More than a kid
A bus of high schoolers pulled up to the large Haddock Industries and DunBroch Corp building in San Francisco. They filed out, many of them looking up at the towering building with many floors and numerous glass windows. They made their way inside and into the air conditioned lobby, being given visitor passes before waiting for their tour guide.
After a few minutes their tour guide appeared. And to everyone's surprise it was a teen, hardly older than any of them. He was a young man with asian features and spiky black hair. He wore a blue hoodie with shorts and red sneakers.
"Hello West Town High," he began drolly. "My name is Hiro," he said as he gestured to his laminate badge. "And I'll be your tour guide for today." With that he beckoned them out of the lobby and to some of the upper floors.
Hiro began the tour by relaying the history of Haddock Industries and DunBroch Corp before their recent merger. He spoke of their individual accomplishments and contributions to the technological world before telling them a little of the future projects in the works.
The kids listened with mixed interest. Many of them simply texting or on their phones as their teachers berated them to pay attention. Hiro rolled his eyes. The whole field trip was to try and inspire the future generation of workers to pursue a career in sciences. But he doubted any of these guys were going to make any significant contribution to the world.
The tour continued and Hiro showed the class a few of the building's labs where the scientists and researchers worked diligently to develop the latest technological innovations. Of course this was the low level stuff, not very interesting by Hiro's standards. Now the stuff worked on out of sight and behind closed doors…
Game changers.
Hiro got a reprieve when lunchtime came around and he led them all to the cafeteria so they could eat. After an hour break he hesitantly continued the tour, counting down the hours until it was finally over and the teens all left.
With the tour done Hiro made his way to the elevator and rode it up to the top floor. He exited and made his way to the office of the San Francisco branch head. He knocked on the door and waited.
"Come in!" he heard from within. Hiro entered, greeted by the sight of the branch head sitting behind his desk and on the phone. He held up a finger, a silent command for Hiro to wait and be silent.
Hiro obeyed, taking a seat in front of the desk and waiting. Soon enough the man finished his call and hung up before looking to Hiro with a smile. The man was dressed in a fine black suit with a white undershirt and a black tie. He had short sandy blonde hair and a well groomed shaven face. He wore square glasses that he adjusted before finally speaking.
"Hiro Hamada. H squared. The Big H," he greeted. "What's shakin' my man? What's the word?"
Hiro struggled not to roll his eyes and cringe at his 'youthful jargon'. "Well Mr.-"
"Dave, please," the man interrupted.
"Dave," Hiro corrected. "I just want to let you know today's tour is done," he revealed.
"Muy excelente, Hiro. Major props bro," he complimented, pounding a fist over his heart and then pointing at him.
"Yeah. Anyway, I was hoping to finally get some time in the labs. I've been here in San Francisco for like a week and so far I haven't had any lab time," Hiro reminded him.
"I hear you Hiro. But I'm going to be real with you," Dave began. "I need you where you're at. There's more to a tech company than just its researchers and scientists. Public relations is also very important, reaching out to the youth and future generations of workers is what we always have to work toward."
"And I get that Dave. But-"
"And who better than someone their own age. A peer," Dave said as he gestured to Hiro, referring to his age.
"I understand. But I signed up for this internship so I could-"
Suddenly the phone on Dave's desk rang. He looked to Hiro as he placed a hand on it. "I hear you H-man. Let's put a pin in it for now and I'll check ya' later," he said. He answered the phone and waved his hand to dismiss Hiro.
Hiro suppressed a sigh as he got up and left the office. He made his way through the building and to his little office, logging onto his computer and checking the company's website. He updated certain aspects of it and then did some IT maintenance and other grunt work.
All the while he wondered how he'd ended up saddled with these menial tasks when what he really wanted was a chance to work in the labs and with the other scientists.
Hiro had come all the way from San Fransokyo, having signed up for a short internship program offered by the company to scope out some potential future employees. Hiro had jumped at the opportunity to intern for Haddock Industries and DunBroch Corp, mainly hoping to get a chance to look at those Night Terrors he'd seen at the San Fransokyo Tech exhibition day.
