Notes: This is it. The final chapter. There's a lot of stuff which could be filled in but, I feel doesn't really fit the focus of this story. If there's anyone out there who wants to write about the adventures of Renegade and Red Hood, they're free to. You can even use this story as the background for the team up if you wish, just don't go copy and pasting large chunks of this story into your own. Manners and common sense okay?

We end with Damian in the future. And a comment that makes him think.

Part 19 – Damian's Questions

"Robin!" Batman called out, grabbing the kid's hood and physically yanking him back and out of the way of Deathstroke's blade.

"Don't! I can fight him!" Robin growled, reaching for the latch to undo his cape.

Deathstroke stepped back, keeping his blade ready. "Kid, you're no Red Hood or Renegade. Step back and let the adults work this out."

"Deathstroke," Batman growled, his cape billowing out and around to shield Robin.

Robin was not a kid to be shielded and he stepped forward and back, away from them both. His eyes narrowed behind the mask.

"Who's Renegade?"

There was silence for a moment. Batman couldn't hide the surprise in his tone as he questioned Robin with, "Talia never mentioned that?"

The video froze, stopping Robin's response as Dick pressed the pause button.

"Oh no, keep going," Jason hummed in amusement. It was rare that anyone brought up Renegade these days.

Shortly after the Society imploded due to internal disagreements, Batman had made a request of Renegade and Red Hood. He wanted them to go undercover and locate certain criminals for him.

"I can't believe he contacted you, only to give us work. Does he do anything outside of the job?"

"He used to," Dick sighed. "Should I tell him no?"

"Forget that. Black Mask and I have unfinished business. If I get to take him out instead of B, then I'm in."

It had taken a few months to get in and complete the mission and Jason wasn't certain if he would have been able to do it without Dick. Mostly because Dick had acted as an in-between for Jason and Bruce. It was a role which caused Dick to almost quit at one point out of frustration and it was no surprise that after the mission was done, he decided he had enough of them both and ran off to become Nightwing again.

Jason had considered Nightwing's formal return to vigilantism a victory. However, even without Nightwing hanging around, it seemed the family had their claws in Jason. Tim turned up at random moments, either to chat, have breakfast or just catch up on sleep. Oracle checked in on him and sent him little family updates. Jason was certain those few times Nightwing crashed Red Hood's patrol nights were because he was checking up on Jason when Jason didn't contact anyone for 'too long'.

Jason could never figure out what time frame was 'too long' for Dick as it seemed to change every time.

"Talia never mentioned Renegade to the kid. So what?" Jason snorted.

Dick frowned, looking conflicted. "Should I tell him? Let him know that he's working with a former criminal?"

"Oh come on," Jason said with a roll of his eyes. Dick was being way too dramatic about this. "You know as well as I that everything we do is against the law. Not to mention the number of times Batman and his allies have been called 'public menaces' and hunted down by the cops."

"That's not what I mean and you know it."

"Dick, the kid gave up being an assassin to be your Robin. You gave up being Renegade to go back to being Nightwing. If anything, it'll probably help you bond with the little brat. You know, in the way fighting criminals and getting angry when he doesn't follow orders doesn't."

It seemed it was Dick's turn to roll his eyes.

Jason picked up a fork and ignored the glares Damian was sending his way. They both wondered what Jason was doing here in the Penthouse.

Damian had no idea of the talk Jason and Dick had down in the bunker and Jason had no idea how Dick managed to talk him into coming up for a meal.

"I'm guessing Hood is here because he has something to do with Renegade," Damian commented.

"Oh boy," Jason snorted as Dick confirmed that. The kid really didn't know anything.

"I don't care. After all, mother never saw fit to mention your sidekick."

Dick chocked on a bite of mash potato as Jason lost to laughter.

Damian went red-faced at their actions. "What is so funny, Todd?"

"Renegade wasn't a sidekick," Dick insisted.

"I don't know, he did work under me. Take my orders. Make sure I didn't get myself killed, again."

Dick winced at the mention of Jason's death. Jason had been sure to praise Renegade whenever the guy had come crashing in to save him. Even if Jason did have everything under control.

Everyone's eyes went up to the broken skylight as the glass rained down on them.

"Sounds like that's my cue." Red Hood moved out of the way right as the lights went out. He knew the skylight had been a distraction, probably triggered by a small explosion.

