As my half-sister Ruby stated I am full asian. My mother was japanese while my father was chinese and for the longest time before I found out about Ruby I was honestly alone. I like fights, Motorcycles and being a normal woman." Yang finished as the same guy stood up again.
"How about you and me go on a date them hottie?" As he finished Yang laughed before taking her boxing stance as she started to rush the man. Within seconds, Yang threw three left jabs and her famous right cross knocking the guy into the back wall before catching the ball in her hands again, "One last thing I am not a piece of meat as this guy now sees. Professor will I be punished for that?"
"Not this time Miss Xiao Long. Besides I'm a huge fan of your matchs but my duty as your teacher always comes first so Don't do that again." Professor Goodwitch stated as Yang pass the ball to Blake who stood up next.
"My name is Blake Belladonna, I love music and books. I am also not interested in men because their too immature to handle. But I also know Muai Thai from my days in the White Fang Orphanage so my guardian and I now run a music shop." Blake finished as the group went silent before Blake threw the ball on the snow haired woman's desk causing her to stand up and jaune to shout out the words 'Hello there Snow Angel!' without bothering to even think about the woman's feeling about the nickname.
"My name is Weiss Schnee, Hieress to the Schnee Foundation. I like fine art and music. Honestly I just want to be a normal girl but out of fear I have to look this snooty..."
A/N: And finished. First chapter is ready XD.