Kitty: Hi, guys! So, I'm gonna be writing this with PaRaDiCe93, and I hope you like it. The prologue was basically introducing the story (as a good prologue should). Nickey will be doing Yami's P.O.V., and I will be doing Yugi's. In the prologue, Yugi is 14, and Yami has just turned 15. Either way, they're both freshman, so I mean, does it really matter what their exact ages are? No, no, it doesn't. Now, the summary!

Yugi: I assume that's gonna be me, Author-chan?

Kitty: But of course! Unless... Nickey, does Yami wanna do the honors of summary? I mean, it's either that or the disclaimer. I, personally, think he should wear a tutu while he does his part!

Nickey: Well, who am I to deny a fangirl her request?! How about Yugi does the summary, while I get Yami in a tutu to do the disclaimer! ^^

Yami: I am NOT wearing a tutu, Nickey!

Nickey: Oh yes... Yes you are... TAKE IT AWAY YUGI!

Yugi: Yugi Moto, the new kid in Domino, North Carolina and a normal teen – for the most part. Yami Sennen, the wealthy god of Domino High and the most wanted guy in school. Both are homosexual, but one is bullied while the other is treated like anyone else, except better. When Yugi and Yami meet, will they finally learn to trust again? Will Yugi rely on someone other than big sister Amaterasu? And, of all things, will they finally let go of the past and their families?

Yugi: Well, I feel so loved, Kitty!

Kitty: That's because you are loved, Yugi!

Yugi: * rolls eyes * Alright, time for the disclaimer!

Nickey: * kicks Yami out in a pink tutu * You got this!

Yami: * grumbling * Kitty and Nickey own nothing but the poems and songs that are used in the story...

Yugi: Kitty owns Amaterasu, and Nickey owns... Nickey, what DO you own in this story?

Nickey: * shrugs *

Kitty: Well, whatever Nickey owns is what Nickey owns. I'm sure she'll explain at some point what she owns.

Nickey: Y'know, if I do add in an OC or two, I'll be sure to let you know. ;) And as always, ENJOY!~

A young boy ran, his legs moving faster than they ever had before. Amethyst eyes were shut as if their owner was holding back tears; whether they were of pain or hurt, not even he knew. He'd never run so fast, but then again, he'd never been so scared before. He didn't think he'd ever be able to run so fast again; he would in a few years. How do I know all of this? you might be asking.

The answer is simple, really; that boy is me. My name is Yugi Akihiko Moto, and the scene I am describing to you is from when I was 14. Of course, that was years ago...

Anyway, as I said before, I had never run so fast in my life. Normally, I felt safe when I ran; it was my escape from the world of expectations my parents had shoved me into and the world of bullying my school had given to me. Usually, I felt calm when I ran, but not that day. Not on the day when the bullies actually gave chase. I could usually run faster than them; everyone knew it. But I had injured my ankle the previous day, and the closer I got to home, the more obvious it became.

I remember one of them finally catching up to me when I slowed down, and I remember being tackled onto the ground. My clothes were wet and dirty after coming in contact with the muddy ground. I was pulled behind a house, and they yelled at me, kicked me, hit me. I can remember their words to this very day.

"Faggot!" one had yelled. He punched me in the stomach, and I wanted to double over, to groan, SOMETHING! But that would only cause them to continue, thus causing me more pain.

"Whore," one whispered in my ear as I was slammed against the wall. I didn't see how I could be one of those if I was still a virgin, but I did not comment. That would have made the beating worse. They kept insulting and kicking me.

"You worthless son of a bitch," someone said. The voice was familiar, and while I was in too much pain to put a name to the voice, I knew they weren't after me.

The bullies scattered, clearly scared out of their minds, and I saw black hair and angry blue eyes just a few feet away from me. "Amaterasu!" I exclaimed on relief. My sister was the only one I had ever met who could scare the bullies enough for them to run off, which they had just done after a single glare from my sister.

She ran to me, and we smiled at one another as she helped me up. "Hey, baby brother. You okay?" she asked. After a pointed look from me, she chuckled and ran a hand through her hair, a sign that she knew it was a stupid question. "Right, of course not. What I meant was can you walk?"

"Of course I can walk, 'Rasu. They've been so mean that I couldn't walk before. Besides, after a fell to the ground, they only kicked me," I answered as we started walking. "Thanks for looking for me," I added a few minutes later as we reached our street.

Amaterasu bumped into me with her hip, and I smiled. "I'll always look for you, Yugi. You're my baby brother. Besides, mom thought you were avoiding showing her your grades. I told her I'd look for you and drag you home if you were doing so," she said.

