Cola Girl

Summary: An argument and a bet with England results in America going on a date with one of his citizens. What follows is an epic night with the world at their heels which America and his date will never forget.

Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia or the characters imagined by Hidekaz Himaruya. I have created a few OC's and interpretations of country personifications not yet officially in Hetalia yet.

Chapter Fifteen: The Gift of Tea is the Best Gift

Sam was not thrilled to be standing in the guest parking lot at the JFK airport at eight o'clock in the morning on a Sunday but since he did owe Ava a favor from ditching her on Wednesday night he decided not to complain. He didn't quite remember clearly what had happened on that night other than vaguely remembering meeting a pair of guys and then panicking with the thought that one of them was some sort of incredibly dangerous looking stereotypical middle eastern terrorist type.

After he took off and had time to think of what happened when Ava had confronted him the next day he had felt terrible and decided to do some introspective soul searching. He was terrified of the thought that he might be some sort of bigot against middle eastern people.

"So this Maghreb guy doesn't think I'm racist against middle eastern people and thinks I was just shy then? You're sure he'll accept my apology for being rude to him?" Sam asked worriedly.

"Well other than Morocco being in Africa, not the Middle East I know it'll go well," Ava reminded him from where she stood by his side. America had texted her ten minutes ago to let her know he and Morocco would be leaving with Morocco allowed to drive one last time. She and Sam were now standing up on the sidewalk as far from the pavement as she thought would be safe.

Sam practically jumped out of his skin when a blue and red mustang seemed to materialize into existence with the right wheels settled on top of the sidewalk and the left ones on the asphalt. The resulting sound was like that of the sound barrier shattering and rearranging itself. Sam tried to calm his heart rate down to less than that of a panicked rabbit, barely noticing when a blond guy collapsed out of the passenger side seat like the only survivor from an unspeakable horror movie while a cheery curly haired non-european jauntily exited the driver's side.

Ava rushed over to the blond to help him get steady on his feet, dragging Sam along with her and releasing him only once they were within arms reach of the blond. Then Ava took hold of the blond's hand instead and said, "Did you happen to see and hear anything during the warp this time?"

The blond groaned in discomfort before lamenting, "A thousand cat chorus was singing a very adorable cover of Ventura Highway. I always say I'll never again let myself get into a car with this guy driving but I always end up doing it anyway. Why do I do this to myself?"

"You're a secret adrenaline junkie aren't you?" Ava teased with a sly smile.

"It isn't a secret," the blonde said with a grin of his own.

Sam brushed aside the strange and flirty conversation Ava was having with the blond when the driver reached his right hand over to him to initiate a handshake. With a warm inflection in his tone of voice the man said, "Hello dere, dank you for taking da time to give a kind farewell to a stranger."

Sam, feeling like scum for even considering this guy to be a danger still gratefully accepted the handshake and replied, "No problem. Sorry for acting like such a jackass when we met, I was wrong for stereotyping you."

"Oh I'm so proud of you, Sam," Ava declared, giving Sam an enthusiastic and friendly hug, "You're my closest friend here in New York so I really wanted you to like Alfred's co-workers and family."

"Yeah you're an important part of Ava's life so it's important to me," the blond, Alfred wasn't it? backed up Ava's statement with a grin and a wink towards Ava and his own hand extended for acceptance of his own handshake. Irrationally Sam suddenly felt a wave of hostility and irritation towards Alfred. He didn't want to shake the hand of this loud blond idiot Ava seemed determined to like. However seeing how happy Ava was and not wanting to hurt his friendship with her over a guy he decided to ignore his dislike of Alfred and shook his hand

On the Wednesday following America's date a G20 Representative Meeting had been scheduled to take place in Germany where said nation was glad to host. However even now fifteen minutes before the meeting had even began England was already feeling a headache building up thanks to his tea withdrawal.

Almost every nation in the room had already approached him to either scold him for trying to ruin or seduce America's date or to commend him for initiating an extremely entertaining evening. France and Italy were both still gossiping about their opinions over England's behavior that night with Spain, China and Japan - not even being quiet over their laughter over England's now tea-barren coming year.

