Adrien marched up to Nathanael, who was chatting with Alix.

"I'm going to ask you something, and I want the TRUTH," Adrien growled.

Nathanael looked scared. "Whoa, whoa. What did I do?"

"Have you been making fun of Marinette behind her back?"

Nathanael looked started. Alix looked shocked.

"Us?" She asked.

"Yes. YOU."

"Of course not!" Nathanael looked flustered. "It- it's no secret that i-" he blushed. "Well. You know."

Adrien calmed down a bit. "ChloƩ's been telling her that you're making fun of her drawings after you teach her."

Nath looked horrified. "Is THAT why she's been avoiding me?"

Adrien shook his head, crossing and uncrossing his arms in uncertainty. "I don't know. She just hasn't been herself lately..."

Alix, still looking quite furious, scoffed. "You barely KNOW her, Adrien."

Adrien frowned. "I know her better than you think. And I'M not the one you should be snapping at."

Alix scowled and cracked her knuckles. "You're right. Anyone seen that little blonde freak show lately?"

Nath put a calming hand on Alix's shoulder. "We all love Marinette, but this isn't the way to deal with this. Violence is never the answer."

"She fell apart in my arms," Adrien stated. Nathanael stopped, looking at him. "She was crying and calling herself worthless. Just thought you should know."

Nath frowned. "Okay, SOMETIMES violence is the answer."

Alix's angry eyes shifted from Adrien to Nathanael. She seemed to be affected by Adrien's recent words. "Of anyone... I never expected MARINETTE to be affected by Chloe. Of everyone, I would've thought Marinette would be the strongest of all of us."

Adrien glanced around the empty classroom. It was slowly filling with the students who liked to get to class early.

"I know," he said softly. "Believe me. I know."