Hello everyone! Sorry for the late delay! I had this chapter mostly done yesterday, but didn't complete it until today. If I'm being honest, I'm kind of iffy with this chapter. I really like this chapter, but a forewarning it feels kind of different from my other chapters. Personally, this one's now my favorite with Kyoya's right after. But let me know what you guys think! Hopefully you all enjoy it as well! Thank you again for all of your support and those of you who just started reading, welcome! I'm still shocked with how many readers are joining in! Thank you again and hope you enjoy! Until next time~!

Special thanks for reviewing to: ilovecartoonsgirl, Fnix de Plata, LaniAhava, and NamikhraKyra!

Ilovecartoonsgirl: Thank you so much! I love being able to see brotherly bonds; they're my absolute fave so I tend to write them more often. I thought it'd be nice to have some alright Dons as well heehee.

Fnix de Plata: Oh my goodness! Thank you so much! Forever Family, Forever Vongola is my favorite story too! That means so much to me!

LaniAhava: Thank you! I felt the chapter was different too for some reason, but couldn't pinpoint what it was (maybe that was it!). I'm glad you still loved it! I loved doing this chapter for Chrome, but I felt it was a tad different as well. Hopefully you enjoy!

NamikhraKyra: I'm so glad you don't get tired of it! Here's the next update!

Chapter 7: Chrome Dokuro

The Vongola driver gulped as he forced himself to keep his eyes straight ahead. The aura which leaked from the back of the limo could suffocate normal people. Thankfully despite Vongola Decimo's annoyance, the benevolent man still tried to limit the amount of killing intent he released; plus the driver was used to driving Tsunayoshi-sama with Varia, Gesso, and even the Arcobaleno and thus mostly used to killing intent and suffocating auras. Despite being slightly used to it, the driver couldn't help but want to shrink into himself. An unhappy Decimo didn't make anyone happy or comfortable.

Thankfully, someone seemed to notice his discomfort as they spoke out, "Boss, I think you're beginning to make Callen feel uncomfortable with your killing intent."

Said-boss straightened up which caused Callen to look slightly embarrassed while Chrome simply continued to look worriedly at her boss. Chrome watched as the brunette blinked a couple of times before he relaxed slightly; the tension in the atmosphere seemed to vanish as he did. The young boss smiled sheepishly at the two of them. "Sorry Callen, I didn't mean to get so lost in my thoughts."

Callen, who had just pulled up to a stoplight, shook his head frantically. "No, of course not Tsunayoshi-sama! You have every right to be worried! I'm sorry I'm not more capable of handling more of your killing intent, Tsunayoshi-sama!"

Tsuna sweat-dropped as he shook his head in exasperation. Honestly who apologized for not being able to handle killing intent? With a small smile, he quickly tried to calm down his main driver, "Mah, mah, Callen. It's alright, really! You put up with far too much on a regular basis already. You really don't need to be worried about things like that."

The grown-driver still looked like a kicked puppy but agreed in a sulking manner, "Yes, Tsunayoshi-sama. I'm sorry Tsunayoshi-sama."

Tsuna sighed as he figured that was the best he was going to get from his driver. Chrome quietly changed the subject as she asked with slight bewilderment, "If I might ask Boss, why are you so upset? Are the business owners were going to meet that bad?"

Tsuna groaned as he let his head flop to the seat behind him. "Yes, no, kind of?" Both Chrome and Callen, who used his rear-view mirror to see, watched in amusement as the strongest boss of the mafia proceeded to stretch his hands up into a strangling motion like an exasperated child would. Chrome giggled at her boss's actions, while Callen bit his lip to keep his own chuckles at bay and turned back to the road ahead of him. Tsuna sighed again as he placed his hands down before he explained, "Honestly, the original owner and boss isn't such a bad man. I actually like him and could see the two of us having a friendly chat with some tea and such. The problem is recently he ended up passing his business down to his son, much against mine and many others' wishes."

Chrome blinked and tilted her head to the right. "And this son is not a good person?"

