Kitty: Hey, guys! It only took for ever cuz Nickey refused to do the 42nd chapter and I refused to update until she did. But she's done it now, and if you wanna kill someone, kill her!

Yugi: Preferably DON'T kill her. Then Kitty will be lonely...

Nickey: xD Well, ya'll can try, but you have to catch me first, bitches! Just kidding, I don't run, I'll punch you all in the throat... xD

Yami: Don't test it! She's crazy!

Kitty: Anyway, I won't keep you from this any longer. Enjoy!

The Abused and the Bullied

Chapter 19

Thankful Fights and Interruptions

Thanksgiving day snuck up on my family, as it always did when Grandpa Moto was over. Of course, I was woken up early by my mom to see if I was going to invite Yami over but shrugged. "He's probably with his family, but I'll call him later," I told her.

She smiled and nodded. "Good. Are you going to bake the pies with me this year?" she asked.

I looked at her like she was insane. "Mom, last time I baked the pies with you, we had to redo the kitchen..." I said.

She paled. "On second thought, I'm gonna go bake those pies on my own..." she said.

I laughed as she left the room. She had really disliked me when she had to remodel our entire kitchen at our last house because I had set an apple pie on fire. I pulled out my phone and began playing Millennial Kingdom, smiling when I beat someone with Dark Magician. Time flew by, and before I knew it, 11:00 had arrived. I decided to go ahead and Skype Yami, and I was shocked when he immediately answered.

"Hey," I said, seeing that he was at the park. "What are you doing at the park?" I asked.

He shrugged. "Nothing. Just wasting time," he replied. "Why?"

"Why aren't you with your family? It's Thanksgiving..." I replied, tilting my head to the side.

"I told you. They're never home," Yami answered. "I wanted to go on a walk, anyway, so I did," he said.

I sighed. "You're coming here," I told him. "You shouldn't be alone on Thanksgiving. It just isn't right. Thanksgiving is a time for family and friends to be together and love each other."

He sighed. "Yugi, I shouldn't intrude on your celebration anyways," he said with a small smile. "It would be impolite."

I glared at him. "Well then, fuck being polite for a day," I said. "My mom thinks of you as a part of the family, and if you're not spending the holiday with your family, she'll be insulted if you don't spend it with us."

Yami's eyes widened in shock before he hesitantly nodded. I smiled, glad he hadn't seen the puppy dog eyes yet. "Thank you... I'll see you in a little bit. And can you spend the night? Please?" I asked.

He sighed. "Fine... I'll spend the night... But so help me Ra, if your grandfather makes any more implications, I will jump out your window," he said.

I laughed. "I'll be joining you," I told him after I stopped. "I'll see you later. Mom's probably finishing up with something."

It was around 1:00 by the time Yami came, and the food had just been finished. I smiled and pulled him into the kitchen and to our seats. "Hello, Mr. Moto, Mrs. Moto," Yami said.

Mom narrowed her eyes. "That's Akira and Zachariah to you, young man," she said as food was passed around by the maids. "Now, we're all going to name one thing we're thankful for. And it can't be anything obvious, like family and friends and such. Yugi, you go ahead and start. Then we'll work our way around the table and end with Yami."

I smiled. "Well, I'm thankful for the new move and the escape from Tamais," I answered.

Dad went next. "I'm thankful for the safety of my son and daughter here in Domino and for the sales with the company's new game," he said.

"Daddy," Amaterasu whined. "You always say something involving the company!"

Mom went before dad could respond. "I'm grateful for dad's wellbeing, and I'm also grateful that Yugi has so many new friends and a very sweet boyfriend."

Amaterasu went after her. "I'm thankful for Yugi's survival after Tamais tried to kill him. I honestly don't know where I'd be if he had succeeded," she said.

Grandpa smirked. "As you all know, sales for the game shop have been going really well," he said. Everyone but Yami nodded. "So I'm grateful for the empty house just down the street that now has my name on a lease."

It took everyone a moment to comprehend what was happening, but once we did, Amaterasu and I jumped up. "GRANDPA'S MOVING HERE!" we screamed in unison, causing everyone but grandpa - especially Yami - to wince.

"Amaterasu's, Yugi, calm down. Let Yami go and then we can talk," mom interrupted before we could get to into our excitement.

Yami's face fell into thought before he answered. "Hm... Weapons," he answered. Everyone looked at him curiously, and he grinned. "I would love to get my hands on that Tamais kid," he explained.

