The Interview
He decided to pop the question over a deli sandwich. Fortunately she displayed some restraint in her answer.
"A mirror on the ceiling Castle….are you nuts?" Before he could get a word out, she pressed on, "Not on your life! I am not, Nikki Heat!" Shaking her head vigorously in disgust, "Have you forgot that my Dad, and your daughter, are going to see that room! Have you lost your mind."
He smiled at her over his sandwich, "It was joke a Beckett."
She let out a soft growl, "Damn you Castle! Why do you mess with me like that? You know I'm already stressing over the whole building thing."
He laughed again, "Because you get so serious…just want you to lighten up a bit."
Still miffed and shaking her head, she flung a potato chip at him.
Feigning insult, "Hey calm down...we are in public."
She just glared at him, "I'll public you." She took a bite of her sandwich and calmed down.
He worked on his sandwich and watched her.
"So! Tell me, how are thing going at home?"
He remained silent for a couple beats, then leaned forward and rested his elbows on the table, planting his chin on his folded hands and just stared at her.
"What are you looking at? And, why are you staring?"
"I just love to hear you home...because I know you're referring to our home. It still makes my stomach jump."
She sat down her sandwich and took his hand and smiled, "Have I told you I love you today?"
"You have...but tell again."
After lunch they started out in opposite directions, he grabbed her hand, "This was so short, I had a question for you...but later."
"OK, listen...I know Alexis had a thing last night at school, and you needed to be there...but tonight, I expect you to be with me, in my bed Mister."
He laughed, "Yes Ma'am."
It was Saturday and she had missed the last two lunches in a row. Too much going on.
As she slid into her seat she offered, "Dad, sorry I've been so flaky. Between work and our new place I don't seem to have a minute..."
"Tell me how the construction's going?"
"It's going great. Its hard for me to grasp the change, from 900 square feet, to 4200."
"That's...a lot of house my dear."
"It really is. I thought when we started the drawings I could never use all the space, but we...filled it up."
Jim Beckett let out a soft laugh, "And how is Rick?"
"He's doing really well. He's already working on the second Nikki Heat book. Says he has to hit it while the iron is hot."
"How is Nikki Heat playing out for you?"
She sighed, "I think it's helped the PD with some much needed positive PR, but it kinda sucks for me."
"I would think so."
"I'm the same detective as before the book. But I think my fellow cops resent my face in the paper and then the fact that I'm with a public's not that pleasant. I only want to be a cop Dad...I love my job."
"How does Castle feel about it?"
She laughed, "First he tells, me everyone's jealous since I'm the best cop in New York…he's slightly biased, and…"
He cut her off, "Well I agree with him! You are the best cop in New York."
"Dad! I can't take that from both of you, and please don't encourage him...he thinks I walk on water."
"Katie, seriously, I'm with him. I do indeed have an extraordinary daughter, and I'm delighted that he knows it."
She shook her head, "You might be worse than him, Anyway, the other thing is, he's used to the celebrity life. I'm not and I'm not interested in it. I have an important job and being in the papers is just an obstacle to my work."
"Why is it an obstacle?"
Her nostrils flared and she looked out the window, "I don't want to sign autographs just to get into a crime scene. Castle can just wave and's harder for me."
"I understand that, but it will blow over."
"I'm ready for that!"
"So tell me about you two."
"We're good, really good!" She smiled, "You know, love is really a wonderful thing Dad?"
She had always been a serious child and then a serious adult. Her smile was beautiful and reminded him of her mother. Kate was a lot like her. Although Joanna was happy, she was not a smile every minute type of person, but when she did smile it was always a joy to him. Now his daughter sat across from him with that same beautiful smile adorning her face. He felt his heart speed up with this convergence of the past and present. He reached over and squeezed her hand, "Yes my dear, I know that to be true. It is the best...of all things in this world."
They had agreed to meet at the new place after work. They sat on make-shift chairs in the center of their nearly completed home at The Beckett. Their voices echoed bouncing off all the hard surfaces.
