Cola Girl
Summary: An argument and a bet with England results in America going on a date with one of his citizens. What follows is an epic night with the world at their heels which America and his date will never forget.
Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia or the characters imagined by Hidekaz Himaruya. I have created a few OC s and interpretations of country personifications not yet officially in Hetalia yet.
Chapter One: The Bet
America's boss often said that seeing the sights of a city like London after a long day in a meeting was really great. He couldn't say he felt the same as it was difficult to see any of the things that supposedly made England's capital great through all the rain and fog. Despite England being the one hosting the meeting this time he had wrapped it up earlier than usual and then had left without making a single disparaging remark towards France. America didn't tell anyone that he was worried over England's strange behavior - he was sure he could find out what was wrong and would fix it himself.
America resisted his urge to splash through each sidewalk puddle he crossed but he did entertain himself by spinning his umbrella around as he walked, dispersing the raindrops in an energetic halo around him. As if to mock his own cheery ridicule of the English weather the wind picked up and proceeded to drench America in rainwater. Since the star spangled umbrella America carried with him was no longer useful he decided to temporarily halt his search by stepping into a restaurant.
The one restaurant on the block of course had to be a traditional English cuisine restaurant with a doorman watching the entrance. As America stepped beneath the awning and shook the residual rain from his umbrella the doorman quirked an eyebrow at him as asked, "Do you have a reservation tonight?"
"Nah, bro I just need a break from the rain," America said with his habitual wide smile not diminishing in the slightest, "You don't mind if I wait here til the wind dies down a bit do you? Thanks."
"No loitering here, young man," the doorman said, indicating the small sign on the wall which informed America of the same thing.
"I'll wait inside and order something then. No harm in that, right?" America asked.
"You just said you do not have a reservation." The tone of England's citizen seemed to indicate that he felt America was something of an idiot.
With skill honed from over two-hundred years of doing what he felt like America ignored him and reached for the door handle to the restaurant himself to pull it open, "Don't worry about it buddy, I'll just order at the counter. Thanks, dude!"
Before America could be stopped he entered the building and habitually looked around the room even as he strode towards the hostess area. He would have asked to sit at the bar if he hadn't spotted England sitting across from a girl with red hair at a table farther into the dining area. England looked like he was rather pleased and America's curiosity was greater than a sackful of cats so he spoke to the hostess with a grin. "I see my pal inside and have an urgent message for him. I'll be in and out in less than five minutes if you don't mind?"
The hostess, like the doorman outside before her, quirked an eyebrow at him and said, "I would much rather take a message to pass along to this friend of yours."
"Nah, this'll be faster," America replied and confidently made his way further into the restaurant, not heeding the affronted gasp of indignation of the hostess. England of course spotted him first and his glad and open expression immediately transformed into a displeased scowl, complete with furrowing his ridiculous eyebrows to America's delight. England's red haired date followed England's sour gaze and spotted America just as he arrived at the couple's table.
"What are you doing here?" England demanded and gritted his teeth in annoyance as America sat down in the chair to his left.
America's habitual smile widened before he replied, "Oh, I was looking for you since you left the meeting so fast. I wanted talk to you and since it's like my one of my niches (nitchs) to find you no matter where you are here I am."
"Send me an email later then, I'm quite busy right now," England spat out with a scowl.
"I can see that, who is this anyway and does she know she's about to have tasteless British food with an old sourpuss with outrageous eyebrows?" America said teasingly. England expression transformed from simple irritation to something close to apocalyptic rage and to America's intrigue the expression was mirrored on England's date.
She was the first to speak. "For your information my name is Rose and the word is pronounced niche (neesh) so please don't tarnish the English language any further."
America tilted his head at Rose's hostility but shrugged it off as unimportant, "Whatever, nice to meet you anyway Rose. So how did you meet Anglia here? I'm sure it was interesting."
Rose looked confused for a moment and toward England asked, "Is that a nickname for you, Arthur?"