"Dinner" went on with laughing and talking, and I smiled when it finished. "Yami and I are going upstairs," I told them when my mom came to tell us that the pies were being put in the oven. We only had to wait a few minutes until they came out.

I grabbed Yami's wrist and dragged him upstairs. To his credit, he didn't seem shocked that time. I narrowed my eyes thoughtfully. I'd have to fix that. When we went into my room, I smiled and dove onto my bed, rolling around on the covers. "I love my bed," I answered Yami's unspoken question as he stared at me like I was crazy.

He rolled his eyes. "I'm sure you do," he said as he stood in the middle of the room.

I groaned and stood on my bed, jumping off of it to land on his back as he stumbled and I laughed. "Sit. On. The. Bed," I told him as he tried and almost failed to catch his balance.

"Okay, okay," he said with a chuckle. "I'm sitting on the bed." As proof, he walked over to the bed and sat down on it before I got off of his back. We sat there in a comfortable silence for a few moments before he spoke again. "What does your mother do?" he asked.

I shrugged and looked at him. "She's a singer and author. Most of the money we use for finances comes from her CDs," I told him. "She's popular, but I'm not allowed to tell you the name she goes by as a singer."

Yami nodded. "Sensible," he said before I laid on the bed.

"Yami..." I said, grabbing his attention. "Um... I just... Want you to know that I really care about you..." That wasn't what I had originally been planning to say, but I had kind of chickened out.

"And I care about you, too," Yami replied as he looked at me. "What were you really wanting to say?"

I sighed. "Both are questions... One is your opinion and the other is if you'll do something with me..." I said. Yami nodded, so I continued to speak. "You don't think any... less of me for what happened with Tamais, do you?" I asked.

"What?" Yami's voice betrayed his shock. "No! Why would I think differently of you? It's not like you begged him to hurt you..."

I sighed, and my shoulders relaxed a little, relieved that he wasn't thinking any less of me. "And then... Do you want to go for a walk?" I asked.

"Sure. But why? I thought you were big on spending today with family," he replied with a teasing tone towards the end.

I smiled at him. "I do, but sometimes, I need to get away from them. It's kind of a tradition for me to go on a walk after eating, and sometimes 'Rasu joins me so I won't be alone," I told him.

He nodded. "Lead the way then," he said as we got up, bowing and motioning towards the door.

I laughed and walked to the door. "Why thank you, good sir," I said as I walked out the door.

When we got to the park, we sat on a bench and stared at the sky while talking for a little while. Around 3:00, I got a call from Malik. "I'll be right back," I told Yami, getting up and walking a few yards away. "Hey," I told Malik. "What's up?"

Malik smiled. "Not much. We just finished eating, and I called to say Happy Turkey Day!" he said. "What are you doing?"

I laughed. "Happy Thanksgiving to you, too, Malik," I said before answering his question. "I'm hanging out at the park with Yami." I turned around to see what Yami was doing, only to see him struggling against some girl in a black mini skirt and pink crop top.

"Oh come on," the girl whined. "Just dump the shrimp!"

I growled. "I've gotta go, Malik. Some slut's all over Yami," I said, hanging up without waiting for a response. I walked over to Yami and the girl and smiled. "Hi, my name's Yugi Moto. I'd really appreciate it if you would get off my boyfriend now," I said in her ear, causing her to jump.

She turned towards me and glared, although she backed away slightly at my own glare. "Yami deserves so much better than you can give him," she said.

I looked at Yami and then back at her. I remembered a similar fight when Tamais and I had first gotten together, and I handled it the same as I was going to handle that one: with patience and apathy. At least, it would have been the same way if she hadn't kissed him. I immediately grabbed her shoulder and pulled her off of him.

"Listen to me, and listen closely," I said with a glare as I pushed her. "I am the last person in the world you want to piss off, and you're already well on your way to succeeding in that." I was slow to anger, but when I got mad, the world had better watch for my anger. I wasn't afraid to send someone to a hospital if I had good reason. I may not have ever wanted to murder someone, but I knew how to torture someone just enough to send them to the hospital. "I have more influence than you realize in this country, and I could turn your life upside down with the snap of my fingers," I continued, snapping my fingers for emphasis. "Now, if you don't want everyone to think negatively about you, I suggest you leave."

The girl flipped her hair before stomping off while Yami looked at me in shock. "Wow..." seemed to be all he could say.

I sighed and plopped onto the bench beside him. "Sorry..." I muttered. "That's only happened once before..."

I felt Yami's eyes boring holes into my head and turned towards him to see him staring at me. "Why would you be sorry?" he asked.