He'd been disappointed to learn that the branch he'd been assigned to didn't focus on Nanotechnology, but he gotten over it and hoped he could at least be part of another interesting project.
But it appeared that Dave was intent on keeping him out of the labs. Saddling him with tours, IT work, website maintenance, filing, and social media research.
Not that he didn't understand the importance of this stuff, but this wasn't what he'd signed up for.
"Hiro!" came Dave's voice from the doorway. Hiro looked up to see Dave peeking his head inside. "How about running and getting me some coffee and a baguette?"
"Thanks kid," Dave interrupted. He winked at him in appreciation before leaving.
Hiro sat there with a frown. "I'm not just a kid."
Meanwhile, on the opposite side of the country, citizens of Corona City were in a panic. They ran for their lives as the streets were being terrorized by two individuals.
One was a person that seemed to be made entirely of a green slime. He wore black judicial robes over his body along with a monocle over his right eye. He had three patches of purple hair. Two on either side of his head and one on top of it.
Beside him was his partner. A large barrel chested man with a dirty bright orange tank top. At his waist was tool belt and atop his head was a safety cone he wore like a mask. He wore denim jeans and thick steel toed boots, but the most bizarre thing about him were his hands. Instead of fingers there were to mechanical appendages, one ending with tip of jackhammer and another two razor sharp circular saws.
The two of them were rampaging, reeking havoc and sending the frightened citizens fleeing in panic. The sludge man swung an arm around, his fist in the shape of a mallet which he used to flatten cars and pulverize the pavement.
With one mighty swing he hit the side of a car, sending it rolling down the streets and toward a group of fleeing citizens. Some citizens managed to veer and leap clear while other simply kept going in a straight line, too focused on running at full speed to look back and see the car about to flatten them.
But before it could they heard the car crash into something. The citizens stopped and turned before smiling in glee.
Standing before them and the car was the young hero of Corona, the Spectacular Spectrum. Spectrum smiled at them, an arm raised and a hand out as she singlehandedly stopped the car. It was on it's side, with her palms pressed into its metal roof.
"You guys should go," Spectrum said as she gave the car a light shove. It gave a creak before falling into its wheels. The citizens nodded, thanking her before clearing the area. Spectrum watched them flee before glancing down the street at the two people causing mayhem. She scowled before taking to the air and flying toward them.
The two villains took notice of her floating their way and paused as she landed a few meters away.
"Halt villains!" Spectrum shouted, trying to make her voice authoritative as possible while placing her hands at her hips and giving them both a glare.
"Look, it's Limelight Lite," the man with the cone on his head shouted at her with a haughty laugh.
"It's Spectrum!" she shouted back, slightly offended that he'd purposefully gotten her name wrong.
"Who gives a crap!" the man shouted back. "Beat it brat! We're here to deal with the real heroes. Not some little wannabe hero wearing a stupid scarf! Seriously, it's not even cold!" shouted the man wearing a safety cone on his head.
Spectrum felt her face heat up and go red in outrage, and ever the sharp tongued she replied with a clever retort. "Your face is stupid!" Then she made to fly at them both, to seek retribution for the insult at her scarf. But before she could someone grabbed her from behind and held her back.
"Easy tiger," Limelight said as she held her apprentice back by the scarf.
"Aye. Settle down lass," Archer said as she came up behind her partner.
Spectrum did as told, taking a breath and relaxing but not before shooting the two villains a dirty look. She greatly liked her scarf. She loved how it billowed in the wind, changed color, and added that extra bit a flare that just completed her outfit. She took great offense when someone insulted it.
"Now that the Defendants have arrived we will begin," the slime man called out. "The honorable Judge Sludge presiding. Limelight and Archer!" he shouted to grab their attention. Once he had it he straightened up, his right hand forming into a large mallet.
"You are being charged with acts of heroism, preserving the peace, over 1000 accounts of do-goodery, and finally...endangering the welfare of a child!" he told them. The heroines arched a brow as he continued. "How do you plead?"
The women exchanged a glance in confusion.
"I find you guilty!" he suddenly declared before they could respond. "And I hereby sentence you to…" he paused to raise his mallet hand up. Then he brought it down onto the street, shattering the ground with a powerful blow.