Tsuna shrugged. "I wouldn't know. He's so beyond spoiled that I can rarely ever get pass his twenty-four-seven whining and demands, if I can even get him to talk to begin with." Chrome raised an eyebrow slightly at that, but could understand her boss's frustrations better. Neither her boss nor the rest of the guardians were too fond of people who were constantly acting in a spoiled way. They weren't too fond of hearing about people, who had better childhoods than they could've dreamed of, still whining about how much more they wanted when they had more than plenty. For a while, it was why many of the guardians were slightly annoyed with their little lightning guardian. After things had settled down slightly, the others could understand that Lambo mainly acted out the way he did because he felt rejected and abandoned by his own family; his childish antics were just one way of having attention put on him, whether good or bad. Lambo slowly figured out how to settle down especially with Tsuna and Nana who spoiled the little lightning along with Fuuta and I-pin, while they also taught them manners and limits. It showed the three younger siblings that they didn't have to complain or do silly things just to receive attention, at least not anymore.

Chrome was suddenly very aware of why she was chosen to come instead of the other guardians. If the son was someone who was beyond spoiled she and Takeshi were probably the only two who could handle being around him without wanting to supposedly teach him some manners, even Reborn tended to get annoyed at people who were more spoiled and arrogant. As it was Takeshi was already on another mission and wouldn't be back for a couple of days, so that just left her. Plus, Chrome was beginning to get the feeling her Boss would need her help in keeping himself calm and patient. She smiled gently at her Boss as she tried to ease his worries, "Well it's not that long of a meeting right?"

Tsuna huffed but nodded nonetheless. "This one should hopefully be a touch and go meeting as far as I know. I just hope it's his father who we are meeting."

The girl chuckled in amusement as she watched her boss slump down in his seat like a little kid who was sulking. She decided to take pity on her boss and changed the subject, "So Maman's birthday is coming up right?"

She watched as her sky physically brightened before he began to chatter about all the preparations they would be doing for his mother's surprise birthday party.

"Tsunayoshi-sama, we have arrived at the spoiled brat- I mean the Stein mansion!"

Tsuna chuckled good-naturedly at Callen's obvious joke; he was in a much better mood after he and Chrome talked about his mom's birthday party the whole ride over with Callen, who threw in some interesting ideas as well. He still hoped it was the Senior Stein who was here and not the junior though. Tsuna exited the car and held out a hand for Chrome, who took it and also exited. Tsuna had just closed the door behind them and turned around, only to have his hopes sink into slight exhaustion as he sees Ricky Stein, the junior of the pair and the teenager Tsuna hoped to avoid.

Still, Tsuna forced a polite smile on his face as the bored teenager continued to play on his phone and basically ignore Tsuna. Tsuna felt himself twitch in annoyance; he still had no idea why the teen was allowed to run the company in his father's place. In a way, he and Ricky were a lot alike in the fact that they were both fairly young when inheriting their elderly relative's company. However, unlike Tsuna who struggled to keep things controlled and stay on top of things, Ricky seemed to apparently be more interested in the new Angry Birds games that just came out on his phone.

Chrome was quick to sense her boss's growing irritation and looked up in surprise at the boy who was nonchalantly playing on his phone instead of greeting them. The female mist couldn't help but raise a surprised eyebrow; she was stunned that he could ignore the boss of the biggest company around, let alone the strongest mafia boss, not that he should be fully aware of that. Instead the blue-haired woman placed a gentle hand on her boss's arm to calm him down. While it worked, she knew she'd have to tread carefully between the two. The pair walked up the steps to the mansion and even as they stopped right in front of the boy, he still didn't bother acknowledging them. At this point, even Chrome was starting to feel offended. She felt her boss twitch but instead of snapping like any of the other famiglia would've by now, Tsuna placed another polite smile before coughing in his hand so as to get the boy's attention. Of course, they were promptly ignored. Chrome could feel herself twitch and her eyes narrow dangerously at the boy. It would've been different if his father was still in charge, but this boy was named as the head of the company just like her own boss. His title meant that the boy should've learned respect and humbleness in order to be able to run this company. However the boy still continued to ignore them whether through obliviousness or out of simple rudeness, Chrome wasn't sure; however, Chrome was getting the feeling that his boy had to be a simple figurehead at the very least.

