Quick author's note before the chapter starts. The reborn exorcists are more advanced in certain aspects because of the fact that they're already adults mentally.
Chapter 11
Elric-Rockbells to Central
Kanda - 3 years, 7 months
Lavi - 3 years, 6 months
Lenalee - 11 months
Allen - 2 weeks
"Da!" Lenalee cheered as she crawled towards her father, giggling.
"Hey there, my little princess," Roy smiled, picking her up. "Was she well behaved, Gracia?"
"Of course!" Gracia replied. "They're always such angels."
"I still wonder how you get Lavi to behave so well," Denny said.
"A mother has her secrets," Gracia said jokingly. "Same time tomorrow?"
"If it's not too much trouble," Roy told her.
"See ya later," Denny said to them. "Maria was wanting me to get home soon."
Lenalee looked over to Lavi as he left and smiled. She waved at him as he looked over his shoulder.
"Bye-bye, Lena!" Lavi called as his father led him down the stairs.
"I should probably be going too," Roy said. "Talk to you tomorrow."
"It was nice seeing you, Roy. Elicia has missed you coming by," Gracia replied. "I'll see you tomorrow."
"Yeah. Goodnight, Gracia, goodnight Elcia," the raven smiled at both females before heading toward the staircase.
"Oh, and Roy?" Gracia called. Roy turned. "Protect Riza and Lenalee for me."
"Of course," Mustang said, then started down the stairs.
"Is everything packed Winry?" Edward called from the back room.
"Almost!" his wife replied from upstairs.
Yuu watched as his aunt, uncle, and parents raced around the house, putting things in suitcases and getting ready to leave. The two week old Allen rested calmly in his arms, trying to sleep but being unable to. The brown haired infant looked up at Yuu, who looked down.
"Somethin' you wan'?" he asked.
If Allen could have shrugged, he would have, but he'd just have to settle with a passive stare for now. Yuu took this as a sign of, yes, Allen wanted something.
"Wha' is it?" Kanda said. A stomach growl was his response. Yuu looked up "Feli', Allen is hung'y."
"Okay, I'll go get mom," Felix responded, pushing himself off the couch. He went upstairs to where Winry still was. In the meantime, Lily walked up and tilted her head at Yuu, holding her hands out for Allen.
Yuu got off of the couch then carefully gave Allen to his sister, hands still underneath him for support. Lily kissed the brown, unruly locks. She was obviously a little scared and startled, so Allen put his hand on her face. She giggled at this action.
"Wuv 'ou, A'en, Yuu," she said to the ex-exorcists.
Yuu was a little reluctant before replying with, "Love you, 'oo."
Allen giggled to show his affection for his sister and even for Kanda, despite how big of an idiot he was.
Just then, Winry and Felix came down the stairs. The blonde-haired woman gently pulled Allen from the two toddlers. She went and prepared his milk, then fed him. Felix ran over to Edward when he left the back room.
"Are we all ready to go?" Al asked, entering the house. He was outside getting everything out there so they could just grab it when they were leaving.
"I believe so. Just let me grab the luggage still upstairs," Mei replied. She went up, then was back down within a minute, two suitcases in one hand. "Alright, now we're ready to leave."
"Ed, I got Allen and Lily, so can you keep an eye on Felix?" Winry asked.
"Yeah sure," Edward responded. "Felix, when we get to the station, don't let go of Daddy's hand."
Felix nodded, and then the family left their house and made their way to the station.
"Millenium Earl, when are we going to make a real first move?" Tyki asked as he moved a few chess pieces.
"Soon, Tyki-pon," the Earl replied. "Very soon. There are just some things that need to happen first. There will be three new meetings in the next year, and then we'll be able to do something."
"Don't rush it, Tyki," Road pouted. "It'll happen in time. For now, there are other things that need to be tended to."
"Lucy! My beloved, come back to me!"
A surge of light into an Akuma's body. The cursing from a dead loved one. Taking the skin of a military officer.
"Good job, my wonderful Akuma. Now, go wreak havoc. Kill and become stronger. You will be needed soon."
Kanda tightly held Allen to his chest as they got onto the train at Risembool Station. The trains worried him in this small body, considering the distance between the platform and train. The brunette infant saw this, but couldn't exactly comment. Instead, he just stared at the older boy.
With a little bit of difficulty, the Elric-Rockbells found their seats, Kanda still holding Allen and not letting anybody take him. What if they never gave him back? Yuu couldn't have that.
Allen decided to try talking to Neah again.
'Neah, you there?'
No response.
'Hello..? Neah, this isn't funny.'
This time, distorted nonsense, like before.
'ThE- -coM- -GeT- -rE- -R- -Att.'
Silence in Allen's head once more.
Well, that was… weird, Allen thought, confused. It… wasn't Neah's voice. Something else. But what was it? Or is it a living being?
He decided to put it off for a while, or at least until he had more time to think about it. The train started moving, and soon, Allen was lulled to sleep by the rocking of the transit vehicle. That, and the slowly calming thoughts in his head.
Roy sighed as his office phone started to ring. Lenalee, who was building a tower and knocking it over repeatedly, looked over at the noise. Roy decided to put it on speaker.
"Yes? Major General, Roy Mustang speaking."