"Death!" he finished darkly.
"Destruction Worker! Destroy them!" Judge Sludge said to his comrade. The man let out a battle cry as he slammed his jackhammer hand into the ground. The street under them shook and split apart, blowing rocks and large pieces of the pavement right at them.
Archer and Limelight leapt back, the latter grabbing her sidekick and pulling her clear of the debris.
"These guys mean business," Archer said as she drew an arrow.
"Yep," Limelight said in agreement. She took her eyes off the veil of dirt to look at her apprentice. "Alright Spectrum, you know the drill," she said.
Spectrum groaned. "Oh come on. You're sidelining me again? I can take these guys. I can help out," Spectrum insisted.
"No buts Spectrum. Get the civilians clear and keep them back," Limelight ordered. Spectrum sighed before complying, flying off down the street to shoo away any would be onlooker.
Archer looked to her partner with a smirk. "Kids these days," she joked playfully. Before Limelight could respond a long green fist burst from the smoke. The heroines leapt apart as it came between them. And then just as quickly it opened up and grabbed Limelight.
The blonde's eyes widened and she let out a startled yelp as it yanked her back and away from her partner. Before Archer could do anything she heard a cry from above. She looked up to see the Destruction Worker coming down on her from the sky, tool arms above his head.
Archer scrambled back before leaping clear as he collided with the ground, creating a large indent in the street. Archer was wide eyed, noting to be wary of his strength as he charged her, saw blade hands whirring as he began swinging.
Meanwhile, Limelight was pulled away from her partner to face Judge Sludge. Regaining her wits she began to strain and flex against the slimy hand entrapping her and with some effort broke free.
She hovered off the ground and faced the green slime man, starting to gather her energies into her hands and awaiting his next move.
"In this court, I'm your Judge, Jury, and Executioner!" Judge Sludge called as he began swinging at her with his slimy extending appendages. Limelight dodged, weaving and bobbing in mid air before firing a blast at him. Her aim was dead on, hitting him in the center of his chest.
But instead of blowing him back like it would with most opponents it simply passed through him. He chuckled as he continued his assault. Limelight gained height to dodge a swing, but he just managed to grab her foot. With a growl he swung her, smashing through a building before throwing her to the ground.
Meanwhile, Archer was backpedaling, dodging her opponents deadly strikes with amazing agility. The circular saw blades passed inches from her face as she leaned back to avoid them. Then she jerked her head to the side as the Destruction Worker stabbed his jackhammer hand into the space where her head had been a moment before.
With a shout he suddenly threw himself forward, hitting her with his large pot bellied body and sending her careening away. She hit the ground on her back before rolling to the side as he jabbed his jackhammer hand into the ground. It punched through it, leaving a deep hole in the ground before he yanked it out and continued his attack.
Limelight was still being flung around like a ragdoll before she finally blasted away the slime grasping her. Now free she flew low and charged him. She barrel rolled and dodged the arms trying to smash and grab at her before she managed to get within striking distance.
Her feet hit the ground and she cocked back a fist. Then she struck, throwing it forward in a powerful punch. But her blow, while normally capable of sending even the most hardy beings flying, only ended up getting lodged within the Judge's gelatinous body. He laughed aloud before throwing his arms around her.
"Ew!" Limelight said in disgust as he began pulling her into his body. "Get the hell off of me!" she demanded before he enveloped her within himself. He laughed as she remained trapped. She struggled, but found her body heavy, his form weighing her down and restricting her movement. What's more she was without oxygen, unable to take a breath.
Archer leapt over a car as the Destruction Worker brought his saw blade arm down. She watched from the other side as he cut right through it, sparks flying everywhere as sliced it in half.
Back with Limelight she began to build up energy within her body before releasing it in a golden pulse of energy that sent bits of her opponent flying in all directions. She gasped for air before looking over her state.
"Yuck," she said as she shook some slime off her arms. She watched as the larger bits of slime on her body and ground began to wiggle like jello. Suddenly they all began to move across the ground and toward the judicial robes lying in the streets,
Soon enough Judge Sludge reformed, looking no worse for wear and smirking cockily at her.
