The akuma held Ladybug in its grasp, choking the life out of her. Chat could see the pain on her face—the panic. She was trying to wriggle her charm from her waist, but her hands kept returning to the rough fingers around her throat.
He had to act fast.
Bounding for his left, Chat used his cataclysm power to deteriorate the chains on the large suspension platform beside him.
"Wait, Chat—" Ladybug croaked.
Unhinged, the metal bridge plummeted, and the akuma was forced to let his Lady go, leaping for cover. Upon her freedom, Ladybug crashed backwards onto the beams of the roof and stared wide-eyed below her.
"Chat!" she shrieked.
He followed her line of vision to the concrete.
It happened in slow motion, yet too fast for him to move, too quickly for him stop it.
Alya stood open-mouthed, phone recording, as the ceiling came down upon her. Her awe turned to terror just as she disappeared beneath heaps of metal. Chat screamed.
After the horror released him, he shot down to the ground, hoisting the heavy beams away from the pile of debris, hoping, praying…
He heard Ladybug above, taking out the akuma, restoring the world to how it once had been. Almost.
Before him, the rubble disappeared in a swarm of red light, leaving behind a broken figure.
Chat almost puked. He fell to his knees, hands gathering Alya into his lap.
Ladybug joined him, holding her breath.
"Alya?" he begged. He shook her slightly. "Wake up."
Her hair dripped from blood, and the contusion on her head was widespread. She was limp.
"Wake up!" he screamed, hoarse, unbelieving. Ladybug's heartbroken sobbing propelled him into shock.
He'd just…he'd just…
A crowd had begun to form in the garage around them, taking in the scene. Gasps and murmurs. Cries of outrage.
But Chat only had eyes for the outgoing, charismatic girl he'd murdered. How could this have happened? One moment, he was trying to save his partner, and then next...
Slowly, Ladybug drew Alya out of his arms, into her own, tucking her to her.
Chat couldn't breathe. The lump in his throat blocked all passage of air. He glanced down at his hands, soaking in blood. Warm, but freezing cold.
"A girl has been killed…." a reporter related solemnly.
He'd killed her. It was an accident. But he'd killed her. He hadn't been paying attention to his surroundings. He should have known Alya would be there. She was always there!
"Ladybug…" he rasped unconsciously.
Almost imperceptibly, she shied away from him. Like she didn't trust him anymore. As though he'd flipped a switch, and now he was the enemy.
But even Hawk Moth had never murdered anyone.
"Just…go, Chat."
The order gave him direction. Go. Leave. Get out of here before things get ugly.
He clambered to his feet, swaying slightly.
Ladybug didn't look at him.
She would never look at him after this. He'd killed a civilian. One of his best friends.
Nino's girlfriend.
Chat backed away, eyes fogging over. He tore away, despite the pleas of the crowd, the confusion, his Lady's tears.
He ran, and he didn't look back.
Marinette found Nino at the funeral—the first time she'd seen him since…since that day—and she crossed the distance and flung herself into his arms. He immediately enveloped her small frame, crying into her shoulder.
Alya was gone.
It was so unpredictable. So outrageous. Her Alya had been killed? Her strong, fearless friend?
It didn't make sense.
Marinette had never witnessed a death before. She had never experienced loss like this. It was new, and terrifying, and the stinging behind her eyes and inside her throat never seemed to wane.
She finally pulled away from Nino, watching as he wiped his eyes and nose.
"She was so stupid," he laughed, tears still trickling at a constant rate. "Ladybug always told everyone to clear the area. She told Alya specifically to stay away. But Alya was so goddamn stubborn."
Marinette grabbed his trembling hand.
"That's an understatement," she chuckled sadly. She looked around, spotting all of Alya's extended family, the school district, her friends… "Adrien?" she wondered.
Nino shook his head. "I guess…people grieve in different ways."
Marinette felt cold. Was he all alone in his giant house with his father for company? Would Gabriel even comfort his son? It wasn't right.
None of this was right. It was like she'd entered the Twilight Zone.
Nino squeezed her hand. "Alya wouldn't want us to wallow, Mari. She'd want us to keep living fully."
Marinette thought of the bright, mischievous smile. The girl she called on a daily basis. The best friend she'd ever had.
"I don't know if I can."
"Me neither," Nino replied sadly. "But we'll try to. Together."
Marinette nodded.
Her eyes roamed the walls of the Césaire household, landing on the picture of Alya's fifth grade graduation. She carried Marinette on her back, both laughing hysterically.
A week had passed, and too much had changed.
Adrien had dropped out of Dupont, returning to home school at his father's request. Apparently, Gabriel Agreste didn't approve of the dangers his son faced in the public setting, where a majority of the akumas had been engendered. Alya's death had only greased the fire, so he'd removed Adrien from his place of acceptance.
All of a sudden, he was gone. Another empty chair.
