Happy reading! (see end for more notes)

Part Four

I accept the glass of iced tea with a smile as Peeta sits on the other end of the couch.

"How was your day?" He asks.

I shrug. "It was a day. Regular day." I sip my tea nervously. This is harder than talking to Annie. Probably because I know Peeta a little and Annie was a stranger. "We had this dog come in today and she's nervous. We had to clean up a few messes. My friend Gale took her home for the night. See if it'll help."

Peeta nods. "I hope it helps her."

"I hope it does too. She seems like a sweet dog otherwise." I sip again. "Annie is a very open person. She gave me a lot to think about."

"Good." He smiles. "I know she's ace, but that doesn't make her marriage to Finnick any less of a valid relationship. They love each other. And they make it work somehow. So I see that it has to be possible if all parties are on board."

"They make it work because Annie has a different set of priorities and expectations." I put my glass on the coffee table and take in a deep breath. "I don't think we can make it work, Peeta."

His open, excited smile drops to a frown. "I understand."

I quickly put my hand on top of his where it rests between us. "Let me explain. I'll use your cake analogy." I squeeze his hand and then let go. "I don't mind you being a baker and baking cakes for other people. But I have no experience with cakes and I don't feel comfortable seeing the beauty of the ones you'd make for me knowing you were just getting paid for them the day before." I shrug. "I'll always wonder how well I match up."

He puts his glass on the table and gets up to pace the room for a while. He looks troubled and I'm about to excuse myself when he finally says, "I'll quit for you. If you want me to."

I shake my head. "I barely know you. You can't just quit for me." I walk to stand in front of him. "I'm not saying I don't want to date you at all." I smile as I think of a genius example. "I like rolls. You know the big fluffy ones that are just a touch sweet?"

Peeta nods. "I know the ones."

"Well, not everything has to be cake. In fact, cake should only be for very special occasions." I grip his hands. "But I won't say no to some of those rolls."

A smile spreads over his face. "I can do rolls." He kisses my knuckles and then pulls me toward the kitchen. "Let me make you the dinner I promised."

I am more than happy to comply.

He doesn't allow me to help. He does commentary like on a cooking show. It is really quite entertaining.

Over the meal he recounts his childhood in his father's bakery and I tell him about my father teaching me to shoot the bow.

After dinner, we sit in opposite sides of the couch again to watch TV. I leave after the latest episode of some food competition show I don't watch.

Peeta walks me to my car, taking my hand in his and pressing a kiss to my knuckles. I guess this is our thing now. I smile and reluctantly let go of his hand.

"Can I call you tomorrow?" He asks as I slide into the seat.

"Yes." I answer without hesitation. "Or you can text. I like texting."

He grins. "I'll definitely text. But I want to talk for real. When do you get off work?"

"Five. When do you start work?"

"I'm set for a client at seven." His voice is a little tight.

I look up at him from the driver's seat. "Peeta, I don't want you to feel guilty. You like what you do."

"I do like what I do." He kneels beside the car and leans in. "But I want to be able to move on with you. So I want to do some soul-searching." He winks. "My cake is good and you should be able to try it in good conscience."

I am so grateful for his promise that I feel the need to thank him properly. I gently take hold of his face. "You have to do what's best for you, Peeta. If you make a change, do it for yourself, not for me." I press a soft kiss to his forehead and then drop my hands. "So I should expect a call sometime between five and seven?"

Peeta stands. "Let's say five-thirty."

"I'll make sure my phone is charged." I close the car door and slowly back out of his driveway.

I feel so much better after the evening with Peeta. I didn't feel any pressure in the entire time with him to do anything more than relax and enjoy his company.

Now, how do I tell Prim?

Mitzy greets me excitedly as soon as I walk in the door. Prim is stretched out on the couch with Buttercup on her chest and Buck on the floor beside her.

She looks up from whatever show she's watching and asks, "Where have you been, young lady?" Her smile is a contrast to the harsh tone she has put on and it makes me smile.

"I remember saying that to you once or twice." I pick up Mitzy, nudge Buck out of the way and pick up Prim's feet so I can join them. "I was kind of on a date." I admit once I am settled in.

"A date?" Prim sits up. "This is the second time this week you've had a date."

"They aren't official dates." I sigh and give Mitzy's ears a scratch. "I mean, I guess they are."

"So? Spill? What's his name? How did you meet?" She pokes me in the side. "How big's his dick?"

I chuckle and then pause to chew my lip a moment. "Do you remember when Johanna was here and was making fun of me for… being inexperienced?"

Prim gives me a sympathetic look. "She does that sometimes. She's been sleeping around since she was thirteen, so she doesn't understand people who don't sleep around at all or waited until later in life."

I nod. "Well, she gave me the number for this service." I say slowly. "An escort service."

Her eyes widen. "And you called?"

I sigh again. "I called. And I met this guy." I shake my head in disbelief that it happened at all. "I was too nervous and he didn't force anything. We just talked. And he wouldn't let me pay him."

"And now you're dating him?" She gives me a concerned look. "Katniss, is that a good idea?"

I shrug. "I don't know. I said I didn't want to be serious." I lock my eyes with hers, pleading for her to tell me I'm making the right choice. "But I can hang out with him, right?"

Prim wraps her arms around my shoulders. "You are a grown woman and you choose what is right for you. I can tell you that I don't want you to get your heart broken. But I can't tell you what to do, Katniss. If you want to spend time with him, date him, that's for you to decide."

I hug her back and kiss her cheek. "Thanks, sis."

We hold each other for a while.

"I should go to bed." Prim extracts herself from my embrace. "I have to be up early." She kisses my cheek and then walks to the back of the house with Buttercup on her heels.

I pull my phone out to text Peeta but find one from him waiting for me.

I had a good time tonight.

I smile as I type out my reply. I did too. You should let me return the favor.

His response isn't quick and I have time to check the door locks, turn out the lights, and change into pajamas. I'm just sliding into bed when he finally answers. I'm free Monday, as far as I know.

Then I'll cook for you Monday. I hit send and then remember something. I'm throwing a party for my sister Prim Saturday. I think I mentioned it when we met. It starts at 6. If you want to stop by, I can introduce you to her.

I would love to. He replies. Followed by, Didn't you ask me for a cake? Like a real one, not our ongoing analogy. ;)

I had totally forgotten about the cake in all the nerves of that evening. I guess I did. But don't worry about it.

I'll see what I can throw together. He sends along another message a minute later. Just got a call for a client. I have to get ready. Talk to you tomorrow.

Be safe. I fall asleep with a smile on my face. Peeta and I can make this work.


Author's note: So this is the last part! I know it kind of just stops, but I like stories like that every once in a while. And who knows? Maybe I'll write a little one shot in this world down the line. We'll see.

Thank you so much for reading along. This little thing that I only intended to be a one shot became a lovely little story. Thank you for your support and encouragement throughout.