I own nothing except my delusions.

One year later

Standing at the edge of the cliff overlooking the sea, Emma sighed contently, letting the last rays of sunlight warm her as the waves broke on the rocks below.

Looking towards the south, she could see Port Bonny below her, the rolling green hills standing out bright against the gray sky. Small patches of snow still clung to the ground, but the land stayed its emerald green year round, always peeking through the bright whiteness. She smiled, knowing that most of the crew was down there, living in the town that she and Killian had decided to settle by. Curry, McCullen, and Murphy all settled closer than the rest, finding homes just outside the edge of town. Curry and Murphy had even met a couple of local women from town, who they had both grown to become completely enamored with.

Curry had settled with his Bridget, a dark haired woman he'd met one night when he'd visited her father's shop, and never looked away. Emma, along with Killian and the rest of the crew, instantly welcomed her when upon witnessing one of Curry and McCullen's banters, she sided with McCullen, much to Curry's dismay.

Murphy's Anne was a small woman with fiery red hair, who worked as a bar maid. Her quiet demeanor often grounded him, bringing out his softer side. Despite her originally being overwhelmed by the crew, she fit right in with the pirates.

Emma became very fond of them, enjoying having some female companionship as a break from constantly being surrounded by the men.

The entire crew had all settled easily, finding a cove just to the north of them, setting up a little dock of sorts for the Jolly Roger, where she remained moored and maintained by Killian and the crew. They would take the ship out occasionally, just to be on the water, but never strayed too far, only out for a couple days at most, Killian not wanting to leave for more than a day unless Emma was with him, refusing to spend his nights without her. She never complained, holding onto the same sentiments, especially since he had awoken her from her Sleeping Curse.

Just as her mother had warned her, Emma had found herself in the burning red room whenever she slept, though the dream had began occurring much less frequently. Killian had always stayed with her, holding her close whenever she would wake up, whether she woke on her own or he would rouse her, knowing her nightmares were too intense. He'd gone many sleepless nights, all to make sure she slept as soundly as she could. Many nights when she would wake up, he pulled her close, softly singing that old shanty to her, Come, Loose Every Sail to the Breeze, that one that held so much meaning to the both of them, as he would watch over her.

She had even had an easier time communicating with her parents and the rest of her family. Surprisingly, some of the letters they received from her father and brother, along with Robin and Roland, were meant for Killian, who had formed the comradity when they were searching for her. Leo had been the one to inform them that after they left, Grumpy had stormed the castle to get to them, yelling that the Dark One was in the castle, only for Rumplestilskin to appear a second later. He had come to keep his deal with Smee, that since the man failed his task, instead of turning back the clock to give him youth, Rumplestilskin moved it forward, aging Smee until nothing remained but a pile of dust and bones, his red cap resting on the skull.

Hearing footsteps approaching her, she turned her head to see Killian coming to stand beside her from their cottage. She smirked; even after they had settled, he still often wore his leather outfits, not that she minded. She knew that retired or not, he would always be a pirate.

His hooked arm came to rest at her waist, the metal of his hook pressing comfortingly into her back. Emma instantly relaxed into his side, meeting his lips for a kiss.

"Hey," she said quietly, smiling in greeting.

"Hey," he responded, smiling just as brightly. He glanced out to the water, deeply inhaling the salty air.

Emma looked at him, studying the way he was so relaxed looking out over the open sea. Her voice was quiet when she spoke. "Do you miss it?"

Killian shifted his blue gave to her, honestly dripping from his voice. "Yeah, I do sometimes." He leaned his forehead to hers, his voice growing gentle. "But I wouldn't give this up for anything, love. The sea may call me, but my home is here with you."

Unable to help the soft smile that stretched across her lips, Emma's voice matched his when she spoke. "I love you."

She tilted her head, kissing him, before a soft cry caused them to pull away, both of them smiling at the small bundle Killian held securely in his arm, green eyes under a mop of dark hair peeking up from the pale blue blanket smiling at them.

About two months after they were married, Emma had began to feel ill and constant fatigue, causing Killian alarm despite her protests that she was fine. Thinking that it could just be sea sickness, something she had never suffered before, she laughed it off, thinking that it wouldn't do for the captain's wife to suffer sea sickness. When the illness persisted, Killian grew more concerned, never leaving her side and suggesting that they make port to find what was wrong. As a compromise Emma went to Smith, who found that she wasn't ill, when she realized that she hadn't bled. Quickly think over her symptoms and the timing, from what they thought would be their final night on the Jolly Roger, she realized she was carrying a child.

Killian had been ecstatic when she told him, both unable to hold their excitement at starting a family together. After only one small discussion, they both agreed that they wanted to be settled by the time she was ready to give birth, both agreeing that despite their own love for living on the ship at sea, it was not a life they wanted for their child.

The crew had shared their excitement, all eager to meet the child when they were born. She remembered laughing, seeing an entire group of pirates excited that soon she and Killian were going to have a baby. Her family also, particularly her mother, all sent their congratulations, expressing their joy at the news. Snow had told her that she would offer any help Emma needed, whether it be advice or just what to expect.

It had taken them about four months from then to get to Port Bonny, Killian often deciding to make port to try to make it as easy as possible on Emma so that she was not constantly on the ship. With the help of the crew, they quickly made their home on the cliff, letting her go through the final months of her pregnancy in peace. She remembered how after their cabin was finished, Killian had carried her over the threshold of their home, just as he had carried her into their cabin on their wedding night.