"Ok, this obviously isn't working," Limelight muttered in annoyance. She suddenly flew up before flying toward her partner battling the Destruction Worker. "Hey Archer! Wanna switch!?"
Archer and the Destruction Worker were charging each other when she heard her partner's call. Thinking quickly she dropped low and slid between his legs. He blanched for a moment as Archer leapt to her feet and began running from his turned back.
"Sounds good!" she called out. She ran by her partner who was flying at her previous opponent while she charged her new one. The Judge got ready, fists forming into a hammer and spiked mace as she drew an arrow and fired.
The Judge smirked and let it come, the Arrow hit him in the chest and sank into him. He chuckled before the head ruptured, and then he felt a sudden chill spreading throughout his body. He looked down to see himself freezing over. It started from his chest and began spreading outward to every part of him.
"No!" he said as his limbs became ice and it began to work it's way up to his face. "NOOOOOOOOOO!" he shouted before he was frozen solid.
"Bring it blondie!" Destruction Worker shouted as Limelight flew at him. He cocked his arms back as she came within attacking distance. Then he threw them forward, trying to stab and cut her right in the face.
But to his surprise Limelight stopped both his arms. She wrapped a hand around the shaft of his jackhammer hand and the underside of his saw prosthetic. She kept the spinning saws away from her face as she bent the head of his jackhammer hand to the side. Then she squeezed, slowly crushing the saw blade prosthetic. The hand began to spark and the blades slowed down until they went still.
Limelight followed up by kicking him in the chest, sending him rolling backward. He got his feet under him, looking at his now broken prosthetics in shock before looking up to glare at Limelight. But he flinched as he was met with the sight of a gloved fist coming at his face like a comet.
Limelight swung her fist into his face with astounding force, sending him flying away from her and crashing through a few cars before coming to a rolling stop a few hundred yards down the street.
She quickly flew over to him to see she'd knocked him out cold. He released a groan, spittle leaking out of the corner of his mouth and eyes glazed over as he faded into unconsciousness.
She stood up and hummed in satisfaction, hands on hips as a news helicopter hovered overhead and caught she and her partner's battle on camera.
Meanwhile, Spectrum kept the people back. They watched from a safe distance and then began to cheer and clap for her mentor and her partner. Spectrum crossed her arms over her chest and huffed, firmly believing she could have helped.
"Not so fast!" came a loud cry that cut through the applause. Everyone turned toward it to find yet another costumed individual standing among them.
"Limelight and Archer may have defeated Judge Sludge and the Destruction Worker, but they'll be no match for the likes of me...the Jive Turkey!" shouted the dark skinned man dressed in a fluffy pink wig, a split leather vest that exposed his hairy chest, tight black leather leggings, and red platform shoes. He also wore a skirt made of brown feathers, had red gloves, and a cape that looked like feathers as well, and he smiled deviously at the crowd from under his birdlike mask, complete with a beak and star shaped eye holes.
Everyone stared blankly at him, Spectrum included. He just looked so...ridiculous!
Regardless, he claimed to be with the two other villains. So Spectrum raised a hand up, electricity crackling between her fingers as she presented her palm toward him. The man smiled as he got ready, hopping on his feet.
But before she could let loose her electricity, "Spectrum!" Came her mentor's stern voice from above. Spectrum groaned and dropped an arm as Limelight floated down to stand at her side. "You know the rules. No fighting supervillains," she reminded her.
"Oh come on. I can take the the chicken man," Spectrum said as she gestured to the ridiculously dressed villain.
"Turkey!" Jive Turkey corrected with a shout.
"Whatever!" Spectrum shouted back.
Archer walked up to them, eyeing the man incredulously. "Well now I've seen everything," she muttered as she looked him up and down.
"Ah. Archer and Limelight. Just the hens I wanted to see," he said with an eager grin.
"Did he just call us hens?" Limelight asked quietly.
"I'm here to do what my comrades couldn't, ya dig?"
"And using the powers of the mighty turkey, I will personally-"
"Is he really monologuing?" Limelight asked.
"Evil will reign supreme-"
"I think he is," Archer answered.
"You are inferior and no match for-"
"Can I shock him now," Spectrum asked, itching to raise up a hand and stop this man's blabbering.