She was reading something when she looked up at him, "Castle when are they going to finish our bathroom?"
After a long pause, he offered, "There's...a delay with the floor and shower-stall stone."
"Why? What stone?"
" you remember our trip to LA and The Getty?"
"Yeah." Her voice reflecting confusion.
"Well, the tile we picked was close to the travertine they used at the museum, I thought why not get the real thing, but….it comes from Italy from one of the many quarries near the Bagni di Tivoli area."
"Castle what are you talking about? What's that got to do with our tile?"
"You said you loved the Getty so I did some research…and get's the same type of stone they used to build the Roman Coliseum..."
Her eyes widened, "Wait, tell me you didn't order something...from Italy."
He looked at the ground.
She waited for his answer, but already knew what he would say. Of course he ordered it. It was Castle. "Why would you do that?"
"This home" he held his arms wide, "is for you Kate. I wanted something special. Something few people in the world can even get."
"Castle, I live in a small apartment with old plumbing and faulty outlets. My hair dryer throws the breaker nearly every day." She moved close to him and wrapped her arms around him, "This home, our home, is something I never even dreamed of having. I don't need rock from Italy...I just need us."
He kissed the top of her head, "It will be here next week… you get both."
It was three o'clock. She was at the cusp of the afternoon. Castle had headed to the loft to do some writing, she'd see him later.
Her plan was to focus on paperwork, but she heard someone clear their throat and turned to see Lanie Parrish.
"Hey Lanie, what brings you to the Twelfth?"
"You my friend. You."
Lanie scooted into Castles chair and sat without saying anything. Beckett waited, then ventured, "Lanie? Is everything OK?"
"I'm just checking to see if you're alive...I never," pausing for effect, "I mean never hear from you anymore. Has that man stolen you and then locks you away at night?"
She laughed, "I'm here everyday, and you know that. You're the one that's too busy hustling the dead."
"And how pray tell? How do you hustle the dead?"
"You know, the things you do to them."
"I don't do things to them. I figure out what the doers did!"
"You know, that science thing of yours."
"I don't want to talk about my work...enough with the dead." She flipped her hand like swapping at a fly away, "How are you doing in this magical life of yours?"
"Why magical?"
At machine gun speed, "If I had told you a year ago...where you'd be would have laughed at me. And yeah, it's been nearly magical."
Beckett shook her head slowly, "There's been a lot of not so magical Lanie."
"What does that mean? You're hanging with a New York celeb writer...who by the way is crazy for you. He's building you a mansion...probably spending money on you like it's water. So what's not magical?"
She sat quiet for a few beats, "You know...he might not have picked me." She looked out into space, "And that really scared me."
The ME huffed,"Every man picks you. You were probably the first chosen for teams in nursery school...if they had them."
She tried to laugh but failed, "Lanie, he didn't pick me. I pretty much threw myself at him. I was the pursuer and not the pursued." She stopped and offered a short huff, "And of course for once in my life, I'd fallen hard...I mean really hard. It was...well let's say, a really strange place for me."
Lanie looked at her friend, "Kate you sound almost insecure. I didn't think you had that in you."
With a frown she offered, "This was different."
Now the ME offered a sad but serious smile, "Do you really think so?"
"What do you mean?"
She leaned forward in the chair, "Kate most of the world has faced unrequited love. They go on and accept that they will never get what or whom they wanted. It's just one of those harsh realities of life."
"Well it was a hard reality for me to accept. I kept looking at him, seeing him look right past me, it was not pleasant...not pleasant at all."
"I'm glad it worked out girlfriend." The ME stood. "Now, will please call me...and not make me have to hunt you down!"
Beckett raised her hands smiling at her friend, "I'm will. I mean it."
"I'll hold you to that. Gotta go. I am so late."
He moved the plates from dinner to the sink and started rinsing for the dishwasher. "Well since you haven't answered my question, "How was my spaghetti tonight?"
Alexis Castle licked the last bits of pudding from her spoon and smiled at her dad, "You know she works in 'the zone' right?"
