Author's note: My brain is a random place. It decided that after seeing some scenes of Itachi's arc, it needed to come up with random ideas. So this is the result AKA I have no clue what on earth I wrote LMAO

So this story will have five relatively short chapters, each one being a random scene in Itachi's life where he exercises his role as big brother - somewhat. So there.

Warnings: Itachi's pov; AU so no shinobi (which of course changes their personalities slightly); fluff

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto. Kishimoto owns it.

I hope you'll like this!

Chapter 1) Five years

The hospital smelt sterile and the five year old wrinkled his nose, disliking the scent immediately. Around him nurses – all clad in white uniforms and most of them holding clipboards – bustled around, slipping into rooms and talking to the patients occupying the beds. Two doctors rushed past him; their heavy footsteps thundering loudly through the hallway as they shouted to one of the nurses to prepare for surgery.

Black eyes took these scenes in calmly, the owner of them not in the least ruffled by all the ruckus and noise. Small hands held a closed book in his lap; he had been reading in it for a while, but his attention had wandered away as the seconds ticked by without the door a bit further down the hallway opening. Impatience stirred in him slightly; for how much longer would he be confined to the hallway?

A heavy, large hand descended on his shoulder and he looked up; his gaze trailing over long, black hair that had started greying around a year ago.

Grandfather regarded him calmly and nodded towards the blushing nurse waiting in front of them. "It's time, Itachi-kun. Follow the nurse; she'll bring you to your parents."

"You don't want to see him?" Itachi slipped from the chair, cocking his head curiously to the side. He had thought grandfather would want to visit first, considering he was still head of the family.

The older man smirked, taking the book from Itachi's pale hands. "I'll wait here. I can wait a bit longer unlike some others."

Itachi narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling like the jab was directed at him, but after a short huff, he followed the dark blonde haired nurse deeper into the hallway.

"I'm sure you're excited now," the nurse chattered friendly as she led him past several closed doors.

Itachi let out a non-committal sound, not interested in the slightest to keep the conversation going with the bubbly nurse. He was only focused on one thing and chatting with the over friendly nurse wasn't it.

Fortunately she seemed to understand that, because she quietened down and only spoke again when she knocked on a white door, "Here you are. Uchiha-san, here is your son."

Mother looked up; she was lying in the hospital bed, back supported by several pillows. Her beautiful, black hair was tied back in a low ponytail and some strands still stuck to her forehead. Her cheeks were still ruddy red and she looked tired, but her face cleared up when Itachi walked into the room.

"Itachi! Don't keep standing there," she chided him with a laugh. "Come closer, silly."

Father took a step back from the bed where he had been leaning over mother and helped Itachi settle on the mattress, next to mother's knees. Father's hands left him and then mother was tugging him closer by his wrist. Itachi acquiesced and shuffled closer; his eyes fixated on the bundle of blue blankets cradled against mother's chest.

As soon as mother was satisfied that her son was close enough, she reverently pushed the blanket open, revealing a small, chubby, pale face. A small tuft of black blue hair peeked out from underneath the blanket and then dark eyes opened, blinking sleepily at Itachi. The baby yawned, smacking his rose bud coloured lips together loudly and two chubby fists opened and closed, revealing ten small fingers.

"Itachi, meet your little brother, Sasuke," Mother announced proudly.

"Sasuke," Itachi murmured and watched in awe how the baby, his little brother, fussed sleepily, uttering mewl like sounds. For months he had waited impatiently for his brother to be born, had felt him tumbling and kicking underneath his hands and cheek whenever he had felt mother's belly.

And now he was finally here. Small, warm and perfect.

"Would you like to hold him?" Mother asked gently and he nodded, stretching out his arms.

With father's help, he got situated better on the bed, leaning back against mother's raised legs and then a warm weight was placed in his arms and he was holding his little brother against his chest.

Dark eyes – they would be like his own, he knew – regarded him curiously and the older boy smiled, pressing a careful kiss on Sasuke's forehead; inhaling the comforting baby scent.

"I'll take good care of you," Itachi promised, carefully tightening his grip around the baby.

Whatever would happen, he would protect his brother.

The door suddenly slammed open and Aunt Kushina entered with an excited grin. "And where is my new nephew?" she cooed; one hand placed on her own belly in which she had been housing her first child for six months already.

Uncle Minato followed closely behind with an exasperated look on his face. "Kushina, honey, you can't just barge in like that! Uchiha-san is still waiting outside to see his grandson."

Aunt Kushina waved his concern away and eagerly approached the bed. "He can wait a bit longer. I want to see my new nephew!" Warm, purple coloured eyes studied Sasuke carefully and a bright grin broke out on her face. "Aw, look how cute he is, Minato!"

"I'm so sorry for the intrusion," Uncle Minato apologised to father with red cheeks.

"I've become used to it," Father replied dryly.

"May I hold your brother, Itachi-kun?" Aunt Kushina asked curiously.

Dark eyes blinked, but Itachi nodded and handed over his brother carefully. Sasuke didn't react to the transfer; he only blinked and gurgled a bit while Aunt Kushina cooed at him. Then her head suddenly shot up and she looked at mother with terrified eyes.

"Tell me, does it really hurt as much as they say it does?" she whispered and sounded scared.

Mother blinked and laughed amused. "So there is something you're scared of!" she replied teasingly, but didn't answer the actual question.

"Mikoto!" Aunt Kushina whined, but then sighed and looked down at Sasuke again. "Well, at the very least I hope my son and yours will be best friends."

"We'll see," Mother smiled and that was that.

A couple of months later, on the tenth of October, Itachi once again found himself at the hospital. This time, however, it was to visit Uncle Minato and Aunt Kushina; she had given birth to a boy a couple of hours ago.

"He's adorable, Kushina," Mother smiled as she bent over the pale blue blanket.

A small baby with bright blue eyes blinked up at her. His hands were closing and opening and fine, blond hair was partly hidden by the blanket.

"He is, isn't he?" Aunt Kushina grinned proudly, though she still looked a bit exhausted. Her purple eyes flicked over to Itachi, who was holding Sasuke in his arms. "Why don't you come greet your nephew, Itachi-kun?"

Itachi nodded and slowly made his way over to the bed, careful not to jostle his little brother. Mother took over Sasuke, so that he could climb onto the bed and take a better look at the new born baby boy.

"Say hello to Naruto," Uncle Minato said; pride audibly ringing through his voice. He was seated right next to Aunt Kushina, one arm wrapped around her shoulders.

"Would you mind being a big brother to Naruto as well, Itachi-kun?" Aunt Kushina asked softly as she stroked Naruto's cheek.

"I don't mind," Itachi spoke honestly, shrugging.

If Sasuke and Naruto really became good friends, it was only natural if he acted like Naruto's big brother as well.

AN2: I'm a sucker for big brother Itachi.

Please leave your thoughts behind in a review; should you spot any mistakes, please point them out to me.

See you all in the next chapter hopefully!



P.S. For more information about my upcoming and posted stories, please visit my profile.