Chrome turned to see her boss as he rubbed his temple, and she couldn't help the worry that flowed through her. However Tsuna decided to ignore the no-doubt growing headache, as he cleared his throat once more before he spoke, "Good afternoon, Mr. Stein."

The other man blanched, but didn't look up from his game still as he responded, "Just Ricky. Mr. Stein is my stick-in-the-mud dad in which I am in no way like."

Chrome twitched at his simple response before he continued to silently play his game, all without looking up at them; Chrome at least agreed that he wasn't like his father. To her left, Tsuna fidgeted lightly and she couldn't hide the wince from it. While it had only been a few years since Tsuna's "no-good" days, Reborn had made sure to train his student to keep him from his loud screeches, stuttering nervousness, and fidgety anxiousness. Yet here was this boy who should be about the same age as Tsuna, causing all her boss's nervous ticks to start coming back; if only because he didn't know what to do with such a strange situation.

The female mist watched as her sky cleared his throat nervously again. At his side she looped her left arm with his right arm and gave a gentle squeeze of assurance before he spoke up again, "Yes. Well then, Mr. Ricky-."

"Just Ricky, dude."

Chrome couldn't help but gape at the boy in front of them who still hadn't bothered to look up from his phone. Did he even realize Tsuna owned a multi-billionaire company whom basically was in charge of thousands of other smaller companies including this brat's own company? Certainly Chrome could understand his attitude with other people as this brat was inherently also a billionaire because of his father, however Tsuna was basically their company's boss as well. They were only rich because of what Vongola allowed; and what Tsuna could give, he could also take away. Either this brat was oblivious to this fact or he really just didn't care about anything, which Chrome could understand if the said-brat wasn't wearing expensive clothing while using expensive technology on top of everything else in which he was.

Chrome looked back at her boss who took a deep, calming breath and she couldn't help but silently praise and cheer him on in her head. However before Tsuna could say anything else, Ricky once again spoke up without looking at them, "Hey mind taking care of them? I'm kind of busy here." Both Vongola members looked confused until they noticed the butler standing behind Ricky; the man didn't even bother to hide the horror on his face. Chrome huffed silently; at least someone was taking them seriously. Chrome watched as the brat walked away from them and plopped himself onto the couch in what appeared to be their living room.

The butler tripped over himself as he rushed over to greet them properly. He bowed low with his head close to his legs as he quickly apologized, "My sincerest apologies, Vongola! Please excuse Master Ricky's behavior! He is still in training as the boss and learning how to be more comfortable with higher-ups." Chrome couldn't help but raise an eyebrow again at that; comfortability wasn't the problem, it was the lack of respect. Not to mention she was certain he had been training for this position as long as her own boss had, if not longer than Tsuna.

Tsuna seemed to just ignore it though as he continued to smile like the patient man he was. "Of course, no worries sir. If we could maybe go to the meeting place though?"

The butler seemed to pale further as he gave another bow again. "Of course Vongola! My apologies Master Vongola Sawada and Lady Vongola Dokuro!" The man turned and began to quickly lead them to the office as the pair looked at each other in amusement; none of them noticing the small twitch from Ricky on the couch as they walked.

The Vongola pair whispered to each other in hushed voices as the butler led them from while positioned several feet in front of them to their office. Chrome was giggling softly as Tsuna tried to hold his own chuckles back. "I think this is the first time I've ever been called Lady Vongola Dokuro. What kind of a title is that?"

Tsuna bit his lip to stop his own chuckles. "You're asking the wrong person. I've been called so many weird things as titles; I don't even understand how people come up with this stuff."