He stopped what he was doing, "What zone?"
Alexis shook her head. "You don't even know it! It's like a ballet watching you two make dinner, except for the kissy-graby stuff."
The confused look melted away, "You mean 'the zone' in the kitchen...when I'm cooking?"
"That's the one!" Her delivery was like a song, "But it doesn't exist with Kate."
"What's your point my little one?"
"First I'm not little and second, the deal is done Dad. You've acted married since the first time I saw you guys together. So yeah, ask her."
It was a Friday, late in March and the plan was to pick her up from work, then make a run to the Hampton's. Surprisingly it worked and they found a quiet place to eat.
After finishing dinner they enjoyed their coffee along with the serenity of the location. Castle was full and content. But for him, the trip to the Hampton's was not about rest or food. It was time.
"Beckett, I was wondering...since we've built a home together...would you consider…" He took her hand and pulled it to his lips for a kiss, "A modification of your last name?"
She smiled, but feigned confusion, "What kind of a modification Castle?"
"I don't know...change a name? Add a name? Add a hyphen? You know...something new."
"Is this your way proposing to me? A name change? What? A merger?"
"No, no, not a merger! But yes, I'm proposing to you."
She turned her attention to the ocean that churned before them. After a minute she turned back, her tone serious, "I can't!"
His face showed genuine surprise to the response. His eyes flicked in doubt, unsure of how to take her rebuff. "What do you mean... you can't?"
Without changing her tone, she said flatly, "Ah...I'm already married."
He sat up straight, "What do you mean you're already married?"
Causally she continued, "I got married last summer in New York." Before he could speak, she went on, "It was a rainy day and the clouds opened up, and the universe roared...and I said...I do." She turned back to him and beamed.
"Are you talking about our run by the pier venue for…"
"Yep! The one for you and...what's-her-name! But I snuck in and stole the groom." She let out a small laugh, "He's been married to me for...I don't know eight or nine months."
She gave up on the ruse and starting laughing at him, "The problem is, the guy's not always that sharp...I'm not sure he know he's been mine for that long."
"Beckett, stop...why do you that kinda stuff?'
"For a couple of reasons, know I always wondered...when I met the right person, how he'd ask me to marry him. You know maybe... a sky-writer with a big sign, "KATE MARRY ME!" Castle let out a groan. "Beckett..."
She held up her hand, "Or maybe the top of the Empire State Building with the New York sky-line as a back drop!"
His head dropped and he groaned again, speaking into his hands, "Kate I would have done any of those things for you. I didn't think..."
She pressed on, "Or the Conservatory Pond in Central know dropping to one knee." She looked back out to the ocean, but heard his chair scrap the floor. When she turned back, he was on his knee before her.
"Katherine Houghton Beckett, will you marry me?"
She smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him tight to herself, almost knocking him off balance. "Of course I'll marry you Castle."
After their hugging they remembered there were other people in the restaurant. He stood and moved back to his chair. As he did the six or so patrons clapped. Beckett and Castle smiled sheepishly.
After he sat, he turned his attention back to her and reaching into his pocket he pulled out something. He opened his hand, in his palm was the cigar-wrapper ring she'd given him after the candy store visit.
With amusement in her eyes and a lilt in her voice, she asked, "What's that?"
He looked indignant over her question. "That? That is the ring you gave me after the candy store."
She shook her head, "That's not going to do Castle! I need a diamond...a big one."
It was his turn to laugh, "You wicked woman! You told me size didn't matter when I asked before..."
She cut-in, "It didn't matter...for her. Because I knew you weren't going to marry her."
"I am flabbergasted Beckett...I can't seem to do this right."
She laughed again, "You're doing just fine...and I am going to marry you and soon!"
"Oh yeah? Wait...let's back up. How did you know I wasn't going to marry her?"
"A gypsy told me."
"You mean Madame Johns? Did you go back and see her?"
"Yes...and no."
"Yes! No! What does that mean?"
"Yes she told me, and no I didn't go back and see her."
His face painted with curiosity, "When did she tell you you were going to marry me?"