I looked up so that our eyes met and almost melted at the heat radiating from his. "B-because... I don't like to th-threaten people?" I said, unsure as he leaned towards me.

"Well... it was actually pretty hot," he said against my lips. "The way you got possessive over me even though I can't get mad when people insult you."

"It's not the same -" I couldn't even say the last word before Yami's lips were on mine. He pulled away, looking around for something before he grabbed my hand and pulled me to the bathroom.

When we got in the room, he locked the door, and I briefly wondered if anyone was in the room. When Yami pressed me up against the wall and kissed me, I immediately decided to say "fuck you" to anyone who happened to be in the room. He slid his tongue into my mouth, and despite my interrupted sentence that I wanted to finish, I moaned when it rubbed the roof of my mouth. I reached up, and my hands tangled in his hair as I wrapped my legs around his waist - a move bolder than any I had made with Tamais. He grabbed the area beneath my knees so I wouldn't fall and carried me over to the counter, sitting me on it.

My legs fell to either side, and our seemingly favorite position from school bathrooms came into place as I refused to let go of his hair. I simultaneously shivered and jumped as his skin came into contact with my waist. "Your hands are cold," I whined, pulling away just enough to talk without pulling our lips apart.

"Sorry," he replied in a mumble before our lips were back together. His hands went up my shirt, lightly skimming the skin in that area.

We pulled apart for air, and Yami trailed kisses down my face to my neck, stopping to kiss my cheek and nip my earlobe while I caught my breath. "Yami," I said with a sigh as I tilted my head to the side, giving him more access to my neck.

He kissed my collarbone before working his way back up to my cheek, ignoring my ear and littering my cheek with kisses. He leaned his forehead against mine so that our noses touched as we tried to regain our breath. "You're going to be the death of me," he said in an almost silent whisper. I laughed and pressed our lips together in a quick kiss. "I dunno if that's a good thing or not." He chuckled as we pulled away from each other's lips. I tugged him back towards me by his hair and kissed him, our tongues intertwining in a playful dance that lasted seconds before I pulled away, returning us to our previous position. "It's probably a good thing."

I couldn't help the quiet laugh that escaped my throats at his statement. "You think so?" I asked.

Yami nipped my bottom lip playfully before sucking on it and connecting our lips for a few more short, quick kisses one after the other. Kissing Yami was comforting and enjoyable, no matter how we kissed each other, and I loved it. Yami grabbed one of my hands out of his hair and locked our fingers together as he looked at me, his beautiful crimson eyes growing serious. "I..." He paused as if looking for the right words as he looked into my eyes. I waited for him to be ready to continue. "I think I'm most thankful for you this Thanksgiving... I enjoy spending time with you and your family... They're wonderful people, even your perverted grandfather." Both of us let out a laugh at that. "So thank you..." He paused for another second. "But... I am sorry about the way I asked you out... Not sorry that I did, just sorry how I did it... It was a perfect way to ask you out without sounding all mushy though..."

I couldn't resist teasing him to show that I didn't have any hard feelings. "Oh yeah, because you're not being mushy right now," I said.

"Shut up..." Yami replied. "But, seriously, thank you."

"You're welcome, Yami," I said as I leaned forward, wrapping my arms around his neck in a hug. His wrapped around my waist, and I smiled as I nuzzled his neck with my eyes closed, taking in his scent. He always smelled good for some reason, and I loved the scent that was only Yami.

Yami sighed leaning back from the embrace as I unconsciously tried to follow him. "We should get you back home. It'll be getting colder as the day goes on," he said, helping me off the counter.

"Oh come on, Yami," I whined. "I wanna stay for a little while... Lay on the grass and watch the sky... Please?"

Yami shook his head. "No, Yugi. It's going to start getting cold soon," he said.

I sighed. I really hadn't wanted to do this on Thanksgiving, but... My eyes widened, and I covered my mouth with the back of one hand. My head lowered slightly but made sure Yami's eyes were still locked onto mine, and I willed tears to spring to my eyes. "I just... wanna stay a little longer... Do you not wanna stay with me anymore...?" I asked, making it sound as if I was about to cry.

Yami was frozen, and if I hadn't needed to keep up the Kicked Puppy look - that was what mom called it while Amaterasu called it my Puppy Dog Eyes of Doom - I would have laughed. It was common for people to react that way when they received the PDED for the first time. "F-fine... But... don't cry..." he stuttered.

