Chapter Four

Harry was late. Draco scowled as he smoothed down his robes, huffing under his breath as he stared dejectedly at the book spread in front of him. Having been partnered with Harry for their Potions' Assignment, Draco knew he would have no choice but to see Harry rather frequently, considering the Assignment was due in two weeks. He had propositioned to meet Harry after quidditch practice at the library, and boy wonder had immediately agreed. Only Draco's veela instincts were treating it as a date, or in veela terms the first step in the courting rituals. He had spent over an hour preening in the mirror much to the dismay of Blaise who was trying on his best robes for Longbottom. Draco had been overly excited, nervous energy thrumming about his body as he entered the library, folding himself into one of the chairs. Everything had been done to perfection, a white cashmere sweater along with dark green cotton pants and black sneakers completing his look as his blonde hair fell over his eyes. Knowing Harry James Potter, he wanted someone to look after, and playing on Harry's soft heart, though manipulative like a Slytherin, would help Draco to attract his attention tremendously. At least then, his veela instincts could be smoothed over. The only problem?

Harry was missing.

Finally deciding that Harry wasn't coming, Draco could feel a sob bubbling in his chest even as he straightened his back and stood up fluidly, quickly stacking the necessary books and sweeping them into his arms. He felt so stupid, something he had been feeling a lot lately, but this one wasn't with resignation. This one was painful Draco thought as his eyes pricked with tears, nodding to Mdm Pince once before exiting the library hurriedly. It hurt to know he mattered so little to his mate, that he was easily forgotten or even worse, rejected. The thought sent Draco almost whimpering, cuddling the books even closer to his chest as he lengthened his strides, desperate to get to the safety of the Slytherin dungeons. There he was safe, there he could let go of his tightly controlled emotions and there-

And there he wouldn't be hexed.

Whirling around, Draco froze on the spot, heart pounding as he wondered if his ears were hearing things that weren't there. Lying low in the manor filled with deatheaters had taught him the art of listening for footsteps, and he could have sworn he heard muffled steps chasing after him. Could it be that someone was under a disillusionment charm? Or perhaps even an invisibility cloak? Draco's blood ran cold and he whipped out his wand, frightened just as he felt the air almost in front of him shift.


"Protego!" Harry barked out quickly, and Draco shook with relief as Harry reached out with his hand, pulling the cloak off his head in one fluid grasp. His shield charm sprang into place immediately, the stunning spell nullified against the pristine crackle of the protective shield. That relief only lasted mere seconds however, as Draco was soon overcome with mortification by his veela instincts for almost having injured his mate. A mate that had done wandless magic artfully his mate hungry instincts provided.

"Jesus Draco, what were you thinking, shouting spells out like that." Harry scolded, frowning as he looked up at the blonde whose face shown with relief that was quickly replaced by guilt. Folding his arms, Harry was just about to scold Draco for almost cursing him and possibly leaving him for the whole night, and never to be found under his invisibility cloak when the emotion he had noticed in Draco caught up with his mind.

"I'm sorry…" Draco squeaked out nervously even though he was taller than Harry by a couple of inches. Fuck boy wonder, if only Draco didn't have those instincts, he would be able to openly gloat over the fact. Now though, his veela instincts were running havoc for having almost accidentally hurt his mate, similar to when he had been pinned in the Great Hall by Harry's stare. Shuffling backwards, Draco felt his head tilt downwards involuntarily as he cowered under Harry's presence, the books now placed protectively over his chest. For someone taller than Harry, Draco looked astonishingly vulnerable, frightened, and Harry felt a surge of protectiveness along with sadness. He remembered when Draco had appeared like this, and his mind flashed back to the meeting in the Great Hall where Draco had stammered out replies.

"Draco… Have people been hurting you?" Harry asked softly, taking a step closer while he casted lumos with his wand, fixing his eyes on Draco


"N-No. N-No one has hurt me! They w-wouldn't dare!" Draco answered haughtily, but still he refused to look at Harry which made the other boy almost sigh aloud. It was obvious Draco was lying, and his behaviour, eyes downcast and arms wrapped protectively around himself showed it all.

"Draco, look at me." Harry uttered firmly and gently, arms akimbo as he waited for the blonde to lift his head. Grey eyes darting upwards, Harry wanted to howl in frustration as they quickly slid away. Huffing under his breath, Harry's left hand reached up and without thinking he forced Draco to look at him in the face, green eyes glittering.