"When you were on the phone with her..."
"You mean with Mel?"
"Yes, Johns asked me how it felt to love another woman's man."
"You loved me then?"
She looked at her hands, then looked up and shook her head, "I loved you before then..."
He had pulled her to her feet and hugged her again, "Kate...why didn't you..."
"What? Grab an engaged man and tell him…'I love you'… and how desperate does that sound?"
He squeezed her tight, then held her back so he could look at her. Her sheepish look was back for the second time in just a few minutes. "And how did she know I would end up with you?"
"She said it would be hard for you to figure things out...but you would come around...or something like that."
"And that meant you were going to marry me?"
"It meant, I was not going to give up on you until we were together."
He paid the bill and they walked for awhile. The night air was cold, but the wind had settled down after the sunset. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder, she leaned heavily against his side, drawing on his warmth.
He chuckled to himself, "So you can't marry me, because you already have?"
She pushed away and punched at his shoulder, "Just funning you Castle. But I've felt like we'd end up together since the day at pier. It was so stupid. You didn't seem to notice me. But I held on to the hope that it would work out. That's what I..."
"I always noticed you Beckett" He pulled her against him, squeezing her shoulder, "And it did work out."
She was quiet for a few minutes as they slowly walked. "I remember my Mom loved some really different music, I mean different. One of her favorites was by Lyle Lovett. He had a song she used to always listen to, literally for years, it was called Simply Song. As a little girl I thought it sounded so sad, so forlorn. But after she was gone...I listened to it again...with different ears. It really made sense to me. The last lines of it goes:
And when you find the one you might become
Remember part of me is you.
"Why are you telling this Kate?"
"Because I had fallen so hard for you...and as stupid as it sounds...I instinctively knew that part of me was you. We had worked together for only a short amount of time...if we didn't work out...if you never really saw me...if you couldn't love me…when you left, you'd end of taking part of me with you. I didn't know how I would handle that...what I'd do."
He stopped and pulled her to himself, "I don't think I could ever have resisted you...and on some level I knew that early on." He paused, "After Nikki Heatstarted to invade my head, I think I knew there was a real one, a better version of was bigger than art...and my future was intricately woven in you."
She looked at him and smiled, "You don't mess around with words do you?"
He kissed her head and stepped back, "I would say the same of you."
She huffed, "I wish you had told me these things when I was in panic mode."
He just shook his head, "I was too stupid at that time."
She wrapped her arms around his neck and held him tighter, "So yes. Yes Mr. Castle, I will indeed be your wife." She pecked at his cheek, "And about the ring..."
It was a private affair.
The guest list ended up being a little longer than they had first planned, but not by much. It was still a relatively small group. The couple had chosen those most important to them, to be near for the special day. Among that group was Gene and Fran, the former tenants at the loft, both beamed at the couple and each other.
Lanie and Alexis held the flowers and provided an abundance of tears. They were seconded only by Martha Rogers who ranged from diva to dotting mother.
So on a pleasant April afternoon in the Hampton's, James Beckett gave his daughter Katherine to Richard Castle in marriage. Alexis Castle was his best daughter.
The move to The Beckett building was completed before the wedding and by May things had settled down.
It was a Sunday evening and Kate had spent a final few hours reviewing the murder book for her upcoming trial testimony. She felt she was ready to face any questions that would be thrown at her in court the next day. She was not concerned about the out come. They'd done it by the book. The warrants were good, as were the searches. Her one concern was the opposing attorney, Melissa Marrone. She had not seen her since the heated exchange at Castles loft, over nine months ago.
On Monday morning, as she entered the court room she could see the back of Marrone. She drew in a deep breath and then took her seat. After some preliminaries the DA for Manhattan called the first witness, Detective Kate Beckett.
She stood and walked through the gate in the railing that separated the gallery from the Judge and the legal teams. She took her place on the witness stand. The court clerk approached, asked her to state her name for the record, "Katherine Beckett Castle," and administered the oath.