Chrome smiled back in amusement. "I suppose we shouldn't complain. At least we are getting shown some respect now, even if it is a bit over the top." Tsuna snorted in response before Chrome continued, "The butler shows us too much respect, while the brat shows us none. Maybe it's their way of balancing it out?"

Tsuna gaped as he turned to his mist guardian and scolded her, "Chrome!" She smiled sheepishly as Tsuna continued to gape; he was pretty sure this was the first time Chrome had ever even said the word brat.

She simply shrugged though. "Like Boss wasn't thinking the same thing."

Tsuna huffed back. "Well of course I was thinking the same thing, but you're supposed to be the patient one who's keeping me in check."

Chrome rolled her eyes at her boss's words and Tsuna felt his jaw drop again. Apparently even Chrome's attitude was being affected by Ricky. "As if Boss who has patience like a saint needs me to help him keep it." Tsuna raised an eyebrow at her words and she paused before she retracted her words, "Okay, you are patient like a saint ninety-five percent of the time, but considering our family I'd say that's more than anyone else can handle."

Tsuna shrugged lightly. "You and Takeshi do pretty well at being patient with everyone else too."

Chrome giggled slightly. "Well we've had lots and lots of practice so."

Tsuna snorted slightly in response and grumbled, "So why are the others the same as you guys then?"

The female mist smiled slyly like the mist she was. "Now Boss we all know none of our family is normal." Tsuna sweat-dropped as he knew she was right. He eyed her carefully as she pretended to ponder something before she casually continued, "I'm not even sure they know the word patience." Tsuna groaned and Chrome giggled lightly again before she placed a quick kiss on her boss's cheek. Tsuna felt himself relax slightly as the atmosphere unwound from the annoyance and tension that had come with Ricky. It was rare for Chrome to be able to loosen up and become playful like she was now, but she had slowly became more comfortable with Tsuna and the main guardians as they had begun to become closer over the years. They had especially relaxed with one another after they had moved into the Vongola mansion together. It had been a while though since any of them had time to be themselves and not worry about their Vongola image. It was why Tsuna was thankful for this business meeting where they didn't have to be so uptight; it wasn't exactly a huge deal, but it was one that needed to be taken care of properly at the very least. Tsuna had been hoping this meeting would be a simple one between themselves and Senior Stein with possible tea and snacks. Tsuna hadn't expected to be greeted, if that even could count as a greeting, by Ricky which meant Senior Stein would be away today. While Tsuna could deal with informalities, he was still wary when they did so; years of Reborn pounding manners into his head was enough to make sure he tried to uphold as much patience and respect as one could muster. It didn't help that him being shown disrespect was a quick trigger to all of his guardians; years of having him called Dame-Tsuna was enough to make the guardians had made them more protective and paranoid when their boss wasn't being shown proper respect.

Tsuna couldn't help the sigh which escaped him; he really missed the old days where he and the rest of his family could just hang out and have fun. He blinked at the small idea which hit him as Chrome looked curiously at him, "Boss?"

The young boss smiled sheepishly at her as he opened his mouth to respond only to be interrupted with the sound of someone clearing their throat. The pair looked up at the butler who smiled apologetically. "My apologies for interrupting, but we have arrived at the office, Master Vongola Sawada and Lady Vongola Dokuro. Master Ricky will be here soon." The man opened the door for them and bowed.

The pair began to walk through as Chrome giggled in amusement again at their new names apparently as Tsuna's lips twitched into an amused smile. Tsuna remembered his idea from before and as they entered the office, the sky leaned to his right and whispered to Chrome, "What do you think about me, you, and the other guardians going on a picnic for fun later?" The girl's beaming smile was answer enough as Tsuna smiled excitedly back.

Tsuna groaned for what seemed like the umpteenth time. His and Chrome's excitement in order to have a picnic had died away after an hour had passed, and still no Ricky. A while ago Tsuna had admitted to Chrome that maybe the boy had actually been working on something for the company on his phone. Chrome had crushed the idea easily as she had reminded Tsuna of the butler's horror and worry at Ricky's attitude, which meant that the boy probably wasn't supposed to be doing whatever he was doing and also that he probably did this often with other people. Tsuna grimaced at that; Reborn would've killed him if he even remotely acted like that with anyone, let alone someone who was supposed to be the boss of his company.