"Now come chickies, come meet your doom at the hands of Jive-" he began. But having had enough Archer reached into her utility belt and pulled out taser, which she proceeded to aim and fire at him. The two hooks sank into his exposed chests before delivering a powerful electric current.
The man went to the ground, twitching and spasming as Archer kept her hand on the trigger. She eventually stopped, staring at him as he remained on the ground and released a pain moan.
"Man, why you gotta go and kill my groove," he said before going silent.
"I could've done that!" Spectrum shouted indignantly.
A few minutes later the criminals were being apprehended. The Destruction Worker was cuffed and chained up, his saw blade prosthetic dismantled before being loaded into an armored van. All the while though he was shouting and struggling.
"This isn't over," he called out. "The Doom Syndicate isn't done with-" he began before the van doors were slammed in his face.
Judge Sludge was sealed into an airtight metal container to ensure he'd be trapped even when he melted. Jive Turkey was given a pair of high strength manacles, in case he possessed heightened physical abilities they hadn't seen him use before being walked to a police car.
The heroines spoke with the officers while Spectrum pouted, floating off the ground with her arms crossed over her chest. Her mentor took note of this and came up to her.
"What's wrong Spectrum?" she asked in concern.
Spectrum scowled, not looking her mentor in the eye before muttering, "I could have handled the chicken man."
"Shut up!" Spectrum shouted at the villain as he was loaded into the police car. "I could have handled him," she asserted.
"I'm sure you could have. But I don't think you're quite ready to handle supervillains just yet," Limelight told her.
"Why not? I'm super strong, durable, and I take down bad guys all the time," Spectrum whined.
"The common criminal or henchman aren't quite in the same league as a supervillain," Limelight pointed out.
"But I beat that bear guy."
"Extenuating circumstances. While it's my job to teach you how to be a superhero it's also my job to keep you safe. You'll work your way up to supervillains eventually."
"But there has to be some situations where you trust me enough to handle a bad guy on my own right?" Spectrum asked.
Limelight sighed. "Fine. Yes, if lives are on the line, and I can't immediately get to the threat, then yes," she said with a nod.
Archer came up to the two of them as they were talking. She smiled proudly at them both. "Good job today ladies. Kid, good job," she told the young apprentice. Spectrum frowned at the use of the word 'kid'.
"Alright, I think it's time to get you home," Limelight said to her protege. She nodded, grabbing onto Limelight's back before they began to rise into the air.
Archer waved up at them. "Later kid," she called up.
Spectrum frowned. "I'm not just some kid."
She remained frowning as Limelight flew across the country and back to her home. When they reached the outskirts of San Francisco she stopped. Spectrum released her and hovered in the sky on her own.
"Alright Riley. Guess I'll see you later," Rapunzel said to her.
"And you remember what I told you?"
"Yes. No superhero duties for at least a week since you'll be out of the country," Riley said.
Rapunzel nodded. "But if you need me, call me," she told her. Riley nodded in understanding before flying off without a goodbye.
Rapunzel stared after her, she knew Riley was still sulking a bit, but how rude. She hadn't even said goodbye to her. And where was her goodbye hug?
She sighed and let out a breath, "Kids."
Riley flew high above the city before stopping to hover above her home. She held the image of her room in her mind before she vanished in a flash of purple and reappeared inside her house.
"Mom! Dad! I'm back!" Riley called out as she began to change out of her superhero outfit. She slipped into a tee and pajama pants as her mother came to the door to greet her.
"Hey Riley, back a little early tonight," her mother noted.
"Yeah. School night and Rapunzel is leaving the country early tomorrow morning," she said as she threw her costume into her closet.
"Ah. So anything exciting happen today? Fight any bad guys?" her mother asked.
Riley scowled. "No," she muttered in disdain.
"Oh," her mother said as she noted Riley's rather displeased mood. "Well dinner is ready. Come downstairs so you can eat," she said before she left.
Riley soon followed after, still miffed about her mentor treating her like a child. She was more than that. She was a superhero too. She'd helped save the world. All she wanted was a little more trust and respect.
And to not be treated like child.
first chapter of the Riley and Hiro team up story.