The DA remained at the table and following the swearing in asked his first question, "Detective, do you go by Beckett or Castle?"
"Beckett professionally, Castle everywhere else."
"The court records shows only Beckett, how long have you been married?"
"Just over a month."
"Very well." He looked down at his notes, "Were you the lead Detective on..."
The questions continued up until the first break at approximately 10:40 am. The Judge reminded everyone that the recess would be short and directed everyone to be back in their places at 11:00 am sharp.
Beckett went to the nearest restroom. When she exited the stall, she saw Melissa Marrone washing her hands. She grabbed a paper towel and turned to look at Beckett, her stare was cold.
"Well Detective, it appears you got it all! The man, the money, the ring...and of course his name. I underestimated you." She paused as if she was gathering her thoughts, "I tried to warn him...but he wouldn't listen." She stopped and gave her head a shake, "But be careful! If you could steal him from me...someone...someday will steal him from you."
Beckett bristled, but keeping her voice even, which was much calmer than she felt, "I disagree counselor. I did not steal him from you." She paused, "It was never about his name, his money or a ring. It was always, and only, about him. And, the truth is...he was never yours." Beckett dropped the paper towel in the trash and walked past the attorney without another word.
It was not PTSD, but simply a vivid dream with the crack of a gun and flying glass. He had startled awake a couple times over the past month, following the dream re-run of the shoot-out from the victim's apartment. What struck him each time was the overwhelming sense of fear, not for himself, but for her. In his dream he had leaped and covered her, protecting her from the flying bullets. When he was fully awake, he smiled at the absurdity of a tag-along writer, covering the lead cop with his body, to protect her in a shoot-out. But at his core, he wanted her safe and he worried but knew, it was the price of marrying a cop. He was by no means the first, and far from last spouse of a police officer to be troubled over the job.
During a slow time at the precinct he decided he would, bring up his re-current dream, sorta. Sitting his phone on her desk, he studied his beautiful wife, "I need you to know the password on my phone."
"Why? What if something happens to me?"
"Like what?"
"I don't know. Like I...get run over...fall off the subway...or get shot?"
She went silent after his last example and turned to glare at him. "You shouldn't even be following me, you know that. You're not a cop. You don't get paid to get shot at, and..."
He held up his hand, "Relax." Delivered with a smile.
She frowned, "You're practically handing me your Last Will and Testament."
"First of all, most of it is yours anyway."
"It better not be Bub!"
He re-focused and returned to the topic. He spoke slowly, "I'm just giving you a password...just saying you may need it." Holding up both hands, "You ready?"
Still frowning, "I should put it in my phone."
"Not necessary."
As she grabbed her phone anyway, "Castle I have a good memory, but I can't store your password in my head."
"We'll see!" Smiling at her, "'s 19791979, not too hard?"
She pulled her hands back from the keyboard and looked up from her screen, a single tear erupted from her left eye. She just stared for a moment.
His face switching from a smile to concern. He pulled out a handkerchief and quickly set it on the desk in front of her.
When she finally spoke it, her voice was thick and low, so no one in the bull pen could hear, "Castle, why would you do that?"
He watched as she wiped the tear, but tried to remain light, despite her reaction, "I was upgrading my phone...and the tech guy said to change the password. He suggested a year, and added, 'an important year is always best, then use that number twice for the full eight characters.' I used 1979, the most important year of my life...the year you were born."
She stood, pointing towards the break room. He followed and once inside she closed the door, and pulled the blind shut. She then spun, pulling him in, wrapping her arms around his neck, spilling it all into his ear, "Do you have any idea how much I love you."
His face was serious as he brushed the side of her face with his fingers, "I'm learning...and I'm thankful."
Call it a sixth sense, or whatever, but he had it. He could feel it when someone was watching him. As he typed away on his phone, his inner alarm went off and his head spontaneously popped up. The first thing in his line of vision were her legs. They went on forever and he mused, "This woman has legs a mile long." She was only 10 feet away studying the murder board. He expected, as he visually swept upward that he'd see her pondering some small detail on the board. Maybe focused on a glitch in the time-line. He had watched her do it over and over, often with her hand supporting her chin.