Marinette wished she could have at least…said goodbye. It was just another change that set her world off kilter. And according to Nino, Adrien hadn't even answered his calls, or responded to his texts. He'd straight up disappeared.
She didn't understand how someone could cut all their ties with the world they once knew and order a clean slate…just like that.
With Adrien gone, Nino and Marinette had become each other's emotional support. They'd sit together and eat together, and they respected one another's silence. It was a friendship she'd never expected, but one she was truly grateful for.
"Chloe's been civil," Marinette remarked as she sat beside Nino.
"She probably misses the banter with Alya. Those two could go at it."
Marinette smiled. It was true. Alya was the fighting force against Chloe's shit. Adrien had been the pacifier. Now…
Well, it was better not to dwell on it.
Nino glanced down at his phone and clenched his jaw. Marinette read the screen curiously.
It was a highlight from Ladybug's press conference yesterday. Her statement to the public.
To say the least, it hadn't been received well. She'd tried to explain that it was unintentional, a tragic accident—what Chat had done—but whether it was the sadness in her own eyes or the unconvincing tone of her voice, the world responded with hate.
They blamed Chat for the death of a civilian. Analyzed his sincerity. Critiqued his usefulness.
It made her angry, and she'd tried to shut most of it out. Her Chat hadn't meant for any of this to happen. He was sincere, and honest, and good.
"He didn't even show up," Nino muttered.
"Chat Noir," he seethed. "He couldn't even apologize? He didn't have the decency to give his condolences? What a coward."
Marinette bit her tongue. Nino was just grieving. He had to direct his anger somewhere. Even if it was misplaced.
Speaking of Chat…
The pair hadn't spoken at all since the accident. She'd been in shock, ignoring her duties as Ladybug so she could properly grieve. According to the press, Chat Noir had laid low as well, unseen and unheard.
A few days after the akuma event, he'd left her a single, heartbroken message.
"I'm so…so sorry, Ladybug."
And that was it. That was all she was given.
She knew Chat had the tendency to blame himself for things beyond his control. Yes, he had produced the mechanism which ultimately killed Alya. But Alya had also been somewhere she shouldn't have. They were both at fault, in different ways.
She thought she'd be angrier with Chat. When the grief began to pass, she waited for the anger, the hate. He was the source of this pain. The source of her loneliness.
But that was just it. She'd realized he was dealing with this alone. He couldn't tell anyone what he'd done. He couldn't confide in anyone but Ladybug.
And Ladybug had shut him out for reasons mostly unknown to her partner.
That night she contacted him to meet her for patrol. He didn't answer, which was extremely unlike him. She decided to go out anyway, try her luck. Oddly, no akumas had appeared for a stretch of time. She would have expected more with Alya's death and the concurrent mourning, but she supposed a tragedy like that made people value life and the things that truly matter. It gave Hawk Moth little to work with.
She waited for Chat for over an hour, her insides growing taught with anxiety. Chat never ignored her. He'd always respond within a minute to let her know if he was on his way, or if he couldn't make it. He was reliable.
But as the hours ticked by, she realized he wasn't coming.
Maybe he's not ready.
But...Paris needed them. If Marinette could muster the strength to dawn her suit, surely he could?
She paced. She tried sending him an emergency alert, but the signal bounced back, unread.
She glanced at her communicator. It was already two in the morning.
She bit her lip, glancing over the rooftops one last time, daring to hope. What she would give to sea a flicker of a tail.
She'd try again tomorrow.
A week later, a dozen voicemails, and no Chat.
Marinette chewed her lip, pacing, always pacing.
"I'm really worried, Tikki," she confessed. "What if something happened to him? What if one of his haters found him and…hurt him?"
"Marinette," Tikki soothed. "If he were in trouble, we'd know."
Marinette paused, tilting her head. "Really?"
Tikki nodded. "You're connected. If he and Plagg were in danger, I would sense it."
Marinette tapped her foot. "So…what? Is he just ignoring me?" She tugged at her pigtails in a frustrated attempt to understand this absence. Why did she have such a bad feeling in her stomach?
"Maybe he feels too guilty to meet up with you. You didn't exactly reach out."
Marinette gaped. "For good reason!"
Tikki shied away at the shrill tone. Marinette slapped her forehead.
"I'm sorry, Tikki. I'm just…"
"Concerned. I understand, Mari."
Marinette folded her arms in, trying to find warmth where there wasn't any. What if an akuma turned up, and Chat was nowhere to be found? She'd fought alone before, of course, but it was difficult and laboring. Chat was her backbone; she needed him.
"Do you think he's in hiding? Like he's afraid if he comes forward, they'll try to persecute him?" she wondered fearfully. Distrust was dangerous. If the people of Paris no longer believed in the people trying to protect them...
"It's possible. But speculating about all these scenarios isn't helping." Tikki floated up to eye level, seriousness washing over her small features. "We should see Master Fu."
He opened the door, smiling brightly.
"Ms. Dupain-Cheng! Come inside."