England blushed to his ears and admitted, "Yes, Anglia is one of my old nicknames. Alfred knows all about how embarrassing antiquated nicknames can be, isn't that right Columbia? Now get out of here you oaf."
In retaliation to England's use of his old nickname America rolled his eyes and replied, "I ain't as antiquated as you so it's not that embarrassing. Seriously though what's the story here? It's hard to think of a reason you would go out with a chick like Rosie here let alone a reason she would go out with you."
Rose scowled at America and spoke up, "Don't call me Rosie - it's just Rose. I only met Arthur at the British Museum yesterday where I work as an auditor. I saw him giving his own little tour of the place to a little boy and his queer Scandinavian parents and I was really impressed by all his insight on the exhibits. I approached him afterword and complimented his handling on the subjects after which he asked me to dinner tonight."
America looked over towards England who nodded his head in agreement and spoke in a wistful tone, "I haven't gone out in a long time and since Rose here seemed nice enough I thought I would take a chance again."
"Aww, Anglia wants to love again," America cooed teasingly and pinched England's cheek, "Is there gonna be another inspired Shakespeare in the works anytime soon?"
"Shut up you moron," England hissed furiously as he pushed America's hand away from his face which unfortunately caused America's arm to knock the two drinks on the table over. England's spilled drink ran along across the tablecloth and Rose's dripped down onto her lap causing her to jolt up and away with a startled yelp. England stood up to assist Rose in drying off with a napkin in hand but she waved him away with a scowl.
"I can put up with a lot Arthur but an idiot American friend is where I draw the line. If he's visiting he should be politer and if he's moved here for work he should develop better habits," Rose looked at England and gave her ultimatum, "Unless you dissolve whatever relationship you have with Alfred here I don't think we can have any future together."
England's expression turned sorrowful and he said, "I'm sorry Rose. I can't just dissolve my relationship with Alfred. Please won't you reconsider your ultimatum?"
"I won't compromise. I'm sorry Arthur but I can't see you again," Rose picked up her purse from beside her chair and left England and America behind. America winced at England's heartbroken puppy eyed expression. He hadn't intended to chase England's date off - he had just been trying to be friendly. Rose exited the restaurant and it was only then that America spoke up.
"I'm sorry England, I didn't mean for that to happen. I swear I was just curious about what you were doing since you were acting so weird today. I'm sure you can find someone better that Rosie by next week and I swear I'll keep away from you until you want to introduce me next time."
England sat back down in his chair and growled, "I didn't think you were so brainless that you forgot that human-nation relationships don't just happen because we want to be with someone. You do realize that when we approach humans they forget us moments after we leave their presence so they have to initiate contact first in order to remember us at all."
"Really? No wonder the Starbucks barista by my house never remembers my name even though I go in every morning," America said with the spark of realization illuminating in his mind, "I can't believe no one told me about this."
"I can't believe you're over 400 years old and have only just realized this. Truly your idiocy knows no bounds," England said scathingly, "That's probably why you were an idiot enough to follow me today. All the other nations could sense the mood and let me be. A human can't handle paying attention to more than one nation at a time when they first start to perceive us since they feel like the world is watching their movements. Humans always subconsciously reject the feeling and run away only to forget us minutes later."
America snorted dismissively and said, "Yeah right, maybe for your citizens and the citizens any other country but my citizens are made of tougher stuff. If I ever had a date with one of mine even if everyone in the world paid attention to the two of us I can guarantee my date wouldn't run off and would even want to go on a second date."
"You must be the dumbest person in this world if you believe that," England groused before his eyes suddenly lit up and his scowl turned into a scheming smirk. He casually dusted his arm off and added, "but if you really think that's true you won't be afraid to make a stake on your claim will you."
"No way, I'm not afraid of a bet," America proclaimed hotly with flames of passion ignited in his eyes, "What are the stakes?"