But not this time.
His eyes collided with hers. She had been the one staring, setting off his alarms. But she was in lost in thought, he couldn't tell if she was looking at him or past him. When he called out her name, at first she didn't respond but when it registered, her eyes went wide.
He asked again, "Beckett! You in there?"
"Ugh...yeah, just thinking."
"What, that I'm a suspect?"
"No, no...sorry." She turned back to the board.
He mumbled to himself, "That was weird," then walked over and stood beside her. Folding his arms and looking at the board, "Beckett you really OK?"
"I'm good Castle."
"Then why were you staring at me?"
"I was just thinking about something you said, and...and then I got lost."
"OK, let me change the subject, how about some lunch?"
"I'm not that hungry. I had..."
"Yeah the bear claw I brought you five hours ago."
She looked embarrassed, "You don't have to monitor what I eat."
"Well since I seem to be the only one worrying about your food intake, looks like I'm it."
She shoulder bumped him, "Fine my love, let's go get a bite."
It had been a busy week for both of them. Friday night was a crash on the sofa night. Saturday was full of errands and chores. But not Sunday. After relaxation and a light dinner, they ended up in bed. But not to sleep.
She lay beside him, his eyes were shut, glued shut. His head slightly tilted back, facial muscles still taunt, jaw locked. He was laying perfectly still, just feeling her against his side.
She whispered onto his shoulder, "Hey big guy, you OK?"
He let out a noise, something between a grunt and a soft moan.
"I'll take that as a yes."
Then softly, "Beckett, Beckett...Beckett."
"Here." Sealed with another kiss to his shoulder, "Where are you?"
"I'm...I'm somewhere…a stranger…in a strange land." A smile breaking across his face.
"Where is this strange land of yours?"
He exhaled, but his eyes remained shut, "With I'd never been before...never visited...never even knew existed."
She moved closer, her arm sliding across his chest., "Tell me...of this land."
Another grunt, then sputtered words, "...Hard to speak...don't want to...don't want to near...Beckett my love...stay near…."
She sculpted her leg over his and coiled in, "I'm here Rick...I'm really OK?"
"Beyond OK..."
She felt him relax as the last residue of of tension shuddered through his body.
She whispered, "You back?"
"No...not coming back."
She laughed, "You are a strange man…tell me more." She laughed again, "So... that's where incredible sex takes you?"
"Yes..." He paused, "But no." This time he paused much longer, "It's more than that...incredible, oh yeah, but still more...the being one, it's art in its highest form."
He opened his eyes slowly and rolled on his side to face her. She stared back, a smile painting her face, eyes dark as she listened intently. "I read where divorce is...the desecration of God's art, the tearing apart of two beings...once blended into one." He let out a small laugh. "I thought it was corny...shrugged off the idea when I read it…but I'm not shrugging anymore." He leaned in and kissed her, "It's hard to put in words what I feel with you," pulling her tight to himself, "With you...only all aligns...for a brief moment...not alone...not searching...not longing for anything."
In a raspy and thick voice she slid up and kissed his cheek, "Castle..."
It was his turn to whisper, "My place in the"
"Mine too, my love." After a brief kiss, "So glad we found it each glad."
A/N - So we are at the end. Some thank-yous are in place.
First to ABC and the Castle gang. It's been 10 years since the show began and Andrew Marlowe's idea is still generating magic. Quite a feat.
Second to my resident beta who has read and helped me in this task. Thank you!
Third to EB Fiddler who helped so much on Chapters 3 - 8. Best to you EB!
Fourth all of you who have taken time to read, to drop a note, to favorite or to follow. Thank you so much.
As always the mistakes are mine. Life gets in the way of writing and at some point you just have to publish.
Finally to the readers around the world. It is exciting to see all the countries that follow a story. Hits from places like Jamaica, Indonesia, Barbados, Denmark, Trinidad & Tobago, to name just few, are really encouraging when you write. So again thanks to all.