As expected, the hood's night vision caught a figure moving around in the dark. Renegade took out a few of the grunts while Red Hood took care of the rest. When the last grunt fell, Red Hood grabbed Renegade's wrist and then had to move out of the way of the escrisma stick.

"Don't bash your boss' head in," Red Hood joked.

Renegade huffed. "I would hope that hood of yours is more than decoration."

"I am the most stylish guy around," Red Hood confirmed in a light tone. The lights came back on and he removed the hood to grin at Renegade. "Thanks for the save."


"Who was Renegade if not Todd's sidekick?" Damian asked, directing his question to Dick.

"That's complicated," Dick responded, running a hand through his hair.

It might have been complicated in the beginning but, there was a word which kind of covered the tag-along, irritation that was Renegade.

"Not really. He's kind of my older brother," Jason told them both. "My annoying, bossy and too soft older brother."

"No one thought I was 'too soft' after I took that guy's teeth out," Dick grumbled quietly. However, his brothers heard him.

Damian's mouth dropped open, eyebrows knitting as he wondered if he had heard that right. Jason snorted and took a sip of his drink. He remembered that torture session. Dick had slowly pulled out the poor guy's teeth.

"I noticed that you went straight for the teeth with holes in them."

"They're called cavities, Jason. And so?"

'See, soft,' Jason mouthed to Damian. Dick punched him in the arm.

Damian shook himself and turned to Dick. "Grayson. I order you to explain."

Jason snorted again. These two were idiots. No wonder Timmy had taken off to explore the world. He had designed a new costume and name for himself after he and Jason worked together to convince Dick that Gotham needed Batman and Dick was the prime candidate. Mostly because no one else wanted it and mostly because he already had everyone's respect.

"Dick was Renegade," Jason said before Dick could think of a 'soft' way to break it to the kid. "He worked with me."

Damian looked between them, trying to figure out if Jason was lying.

"I had a few run ins with Deathstroke as Renegade-"

"You and Tim ran off with his daughter," Jason reminded him. Damian looked annoyed and disgusted. At Jason. For some reason. "I had nothing to do with it. I came home to find them all sitting at the table like great friends."

"I don't understand why you've never mentioned this to me," Damian said to Dick.

"It's a closed chapter of my life," Dick responded with a shrug. "It wasn't like I would be taking up the Renegade name again."

"But you worked for Todd." There was that disgusted tone again.

"He scouted me."

"You put yourself out there," Jason reminded him as his phone buzzed in his pocket. He pulled it out and checked the message. "Roy's got himself in trouble again."

"What kind of trouble?" Dick questioned in a worried tone. "Do you need us?" Jason knew Dick was talking about Batman and Robin.

Even if he did, Jason wouldn't accept. Red Hood still had standards.

"Nah. He just needs some help with a case he picked up since he spent all his rent on parts. Again." This made three times. Jason was going to lock Roy out of the account and give him another one where an allowance would be deposited after each payday. Jason was not losing the apartment because Roy had terrible spending habits.

"Again?" Damian snickered.

"Come outside with me, kid," Jason said as he stood up. Thanked Alfred for the meal and managed to get Damian outside and admiring his bike with some assistance from Dick. "You want to know about Renegade?" he said, "talk to Oracle. I'll make sure she knows what to show you."

"What to show me?" Damian questioned.

"There's more to the story of how Nightwing became Renegade." Jason frowned with the thought. There had been a few times when Jason had contemplated breaking in and killing Catalina. "He wasn't treated well and didn't think he had any place being a hero." He would owe Oracle so much for attempting to explain it to the kid.

"-tt- So?" Damian sneered as if he couldn't imagine Dick being anything but the hero Damian knew, even though he was silly and annoying at times.

"Ask Oracle," Jason said. "And don't let it change the way you see Dick. He's a strong guy."

Red Hood shoved the door open, ignoring the bang it made as it hit the wall. He stood tall and proud as he walked over to where Renegade was tied up. Black Mask's goon stood there with a gun to Renegade's head.

"He's mine," Red Hood growled.

"He was snooping where he shouldn't been. The Boss wants to see him."

"Oh, I see," Red Hood moved quickly, shooting the man's arm and then knocking him out. He untied Renegade, who gave him a weak smile.


"You get the information?"

Renegade nodded, giving him a smug look as he glanced down at the middle finger of his glove where they both knew there was a small flash drive hidden.

"Good job. Let's get out of here."