School as a freshman was simple. Well, when you were someone like me.. While others got bullied, and yelled at for no reason, Atem Aknam Sennen was put up on a pedestal. One that he certainly didn't like all that much.. Only one person treated me the way I wanted to be treated, and that guy had been my best bud for who knows how long. I lost track after the first few years. We were little when we met though. Fifteen doesn't really count as little anymore.

While kids wanted to be my friend for other reasons, Joey just wanted someone he could relate to. Someone that would actually tolerate his bull crap long enough to get to know the messy blonde behind all the rubble. Of course, with an abusive father like myself, and an adopted sibling that acted like your exact opposite, we were really alike. However, where Serenity – his sister – was a sweet and loving young lady, Seto was... Well.. He was Seto Kaiba – my adopted sibling that had an ego bigger than the largest ocean. He talked down to everyone, but he was always there when I needed him. Though, after dealing with my father for a week, he took to moving to my uncle's house, refusing to be talked down to like a 'dirty dog' as he called it.

Kids at school drooled over me, tried to be friends with me, and even attempted to do my homework for me... Which was weird. Stop it. That was my life as a fifteen year old though. And it wasn't just fangirls. It was fanboys too! All of them worshiping the ground I walked on like I was the pope or something. All because I was 'rich'.

Wealthy. Rich. Happy... Words always used to describe my family. On camera, sure, we were all three of those. At home... We were two. Growing up in this family had its advantages, you got whatever you wanted, never needed anything because you always had everything. However, with strong advantages, came crushing disadvantages...

My father was an alcoholic. Giving himself time to sober up before a big meeting, or a press conference, only to be drunk as soon as it was over and he was sure everyone was gone. His image was perfect business man, at least to the public eye. In my eyes, he was a drunken bastard that beat his son like a drum.

Some children run to their mother when things go bad.. The glance I throw towards her shows that there won't be any solace in her arms. She's hyped up on whatever she got a hold of today. Who knows what's in that needle? Whatever it is has at least knocked her out for the night, so I won't have to worry about her coming after me later.

I go to my room, hoping to find some way to ease the pain so I can sleep for school in the morning. I lay in bed, looking up at the ceiling. Yami. That name was sounding more and more like me. Joey, my best friend, and the only one that ever truly got the real me. He knew that Atem was annoying to me, I was just so sick of hearing it.. So, he'd given me a nickname, even a nickname of a nickname. 'Yams', he called me. But, seeing the smile given with the name, it made me smile too.

'Smiling wasn't something that I'd done much as of late' I think to myself, turning over on my side. What is there to smile about though? Living in this house, nothing was happy..

But... Maybe I didn't have to live in this house...

My eyes widen as a thought occurs to me. After all the beatings I'd received, who would be dumb enough to stick around? Why would I, when I have everything I need to live on my own?!

With the thought fresh in mind, I pack my things. Only the necessities, throwing them in a bag that isn't my school bag. I was done being used like a punching bag. I was done pretending to be happy, smiling that fake smile for the cameras. They'd miss me while I was gone, but I wasn't coming back. I didn't need anyone. I slipped silently out my window, being on first floor had been a personal request, the bushes underneath said window had not. I let out a hiss as I make contact with the rose bushes. My mother's personal favorite. Without thinking, I ran. I ran like I'd never ran before. No one saw me, and no one would know anything about it. Atem Sennen was gone, for good. Yami, however, had only begun...

Kitty: So that was the Prologue! Don't you just love authors when they do this to you?

Yugi: What are you doing to them, Kitty?

Kitty: Oh, you know. I'm just giving them a story where I have to rely on a friend to update every other chapter. You never know how reliable they are! I love you, though, Nickey!

Nickey: Well, I love you too, Kitty! And no worries, as soon as I get moved, and we get internet back, I will be very much reliable! :D

Yami: *grumbling* WHY AM I STILL WEARING THIS!

Nickey: You look adorkable! OwO

Kitty: Oh! Nickey, did you get the picture of him in it? It's so gonna go viral! And we need to make a video of him doing ballet in gym class. Ooh! That could be a chapter!

Nickey: Ohh! Good reminder! *pulls out camera* Yami! I GOT A NEW CAMERA!


Nickey: OH. MY. RA! Best idea ever! :D

Yami: You guys are jerks T-T

Nickey: Stop being a whine baby, SMILE!

Yami: GET AWAY FROM ME! *runs away*

Nickey: *chases after* GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!

Yugi: Well, that's all, guys! Kitty's about to join this fight, so we don't want any blood shed! Audios, amigos!

Nickey: Au revoir!

Kitty: Tener un día precioso , mis queridos lectores! (Have a good day, my lovely readers; Spanish) Read, relax, review, and rest if need be, but enjoy the time it takes us to post Chapter 1 up!

Yami: T-T And all those goodbye things...