Lena had heard the phrase over and over but loved listening to it all the same. Her father was an important figure in this world! She could actually remember him, too.
"Hey, Roy, it's me, Edward," a voice came over the speaker. "Sorry it's so late over there, but I have a slight problem that we need to discuss in person. Long story short, some weird, freaky people showed up at our house and I need to talk to you about it."
"Sure. When?" Roy responded, sounding more serious than usual when talking to the oldest Elric.
"Depends on when we get there," 'Edward' replied. "But expect it sometime tomorrow- Yes Felix, we're going to see Uncle Roy."
A child's cheer in the background. A few laughs from adults.
"Alright, tomorrow then." With that, Roy hung up and leaned back in his chair. Suddenly, the room temperature dropped.
"Roy Mustang, you've got an audience with the Earl. Here, a special invitation." A card appeared on his desk. "We'll be waiting. Oh, and you can come, too, Exorcist."
The room temperature became normal again, but Roy still had the shivers.
Lenalee, meanwhile, recognized the voice. That was Tyki Mikk, one of the Noah.
The 11-month-old quickly went back to putting a block on another and pushing them over. Roy glanced over at his daughter. Exorcist? What was that? Sure, there was the priest-exorcist, but this was definitely different. The context, maybe?
Roy sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. It was too late to be thinking so hard. Though, it'll probably keep him up all night.
A knock on the door broke him out of his thoughts. It opened a moment later and Roy smiled at his wife, Riza.
"Hello, dear," Roy said.
"Roy, it's time to go home," Riza sighed, going to pick up Lenalee.
"Yea, yea." He stood from his chair, then walked over to the ladies of his family. "Let's go then."
Riza chuckled, then kissed Roy's cheek. Lenalee giggled, and Roy smiled at their daughter. They then left the office, notifying Feury and his niece, Miranda, that they were heading off.
"See ya, later boss!" Feury called after.
"Yup, until the morning," Roy waved. Lenalee waved at Miranda, a smile adorning her face.
"So how was it at Gracia's today?" Denny questioned his son.
"Fun!" Lavi replied, grinning while looking out the window.
"That's good," Denny smiled. "Here we are. Home sweet home."
The blonde got out, then unbuckled Lavi from the seat. He closed and locked the car after pulling the redhead into his arms. Denny walked over to the door and twisted the knob, only to find it locked.
"Huh, Mama must not be back yet, huh?" Denny got a shake of the head in reply. He pulled out his keys, then unlocked the door. Footsteps were heard behind him, and he turned, expecting Maria. Unfortunately, it wasn't her.
Instead, there stood a man with dark brown, grayish skin, dark hair that was slicked back and golden eyes. Seven crosses were on his forehead, and he held a cigarette in his mouth. He was dressed in regal attire, a top hat on his head. In one of his gloved hands held a black and purple butterfly.
Teez, Lavi's mind produced. Green eyes filled with fear as the redhead realized what this meant.They followed us here. Sheryl… is he here, too?
"P-papa, le's going inside," Lavi tugged on his father's shirt collar.
Before Denny could respond, the man replied. "What's wrong, Bookman Junior? We've only just reunited. Besides, I have a gift for your father."
The teez evaporated and in its place left a letter. On it read To Denny Brosh. What was the Noah planning?
The note floated out of his hand - Sheryl was probably close by - and into Denny's. The man chuckled menacingly. "It's an invitation. Hope to see you soon."
With that, the ominous atmosphere was gone, as was the man. However, Lavi's fear remained. His mind was going a mile a minute.
The Noah are here. They're here! They must've followed us. But how? There's no way they… Unless it has something to do with the Ark. But that's just crazy! Or is it really? I mean, it's saved us before. Maybe it saved us now, and then they used the Black Ark to get here? What does it all mean though? The invitation, Tyki's strange appearance, the presence of Sheryl from nearby. It doesn't make sense. What are The Noah's motives?
Meanwhile, Denny, shaken out of his stupor, had entered the house and took Lavi to his bedroom. The blonde was thinking himself but pushed it aside for the moment.
"Let's get into bed before Mama gets home, okay?"
A few moments of silence. Then,
"Okay, Papa…"
The next day, the Elric-Rockbells were in Central. On the train, a homeless looking guy, with glasses that had spirals on it - whom Allen recognized after he woke up - gave Edward a letter of some sort. Well, it was addressed to both him and his brother, but still.
Obviously, Edward read it, and its contents were… unsettling. Al read it over his shoulder, and it gave him the chills. Allen suddenly didn't want to read the letter anymore. Neither did Kanda.
"Mei, do you mind taking the kids to Gracia's place?" Ed asked.
"Yeah, no problem," Mei smiled. She then gathered the children and they went to Gracia's apartment.
"Should we mention the letter to Mustang, brother?" Alphonse asked.
"No," the older brother replied. "Let's keep this to ourselves, for now."
"Let's get going!" Winry called.
"Coming!" The Elric brothers made their way towards the blonde, ready to talk to their former superior.
Somehow, I'm not dead! It's been almost a year, I know. But this is only really half of the chapter and it's been sitting in the doc for months now and I was just like 'fuck it' and decided to post it because it's been so long. Dunno when the next will be out. Wish me luck that I don't die.