Killian had never left her side, even when she gave birth, despite tradition of the fathers not being present, insisting that she didn't have to go through it alone, giving her the support and encouragement she needed during labor. He had given her his constant support, never failing to be there for her. She had lost count of the number of times she'd woken up in the mornings to Killian caressing her stomach, speaking softly to their child. The first time she had really felt their baby moving, she had called Killian to her, where she placed his hand over her stomach, seeing the wonder on his face as he felt the baby's kicks. Even after the first time, his amazement never faded every time he felt their baby.

Chuckling, Emma lifted the baby up, holding him to her chest as she cradled his head. Killian kept his hand on their son's back, intending to hold onto them both. She leaned further into Killian, letting him see the smiling baby, who was looking between his parents.

"Hello, Henry," she said softly, grinning at him as he reached forward to grasp her hair in his little hands.

Henry squealed in delight at having his parents' attention, causing them to both chuckle.

"Was he getting restless?" she asked Killian as she continued to look at the baby in her arms as he abandoned her hair to reach for his father's chains.

"A bit," Killian answered. "I think he just wanted his mother."

"Is your Daddy boring you?" she asked Henry, who gurgled in response.

"I take offence to that, Swan," Killian replied, grinning widely.

She laughed in response.

Seeing that the sun was nothing more than a sliver on the horizon, she looked towards Killian. "We should go inside. It's still cold out, and Henry shouldn't be out for too long."

He nodded in agreement, releasing his hold on her and Henry as they turned and resting his arm around her waist instead as they walked back to their cottage.

Carefully unwrapping Henry from his blanket, she rested him on the rug where he liked to lay, his little hands immediately grabbed on to the old captain doll that was once Emma's, holding it above him. Emma sat beside him, her skirts pooling around her, smiling as the baby played. Lir slinked over, resting near Henry to watch him play with peaked interest.

"Now he calms down," Killian chuckled, handing Emma her dinner.

She smiled at him in thanks as he moved back to grab his own dinner before joining her, his leg pressing against hers, both of them ignoring the table in favor of sitting beside their son.

"Do you think that he'll want to sail when he's older?" Emma asked curiously as they ate, watching Henry.

"Considering his parents?" he asked her, quirking his brow at her.

She chuckled. "You never know."

"The lad is the son of a pirate," Killian said, looking at the baby. "He's been around pirates his whole life so far. Even his mother loves the sea. It's in his blood."

Nodding, Emma leaned into him, moving her hand to play with the hair at the nape of his neck.

"Do you ever regret giving it up?" he asked her softly.

She immediately knew what he was asking. Her voice was sure as she shifted her green gaze to him. "Never."

He turned his eyes to hers, smiling.

She leaned her head to his, returning his smile. "This is the life I want, Killian. I wouldn't give this up for anything."

He tilted his head, kissing her. Emma sighed into his mouth, but before either could deepen the kiss, Henry called their attention.

Emma laughed as she pulled away from Killian, picking up Henry under his arms so that he faced her. He giggled when she kissed his cheeks.

"You never let me catch a break, do you, lad?" Killian laughed.

Henry, who looked so much like Killian, turned his head to smile at his father, taking his fist in his mouth.

"Cocky, just like his father, too," Emma said cheekily, passing Henry to Killian.

"I am not cocky," he protested, smiling.

She raised an eyebrow at him in response before kissing his cheek.

She grabbed their empty plates, depositing them before she turned back to them, seeing her husband had their son back on the floor, smiling at him while he tickled his stomach. She smiled as Henry's happy laugh filled their home.

After laying Henry in his bassinet for the night, Lir curled beside him, Emma walked over to Killian, draping her arms around his waist, resting her head on his shoulder. His arms immediately embraced her as she nuzzled into the familiar leather, his scent surrounding her.

"How long do you think until we can take him out?" she asked quietly.

"I would think pretty soon," he answered before looking down at her curiously. "What are you thinking?"

"Maybe we can see about introducing him to the sea soon," she said, looking up at him. "And honestly, I've missed the ship."

He smiled. "I think he'll enjoy that."

He leaned his head down, kissing her, angling his head to deepen the kiss as his hand went from her back to cradle her face.

Breaking apart, she laughed softly. "Making up for Henry?"

He grinned widely, his blue eyes alight with amusement. "Not necessarily."

She laughed, leaning forward to kiss him again.

As the kiss became deeper, she felt heat course through her as she gripped him closer to her. She tugged on his lapels, pulling him toward their room.

Impatient, Killian reached his arms under her legs and back, instantly holding her. She let out a surprised gasp at the motion, breaking the kiss. He smiled softly at her as he walked them into their room and deposited her so she was sitting on their bed.

Returning her lips to his, she pulled him down with her, quickly working to undo his vest then shirt, until a mass of their clothing littered the floor. Once they were completely bare, she pulled back to look at him, seeing him look at her with love in his eyes.

"I love you, Killian," she told him tenderly as she stroked along his cheek.

He smiled gently at her, his voice soft before he leaned down to kiss her. "I love you, too, Swan."

After starting to plan this story over a year ago, it is finally over. I have absolutely loved this story, and must confess that I am a bit sad that it's finally over.

I want to say a huge thank you to my beta, Captainsallyjayne, for reading this entire story for me and giving me her input, along with letting me harass her with all of my ideas.

And a huge thank you to all of my readers. I didn't think that so many people would take an interest in this story, but you guys make it all worth it.

I'll be posting a new story, North Star, on Thursday, so if anyone's interested, I'll be happy to see you then.

I really hope you all enjoyed Gentlemen of Fortune, and thanks for reading.