"If, as you say, you can get a date with one of your citizens you will let every nation know the date, time and location so anyone can intercept you if they wish to. If your date does not run away or willingly ditch you at any point as well as agrees to a second date I will give up bringing any tea to drink during our world meetings for the next year. If you fail and your date leaves you willingly before the end of your date or declines a second one however you have to agree to stop bringing hamburgers during our world meetings for the same amount of time."
America instantly agreed, "Ha, you've got a deal, this'll be a cinch. Now I just need a date which will be as easy as pie. I'll even up the stakes and say I'll have a date within thirty days or I'll stop drinking coffee for a year as well."
America and England shook hands before parting ways, America to leave the restaurant and England to finish dining alone in peace. Even long hours after America had exited England was savoring his gin with a satisfied mood. Even if America had ruined his own date this bet would at least ensure that America would get punished in some way for it.
Brrnnnnng, brrnnnnng
Morocco covered his head with a pillow hoping that his phone would stop ringing.
Brrnnnnng, brrnnnnng
Seriously, he had only been asleep for two hours, who was calling him at three o'clock in the morning?
Brrnnnnng, brrnnnnng
He peeked from under his pillow and blearily blinked awake his sleep dazed hazel eyes at his landline caterwauling across the room.
Brrnnnnng, brrnnnnng
Why wasn't this person calling his cell phone? The landline was for emergencies, family and close friends only. Oh, of course. He stumbled out of bed, almost falling with his legs entangled in his blanket to reach the phone.
Brrnnnnng, brrnn-
"It is three o clock in the morning America - dis had better be a good reason for calling," Morocco pushed his curly bangs from where they fell in front of his eyes, simultaneously rubbing his forehead to try to wake up faster.
"Morocco! None of my citizens remember me and I can't find a date and that means in five days I won't be able to eat or drink anything good at my meetings for the next year! Please, please, please you have to help me!" America's voice cried from the receiver even as Morocco distractedly pulled out his cell phone which had been on silent. Wow, twenty missed calls and ten texts from America in under an hour.
"Who did you call before me?" Morocco asked to gauge how insulted he should feel and how willing he would be to help.
"Only Canada, Japan and The Netherlands I swear!" America vowed, before his voice seemed to shrink, "None of them know anything that will help me."
"You didn't ask England for help? Dat is surprising," Morocco really was shocked, England was actually the first contact on America's speed dial and usually the first person America called when he was having a personal crisis.
"It's England's fault I'm in this mess," America dramatically wailed, "I told him I could get a date from one of my citizens and a lotta people like me but no one agrees to date me after I leave their line of sight and follow up with a call. What do I do? You have to help because you re my oldest bestie!"
"Why do you need a date? Dat kind of ding hasn't ever interested you," Morocco asked.
"It's not long term, I just need to go out with a person and have them agree to a second date to win a bet against England," America tactlessly admitted, "I wouldn't seriously pursue a regular human for too long, it would only get too complicated too fast."
Morocco out of irritation scolded, "Dis sort of ding should not be taken lightly America, nor left to chance or as a frivolous wager. It should be taken as seriously as any other major decision in life - with prayer, careful planning, and family involvement."
"Lighten up Morocco, it's not gonna be as serious as you're making it. You're a romantic country right? How would you get someone to approach you for a date? I seriously do need your help."
"Ugh...fine I will help. Where are you? Dis kind of thing requires me to be dere," Morocco caving in to America's heartfelt and sort of pathetic plea.
"New York City, I figured in a city of over eight million people should increase my odds of finding someone in my favor," America said with a whoop of triumph.
"Fine. I will fly in today, get a rental and meet you at your house this afternoon," Morocco graciously offered.
"NO! DON'T YOU DARE DRIVE - ah, what I mean is I'll meet you at the airport to maximize your time with me so don't bother getting a rental. Text me your arrival time, see you later!" With that America disconnected the call. Morocco, still partially sleep deprived, wondered if he had imagined the underlying terror in America's voice. Surely driving in New York City was not as terrifying as people claimed it would be?
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