I immediately grinned and wrapped my arms around his neck in a hug. He seemed too confused to hug me back as I let go of him. "Thank you!" I exclaimed.

"Um... you're welcome?" he replied with a questioning tone as we left the bathroom and walked through the park until we found a spot clear of people, where we laid down. I rested my head on his chest, and we stared at the sky.

The buzzing of my phone by my head woke me up, and I grabbed it, unconsciously hitting the answer button. "'Lo...?" I asked.

"Hey, Yugi. What happened yesterday that made you hang up?" Malik asked.

I turned onto my side to see Yami laying down beside me and felt his arm around my waist. Using my free hand, I started playing around with his hair. "Some girl was flirting with Yami while we were at the park... What time is it?" I replied.

"Um... 9:36," Malik answered. "That sucks... What happened?"

I shrugged. "I yelled at her and scared her with threats of making her life miserable. Then she left, and Yami and I ended up in a bathroom," I said.

I could hear Malik's smirk as he spoke. "So... You and Yami had sex?" he asked.

"N-no!" I yelled. "W-we did n-no-not!" I felt my cheeks become red as I accidentally tugged Yami's hair.

"Mhm... And that's why you're stuttering, right?" Malik teased before I heard him singing. "Yami and Yugi sitting in a tree. Doing stuff they're not supposed to be. Starts with s- and ends in -x."

"We were not doing that!" I shouted. "Get your head out of the gutter!"

Malik laughed. "Yugi, my head is always in the gutter. That's why you love me so much," he teased.

"Sure it is," I told him, not noticing when Yami sat up until he was hovering over me.

Malik said something, but I didn't hear it as Yami pulled the phone away and leaned down so that his mouth was by my ear. "Who are you talking to?" he whispered, sending shivers down my spine.

"Um... Malik..." I answered as I saw him tap the screen on my phone and lay it face down. "Why'd you do that?"

"Because I'm going to do this," he said before he connected our lips. My hands moved up to tangle themselves in his hair again so he wouldn't pull away. I didn't know if he had planned to, but if he was gonna hang up my phone, he wasn't gonna kiss me once and then leave me hanging.

"Don't you dare pull away," I muttered against his lips. "Because you're not allowed to do that, kiss me once, and then leave."

I felt him chuckle. "You actually think I planned on doing that?" he asked before pushing our lips together more firmly as his hands moved up my shirt. They ghosted over my stomach and chest as my hands in his hair pulled him closer to me.

We broke apart for air, and his lips moved to my neck. "You know... What dad would say if he walked in right now?" I asked. Yami hummed against my neck, causing a quiet moan to leave my mouth. "He'd start demanding that you take a bullet to the heart to prove your love for me..."

I felt Yami as he lightly chuckled before he moved his lips to my ear. "I would..." he told me before nipping my ear.

"I'm aware..." I told him before reconnecting our lips. His tongue moved into my mouth and rubbed against the roof of it before twisting it around my tongue.

My door opened, and Grandpa's voice caused us to jump apart. "I see I stopped the sex before it started," he said with a chuckle.

Yami moved to get off the bed, but I grabbed his arm and pulled him back. "Get out," I told Grandpa, laughing as he shut the door. "Now where did you think you were going?" I asked Yami.

"I told you," Yami said, "that if he makes one implication I was going to jump out your window."

I laughed and pulled Yami to me by his hair. "Well, he's gone now, so don't leave me alone," I said before connecting our lips. Before we could go any farther, my phone buzzed, and I groaned. "What?" I demanded when I answered. "When someone hangs up, it usually means I'm busy."

Malik huffed from the other end. "Well, I'm sorry for making sure you were okay," he said. "You hung up without saying goodbye. And what're you busy with at 9:40 in the morning?"

I growled. "Stuff. Now go away," I said, hanging up and looking at Yami. "People are assholes," I muttered as my phone rang. I groaned, turned it off, and threw it across the room.

Yami kissed me as the door opened. I glared at Amaterasu. "IS THERE A PROBLEM WITH ME MAKING OUT WITH MY BOYFRIEND?!" I demanded. Why did the universe hate me?

Amaterasu left, locking the door, and I laid my head down on the pillow as Yami moved his head to my neck. "People are assholes," he said against my skin. I smiled as he started kissing my neck repeatedly, moving the kisses to my jaw - which he nipped - my cheek, and my ear.

Nickey: And that's the end of our show!

Yami: It's a story... Not a show...

Nickey: No one cares!

Kitty: So, bye I guess!

Yugi: And sorry about the wait!