Vegeta let out a small sigh. He couldn't sleep. Not yet anyway. He turned his head to the right to see his mate, his wife. Vegeta smiled ruefully at the word 'wife'. Damn women, each day making him more of a earthling then a Saiyan. No that was a lie, Vegeta thought. She respected his Saiyan heritage. He was just respecting her Earthling heritage in return.

He focused on her. She was adorably curled up around his arm and her head rested on his shoulder. How she loved him was a mystery. But damn did he love her. His face turned to look at the corner of the wall as it took a more serious look. In the direction he was looking was where his son, Trunks resided in his room, sleeping. Not very well, Vegeta thought. He turned back to his wife and gently moved her head to rest on her pillow and moved her arms away from his own so he could get up. Finally he slid out of bed, covering her with their blankets before he silently walked out of their room and towards his son's.

He traversed silently through the dark into the hallway and then to outside his son's door. He opened the door, its well oiled hinges letting out not a creak. His eye's, already well adjusted could see his son clearly. Only he could tell that his son was in a silent distress. His Ki was fluctuating and his body language, even if he was Unconscious, showed it clearly.

He stood there silently, with his arms crossed just watching, and thinking. As he felt small arms wrap around him from behind and a voice speak he lowered his head and let out a small sigh.

''Vegeta, what's wrong?'' Bulma's voice whispered to him. Her tone soft and concerned, yet knowing, as their hands connected. Vegeta caressed her soft hands. ''Its Trunks, a nightmare...'' He whispered before he paused for a second. ''I dont know if I can help him. I dont know if im good enough. I've been a terrible father to him.'' Vegeta said to her, a tone of helplessness mixing in with his voice.

Bulma put her head to his back and shook her head no. ''No, you're everything to him. He loves you, respects you, cares about you...'' Her tone turned playful. ''Even when he gets on your nerves, becomes naughty and you have to punish him. He loves you for it.'' She said.

Vegeta felt a smile tug at his lips. ''It seems almost like he is begging for it sometimes...'' Bulma cut in. ''It's because he is, he wont admit it, not even to himself.'' Vegeta smiled more as he knew where this was coming to. ''He is so much like...'' ''Like me.'' Vegeta finished as a small laugh came from him. He turned to her and captured her lips. ''I might not come back to bed..'' Vegeta trailed off.

Bulma let out a lady like chuckle. ''Go get him big guy. I can let you go for a night. See yeah.'' She said as she went back to their bedroom.

Vegeta turned to look at Trunks again. An air of confidence surrounded and filled him. He walked into the bedroom, closing the door behind him. He went to his son's lamp and turned it on. A yellow light illuminated the room now. He could see small beads of sweat on Trunks forehead. He went to the window and opened it more. He went back to Trunks bedside and sat on the bed. He saw tears coming from his son as he began to cry in his sleep. Vegeta put his hands on the boys shoulders and roused him. ''Trunks, wake up son.'' He said.

Trunks cried and shouted louder as he felt Majin Buu's hand grab his shoulders and everything became so much more real. ''NOOOOO DONT!'' He screamed and cried at his loudest as the dream became so real that Majin Buu was in his room, then he choked as the pink monster disappeared to reveal his father.

Vegeta saw Trunks eyes open and he began to cry and scream. A look of terror in his unfocused eyes. The boy sat up as instantly his eyes became focused and locked on with his.

''D-dad..?'' Trunks said uncertain as he forced away his tears and began to hid his emotions and push his black shirt down to cover himself as he slept without pants or underwear on and was nude below the waist. He looked away ashamed.

Vegeta cupped the boy's chin and made him look at him. ''Trunks, its okay to cry right now.'' Vegeta said.

Trunks felt everything in him crash as he was given permission to cry. ''Daddy!'' He shouted as hugged and tried to force his face into his father's chest. He cried and sobbed as he was hugged back. He wasnt normally like this.

Vegeta wrapped his arms around his son. ''Its okay Trunks.'' He said as he pulled his legs onto the bed and crossed them. He pulled and sat his son on his lap as he rubbed his back and held his head precisely to his shoulder. He let his son let out his tears. ''Tell me about it.'' Vegeta said calmly to his son.

Trunks told Vegeta about his nightmare. After that he had started to settle down. Tears still stained his cheeks as he held onto his dad. He felt safe in his arms. ''Dont go.'' Trunks said helplessly.

''I wont.'' Vegeta assured his son softly. Feeling his sweaty shirt he removed it.

Trunks blushed as he was completely naked in front of his father. ''Daaad...'' Trunks whined embarrassed.

Vegeta shushed his son as he slipped off his own black boxer briefs so he was nude. He laid his son down in his bed and shifted next to him then pulled him on top of him. ''This is how proper Saiyan's sleep

Trunks snuggled up to his father quickly and relaxed when he was held again. He clutched his dad as he was laid on top.

Vegeta held his son to him expertly with one hand on his backside and another on his back so he wouldnt slide off. He pulled the covers on top of them and turned of the night. ''Better?'' Vegeta asked.

Trunks felt a wave of exhaustion take over him. It had been quite the ordeal. He nodded. ''Huh huh...I love you dad.'' Trunks said sleepily.

Vegeta kissed his son's forehead. ''I love you too Trunks. Goodnight.'' He said.

Trunks smiled. ''G'night daddy.'' He kissed his dad on the cheek before he rested his head back in his shoulder and fell asleep completely at peace..