He glanced over at Chrome to see her looking out the window with complete boredom. She seemed hesitant as she looked over at him. He tilted his head in question. With her boss's approval she asked, still slightly hesitant, "Maybe, just this once of course, but maybe we should just call Senior Stein later?"

Tsuna blinked at the idea before he hummed in response; it really wasn't a bad idea and he knew that even Reborn was wary of coming over here because of Ricky. Tsuna nodded his head in response which made Chrome brighten slightly that the idea was a good one. The young boss opened his mouth to respond verbally when a shout from a slightly familiar voice was heard, "Please stop Master Ricky! I beg of you- don't do this!"

Tsuna and Chrome both jumped up in alarm and confusion. They were used to being put in dangerous situations, but this was technically a civilian's house. As they both started to head to the door, the door suddenly slammed open which caused them to startle slightly. They both blinked as Ricky stood there panting and slightly sweaty. The Vongola pair turned to each other in question but didn't say anything as Ricky growled out, "No, you whatever-your-name-is." Tsuna twitched at that; the brat (Chrome was rubbing off on him) didn't even know the names of his own butlers. "You've been holding me down for almost an hour now, and look they were about to leave! I will speak and there is nothing you can do to stop me!"

At this point, Tsuna raised a curious eyebrow. Was it possible that Ricky simply had a complaint about them which might break down their alliance? Tsuna could see why the butlers would be trying to stop him if that were the case. Though Tsuna would much rather talk things out and see if they can be resolved personally. Tsuna eyed the very nervous, some of them almost hysterical, butlers who had gathered behind Ricky before he cleared his throat. Not too far from him, Chrome also straightened in question; she was confused but ready to do her job nonetheless. "Is there a problem…Ricky?" Tsuna wanted to grimace at the informal name but kept a polite tone as he eyed the boy curiously. Both Vongola members blinked in surprise as Ricky suddenly began to stride forward in a confident manner but with his eyes slightly covered by his bangs. To both of the Vongola members' surprise and butlers' horror, the other teenager boss strode right over to Chrome. Tsuna blinked in confusion before he paled slightly as the realization of what may be about to happen caught up with him. His eyes widened in his own horror; he wouldn't!

As if Ricky could hear Tsuna's thought and wanted to prove him wrong, the boy kneeled down on one knee and took hold of Chrome's right hand. Tsuna was pretty sure his jaw was on the floor at this point along with the majority of the butlers. Chrome, bless her heart, still had no idea what was happening. She looked completely bewildered still at the other boy's actions, while she also eyed him with uncertainty of what exactly he was doing or planning.

"Mademoiselle~. Please forgive my earlier actions. I had no idea I was in the presence of such a beautiful model from Vongola. I ask for your forgiveness in the form of a date. I was thinking a drive-through movie, followed by my place." Tsuna felt his anger rage as he actually growled at the other boy; just who exactly did he think he was talking to?! Tsuna would've been annoyed at any woman being approached with a "followed by my place," but to ask that of the woman he considered his sister, this brat would be lucky if he walked out alive after this.

Tsuna noted that Chrome had seemed to figure out the situation pretty easily with that as her irritation grew ten-fold as well. She was quick to snatch her hand away and glared at the brat. "I'm afraid I'll have to pass on such a…request…" Tsuna twitched. He would be completely fine if she had left the politeness out of her words at this point. "I'm here to protect Boss. This is supposed to be a business meeting Mr. Stein. Now if you plan on doing nothing but fooling around, Boss and I will now take our l-."