His bad mood worsened when he spotted America finally arrive with not one but two paper cups in a cardboard cup tray with steam still visibly wafting up out from the open lips on the lids. America was such a brat!

Seething in irritation England watched America closely as he ignored the general crowd and jauntily walked over towards Russia who seemed to be observing the entire room and everybody in it with a detached sort of interest. Russia's somewhat board aura changed to curiosity when America held out a card clutched in his hand free of the drink tray towards him.

"What is this?" Russia asked, not immediately taking the card which caused America to pout in frustration.

"Ava wanted me to give you her email since she didn't get your contact info on Friday. If you upset her I'll find out and you'll regret it dude," America warned even as he pushed the card info Russia's hand. Russia's slightly surprised but overall happy expression that bloomed over his face was equally sweet and terrifying. America then turned to make a b-line directly towards England who swiftly arranged himself to look like he hadn't been watching America or eavesdropping on him by intently studying his collection of notes.

The sound of a paper cup being set down in front of him startled England enough to look up in surprise. America was smiling and suspiciously England raised an eyebrow at America's action and said, "You know I hate coffee America so what's this all about?"

"It isn't coffee, I brought you tea for the meeting," America said with his smile growing larger.

England's eyes widened like he had been electrocuted before they narrowed like he was an angry cat before demanding, "What the bloody hell did you do while you were escorting Miss Ava home that made her decline a second date with you?"

Shaking his head in denial America said, "No we're going out on Friday but since our bet only said you couldn't bring tea to our meetings for the next year I decided I was allowed to bring you tea instead since it was because of you and the bet we made that I even met Ava in the first place."

England was honestly touched by America's thoughtfulness. He had expected America would be the type to gloat over this kind of victory like he did his many others but perhaps he was finally maturing. Tentatively England took a sip of the steaming hot tea in front of him but the instant it touched his tongue he coughed and sputtered at the unexpected taste.

"Ugh, did you really bring me chai tea? You know I prefer Earl Grey," England groused even as he still took another sip to hide his grateful smile.

America laughed even as he slurped down a gulp of his own coffee and said, "So did you manage to track down a Corporate Entity who would be willing to come by to meet everyone today?"

England didn't bother to hide his grin this time and said, "I did manage to find one who was very eager to drop all his plans to meet today. I'm certain you're going to find him fascinating. Actually I think that might be him arriving right now."

England stood up in order to walk over to greet the tall young looking man who stepped into the room exuding a confidence that almost matched America's. He wore a dark brown suit with white shirt and a red tie that accentuated his cola brown hair and fanta orange eyes.

Once he reached the figure England reached a hand out to shake and said, "Hello, welcome to the G20 World Representative Meeting. I'm England and I've invited you here today in order to explain how exactly you Corporate Entities work. You must be the Coca-Cola Company. It's wonderful to meet you."

The real deal Coca-Cola Company smiled at England's welcoming greeting and enthusiastically shook his hand. His shockingly orange eyes gleamed with excitement while he responded to England with a warm smile and voice slightly colored with a southern American accent, "Thank you for the invitation to be here Mr England, sir. I always thought there were beings other than just me and the other companies out in the world so I'm thrilled over finally getting proof. So what do you expect from me today?"

"You'll be first to speak once the meeting's called to order so you get a chance to talk before all the usual chaos starts up. We just need a few basics regarding Corporate Entities and how long you've been in existence to start with," England said with a smile before turning to America and asking, "So America, what do you think of Coca-Cola here?"

Critically observing Coca-Cola's friendly manner, warm bubbly smile, sparkling eyes or vibrant orange along with his cola dark hair America smiled at the Company and said, "I'm just glad you aren't a blond. Nice to meet you Coca-cola, mind if I ask if you're busy on Friday? I know a big fan of yours who would probably love to meet you."


To those who have followed for a while, some edits have been made to earlier chapters (specifically one and six) to match plot points that didn't quite match up when I first wrote this. Plot wise the wording of the bet between America and England as well as Ava and America's interaction with Brian at the hotel were changed a bit. I will be going over this to fix misspellings and mixed up words at a later time as well since this story was a WIP without a beta reader. Once I start the follow up story I'll post an announcement in this one for your convenience. Thanks for your support through this. My love to you all! :-)