Draco's eyes widened with shock as he felt the warm calloused palm of Harry touch his chin before yanking it up. It was intimate as Draco felt himself get man handled, finally forced to look at Harry's intense emerald eyes, darker and infinitely more beautiful than the manor's gardens. There were times Harry had looked at him like this, and it took all of Draco's will power not to squirm and to fight the growing blush on his cheeks. He remembered those dreams all too well, and still, Harry's hand refused to be dropped from his chin, the warmth permanent and those fingers strong and sturdy.

"I'm going to ask you again. Have people been hurting you?" Harry questioned, voice low. The surge of protectiveness he felt was still here, but now it was mixed with the desire to bend Draco over the nearest surface. The look of surprise, the feel of his soft skin against his fingers and Draco's wide innocent gaze was doing things to him he should not be proud off. It was intimate, personal as he stood inches away from Draco.

"Yes." Draco answered breathlessly, choking as he tried to slide his gaze away, only to feel Harry's fingers tighten, forcing him to look back at him. Draco was tempted to squirm, but those green eyes captured him and rendered him unmovable, as did the tightening of his pants.

"Who." One pointed growl as Harry's eyes flashed had Draco breathing in sharply, wincing as he tried to look away.

"Not many-"

"Draco." Harry spoke, his tone warnful as he tightened his hold on Draco's chin, forcing the blonde to meet his gaze once more, "Do not make me back you against the wall."

What the bloody fuck? Draco felt his pupils dilate, wings behind him flickering excitedly. Potter, no, Harry, oh for fuck sake, Potter should not be allowed to say things like that fuck. All his blood was running down South and Draco could feel his feet shift slightly in an attempt to offer himself less pressure.

"Answer me." Harry murmured, tone becoming cajoling as Draco stared at him frozen, wondering if he had frightened the blonde. As much as he did want to snog Draco, he needed to know the bullies hurting Draco even more so.

"A f-few Ravenclaws. One or two H-Hufflepuffs." Draco finally squeaked out as he attempted to calm his raging lust. Of all things, Potter just had to be an oblivious dirty talker. Just wonderful. It would have such a great effect on his libido fuck.

"You're not telling me everything." Harry tilted his head, frowning as he looked at Draco, "I want to know all of them. This is upsetting me Draco."

At the word 'upsetting', Draco felt a lurch in his chest that he was making his mate annoyed by holding back information. Along with it came an aching delight that Harry was showing care, maybe even concern for him as a mate, even if it was probably all Gryffindor kindness in the end. Squeezing his eyes shut, Draco whimpered out the remaining words, "Mainly Gryffindors, fourth years. They've been hurting some of our first years too."

"Good boy." Harry murmured and Draco felt his veela instinct croon at the praise, his eyes fluttering open to meet Harry's own gaze. He could feel himself flush, feel his wings ache to unfurl and clasp protectively around his shoulders and display himself for Harry's judgement. However, in the split second that Draco basked under Harry's praise, it was also the same second he remembered why he was out so late in the first place.

"You!" Draco hissed, eyes flaring as he pulled himself to his full height, much to the amusement of Harry who blinked rapidly back at the blonde, astonished at the sudden change in behaviour.


"You didn't show up! Even after I was courteous enough to ask for a meeting after your quidditch practice! It's your fault I'm out so late and almost hexed you!" Poking Harry's chest accusingly for emphasis as he towered over the boy-who-lived, Draco tried to curb his anger as he spoke; only to find himself heading towards a full blown tantrum.

"I waited there for almost an hour! How could you be late? You didn't even send a note or an owl!" Draco knew he sounded like an annoyed lover being dumped on a date that technically wasn't a date, but well, semantics. Besides, even this behaviour was too much for Harry. Frowning at him, Draco glowered, arms still tight around his books.

"I'm sorry." Harry chuckled, shaking his head at Draco's whinging, running his hands awkwardly through his hair. He could tell a full Malfoy tantrum was coming on, judging from how Draco was scowling at him

"Sorry? That's all you have to say? That's all he says after standing me up for an hour?" Draco snapped, eyes glinting as he worked himself up into a right fit, "After waiting in the library, looking through material for our assignment by myself thank you very much and all that the prat can offer is a-"

"Merlin's pants Draco, you're not even wearing a robe!" Startled by Harry's interruption, Draco was momentarily side tracked as Harry looked at him in alarm. Not quite sure what he was looking at, Draco was just about to voice his question when Harry swept off his outer robe, quickly wrapping them around Draco's shoulder while his hands grabbed Draco's satchel and books. Surprised, Draco did what any confused, previously livid person would do. He put on the damn robe.