"You're supposed to be the bodyguard?!" Tsuna gulped nervously as he looked at Chrome who looked very angry at his doubt in her abilities. "Man, I didn't know a babe like you could pound down people! I suppose I could go for that too." Tsuna twitched; what on earth just happened to the chivalry he spoke with, though really Tsuna should've expected it at this point. "I mean come on, sweetheart. All of this," he gestured to all of her and Tsuna felt his brotherly instincts practically screeching to tear into the man, only knowledge of Chrome's strength and irritation kept him from doing so. "Deserves more than just guarding some wimpy CEO all day. So why don't you and I go take a better tour of my mansion? After all, what else are you going to do looking like that?"

The whole room fell deadly silent, and Tsuna wasn't sure what to do in this situation. Tsuna vaguely registered that the majority of the butlers had fainted at this point, while the few remaining conscious were on the verge of doing so. Tsuna desperately pushed his rage and protectiveness down as he reminded himself that this was a civilian brat. He looked to Chrome and couldn't quite stop the small eep that escaped him. Never had he ever seen Chrome looking so murderous; ironically while she was incredibly irritated at how he viewed and treated her, she was beyond furious at how her boss had just been referred as.

Tsuna carefully walked forward and was quick to place himself between Chrome and Ricky. He ignored the irked look Ricky threw him as he gave Chrome a small warning look, not that he didn't understand where she was coming from but the brat was still a civilian after all. She simmered down slightly but continued to glare at the brat over her boss's shoulder. "That's quite enough Mr. Stein. We are here as the boss and guardian of Vongola, the multi-billionaire company which also heads your own company. I have to ask you to remain respectful to both myself, and more importantly to my guardian who has worked hard for the position she had today. The way you speak of her is degrading and it will not be allowed any further, understood?" Tsuna turned and pierced the brat with his eyes that no doubt lit up with his dying will. Chrome was far more than a pretty face in his family. Yes, Tsuna thought she was stunning with beauty. She was also brilliant and kind, someone who he relied on to keep him sane and remind him of the better days to come. He couldn't help the anger which flowed through him as the brat spoke of her as so much less.

He waited patiently for the brat to realize his mistake and apologize; of course, he really should have expected less. "Oh put a sock in it, leader of loser town. If you don't mind me and the lady would like to talk without Mr. Boring stiff of CEO. Now my lady why don't we start with my bedroom on the tour?" The brat wriggled his eyebrows together and Tsuna growled which caused the boy to look back startled. Tsuna ignored everyone as he placed himself right in front of Ricky who quickly straightened up with his chest puffed out. "What are you going to do punch me? I'm the face of a multi-billionaire construction company which helps pay for all your funding for Vongola's oh-so-precious technology. You can't touch me; I'm the one people adore, you're just some lame inheritor."

Tsuna twitched and straightened while he released a small amount of killing intent, which caused the brat to fall back in surprise and stared wide-eyed at the man before him. Just as Tsuna started to move forward, he paused and smiled innocently at the brat in front of him; though why that innocent smile seemed to make everyone except for Chrome pale and whimper is Tsuna's secret. "While you help pay for our funding in technology, it is us who not only advertise throughout all of our companies but allow you to use our technology, which is the only reason your company is able to become so profitable in their construction work. You are correct though, Ricky. I couldn't punch you." The brat relaxed slightly as he let out a sigh of relief. Chrome, who came up next to Tsuna on his left side, gave him a confused look until she noted the devious look in his eyes. "No, I couldn't punch you. That honor belongs to Chrome, after all."

The whole room went deadly silent as the butlers who were still conscious paled even further. Ricky relaxed for a moment until he looked up and saw Chrome with a blinding smile and deviousness also entered her own eyes; why was he suddenly see sparkling pineapples behind her?! The girl let out a giggle that sounded absolutely terrifying. "Aww Boss, you shouldn't have! I would be honored to have such privileges!"

Tsuna smiled back at her as he chuckled himself. "The honor is yours, Lady Vongola Dokuro!"

"Why thank you, Master Vongola Sawada!"

The butlers took careful steps back before they retreated out of the hallway, all the while they ignored the terrified screams and yelps that came from the room behind them.

