Author's note: Here I am with the last chapter! Thank you all so much for taking the time to read it! I didn't think it would be very liked, so I'm glad I was proven wrong with that :)

Thanks to the following reviewers: Meehalla; yukino76; VitameatavegaminGirl; xxKuroichoxx; EvilThatThata; yaoilover1013; TigerInTheMoonlight; Narulover247; Saeyoung's Waifu; Anonymous Syd

Warnings: nothing special; hinted ItaDei

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto. Kishimoto owns it.

I hope you'll like it!

Chapter 5) Twenty-seven years

"I'M LATE! I'M LATE! The pervert is going to freak!" Naruto screeched and barrelled into the kitchen where Itachi had just sat down on the chair with a cup of tea in front of him.

Sasuke rolled his eyes, filling his own cup with steaming coffee. "I told you to get up an hour ago. Why don't you ever listen?" he said exasperatedly.

A finger was pointed at him accusingly while the owner of it scrambled to stuff papers into his bag. "You fucking distracted me, you bastard!" Naruto yelled and practically dove into the refrigerator, coming back up with a bottle of milk.

"Naruto, don't you dare!"

Too late. The bottle cap was popped off and Naruto drank straight from the bottle, before wiping off his mouth with his hand and shoving the milk back inside the refrigerator.

"Damn it, Naruto! How many fucking times do I have to tell you not to drink directly from the bottle?" Sasuke snapped, slamming his cup down on the counter.

Naruto grinned cheekily and kissed him quickly on the lips, dancing out of reach before the dark haired man could smack his arm. "See you tonight, bastard!" He dashed out of the kitchen and hollered, "Bye, Itachi-niisan!"

The front door fell shut behind the blond whirlwind and a minute later the orange jeep roared to life and drove away.

"Good to know having a degree didn't change him," Itachi remarked dryly and took a sip from his hot Earl Grey tea.

"He's a complete nightmare," Sasuke growled, falling down into his own chair. He looked at his cup of coffee as if it had personally offended him.

Itachi hid a smirk behind his own cup. As if you could live without him, he thought amused. Sure, Naruto might get on Sasuke's nerves at times, but despite Sasuke's bitching about it he wouldn't change a thing.

"So I take it that you still haven't popped the question?" Itachi raised an eyebrow, crossing his legs.

A rose hue coloured Sasuke's cheekbones and the younger man looked away embarrassed; his fingers tightening around the ear of his cup. "No, I haven't," he admitted begrudgingly. "I want to make it special, because the idiot thrives on romantic shit, but I don't have any idea what to do." A sigh of annoyance left him and he ran a hand through his hair.

"Why not do the cliché thing and take him out for ramen and get on your knee there?" Itachi suggested idly.

His brother threw him a foul look. "That's not even romantic anymore. That's just utter bullshit. He wants a romantic gesture – at the very least I'm going to make it original."

Personally Itachi thought that Naruto wouldn't give a shit how he was proposed to; all that would matter to the blond was the fact that Sasuke was willing to make the commitment.

"Maybe I should just shove the ring around his finger and be done with it like that. If he wakes up with a ring around his finger, that'll be original, right?" Sasuke mused, tapping his fingers on the table.

"Sure, if you want to get punched in the face," Itachi replied dryly and he received a scowl. "I don't think he'll particularly care how you propose to him, but otouto, I'm pretty sure he wants to be conscious when that happens."

"But I don't have any ideas!" Sasuke snapped and rose up from his chair, striding over to the window.

"You've known him literally since the day he was born," Itachi pointed out. "There has to be something that you can work with. Can't you figure out a proposal by using one of his hobbies?"

"How the hell am I supposed to use his hobbies in my …" Sasuke trailed off, a contemplative look crossing his face. Suddenly he snapped his fingers and whirled around, facing Itachi with shining eyes as he exclaimed, "Plants! He loves working with plants! What if I buy a special plant for him and tie the ring to that?"

"For someone who is emotionally stunted as Naruto-kun likes to put it, you can be very thoughtful when you try," Itachi chuckled. "It's a good idea, otouto. Do you have a plant in mind?"

The bright glitter in dark eyes dimmed and Sasuke's shoulders slumped as he leant back against the counter with a defeated sigh. "No, I don't have any in mind," he admitted with a grimace. "Plants aren't my thing. Never have been. Naruto's the one who takes care of the plants here."

"That I know. You don't exactly have a green thumb," Itachi smirked and slipped his phone out of his pocket. "Lucky you, however, because I know someone who does know a lot about plants."

"Are you talking about that weirdo, Zetsu?" Sasuke frowned, looking apprehensively.

"Nobody is normal, otouto," Itachi chided the other man gently and waggled his phone. "Do you want his help or not?"

"By all means," Sasuke grunted, crossing his arms in front of his chest. "You're accompanying me, though. That friend of yours still gives me the creeps."

The older man rolled his eyes, but dialled Zetsu's number. The things he did for his brother – really, where would Sasuke be without him?

Lost, that's where he would be. Good thing he had Itachi to help him at times.