"I'm sorry for being late Draco. Why didn't you put on a robe? It must have been freezing in the library and bloody hell these books weigh a ton! You've got goose bumps everywhere. I'm really sorry." Harry offered as Draco finally finished slipping on his robe. Harry's scent was pleasant, clean and his apology was of acceptable standards.

"Well," Draco sniffed, looking away, "Since you gallantly offered your robe to keep me warm, I guess it counts as a passable apology. Now walk me back to the dungeons and we can call it a night. We'll just have to meet up some other time."

"Actually," Harry coughed discreetly, smirking as he looked up at Draco, "I was late because I was planning something. How do you fancy a night walk around Hogwarts?"

"After hours?" Draco squawked, glaring at Harry, "That's against the school rules!"

"Didn't stop you from spying on Hagrid and getting us into detention." Harry reminded Draco, eyes sparkling with glee.

"That was one time. One time! And I'm freezing. Do we really have to-"

"I told you that I'll tell you how I knew about the Mirror of Erised but not Traeh Serised right? Do you want to find out or not?" Harry asked patiently, raising an eyebrow at Draco, watching as the blonde fidgeted before giving in.

"Fine, but you're carrying my satchel while I hold the books."

"Okay. Now get under the cloak."

Draco paused just as he was about to enter, poking his head out as he narrowed his eyes at Harry, "And if you step on my toes, I will personally hex you."

"Me? I'm perfectly co-ordinated!" Harry squawked, looking offended as he frowned at Draco who had turned invisible under the cloak.

"Yeah," Came the muffled reply, "Tell that to someone who hasn't seen you dance."

Harry rolled his eyes before joining Draco under the cloak, all the while lips turned up at the corners. Underneath, it was cozy and Draco felt his heart stop again as their eyes met, lips inches away, invading each other's personal space. It was broken when Harry turned away, shifting closer so their shoulders brushed.



"… Harry, our feet can still be seen."

"I know that! It's part of the experience." Harry scowled before beaming as he looked up at Draco, "You're going to love what I found."

"You find things like hocruxes, a basilisk, a three headed dog which I don't know if it's true-"

"It is. Hagrid calls him Fluffy." Harry interrupted cheerfully as Draco just stared at him, wondering if his mate's brain had short circuited.

"Exactly. That's why pardon me if I don't exactly swoon with excitement when you say you've found something I would love-"

"Draco." Harry sighed, interrupting as he looked at the blonde, "Do you trust me?"

What a loaded question! To this, how should Draco Malfoy answer? Absoloutely because you are the mate to my veela instincts and Draco is seconds away from jumping Harry's bones? Or should he go for the more tentative you saved the world so of course I trust you? Or the more sensible answer along the lines of no you insufferable prat?

"Depending on the situation." Draco answered truthfully, earning him a stab in his ribs for his attempt at being honest.

"I mean do you trust me with your life. Git." Harry muttered, looking down all of a sudden. Draco could feel the tightening in his chest and almost remember what it was like in the room of requirement. With the heat raging, almost melting his skin, the flames licking at every corner, the loud screams that sometimes he swore sounded like Crabbe's voice. The way he had clung tight, fingers wrapped around the objects, tears falling from his face and then looking up to see Harry, arm out stretched, their rivalry gone. Arms wrapping around his waist, body quivering as monsters of red, orange and yellow chased after him, howling at being cheated out of another soul meant for Hell. Gulping slightly, somehow knowing this was an important moment, Draco turned his face to look at Harry, voice stuck in his throat.


Hesitating, Draco inclined his head, silently asking Harry back the same question. For a minute, Harry's face turns stricken, eyes unfocused before they narrow in, focusing on Draco. For the love of Snape… Confused, Draco waited with bated breath as Harry laughs quietly, breathy little chuckles as he locks eyes with Draco again, expression fond.


HELLO EVERYBODY! I've read all the reviews but I lost track of who I replied and I've been really busy~ I didn't want to make you guys feel lonely so here's a Christmas Gift for you HAHA. In case you didn't know, I'm also currently dealing with my asianfanfics account so I've been focusing less on this account but please know that I love you and your support/reviews mean the world to me! I promise to reply all of you more frequently (and upload more) /bows/ THANK YOU 3