"Thank you for your hospitality, butler-sans! Boss will be sure to give Senior Stein a call later today." The butlers nodded mutely as Chrome continued to practically sparkle with a polite smile still on her face. Behind her Tsuna sweat-dropped and looked vaguely scared of her.

As the pair walked towards the car, Tsuna eyed his female mist guardian with wariness and amusement. They paused before they entered the limo Callen had ready for them, and Chrome fiddled her thumbs together. "Are you going to get in trouble for this Boss?"

Tsuna blinked before he barked out a laugh which caused the woman to jump in surprise. "You guys really need to stop worrying about that." Chrome opened her mouth to respond, but Tsuna beat her to it, "Don't worry. If anything Reborn will break character and be on the floor laughing; he can't stand Ricky. Even Grandpa and Dad understand how hard it is to deal with him. In fact, I think we're the first two to get so many words out of him." Under his breath he mumbled, though Chrome could still hear him, "Not that they were good words."

Chrome chuckled before she tilted her head in confusion. "Then why were you looking at me like…"

She trailed off and Tsuna laughed lightly again before he gave her another wary look. "I think Mukuro has officially rubbed off on you."

The illusionist blinked before she smiled sheepishly. "How do you know it wasn't Boss who rubbed off on me?"

Both of them blinked this time before they both burst out laughing. In between his laughter Tsuna managed to say, "So much for us being the sane ones."

Chrome giggled as she agreed, "Takeshi can have the role." As they let their chuckles die down and opened the door, Chrome asked, "So picnic?"

Tsuna beamed back at her as they slid in the limo. He was about to answer when Callen interrupted, "Welcome back, Tsuna-sama and Chrome-sama! How did the meeting go?"" The man continued to smile at them, though looked more confused as the two turned to each other. Before he could say anything, they both burst into giggles again. Callen sweat-dropped and glanced over where there were several traumatized butlers still standing at the entrance. Callen slowly turned around and started the engine. "Never mind."


Tsuna stretched once more in his seat before he glared at the paperwork before him; his most dreaded enemy. He had just gotten back from the picnic with all of his guardians which had been eccentric to say the least. He had completely forgotten about all the paperwork which had been left and never moved from his desk. His eyebrow twitched; he was certain the paperwork was mocking him at this point somehow.

"Please tell me you got it all on tape." Tsuna's head flew upwards in surprise before he smiled in amusement at his tutor who strolled in without a care in the world.

Tsuna chuckled in response. "Of course. You are my tutor after all."

Reborn smirked at his student's words. "I can't believe Chrome tortured the brat. I mean someone had to teach him a lesson but still."

The young boss chuckled again. "Well in Chrome's defense, I did say she could punch him. One punch just didn't seem him enough though and she was still worried about beating up the face of a billionaire company."

The fedora-wearing man huffed slightly. "Well his face is the only thing he has after all."

Tsuna hummed as he reorganized some of his paperwork. "Not necessarily." Reborn looked at his student in confusion, so Tsuna elaborated, "Well he's definitely a brat with a not-so-desirable attitude, but he's actually quite smart. You should see him with different blueprints; he's basically a genius when it comes to designing them, well if he decided to design them."

Reborn hummed right back, surprised with that information. "So he isn't just a figure head; that's interesting to know. And what did Senior Stein have to say about all of this?"

Tsuna chuckled and look incredibly amused as he answered, "Surprisingly, he was incredibly thankful. He's hoping that this experience will be what gets him in gear and teaches him some proper manners and respect. After this, maybe he'll start acting like the genius boss he's supposed to be."

Reborn chuckled again. "Here's hoping; until then feel free to take my place in my meetings with the Steins though." Tsuna rolled his eyes at that. Reborn eyed the paperwork slightly before he huffed. "I'll excuse you from paperwork tonight and even help you out tomorrow, if you're up for a drink."

Tsuna looked incredulously at Reborn before he snorted and stood up with Reborn following suit. The young boss deadpanned, "I've been up for a drink since Chrome and I got to the Stein mansion."

"That's the only reason you're even being offered, Dame-Tsuna."