The smell of herbs and incense wafted through her nose as she followed the short man into the back of his shop. Wayzz floated into peripheral, nodding a greeting at her and Tikki.
"What can I do for you, Marinette?"
"Where's Chat?" she burst, and the old man's eyes widened. "He's disappeared. I can't reach him. I…I need to know if he's okay."
His face adopted something like pity. "I thought he would have told you."
She inhaled sharply. "Told me what?"
He touched her arm, as if to soften the blow.
"Chat Noir has turned his Kwami over to me. He is no longer a Miraculous holder."
Marinette backed away, her heart snapping into pieces.
"What?" she shook her head furiously. "How can he…why?"
Master Fu spread his hands. "He does not feel he deserves to be a hero after what transpired that day with the Césaire girl."
"That's ridiculous!" she shouted. "He's Chat Noir. There can't be another Chat. What is that kitty thinking!?"
The next time she saw him, he wouldn't know what hit him!
"We must respect his wishes, Marinette," Master Fu advised. "He thinks he has succumbed to darkness. He doesn't want to hurt anyone else. And a wielder who feels unworthy of his Miraculous cannot perform." He and Wayzz exchanged a knowing glance. "I told him to wait. To give himself time to heal. But he refused."
Marinette glanced at Tikki, a mirror of shock and hurt. Chat had given up his life. At least…half of it.
"He's my partner," she denied shakily. "He can't just abandon me."
How could he?! How could he just…vanish? No goodbye. No explanation.
Her insides coiled.
She'd never even bothered to learn anything about his personal life. She'd pushed the civilian topic away. And now she would never see him again. She'd been cut off—she'd cut herself off.
"That's actually what I hoped to discuss with you," Master Fu continued. "Ladybug is powerful, but Hawkmoth will take advantage of your situation if he realizes Chat Noir is gone."
She didn't like where this was headed. "What are you saying?"
The old man rested his hands on his knees, glancing at her hesitantly. "You need a new partner."
She gasped. That was much worse than she'd anticipated.
A partner? As in, a replacement?
"No! I can't. That wouldn't be fair to Chat."
"But Chat is gone," he said gingerly.
She refused to believe that.
"No! He'll come back to me. I know he will. He just…I need to talk to him." Her eyes watered. This was too much. She'd lost too much, too quickly. "You know his identity, don't you? Can you give me a way to contact him?"
Master Fu frowned. "I do not have the authority to disclose that kind of information. And if the boy didn't tell you himself, perhaps he does not wish to be contacted." Her face fell, and he smiled apologetically. "I'm sorry, Marinette. But you have to accept that Chat Noir is no longer a part of who he is. It's simply a reminder of what he's done to his friends and to you."
She stared.
"I will wait to give the ring to another wielder. Given time, he may come around. But for the time being, I cannot let you fight alone."
Marinette felt the tears rain over her cheeks. "I have to go," she whispered, and she fumbled out the door.
She went to visit Alya. It was a place she could vent and fabricate her friend's responses. A way she could sort through the pain.
But the sight at the crest of the hill stopped her dead in her tracks.
A figure stood before the gravestone, hands in pockets, hoodie tucked over his head. The wind kicked up leaves around his vans and tossed a few golden locks aside.
He tensed, glancing back at her warily. She approached cautiously, like he might bolt.
He didn't.
She stood beside him, watching as he stared straight in front of him. A new bouquet of flowers lay at the base of the stone. Purple Hyacinth.
"Where have you been?" she asked. The stuttering had given way to sorrow. To anger. "Nino really needs you."
"No," Adrien spoke softly. "No, he doesn't."
She narrowed her eyes. "What is that supposed to mean?"
He shook his head and turned to leave, but she snatched his wrist.
He gazed at her fully now. Green eyes dark and wet. Hair shadowing his face. She'd never seen him look so vulnerable.
She swallowed. "Come back to us, Adrien."
He closed his eyes, and a single tear made its way down his cheek. "I can't."
Her bangs blew in wild strands around her face. The atmosphere smelled of rain, like at any moment, a downpour would flood the Seine.
He gently placed his hand over hers, prying off her fingers, guiding them away from his arm, but she clung to his hand, refusing. Her lip trembled. She couldn't lose another person. She couldn't watch another boy she loved walk right out of her life.
He stared at her, and a tide of emotions crashed against his face. Sorrow. Guilt. Empathy. A muscle rippled in his jaw, and he stepped closer, lifting her hand to his lips and kissing her knuckles, eyes boring into hers.
"I'm so…so sorry, Marinette," he whispered, voice catching.
The clouds clapped with thunder, and all at once, she stopped breathing.
She knew that plea. That remorse.
She knew that voice, and those eyes.
Adrien bit his lip and released her, walking away.
Marinette stared after her partner as it began to rain. No umbrella this time.
So...I know I promised a Princess Bride AU, wasn't angsty enough apparently. I have a little more written, so I'll try to update this semi-regularly?
Thanks for reading :D