A couple of days later he received a text from his brother: 'He said yes! We're engaged!'. Even through the text, Itachi could hear the astonishment of his brother that his boyfriend had actually accepted his proposal and he shook his head with a snort, rolling his eyes.

As if there had ever been any doubt that the blond would refuse.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Now that these two love-struck idiots have had their first dance, the dancefloor is open for everyone!" Inuzaka, one of Naruto's friends, hollered through the microphone and his message was greeted by loud cheering, before the dancefloor effectively got filled up by the attendants of the wedding.

Aunt Kushina and Uncle Minato were one of the first to dive onto the dancefloor, followed by several Uchiha cousins and Naruto's friends.

"They look so happy together." Mother appeared silently next to him, nodding at the dancing couple a few feet further.

Naruto was laughing, letting himself be twirled around by a smirking Sasuke, before he was pulled back again.

"They always look happy together," Itachi chuckled, taking a sip from the sparkling, cold champagne.

It had taken some effort and quite some money, but Sasuke and Naruto had finally got married today. They had to travel to another country where gay marriage was allowed and thanks to the influence of the Uchiha family, they had managed to get permission to marry here, despite not being inhabitants of the country. Their marriage wouldn't be officially acknowledged in their home country, but for the two young men, it was enough to know that they had at least one official piece of evidence showing their love for each other.

"Maybe you'll find someone soon who you want to share the rest of your life with, hm?" Mother murmured, smiling teasingly at him as she gave his free hand a quick squeeze.

"Who knows?" Itachi hummed lightly. He had been single for a while now since he had broken up with Mei. Being single didn't bother him – if he found someone, he found someone; if not, that was fine as well. He was still only twenty-seven years old; he hadn't had the luck to meet his soulmate so early as Sasuke had done.

A few feet to his right, Nagato dipped Konan low to the floor before he swiftly brought her up again; her gentle laughter reaching Itachi's ears.

"Ah, my little boy grew up so soon," Mother sighed wistfully. "It feels like it was only yesterday that Sasuke was following you around like a duckling, insisting on doing everything you did."

A wave of nostalgia swept over Itachi and he blinked, surprised at the slight sting he felt pressing at his eyes. It was true; ever since he was born, Sasuke had been attached to his older brother, even going as far as throwing a fit if an outsider tried to hold him. This urge to remain near his older brother had only lessened a bit when he started befriending Naruto, but that only meant that Itachi soon had two little boys following him around wherever they could, insisting he played with them.

For years he had been the one they looked up to, who they went to when they were upset and needed cheering up, who they asked for advice whenever they were troubled. Itachi knew of various people whose siblings had started acting up when they had reached a certain age, but the dark haired man could say with relief that his bond with his brother had always been close. Becoming older hadn't changed their bond at all.

Except that from now on, his little brother wouldn't really need him anymore. That particular piece of knowledge was a bit hard to accept, Itachi had to admit.

"You're a wonderful big brother, Itachi," Mother murmured, patting his arm. "I'm proud of you. Of both of you." She grinned and clapped her hands. "Now, let's see if I can convince your father to join me for a dance, hm?" She winked and walked away, searching for father.

Itachi shook his head and smirked, placing his glass on the high table next to him. He wished mother good luck; father had never been a fan of dancing.

"What's a handsome guy like you doing here on your own, un?" a masculine voice suddenly piped up next to him.

Itachi turned around surprised and came face to face with a blond man, slightly shorter than him. A part of his long hair – and it was quite long, easily reaching past his shoulder blades – was put up in a high ponytail and one lock obscured his left eye. A slanted, cobalt blue eye gazed back at him with mischief dancing in its depth. He was quite lean, dressed in a pair of dark blue jeans and a light purple shirt.

Itachi raised an eyebrow, fully aware of the gaze that was roving appreciatively across his body. "I could say the same of you," he remarked. "I don't think we have met before."

"No, we didn't, un," the blond guy smirked, placing a hand on his hip. "Name's Deidara. I'm a friend of Naruto-kun. What's yours, un?"

"Itachi, I'm Sasuke's older brother," Itachi answered and interest stirred in him. There was something about those glittering, blue eyes that drew him in and he had already taken a step closer before he realised what he was doing.

Deidara licked his lips and his smirk widened. "Well then, Itachi-san, care to join me for a dance?" He offered his hand; a blond eyebrow cocked up in invitation.

"It would be my pleasure," Itachi assured and accepted the hand, letting himself be dragged onto the dancefloor by the beautiful blond.

His new brother-in-law gave him a thumbs up and a huge grin when they passed by; Sasuke merely blinked and smirked.

Well, if he had his little brothers' approval …

This time the roles were reversed: thanks to the little brother, the big brother found love again. For once, Itachi was more than okay with that role reversal.

AN2: The absence of major angst still feels strange LOL For the curious ones: Itachi and Deidara did end up together and got married later down the line :) Both couples adopted children as well. And they lived happily ever after LMAO

So this is officially the end, guys. For the last time, please let me know what you thought of the chapter in a review; should you spot any mistakes, please point them out to me!

I hope to see you all in my future stories as well!



P.S. For more information about my upcoming and posted stories, please visit my profile.